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TARBIYA ISLAMIA : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman
ISSN : 20892608     EISSN : 26140527     DOI : -
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Articles 8 Documents
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Konseptualisasi Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Tinggi Melalui Total Quality Management (TQM) Azhar, Imam
TARBIYA ISLAMIA : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Pebruari
Publisher : Education for Islamic Studies Department, Islamic University of Majapahit (Universitas Islam Majapahit) Mojokerto, Indonesia

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Total Quality Management is a philosophy of continous improvement, which can provide any educational institution with 3 set of practical tools for meeting and exceeding present and future customers needs, wants and expectation. In modern concept, the higher education is service industrial that should pay any attention and focus on customers needs, wants and expectations that is students themselves and their prospective jobs. The implementation concept of TQM in higher education will be successful if it is supported by involving and empowering the employees at all levels of institution, such as; decision making and problem solving, There must be a strategic planning, as the engine of quality improvement to guide the running of institution in realizing the customers satisfaction, good and visoned management as the main factor of quality improvement process, and forming an effective team work for quality.  
Penguatan Soft Skill Guru PAI di SDI Tebuireng ir.Soedigno Kesamben Jazilah, Khoirul
TARBIYA ISLAMIA : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Pebruari
Publisher : Education for Islamic Studies Department, Islamic University of Majapahit (Universitas Islam Majapahit) Mojokerto, Indonesia

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Abstract: This study aims to describe the competence of the Islamis Studies (PAI) teacher at SDI Tebuireng, Kesamben. The results obtained from this research  are; 1. PAI Teachers’ soft skills in SDI Tebuireng Ir. Soedigno Kesamben is very good, that consist of communication skills, time management skill, flexibility in carrying out work and responsibilities, emotion management skill, giving motivation skills, team-working skills, having ethics and morals, polite in appearance, having SQ spiritual skills, self-developing and tolerating. 2. Making efforts to strengthen PAI teachers’ soft skills at SDI Tebuireng Ir. Soedigno Kesamben that are teacher planning system, (which includes religious exams, personality psychology exams, professional examinations and practice exams), teacher-apprenticeship programs, the Quran science skill upgrading, teacher’s character upgrading, the ‘wise week’ program, students’ home visit, conducting Friday pahing prayer, rolling leadership and coffee break. It it is suggested for teachers to always develope their soft skills by reading a lot of literature and also reminding one another
Pendidikan Moderasi Islam KH. Asep Saifuddin Chalim; Mencegah Radikalisme Agama dan Mewujudkan Masyarakat Madani Indonesia Rozi, Syaikhu
TARBIYA ISLAMIA : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Pebruari
Publisher : Education for Islamic Studies Department, Islamic University of Majapahit (Universitas Islam Majapahit) Mojokerto, Indonesia

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This study uses the research design of the Individual Life History Case Study by Imam Suprayogo and Tobroni. The study was Done to reveal the life history of KH. Asep Saifuddin Chalim, his struggles, careers, dedication, thoughts and works related to education of Islamic moderation. The data analysis technique uses Spradley's naturalistic research steps whose overall process concludes including: 1) Prevention of religious radicalism through education is carried out by implementing quality education in accordance with Islamic principles of aswaja and by emphasizing more responsibility for teachers not only to teach, but also supervises and accompanies students inside and outside the classroom so as to make it the spearhead in maintaining, preserving and grounding the existence of aswaja teachings. Responsibility is carried out with a nurturing and education approach (andragogy). 2) Civil society is a civil which always doing the process of searching for identity and guarantees the freedom of individuals to growing up so that they have the ability and opportunity to build a culture of civic citizenship. This is formed by implementing an education system based on cultural elements that consider ethics, aesthetics and religiosity so that young intellectuals have the toughness and excellence which is the starting point for building civil society.  
Urgensi Toleransi Antar Agama dalam Perspektif Tafsir al-Sya’rawi Uly Dina, M. Thoriqul Huda &
TARBIYA ISLAMIA : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Pebruari
Publisher : Education for Islamic Studies Department, Islamic University of Majapahit (Universitas Islam Majapahit) Mojokerto, Indonesia

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Al-Qur'an is a Muslim holy book which regulates all human life. Not only set the way of life, but the Qur'an is the life of the Muslims themselves. Each verse in the Qur'an contains complete, perfect, and comprehensive messages. Both of the verses are global and even specific. The contents of the Qur'an in regulating human life not only discuss one dimension, but are very multi-dimensional, among them dimensions in theology, bermuamalah, worship, and so on. Muslims and non-Muslims in interacting socially have boundaries that have been arranged in the Qur'an. Tolerant values ​​are explained in Q.S. al-Baqoroh: 256. This article about the concept of tolerance in the Qur'an, that in terms of worship and aqeedah there is no tolerance. Because in terms of aqeedah that is absolute. Therefore, cases that can injure aqeedah should be avoided. The context of tolerance between religions here is free to worship according to the beliefs of each. There is no mutual prohibition in carrying out their worsip. Tolerance will overestimate mutual respect and cooperation between religious communities. Religious tolerance causes believers in God. Different people can live and coexist with each other safely and peacefully so that harmony is created. In understanding verses in the Qur’an well, then the interpretation is the main key to achieving it. At the end of the 20 Mcentury an exegete from Egypt was born. He is Imam Mutawalli al-Sya’rawi with a wll known interpretation of Sya’rawi.
Daftar Isi Islamia, Tarbiya
TARBIYA ISLAMIA : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Pebruari
Publisher : Education for Islamic Studies Department, Islamic University of Majapahit (Universitas Islam Majapahit) Mojokerto, Indonesia

