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Sistem Pakar Pemilihan Topik Judul Skripsi Dengan Metode Forward Chaining Berbasis Web
Utomo, Ricky Tri;
Yo, Ceng Giap
Tech-E Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Tech-E
Publisher : BSTI
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Expert Systems are computer-based applications that are used to solve problems as the expert thinks. Many college students majoring in Information Technology are difficult to get the thesis title topic even though it has been reading many journals and looking for some references. Therefore to make it easier college students, then the author wants to create an application where college students majoring in Information Technology can more easily get the thesis title topic so the work of thesis becomes more fluent and not obstructed. This app is web based. In system design, the author used several methods in his research that is method of Analyze, Design, and Implementation. Methods in the design of this expert system even this also used forward chaining method as tracking ahead and best first search method. And also using data collection method mean literature study and questionnaire from system that has been created. The result of Expert System of Thesis Title Topic Selection with Forward Chaining method web based expected to be useful and helpfully college students in getting the thesis title topic. Based on questionnaire that has been shared and filled, it can be said that the Expert System of Thesis Title Topic Selection with Forward Chaining Method Web Based is helpful and beneficial for the college students because it helps college student Information Technology in getting Thesis Title.
Perancangan Aplikasi Prediksi Kelulusan Mahasiswa Tepat Waktu Pada Universitas Buddhi Dharma Menggunakan Perbandingan Algoritma C4.5 dan K-NN
Witno, Suwitno
Tech-E Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Tech-E
Publisher : BSTI
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Koleksi data pada database sistem informasi akademik Perguruan Tinggi sering tidak dimanfaatkan secara maksimal, padahal dari data tersebut dengan teknik data mining dapat memberikan pengetahuan yang belum diketahui sebelumnya. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui cara membentuk model prediksi tingkat kelulusan mahasiswa tepat waktu pada Universitas Buddhi Dharma Tangerang melalui data kelulusan mahasiswa. Evaluasi kinerja klasifikasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa baik keakuratan dari suatu model yang terbentuk dengan perbandingan algoritma C4.5 dan K-NN. Pengujian dilakukan dengan Confusion Matrix dan kurva ROC. Hasil akurasi yang diperoleh membuktikan bahwa Algoritma C4.5 menghasilkan persentase akurasi 90% dan K-NN menghasilkan persentase akurasi 87%. Dengan demikian algoritma C4.5 memiliki nilai akurasi lebih tinggi dibanding K-NN. Algoritma C4.5 ini dapat digunakan untuk pembuatan aplikasi prediksi kelulusan mahasiswa tepat waktu pada Universitas Buddhi Dharma.
Implementasi eBudgeting Terhadap Kinerja PT Primer Eka Properti Melalui Pengendalian Internal
Josephine, Yozia;
Riki, Riki
Tech-E Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Tech-E
Publisher : BSTI
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Aplikasi pengelolaan anggaran biaya sangat dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan dalam proses bisnis. Rancangan sistem anggaran biaya yang akan dibangun bertujuan untuk membuat suatu anggaran yang akan digunakan selama periode tertentu dan tanpa adanya perubahan pada saat periode berjalan sehingga sistem dapat menghasilkan suatu laporan yang akurat serta meningkatkan efektivitas dan evisiensi dalam menentukan dana yang dibutuhkan divisi. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Hasil rancangan dari skripsi ini adalah sistem pengelolaan anggaran biaya berupa web sehingga adanya kontrol dalam pembiayaan yang dibutuhkan oleh setiap divisi dan dapat menghindari terjadinya kelebihan ataupun kekurangan anggaran. Berdasarkan hasil rancangan dan implementasi maka rancangan anggaran biaya dapat mengatasi masalah dalam proses pembiayaan pada PT. Primer Eka Properti.
