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Pelabelan L(2,1) pada Graf Sierpinski S(n,k) Sagala, Yuri; Susiana, Susiana
Jurnal Sains Indonesia Vol 42, No 1 (2018): Edisi Januari - Juni
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jsi.v42i1.12244


Labeling L (2; 1) on a graph G is the function f of the set of vertices V (G) to the set of all non-negative numbers so that │f (u) - f (w) │ ≥ 2 if d (u; w) = 1 and │f (u) - f (w)│ ≥ 1 if d (u; w) = 2. The labeling number L (2; 1) of a graph G is the smallest k number so G has labeling L (2; 1) with max {f (v): v Є V (G) g} = k. The Sierpinski Graph is a form of expansion graph specifically from a complete graph. This study shows labeling on Sierpinski graph using Chang-Kuo algorithm and obtained the values L (2; 1) {S (n; 2)} = 4 and the value of L (2; 1) {S (n; 3)} = 6 for n ≥ 2, with L (2; 1) {G} is the smallest maximum number labeling L (2; 1) from a graph G. [LABELING L(2,1) IN SIERPINSKI S(N,K)](J. Sains Indon., 42(1): 22-24, 2018)Keywords:Graph Labeling L(2,1), Sierpinski Graph
Perilaku Solusi Sistem Persamaan Diferensial Waktu Tunda Dinamika Virus HIV Dalam Sel Tubuh Tambunan, Lidia Veronika; Sinaga, Lasker Pangarapen
Jurnal Sains Indonesia Vol 42, No 1 (2018): Edisi Januari - Juni
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jsi.v42i1.12242


The dynamics model of the HIV-virus without delay in the cells of the human body has a critical point in two conditions, namely virus-free conditions and endemic conditions. Based on stability analysis with eigenvalues and Routh Hurwitz criteria, these two critical points are asymptotically stable. With a graph of the behavior of the HIV-virus model dynamics solution with time delay shows asymptotic stable behavior. Observations were made with numerical simulations (Forward Euler method) based on the selection of parameter values randomly and the delay time randomly. Graph behavior of infected cell solutions and increased plasma viruses causes a graph of healthy cell solutions to decrease and vice versa. Based on the analysis and simulation conducted, it appears that the solution modeled the dynamics of the HIV-virus without delay and with the delay time moving towards the equilibrium point or called asymptotically stable. The provision of greater delay causes the number of infected cells and plasma viruses to decrease significantly and on this occasion, the number of healthy cells can increase.  [BEHAVIOR OF SOLUTION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION SYSTEM TIME DELAYING THE DYNAMICS OF HIV VIRUSES IN BODY CELLS] (J. Sains Indon., 42(1): 12-16, 2018)Keywords:HIV-Virus, Dynamic System, Equilibrium Point, Stability Criteria, Forward Euler Method
Penentuan Sebaran Situs Purbakala Candi Tandihat I Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik di Desa Tandihat, Kabupaten Padang Lawas Pasaribu, Prastika Ayu; Kadri, Muhammad
Jurnal Sains Indonesia Vol 42, No 1 (2018): Edisi Januari - Juni
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jsi.v42i1.12241


Archaeological Site of Candi Tandihat I is one of the relics of the time of Hindu-Buddhist influence in Indonesia which has been in the form of ruins of biaro made of brick and mounds of soil overgrown with grass. Geoelectric and geomagnetic surveys are carried out as subsurface detection which aims to determine the distribution of the constituent rocks of the site based on resistivityvalue. Geoelectric research results obtained resistivity values of 24.1 - 583 Ωm, which is at a depth of 6.76 - 26.2 m with a distance of 15 - 65 m and 85 - 125 m interpreted as an alluvium layer consisting of silt - clay and sandy clay and sand which is a layer of rock composing sites. Based on the results of the interpretation, it can be seen that the subsurface main layer of the study area is alluvium which consists of clay, sandy clay and sand.  [DETERMINATION OF THE ARCHEOLOGICAL SITE DISTRIBUTION OF TANDIHAT I TEMPLE USING GEOELECTRIC METHOD IN TANDIHAT VILLAGE, PADANG LAWAS REGENCY] (J. Sains Indon., 42(1): 7-11, 2018)Keywords:Geoelectric Method, Geomagnetic Method, Resistivity, Susceptibility, Archaeological Site
Analisis Perilaku Solusi Sistem Dinamik Glukosa-Insulin dari Model Minimal Bergman Manalu, Martha Devi; Sitompul, Pardomuan
Jurnal Sains Indonesia Vol 42, No 1 (2018): Edisi Januari - Juni
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jsi.v42i1.12240


Abstract  Diabetes Mellitus is broadly classified into two categories, namely type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In this study, the model used was a model that interpreted the glucose-insulin dynamics in everyone, except for people who have type 1 diabetes. Bergman Minimal Model which interprets the dynamics of glucose-insulin in the human body is a non-linear autonomous system consisting of three equations and eight parameters. From the results of the study, it was concluded that in this model there is only one equilibrium point, namely x^*=(G_b,0,I_b ). This equilibrium point means that the glucose concentration over time will be as large as the basal concentration (G_b). Active insulin that is already in the body of every human being will go to zero, meaning that over time it will disappear, and the insulin that has been secreted by the pancreas will remain at the threshold (I_b). All eigenvalues of polynomials formed from the linearization process and the Jacobian matrix in the Bergman Minimal Model are of negative real value. Based on the Stability Criteria Theorem, the glucose-insulin system of the Bergman Minimal Model is asymptotically stable around its equilibrium point.  [ANALYSIS OF GLUCOSE-INSULIN DYNAMIC SYSTEM SOLUTIONS BEHAVIOR FROM THE BERGMAN MINIMAL MODEL] (J. Sains Indon., 42(1): 1-6, 2018)
Optimasi Pendistribusian Produk AQUA dengan Menggunakan Metode Least Cost dan Modifed Distribution (Studi Kasus di PT Tirta Sibayakindo) Sembiring, Bani; Mansyur, Abil
Jurnal Sains Indonesia Vol 42, No 1 (2018): Edisi Januari - Juni
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jsi.v42i1.12243


This study aims to construct an initial consideration for decision maker to minimize the distribution costs at PT. Tirta Sibayakindo, a soft drink producer and  distributor in Indonesia. Least Cost methods was used to gain an initial solution and Modified Distribution methods was used to gain the final solution for this transportation problem. Data was analyzed using the Least Cost methods. Results showed that the distribution cost was Rp165.535.000,- when ordinary calculation was implemented. When Least Cost method was used, the distribution cost was Rp100.200.000,-, so the soft drink company can save the distribution cost of Rp65.335.000,-. From this results, we suggest the company to implement the transportation algorithm when they dealed with distribution cost optimization. [OPTIMIZATION OF AQUA PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION USING THE LEAST COST METHOD AND MODIFED DISTRIBUTION METHOD (CASE STUDY AT PT TIRTA SIBAYAKINDO](J. Sains Indon., 42(1): 17-21, 2018)Keywords:Distribution Cost, Least Cost Method, Modified Distribution

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