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Hasanuddin Law Review
Published by Universitas Hasanuddin
ISSN : 24429880     EISSN : 24429899     DOI : -
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Hasanuddin Law Review (Hasanuddin Law Rev. - HALREV) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University. HALREV published three times a year in April, August, and December. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The aims of this journal is to provide a venue for academicians, researchers, and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articles. The scope of the articles published in this journal deals with a broad range of topics in the fields of Criminal Law, Civil Law, International Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Islamic Law, Economic Law, Medical Law, Adat Law, Environmental Law and another section related contemporary issues in l
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Articles 230 Documents
The Use of Hybrid Contract in the Innovation of Islamic Banking Product Nun Harrieti
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 4 ISSUE 1, APRIL 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (475.311 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v4i1.1208


ASEAN Banking Integration Framework (ABIF) provides market access and operational flexibility for Quality ASEAN Banks (QAB) in ASEAN countries. Indonesian sharia banking is faced with various challenges in fulfilling QAB qualification within this ABIF framework, one of which is the need for product innovations that can meet the needs of community transactions. One of the innovation is through hybrid contract. This study aims to analyze the validity of the use of contract hybrid in the innovation of Sharia banking products in order to encounter ABIF including its legal consequences under the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia. This paper was a normative juridical research with analytical descriptive approach. The validity of the use of hybrid contract in the innovation of Islamic banking products in Indonesia in order to encounter ABIF is based on the provisions of the DSN-MUI Fatwa which regulates the covenants used in the innovation of Islamic banking products, so that sharia banking that will make product innovation in Indonesia must ask Fatwa on the terms of contract which will be used in product innovation. The legal consequences of hybrid contract in the innovation of sharia banking products in Indonesia in order to face ABIF are subject to the provisions of Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) of Products and Activities of Sharia Banks and Sharia Business Units, so banks are required to apply the Sharia Principles in issuing their product innovation supported by the National Sharia Council Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulama Council which become the basis for the issuance of product innovation and accompanied by the Sharia Supervisory Board's opinion on the Product's innovation.
Relevansi Doktrin Restorative Justice dalam Sistem Pemidanaan di Indonesia Bambang Waluyo
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 1 ISSUE 2, AUGUST 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (838.691 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v1i2.80


Menilik arah perkembangan hukum pidana dewasa ini, bermuara pada pembaharuan hukum pidana melalui perubahan KUHP sebagai sebuah keniscayaan. Selain karena KUHP berasal dari hukum asing (peninggalan zaman kolonial), materi muatan dalam KUHP pun telah usang dan tidak adil (obsolete and injustice) serta ketinggalan zaman dan tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan (outmoded and unreal). Jenis penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah penelitian normatif, yang mengkaji relevansi doktrin restorative justice dari perspektif sistem hukum pidana Indonesia, sehingga dapat dikonstruksi sebuah konsep restorative justice yang ideal diterapkan dalam sistem pemidanaan di Indonesia. Konsep restorative justice merupakan pendekatan dalam penyelesaian masalah yang menekankan pada pemulihan kerugian korban dan pemulihan hubungan antara pelaku dengan korban serta komunitasnya masing-masing. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan ini, para pihak diharapkan dapat mencapai kesepakatan bersama terkait penyelesaian sengketa, sehingga dapat mengharmoniskan kembali hubungan para pihak seperti sebelum terjadinya tindak pidana. Pada tataran praksis, prinsip-prinsip restorative justice dalam penyelesaian perkara pidana perlu segera diterapkan sebagai bagian dari sistem pemidanaan di Indonesia.
Reconstruction of Financing Agreement Based on the Principle of Profit and Loss in Sharia Banking Trisadini Prasastinah Usanti; Abdul Shomad
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 2 ISSUE 1, APRIL 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (605.753 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v1i1.211


The main purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis that with the reconstruction of the contract that is based on sharing profits and losses it will form a model contract that has Islamic values, maslahat and justice. In the practice of sharia banking in Indonesia, the financing agreement based on the principle of profit and loss sharing in form standard does not fully reflect the characteristic of the contract. Approach used is legislation approach, conceptual approach and contract approach. Legal materials consist of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The study is helpful in practice sharia banking, namely the model of financing contract based on the principle of profit and sharing. Standard contracts in sharia banking serve as a form of legal frame that can be reconstructed. The characteristics of the contract is based on the principle of profit and loss sharing which state is that no one is justified to get a profit without having to bear the business risk.
Atypical Rulings of the Indonesian Constitutional Court Bisariyadi Bisariyadi
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 2 ISSUE 2, AUGUST 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (587.177 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v1i2.306


