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Journal of Science and Applicative Technology
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Journal of Science and Applicative Technology is soon indexed by google scholar, SINTA (Science and Technology Index), portal garuda, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals). This journal has been registered at PDII LIPI (ISSN: 2581-0545). This journal is semiannual journal. It will be published in June and December. The objective of the journal is to provide a room for students, researchers, lecturers, pratictioners and communities to present their ideas regarding several topics covered in this journal. Journal of Science and Applicative Technology covers wide area of research. We welcome full research articles in the following area, including but not limited to : 1. Renewable Energy 2. Green Infrastructure 3. Community Development 4. Computer Science 5. Civil and Environmental Engineering 6. Electrical Engineering 7. Mechanical Engineering 8. Telecommunication 9. Earth and Planetary Sciences (Geography, Geodesy, Geology, Geophysics, Oceanography, Astronomy, Atmospheric) 10. Natural Sciences (Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics) 11. Life Sciences (Biochemistry, Biology, Pharmacy) 12. Regional and City Planning
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Rancang Bangun Kursi Roda Bermotor Elektrik Dengan Sistem Pengendalian Gestur Untuk Penyandang Tetraplegic
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Journal of Science and Applicative Technology December Chapter
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM), Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung Selatan, Lampung, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35472/jsat.v7i2.1447


Improving medical services is continuously prioritized for the sake of achieving the welfare of all people in the world, and by providing good services in the medical field, people's needs will be increasingly fulfilled. Limitations of movement in someone with a disability, such as persons with disabilities tetraplegic in terms of mobility, are often obstacles. Therefore, a media-assisting movement is needed. This study designed an electric wheelchair that can help users with disabilities tetraplegic in moving without the need for too much force as in a standard wheelchair. This electric wheelchair uses automation by utilizing Accelerometer, which can detect vectors or so-called gyroscopes and connect with Arduino as the processor is continued to the DC motor as the driving force. Based on the test data, it was found that the design of this wheelchair moves as desired. This can be seen from the change in speed of the driving motor to changes in the tilt of the accelerometer mounted on the head. In the forward motion test, the maximum motor speed is 35 RPM when the accelerometer angle is at a slope of 64.7o positive axes. Meanwhile, the backward movement of the wheelchair occurs when the accelerometer is at a slope of -21.1o and produces a speed of 11.2 RPM on wheels. The rider's maximum load is designed to be 50 Kg.
Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Ekstraksi dalam Proses Pembuatan Pektin dari Kulit Buah Sukun dengan Pelarut Asam Sitrat
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Journal of Science and Applicative Technology December Chapter
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM), Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung Selatan, Lampung, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35472/jsat.v7i2.1105


The breadfruit rinds has never been used, even though breadfruit rinds is known contain pectin which has a high economic value. Pectin is a biopolymer compound that functions as a water binder or liquid thickener obtained through the extraction process of fruits waste. The purpose of this research is to utilize the waste of breadfruit rinds into pectin to increase the economic value. This research used reflux extraction method with 7% citric acid as solvent, extraction time used was 170, 175,180, 185, and 190 minutes at 85, 90, and 95°C. The highest research results were obtained at a temperature of 95°C with a long extraction time of 195 minutes, namely yield of 40,762%, water content of 1,92%, methoxyl content of 8.06%, galacturonic content of 81%.
Condition of Coral Reef in Kelagian Besar Island
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Journal of Science and Applicative Technology December Chapter
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM), Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung Selatan, Lampung, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35472/jsat.v7i2.1455


The coral reef ecosystem plays many important roles for society. One of the its role is as a tourist attraction. Kelagian Island lies near Pahawang island which is the major attraction of marine tourism in Lampung. This position makes Kelagian Island the most potential alternative island after Pahawang Island. However, sufficient information about the coral condition and profile in Kelagian Island has yet to support this potential. For that reason, a study about coral reef conditions on Kelagian island must be conducted to provide information and support the possibility of tourism development on Kelagian island. This study was conducted in August 2022 using Point Intercept Transect (PIT) in three different sites on Kelagian Island. Coral reef condition in 3 meter depth were generally in good condition, meanwhile in 7 meters depth coral reef condition were in medium state. There were 22 genera found in Kelagian island. Acropora and Porites were found dominating three meter depth. On the other hand in seven meter of depth, Goniopora and Favia were abundantly found. Diversity index, Evenness, and Dominance Index in Kelagian Island are 2,29-2,49 (medium), 1-0,83 (stable), and 0,12-0,15 (low) respectively.
Optimalisasi Sistem Angkutan Sampah di Kelurahan Pulau Setokok dengan Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG)
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Journal of Science and Applicative Technology December Chapter
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM), Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung Selatan, Lampung, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35472/jsat.v7i2.748


