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JALIE: Journal of Applied Linguistics and Islamic Education
ISSN : 25497804     EISSN : 25498622     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education, Social,
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Islamic Education (JALIE), with registered number ISSN: 2549-7804 (Print) and ISSN: 2549-8622 (Online), is a peer-reviewed journal published two times a year (March and September) by The Faculty of Eduction (TARBIYAH), Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik. JALIE is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on Education. JALIE invites manuscripts in the topics applied linguistics and islamic education, specifically for model of learning, the method of learning, curriculum, education strategic, the management of Islamic education, and some issue of learning others
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Articles 100 Documents
فعالية الطريقة السمعية الشفهية نحو المادة الاندماجية (الاستماع والكلام) على الإطار الإستحقاقي الوطني الإندونيسي في الجامعة الأهلية بجوى الشرقية Farid Qomaruddin
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (948.547 KB) | DOI: 10.33754/jalie.v1i1.53


Proses belajar-mengajar merupakan hal yang penting dalam dunia pendidikan, karena hal tersebut mampu mempengaruhi kondisi peserta didik pada fase berikutnya, untuk itu baik guru maupun dosen dituntut untuk bisa mengem-bangkan kreatifitas berkenaan dengan profesi mereka, supaya mampu menciptakan situasi kelas yang kondusif dan menyen-angkan. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti mencoba menerapkan metode audiolingual yang diterapkan dalam matakuliah integrasi KKNI Istima’-Kalam pada perguruan tinggi swasta, dengan tujuan ingin mengetahui tingkat signifikansi metode tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas dalam satu siklus, dan telah mencer-minkan adanya dampak tindakan positif secara signifikan dari proses dan hasil belajar dengan rata-rata nilai 74,33 dari obser-vasi nilai sebelumnya dan di akhir pelaksanaan memberikan tes dengan nilai rata-rata 82,00.Kata Kunci; Audiolingual, Integrasi, Istima’-Kalam, KKNI
Menilik Historitas Pembaruan Pendidikan Pesantren Mahfud Ifendi
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (94.208 KB) | DOI: 10.33754/jalie.v1i1.85


In accordance with the incessant sound of renewal of Islamic thought reformers waged by Muslims from various countries of Egypt, India, Turkey to also echo the update to Indonesia. One of the effects of the "voice updates," it is the appearance of reform in the field of Islamic education. Boarding school as a base of Islamic education is the oldest educational centers in Indonesia because it is in line with the spread of Islam in Indonesia trip. Along with the dynamic development of science, the boarding school had to undergo changes towards modernity. The idea and the core of this update is to attempt to leave the old thought patterns that are not in accordance with the progress of the times and strive for sustaining aspects to adjust to the progress of time. Based on the two thrust that; so began to emerge the idea to include general subjects to Islamic educational institutions as well as change the old teaching methods to methods more adaptive to the times.Keywords; Modernity, Islamic Boarding School
Pendidikan Humanis dalam Prespektif Islam (Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Ketauhidan dalam Pembeljaran) M Muizzuddin
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (612.065 KB) | DOI: 10.33754/jalie.v1i1.92


This paper will explain about concept of humanist education on perspective of Islam, humanist education is the concept of education that departs from the assumption that humans basically have the same potential that must be developed and fostered intensively. In humanist education, between educators and learners are not subject-object positions, but learners are positioned equally (egalitarian), as educated subjects as well as educational subjects (learning together). Humanist education directly invites learners to find solutions to problems encountered with guidance from educators. Islam as a religion of compassion has revolutionized the forms of dehuma-nization in the form of hegemonic-exploitative to humans who are considered inferior in material terms. The authors conclude, with the concept of monotheism, Islam tries to position the same man before his Lord. The divine values (tauh}id) are the foundation for interaction among human beings without questioning any biological or material differences. So, tauh}id is the foundation of humanist education which will make a personal individual and social as God's purpose created man become ‘abd as well as the leader on earth.Keywords: Education, Humanis, Value
Studi Komparatif Filsafat Pendidikan Islam dan Barat Muhammad Arif Syihabuddin
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (530.019 KB) | DOI: 10.33754/jalie.v1i1.84


