Akrual: Jurnal Bisnis dan Akuntansi Kontemporer
Published by Universitas Hasanuddin
Akrual: Jurnal Bisnis dan Akuntansi Kontemporer is a peer-reviewed journal published biannually (January and July) by Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Hasanuddin. This journal is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on accounting. This journal invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, functional areas of International and financial accounting; Management and cost accounting; Tax; Auditing; Accounting information systems; Accounting education; Environmental and social accounting; Accounting for non-profit organisations; Public sector accounting; Islamic Accounting; Islamic Auditing; Corporate governance; Ethical issues in accounting and financial reporting; and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Publication Per Year