In deciding judicial review cases, the Court may issue rulings that is not in accordance to what is stipulated in the Constitutional Court Law (Law Number 8 Year 2011). Atypical rulings means that the court may reconstruct a provision, delay the legislation/rulings enactment or give instruction to lawmakers. In addition, the court also introduce the “conditionally (un)constitutional” concept. This essay attempts to identify and classify these atypical rulings, including conditionally (un) constitutional rulings, by examined the constitutional court judicial review rulings from 2003 to 2015. This study will provide a ground work for advance research on typical rulings by the Indonesian constitutional court.
Vulnerability of Elderly Women: Victim of Gender Discrimination Subir Kumar Roy
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 3 ISSUE 1, APRIL 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (431.511 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v3i1.560


The life cycle of human being completes with the process of aging but we fail to realize this simple arithmetic of life and often consider our elders as a burden for us. They are compelled to compromise with their dignity and integrity and forced to live at the mercy of their own nearest and dearest. When we talk about elderly women their position is more appalling than their male counterpart due to this male chauvinism which tries to regulate every affair of the life of the people. Under the alibi of protection and security of women they are subjected to the violent gender discrimination and compelled to live and lead their life at the fingertips of a male. The women in especially in third world countries are considered as a tool of procreation of child and all her activities and qualities of life are relegated with the household course. Across the globe the male tendency is to regulate Women’s ownership and control of property, resources created by her own labor, education and information and even her reproductive abilities and sexualities with an intention to jeopardize and throttled down the rights of the women. Women bear this status till her last breath and hence, it is axiomatic that how vulnerable their position is. 
Overlapping Authority on the Cancellation of Local Regulation (An Erroneous Logic of Local Autonomy) Retno Mawarini Sukmariningsih
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 3 ISSUE 2, AUGUST 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (540.438 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v3i2.1196


This research is based on the phenomenon of weak supervision on local law products. As a result, the province of Central Java became the region with the largest cancellation of local regulation in Indonesia, which is as many 90-local regulations cancelled. The cancellation of local regulation implicates the obstacles in the implementation of development and district and municipal programs in Central Java - Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to analyze the authority of the region in order to avoid overlapping authority on the cancellation of local regulation by the Governor as the representative of the Central Government. The method of writing uses a normative approach with qualitative analysis to detect the level of synchronization and harmonization of the application of local regulations. The results indicate that the cancellation of local regulation by the Governor as the representative of the central government shows an erroneous logic of the implementation of local autonomy. Ideally, the cancellation of local regulation is performed “one gate”, i.e by the Supreme Court (judicial institution only) through the authority of judicial review
The Scope of Discretion in Government Administration Law: Constitutional or Unconstitutional? Victor Imanuel W. Nalle
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 4 ISSUE 1, APRIL 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (487.51 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v4i1.1316


Law No. 30 of 2014 on Government Administration (Government Administration Law) has set the scope of discretion in Indonesian legal system. But the form of discretion is limited in scope government decision (KTUN) and factual actions of the government. The restriction implicates circulars or others policy rule is not a form of discretion. In addition, the provisions concerning the terms of use discretion, procedures and legal effect of discretion in the Government Administration Law are not applicable to the use of policy rule. In fact, the substance of discretion in policy rule (e.g. circulars and instructions) has the potential of conflicting laws and regulations and/or General Principles of Good Administration. The legal issues in this study are the constitutionality of the scope of discretion in Article 1 point 9 and Article 23 paragraph (1) of the Government Administration Law. This analysis showed that limits the scope of discretion in Government Administration Law contrary to formal elements, substantive, and control mechanisms within the rule of law. This analysis also suggests the expansion of the scope of discretion in the Government Administration Law and setting policy rules as the object of the petition for judicial review so that there is a control mechanism by trial to discretion in the form of policy rule.
Perkembangan Politik Hukum dan Kebutuhan Hukum Keimigrasian Indonesia: Menjawab Sebagian, Melupakan Selebihnya Bilal Dewansyah
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 1 ISSUE 2, AUGUST 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (901.319 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v1i2.88