The science’s development along with it alteration have created various characteristics. This condition tends to spur human on thinking up about the righteousness value. In case of viewpoint’s dissimilarity on interpreting the righteousness, there is no agreement reached yet concerning to the definition of Educational Philosophy. This varied definition, at least, could be influenced by many aspects. Philosophy’s role in the world of education was to contribute referee framework at educational philosophy’s field in order to consummate the expected educational aspiration. The discussion of Islamic Educational Philosophy could not be separated from grooved and patterned thought which developed by its thinker. As long as this era, Islamic Educational Philosophy’s thought was categorized into two main circles, cohort of critical philosophy on education or cohort (madhhab) of progressively thought and cohort (madhhab) of traditionally thought. Functionally, Islamic Educational Philosophy is a radical thought which emphasizing and directing to an Islamic Educational process. Whereas in West Education, science was not born from life viewpoint of certain religion and claimed as something with exempt value (without or no longer having value). But in truth, it’s not really exempt value, it just exempt from Religious and Godliness values. Either science was not born from life viewpoint of certain religion, because of the problematical relation between religion and science in the West.Keywords; Philosophy, Education, Islamic, West
Konstruksi Kurikulum Pesantren dalam Pendekatan, Model dan Metode Pembelajaran suheri suheri
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (403.496 KB) | DOI: 10.33754/jalie.v1i1.94


This paper discusses the construction of curriculum in Islamic boarding school, either in the perspective of approach, the model of fund or learning method. As far as we know that the modernization trend of education in Indonesia has penetrated the idea of modernization of Islamic education in Islamic boarding school, it is undeniable that the presence of Islamic boarding school is open and adopts the development of Islamic boarding school technology, design, model and method of learning. This ultimately affects the dynamics of science in Islamic boarding school environments. The idea of modernization of Islam that found its momentum since the early 20th century Masehi, on the field of education is realized with the establishment of modern educational institutions. So, the traditional of Islamic boarding school (Salaf) transformed into the modern Islamic boarding school (khalaf), of course by deconstructing the existing curriculum. In certain cases, however, the modernization of education has proven to have a positive impact on the development of Islamic boarding school. Not a few the Islamic boarding school eventually able to develop the potential of education and development potential of surrounding communities, and not least the entry of new approaches, models and teaching methods forced Islamic boarding school to reconstruct curriculum design that has been adopted, even forced to abandon the original model and learning of Islamic boarding school.Keywords: Islamic boarding school, curriculum, Instruction
Teknik Komunikasi Persuasif dalam Pengajaran Ahmad Zaenuri
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (501.811 KB) | DOI: 10.33754/jalie.v1i1.83


This article explain aboute the persuasive communication on instruction. Persuasive communi-cation is an effective communication technique in education, because by using these communication techniques students are able to do something that they are desired by a teacher without feeling any burden and fear. The learning process is actually the activity of communication and social interactions between teachers and students in order to deliver the knowledge face to face either in small groups and large groups. In learning activities, there is teaching techniques so that the learning objectives are able to be achieved. The activity of persuasive communication in education is a communication that orients to students’ psychological in order to raise the awareness to learn for their future and the Indonesian’s drem. The teacher should broad themselves with the theories of persuasive communi-cation to make them effective communicator. The communication and education are not much difference. The differences are just the purpose of communication and education. From the effects’ point of view, the goal of communication is general while the goal of education is specific. The purpose of education is specific; to raise the knowledge of someone about something until that person is able to master it while the purpose of communication is to change the attitudes and opinions.Keywords; Communication, Education, Persuasive
Karakteristik dan Sistem Pendidikan Islam: Mengenal Sejarah Pesantren, Surau dan Meunasah di Indonesia Saeful Anam
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (548.138 KB) | DOI: 10.33754/jalie.v1i1.52