Penerepan Metode Neural Network Berbasis Algoritma Genetika Untuk Prediksi Penyakit Kanker Payudara
-, Rino -
Tech-E Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Tech-E
Publisher : BSTI
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Cancer is a major challenge for mankind. Cancer can affect various parts of the body. This deadly disease can be detected in people of all ages. However, the risk of cancer increases with increasing age. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, and form largest cause of death for women as well. Then there are problems in the detection of breast cancer, resulting in the patient experiencing unnecessary treatment and cost. Insimilar studies, there are several methods used but there are problems due to the shape of the cancer cells are nonlinear. Neural networks can solve these problems, but neural network is weak in terms of determining the value of the parameter, so it needs to be optimized. Genetic algorithm is one of the optimization methods is good, therefore the values ââof the parameters of the neural network will be optimized by using a genetic algorithm so as to get the best value of the parameter. Neural Network-based GA algorithm has the higher accuracy value than just using Neural Network algorithm. This is evident from the increase in value for the accuracy of the model Neural Network algorithm by 95.42% and the accuracy of algorithm-based Neural Network algorithm GA (Genetic Algorithm) of 96.85% with a difference of 1.43% accuracy. So it can be concluded that the application of Genetic Algorithm optimization techniques to improve the accuracy values on Neural Network algorithm.
Implementasi Protokol XMPP pada Aplikasi Pengisian Pulsa Berbasis Android
Hermawan, Aditiya
Tech-E Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Tech-E
Publisher : BSTI
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Seiring dengan meningkatnya kemampuan perangkat seluler, maka kebutuhan akan pulsa juga berkembang pesat. Saat ini reseller hanya memanfaatkan teknologi SMS (Short Message Service) secara konvensional untuk melakukan transaksi. Untuk membantu dalam proses pengiriman pulsa yang lebih efisien, maka dibangunlah menggunakan protokol XMPP. Pada Penelitian ini menggunakan metode perancangan Extreme Programming dengan 4 (empat) tahapan yaitu proses planning, proses design, proses coding dan proses testing. Hasil dari pengujian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan black box testing serta kuisioner dari para reseller, aplikasi yang membantu dalam transaksi pulsa, serta meningkatkan efisiensi waktu dalam proses pengiriman pulsa.
Analisis Performance Fuzzy Tsukamoto Dalam Klasifikasi Bantuan Kemiskinan
redjeki, sri
Tech-E Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Tech-E
Publisher : BSTI
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The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) showed that the poverty rate in Indonesia in September 2014 still high at about 27.7 million people, or about 10.96%. As a basis for policy countermeasures, understand the problem of poverty often demands the effort of defining, measuring, and identifying the root causes of poverty. This study wanted to use one of the methods that exist in fuzzy logic to classify beneficiaries of poverty that exist in Bantul. Fuzzy Inference System used in this study using Tsukamoto with 8 rule established by a group of poor criteria and types of poverty relief. There are three groups of criteria of poverty derived from 11 criteria of poverty in Bantul. While the types of assistance that are used are Raskin, BLT and KUR. The system is built using PHP. To see the performance Tsukamoto method in this study used 50 data poor people in Sub Districs Banguntapan. From the test results turned out to obtained an accuracy of 52%, meaning that there were 26 correct data according to the original data. It is necessary to modify the rules and membership functions to improve system accuracy results
Perancangan Aplikasi Penentu Jurusan IPA atau IPS Pada SMA Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic
Kurnia, Yusuf
Tech-E Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Tech-E
Publisher : BSTI
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Penelitian ini didasari oleh kurangnya persiapan siswa dalam memilih penjurusan yang tepat akan berdampak pada pelajaran yang nantinya akan di pelajarinya. Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih yang sekarang telah membuat banyak organisasi atau lembaga menggunakannya sebagai media yang pengolahan data, mendukung kemampuan Komputer dalam pengolahan data telah sangat mendukung dalam menghadirkan information bahwa mudah, akurat dan berkualitas. Seperti dengan organisasi atau lembaga lain. Pada penelitian akan menerapkan logika fuzzy metode Tsukamoto dalam mencari penjurusan yang tepat pada siswa di SMA. Keuntungan penggunaan logika fuzzy adalah dapat melakukan observasi objektif terhadap nilai-nilai yang bersifat subjektif. Adapun variable yang akan diproses dalam logika fuzzy adalah nilai dan minat. Hasil tes siswa akan menjadi nilai masukkan yang kemudian diproses didalam logika fuzzy. Nilai tersebut diproses kedalam tiga tahapan logika fuzzy yaitu fuzzifikasi, penalaran dan defuzzifikasi. Hasil dari penjurusan ini yang kemudian akan menjadi panduan siswa dalam mengoptimasi proses pembelajaran.
