Indonesian Health Literacy Journal (IHLJ)
About the Journal Indonesian Health Literacy Journal (IHLJ) is a journal that publishes original and applied products of the scientific studies, researches, analyses, and community services conducted towards the purpose of protecting and developing the health of individuals and community to improving the quality of life for audiences of scientist, researcher, educator, practitioner, and students throughout the world. Indonesian Health Literacy Journal (IHLJ) aims to bring together the parties working on the fields of health protection/development and healthy life on a joint platform. Health literacy means individuals achieving the necessary knowledge, skill, and self-confidence level for changing their lifestyle and conditions towards improving self-health and social health. It is also closely linked to understanding challenging health conditions and issues. Due to the healthcare services perceived sometimes as complex and confusing, many people have a hard time getting information about health and healthcare options. This journal provides health literacy in research and community service become easy-accessible. Indonesian Health Literacy Journal (IHLJ) covers a wide range of health subjects, such as community health, nursing & midwifery, psychology, and pharmacy. This journal is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal, published four times a year by Suluh Adiluhung Publisher (SAPub), Indonesia. Scientific projections of future point out to the need for strengthening the cooperation platforms on the field of health literacy. It is as a platform appropriate for knowledge exchange at national and international level in the field of health literacy that is a dissemination from research, community service, and literacy results from scientist, researcher, educator, practitioner, and students. This journal warmly welcomes your contributions; novelty, and recency of issues, however, are the priority in publishing.
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