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Konseptualisasi Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Tinggi Melalui Total Quality Management (TQM) Imam Azhar 1 - 25  pdf Pendidikan Moderasi Islam KH. Asep Saifuddin Chalim; Mencegah Radikalisme Agama dan Mewujudkan Masyarakat Madani Indonesia Syaikhu Rozi 26 - 43  pdf Urgensi Toleransi Antar Agama dalam Perspektif Tafsir al-Sya’rawi M. Thoriqul Huda & Uly Dina 44 - 60  pdf Analisis Kecerdasan Emosional Anak Pengendalian Diri dan Kemampuan Memecahkan Masalah Perspektif al-Qur’an Hadits Amru Almu’tasim 61 - 76  pdf Pengaruh Tradisi Macapatan Sindujoyo Terhadap Prilaku Masyarakat Desa Lumpur Gresik Akhmad Hamdani 77 - 93  pdf Penguatan Soft Skill Guru PAI di SDI Tebuireng ir.Soedigno Kesamben Khoirul Jazilah 94 - 118  pdf Telaah Konseptual Pendidikan Barat dan Islam Ifa Nurhayati 118 - 133  pdf
Pengaruh Tradisi Macapatan Sindujoyo Terhadap Prilaku Masyarakat Desa Lumpur Gresik Hamdani, Akhmad
TARBIYA ISLAMIA : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Pebruari
Publisher : Education for Islamic Studies Department, Islamic University of Majapahit (Universitas Islam Majapahit) Mojokerto, Indonesia

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Macapat merupakan tradisi/seni membaca naskah kuno, adapun Macapat Sindujoyo merupakan tradisi membaca naskah kuno yang bercerita tentang pendahulunya yaitu bernama Sindujoyo yang sekarang dijadikan sebagai nama tempat, nama desa dan nama-nama yang lain. Tradisi Macapat Sindujoyo memiliki kekhasan tersendiri dibanding dengan Macapat yang ada di Nusantara yaitu Macapat ini khas dengan Macapat pesisir karena sebagian besar penduduk di Sindujoyo adalah nelayan. Berdasarkan pengumpulan data dalam penelitian skripsi ini dengan angket,, interview, dokumentasi dan observasi. Maka pengaruh tradisi Macapatan Sindujoyo terhadap prilaku masyarakat Lumpur Gresik mempunyai pengaruh yang sangat rendah, dapat dibuktikan dengan hasil angket dan interview 100 orang responden yang diperoleh hasil 0,189 yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap prilaku masyarakat Lumpur kecamatan Gresik Kabupaten Gresik.
Analisis Kecerdasan Emosional Anak Pengendalian Diri dan Kemampuan Memecahkan Masalah Perspektif al-Qur’an Hadits Almu’tasim, Amru
TARBIYA ISLAMIA : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Pebruari
Publisher : Education for Islamic Studies Department, Islamic University of Majapahit (Universitas Islam Majapahit) Mojokerto, Indonesia

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This article examines children's emotional intelligence in terms of self-control abilities and problem solving. Emotional intelligence is formed in children so that children are able to control themselves, resist anger, be able to solve problems. Get to know yourself and others. From the results of the study, the authors can conclude that children's emotional intelligence is the dream of every parent because children are able to recognize the emotions of themselves and others, are able to solve problems without causing problems, are able to motivate themselves and have an empathetic attitude. So that children who have emotional intelligence are not easily offended, are not easily ignited by emotions, become children who are polite and patient. The results of this study show that 1). Parents always become exemplary emotion teachers for children, 2). Advise with constructive advice, 3). Give understanding to children with language and tone that is not scary.
TARBIYA ISLAMIA : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Pebruari
Publisher : Education for Islamic Studies Department, Islamic University of Majapahit (Universitas Islam Majapahit) Mojokerto, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (258.618 KB) | DOI: 10.36815/tarbiya.v8i1.352


Tulisan ini bertujuan ingin mendeskripsikan perbedaan konseptual Pendidikan Barat (Umum) dan Pendidikan Islam. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa perbedaan paradigma pendidikan Barat dan Islam tidak hanya terbatas pada ranah ontologis dan epistemologisnya, tetapi juga pada ranah aksiologis. Pada ranah ontologis, perbedaan pendidikan terlihat terutama pada ruang lingkup dan hakikat pendidikan itu sendiri. Pada ranah epistemologis, perbedaan keduanya terletak pada sumber pengetahuan yang dicari serta cara dan strategi untuk menggali sumber pengetahuan itu. Ranah konseptual ontologis hingga proses pendidikan (epistemologis) yang berbeda akan berpengaruh secara langsung pada tataran aksiologinya. Secara aksiologis, Pendidikan Barat tidak menjadikan nilai-nilai sebagai bagian dari hasil pendidikan, sementara Islam basis nilai manjadi sebuah keniscayaan dan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari hasil pendidikan itu sendiri.

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