E-Marketing Applications Based On Virtual Reality Using Sostac Planning Method On Sales Property
Philip Kristy Wijaya;
Aditiya Hermawan
Tech-E Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Tech-E
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi-Universitas Buddhi Dharma
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DOI: 10.31253/te.v1i2.29
Increased demand for property in Indonesian society, opening up a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to start a business in the property sector. The large number of new entrepreneurs, opening up many different ways of offering attractive products and promos that bring the impact of significant sales decline for those who can not compete. One such problem-solving proposal is to analyze current conditions and create new, powerful goals and strategies to implement. The methods that can serve as guidelines in the analysis and planning of the marketing strategy are SOSTAC (Situation Analysis, Objectives Setting, Strategy, Tactics, Action and Control). Based on the results of SOSTAC analysis and suggestions the way that can be done is to build E-Marketing with media websites that can be easily reached by the public and a marketing tool for marketing executive. On the website created a Virtual Reality feature that can display the form of building to consumers to increase consumer confidence in purchasing units. Based on testing and evaluation by consumers a new marketing strategy plan is worth trying and applied in marketing strategy.
Implementation eBudgeting Against Performance PT Primer Eka Property Through Internal Control
Yozia Josephine;
Riki Riki
Tech-E Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Tech-E
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi-Universitas Buddhi Dharma
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DOI: 10.31253/te.v1i1.11
Cost management budget applications are needed by the Company in the business process. The design of the budget system to be built aims to create a budget that will be used for a certain period and without any changes in the current period so that the system can produce an accurate report and improve the effectiveness and efficiency in determining the funds required division. Data collection method used is by doing observation, interview and literature study. The design result of this writing is a budget management system in the form of web cost so that the control in the financing required by each division and can avoid the occurrence of excess or lack of budget. Based on the results of the design and implementation of the budget draft can solve the problem in the process of financing at PT Primer Eka Property.
Application of Neural Network Methods Based on Genetic Algorithm for Breast Cancer Prediction
Rino Rino
Tech-E Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Tech-E
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi-Universitas Buddhi Dharma
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DOI: 10.31253/te.v1i1.19
Cancer is a major challenge for mankind. Cancer can affect various parts of the body. This deadly disease can be detected in people of all ages. However, the risk of cancer increases with increasing age. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, and form largest cause of death for women as well. Then there are problems in the detection of breast cancer, resulting in the patient experiencing unnecessary treatment and cost. Insimilar studies, there are several methods used but there are problems due to the shape of the cancer cells are nonlinear. Neural networks can solve these problems, but neural network is weak in terms of determining the value of the parameter, so it needs to be optimized. Genetic algorithm is one of the optimization methods is good, therefore the values of the parameters of the neural network will be optimized by using a genetic algorithm so as to get the best value of the parameter. Neural Network-based GA algorithm has the higher accuracy value than just using Neural Network algorithm. This is evident from the increase in value for the accuracy of the model Neural Network algorithm by 95.42% and the accuracy of algorithm-based Neural Network algorithm GA (Genetic Algorithm) of 96.85% with a difference of 1.43% accuracy. So it can be concluded that the application of Genetic Algorithm optimization techniques to improve the accuracy values on Neural Network algorithm.