Islam has expanded its wings to the archipelago of the seventeenth century and is believed to have progressed in the 13th century. The process of Islamization by predecessors requires media as a mediator of Islamic teach-ings. Pesantren, Surau and meunasah are the real proofs of Islamization that happened, where the three places of Islamic education as well as the medium of dakwah is a relic of ancestors whose existence precedes Islam in Indonesia. However, after the coming of Islam, the three centers of education are very instrumental in the Islamization of indigenous people, not stop in Islamization, but more than that; As a bastion and promoter of Indonesian independence during the Dutch colonial period (1800-1942) and Japan (1942-1945). The development of the three traditional education centers is very different pesantren better known in Java, Surau in Minangkabau while Meunasah in Aceh. Although geographically very different but in the essence of his teachings have in common that begins with learning the Qur'an and continues on Ubudiyah.Keywords; education system, Pesantren, Surau, Munasah
Radikalisme dalam Bahan Ajar dan Analisa Wacana Kritis Perspektif Van Dijk Terhadap Materi PAI Tingkat SMA Winarto Eka Wahyudi
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (539.539 KB) | DOI: 10.33754/jalie.v1i1.81


: This article explore aboute radicalism, discourse of radicalism described on PAI textbooks in senior high school (SMA) became a quaint discourse amid the diversity of the Indonesian nation. Thus, sticking existence in 2014 and then, a national issue because indicated propagate the teachings legitimize the killing of another person under the pretext purify monotheism. With this method of writing kualititif non-interactive, because using this type of literature research study, the research discovered important findings. Namely, there are three discourses that is used as a campaign idea gospel radicalism, among others; validity to fight and lay the others, crimes verbal and literal as well as encouragement to keep people on the prophetic role of the clergy. In addition, to strengthen the idea of radicalism, wacanapun built with some of the linguistic elements, among others; thematic (text structure that leads to the violent ideology), schematic (preparation discourse radicalism narrated as a whole in one specific topic), semantics (loading prejudice to sentence / the subject matter that has implications for the meaning of understanding radical), syntax (structure indicates logic constituent used in narrating teaching materials, namely using deductive reasoning causality) while rhetorically authors assert his ideas through reasoning resistance, vis a vis, black-white, bad cop and good cop.Keywords; Radicalism, textbooks, discourse
Kajian Filosofis Tentang Konsep Pendidikan di Era Klasik dan Pertengahan Ali Ahmad Yenuri
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (380.953 KB) | DOI: 10.33754/jalie.v1i1.54


The concept of education is always interesting studied both from the classical era and the middle era, because the development of education is always dynamic because of the demands of the age will give birth to education in accordance with the era and era. In this study we will explore some educational concept from Al Qobisi to Al-Ghazali. With the thoughts of these figures hopefully make references in developing education in accordance with lately.Keywords; Education, al-Qobisi, al-Ghazali, Ikhwan As-Shafa 
Profesionalisme Guru Dalam Pendidikan Islam dan Gambaran Ideal Seorang Pendidik Khusnan Iskandar
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (535.262 KB) | DOI: 10.33754/jalie.v1i1.82


This article explores about the professionality of teacher in Islamic perspective. As long as we know, the professional teachers play a major role in educational process as whole. In Islam, professional teachers lead a double mission (religion and knowledge) at the same time. This illustrates that teaching is hard and it requires someone professional. Professionalism means that every job should be done by someone professional. To be considered as professional, teachers must have at least two important things. They are dedication and professionalism. Islam itself very concerns to professionalism. It means that everything must be done by the experts. As the doer of professional behavior, teachers should be characterized by dignity or integrity or ethics. The characteristics possessed by the teachers will reflect themselves. Also, their character will be integrated as their personality.                              Keywords; Professionalism, Islamic Education, Teacher

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