Penggantian undang-undang keimigrasian dari Undang-Undang No. 9 Tahun 1992 ke Undang-Undang No. 6 Tahun 2011 mencerminkan adanya perkembangan politik hukum keimigrasian. Sebagai cabang hukum administrasi yang berkarakter dinamis, pembaruan politik hukum keimigrasian semestinya menjawab kebutuhan hukum keimigrasian dalam praktik. Tulisan ini membahas perkembangan politik hukum keimigrasian Indonesia dan sejauh mana perkembangan tersebut menjawab kebutuhan hukum kimigrasian Indonesia. Berdasarkan pembahasan penulis, dapat disimpulkan, pertama, terdapat perkembangan arah politik hukum keimigrasian yang ditekankan untuk lebih dapat menghadapi dampak globalisasi baik dampak positif maupun dampak negatif, dan perkembangan lainnya di masa depan. Dari segi substansi, politik hukum keimigrasian saat ini mengubah berbagai prinsip-prinsip hukum keimigrasian sebelumnya, seperti prinsip kebijakan selektif yang diimbangi dengan prinsip penghormatan HAM, walaupun dalam pengaturan tertentu tidak sejalan dengan HAM (seperti dalam hal jangka waktu keputusan pencegahan yang dapat diperpanjang terus menerus). Dari segi bentuk dan jangkauan, politik hukum keimigrasian Indonesia saat ini, lebih banyak mengatur kaidah-kaidah hukum keimigrasian dengan rinci dibandingkan sebelumnya. Kedua, perkembangan politik hukum keimigrasian, terutama berdasarkan UU No. 6 Tahun 2011 menjawab sebagian kebutuhan hukum keimigrasian Indonesia, seperti untuk kasus penyelundupan manusia, namun melupakan kebutuhan hukum keimigrasian yang selebihnya, dalam hal penanganan imigran illegal, pencari suaka dan pengungsi.
Kebijakan Nasional Indonesia dalam Adaptasi dan Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim Santoso, Wahyu Yun
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 1 ISSUE 3, DECEMBER 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (915.776 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v1i3.116


Sejak pertama kalinya bergulir, isu perubahan iklim atau global warming telah menjadi trend setter tersendiri dalam wacana diskusi multidisipliner, termasuk dalam konteks hukum. Dalam diskursus ilmu hukum sendiri, isu perubahan iklim berkembang dalam sekian aspek pembahasan, terlebih dengan masih adanya banyak perdebatan yang terjadi mengenai penyebab maupun lingkup dampak dari perubahan iklim tersebut. Sebagai sebuah masalah global, tiap negara memiliki karakter tersendiri pada model kebijakannya dalam adaptasi dan mitigasi perubahan iklim. Penelitian ini bersifat normatif dan bertujuan untuk dapat memaparkan secara garis besar konsep kebijakan nasional Indonesia dalam adaptasi dan mitigasi perubahan iklim. Secara garis besar, Indonesia telah memberikan kontribusi cukup signifikan dalam rezim perubahan iklim, terutama pasca Bali Action Plan 2007.
Consumer Justice: A Symbol of Economic Prosperity and Social Progressiveness Roy, Subir Kumar
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 2 ISSUE 2, AUGUST 2016
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (436.391 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v1i2.302


It is well recognized fact that consumer confidence and trust in a well functioning market for financial services promotes financial stability, growth efficiency and innovation over the long term. So protection of the interest of consumers is not merely an ethical or humanitarian issue rather it is also an issue of economy. Consumer protection demands for setting of minimum quality specification and safety standards for goods and services to curb unfair trade practices. So far the international norms are concerned it effectively contains the Bill of Rights of Consumers which help them across the globe to effectively protect their interests. Keeping in consideration about the poor bargaining position of the consumers and with an aim to ensure consumers to access non-hazardous products United Nation issued Guidelines for Consumer Protection, 1985, expanded again in 1999. The consumer justice is a facet of socio-economic justice and emanates from the basic philosophy of the Indian constitution i.e. to do justice and to strengthen the standard and status of the people of this country. It has been discussed in this article in an elaborate way about the various provisions of the Constitution and all the legislations which addresses the issues of consumers and resolve to protect their interests. But still the exploitation of Indian consumers by the dishonest traders and service providers become a routine matter and this article also scanned the reasons for the same and also provides suggestions to ameliorate the conditions of consumers. This paper is based on qualitative analysis of the information mainly obtained from secondary sources such as different books and journals as referred over here, Policy documents, existing laws, reports of United Nations, important judgments and observations of Judiciary etc.

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