The increasing population in Pulau Setokok Village has led to an increase in the waste generation which is not supported by the availability of representative TPS. In addition, the weak waste management system also makes this issue a major problem in the area. One of the important aspects in waste management on Setokok Island is the waste transportation system. The purpose of this study was to determine the location of alternative TPS in Pulau Setokok Village based on SNI No.19-3241-1994, analyze the suitability of the existing TPS in Pulau Setokok Village based on the SNI and optimize the waste transportation system from the existing TPS in Pulau Setokok Village to the nearest TPA with apply Network Analysis GIS. The determination of the recommended location for the TPA in the Pulau Setokok Village in this study was technically determined from the highest score of the feasible zone at the allowance stage, where it was found that the highest score in the allowance stage was 282, covering an area of ​​2.1 Ha, which is relatively in the middle of Setokok Island which is crossed by the Trans Barelang road. The location of the existing TPS on Pulau Setokok is not in the recommended TPA location based on SNI No.19-3241-1994. The length of time for transporting waste using a Dump Truck is 108.6 minutes which is faster than an Arm Roll Truck (173 minutes) for round-trip waste transportation from TPA Punggur – TPA Recommendation of Pulau Setokok – TPA Punggur on the shortest route of 2 times 36.2 km. the use of Arm Roll Truck fuel is more efficient, which is Rp 93,637.33 for 1 trip compared to the Dump Truck (Rp 117,046.67), but the Arm Roll Truck transports less waste than the Dump Truck because of its smaller capacity, which is 7.2 m3 compared to the Dump Trucks of 12 m3.
Hydrodynamic numerical investigation and sedimentation, a study cases in Lontar steam-electric power plant
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Journal of Science and Applicative Technology December Chapter
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM), Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung Selatan, Lampung, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35472/jsat.v7i2.1451


The intake pump of the Lontar steam-electric power plant cannot operate optimally due to a drawdown in the forebay. The capacity of the conveying channel decreases, possibly caused by sedimentation at the intake mouth. So, an initial investigation is required using hydro-oceanographic and sedimentation numerical modeling in that area. Numerical modeling is conducted to simulate flow phenomena to obtain a model and measurement data for qualitative assessment. Hence, the flow condition in the study area is a mix of ocean current and circulating water pump discharge. Hydrodynamic modeling has been successfully conducted to assess their interaction in this zone properly by using open-source software called Delft3D Hydro-morphodynamic. This research uses primary data or field measurement data like bathymetry, sediment, and discharge data for input. Model calibration used tidal and current data. Based on the results of the numerical modeling, it is evident that sediment deposition occurs at the intake mouth area due to the suction of the circulating water pump unit, resulting in sediment being carried and deposited during high water levels and a slowing down of flow rate. Sedimentation issues can addressed through dredging, and for the long-term recommendation to install a breakwater to extend the dredging service life at the intake mouth.
Journal of Science and Applicative Technology Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Journal of Science and Applicative Technology December Chapter
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM), Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Lampung Selatan, Lampung, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35472/jsat.v7i2.911


This study aims to analyze the willingness to pay the people of Perumnas Waykandis Village to improve waste management through a waste education park and analyze the effect of gender, age, education level, profession, and income on people’s willingness to pay. This study uses primary data obtained from surveys by distributing questionnaires to 95 respondents/households. The analytical tools used are the contingent valuation method (CVM) and multiple linear regressions. The contingent valuation method (CVM) aims to determine the WTP value and multiple linear regressions to determine the effect on the community’s willingness to pay to improve waste management through waste education parks. This study indicates that as many as 82 people (86%) of respondents are willing to pay for increased waste management through educational parks, and the remaining 13 (14%) respondents are not. Factors that influence people’s willingness to pay for improving waste management through waste education parks are age, education, and income factors. At the same time, the factors that do not affect people’s willingness to pay are gender and profession.

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