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Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications
ISSN : 25990802     EISSN : 25990802     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science, Education,
Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications (eISSN:2599-0802): diterbitkan berkala 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun yang memuat tulisan ilmiah yang berhubungan dengan bidang statistika dan aplikasinya. Artikel yang dimuat berupa hasil penelitian bidang statistika dan aplikasinya dengan topik (tapi tidak terbatas): rancangan dan analisis percobaan, metodologi survey dan analisis, riset operasi, data mining, pemodelan statistika, komputasi statistika, time series dan ekonometrika, serta pendidikan statistika.
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Articles 17 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 5 No 1 (2021)" : 17 Documents clear
Comparing of Car-Bym, Generalized Poisson, and Negative Binomial Models on Tuberculosis Data in Banyumas Districs: Pembandingan Model Car-Bym, Generalized Poisson, dan Binomial Negatif pada Data Tuberkolosis di Kabupaten Banyumas Jajang Jajang; Budi Pratikno; Mashuri Mashuri
Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Applications Vol 5 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Departemen Statistika, IPB University dengan Forum Perguruan Tinggi Statistika (FORSTAT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/ijsa.v5i1p130-140


In 2019 the number of people with TB (Tuberculosis) in Banyumas, Central Java, is high (1,910 people have been detected with TB). The number of people infected Tuberculosis (TB) in Banyumas is the count data and it is also the area data. In modeling, the parameter estimation and characteristic of the data need to be considered. Here, we studied comparing Generalized Poisson (GP), negative binomial (NB), and Poisson and CAR.BYM model for TB cases in Banyumas. Here, we use two methods for parameter estimation, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and Bayes. The MLE is used for GP and NB models, whereas Bayes is used for Poisson and CAR-BYM. The results showed that Poisson model detected overdispersion where deviance value is 67.38 for 22 degrees of freedom. Therefore, ratio of deviance to degrees of freedom is 3.06 (>1). This indicates that there was overdispersion. The folowing GP, NB, Poisson-Bayes and CAR-BYM are used to modeling TB data in Banyumas and we compare their RMSE. With refer to RMES criteria, we found that CAR-BYM is the best model for modeling TB in Banyumas because its RMSE is smallest.
Comparison of Soft and Hard Clustering: A Case Study on Welfare Level in Cities on Java Island: Analisis cluster dengan menggunakan hard clustering dan soft clustering untuk pengelompokkan tingkat kesejahteraan kabupaten/kota di pulau Jawa Nurafiza Thamrin; Arie Wahyu Wijayanto
Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Applications Vol 5 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Departemen Statistika, IPB University dengan Forum Perguruan Tinggi Statistika (FORSTAT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/ijsa.v5i1p141-160


The National Medium Term Development Plan 2020-2024 states that one of the visions of national development is to accelerate the distribution of welfare and justice. Cluster analysis is analysis that grouping of objects into several smaller groups where the objects in one group have similar characteristics. This study was conducted to find the best clustering method and to classify cities based on the level of welfare in Java. In this study, the cluster analysis that used was hard clustering such as K-Means, K-Medoids (PAM and CLARA), and Hierarchical Agglomerative as well as soft clustering such as Fuzzy C Means. This study use elbow method, silhouette method, and gap statistics to determine the optimal number of clusters. From the evaluation results of the silhouette coefficient, dunn index, connectivity coefficient, and Sw/Sb ratio, it was found that the best cluster analysis was Agglomerative Ward Linkage which produced three clusters. The first cluster consists of 27 cities with moderate welfare, the second cluster consists of 16 cities with high welfare, the third cluster consists of 76 cities with low welfare. With the best clustering results, the government of cities in Java shall be able to make a better policies of welfare based on the dominant indicators found in each cluster.
Determinant Factors of Working Children based on Conditional Logistics Regression for Matched Pairs Data: Determinan Anak Bekerja Berdasarkan Model Regresi Logistik Bersyarat untuk Data Berpasangan Rizky Zulkarnain; Tri Listianingrum; Khairil Anwar Notodiputro
Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Applications Vol 5 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Departemen Statistika, IPB University dengan Forum Perguruan Tinggi Statistika (FORSTAT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/ijsa.v5i1p161-172


Working children may create problem since it relates to human right as well as to the development of children especially in getting sufficient education. This paper discusses determinant factors of working children by using conditional logistics regression for matched pairs data. Matching is employed to adjust confounding factors and to avoid bias. In this paper there are three confounding factors that have been considered, i.e. residential area, gender, and income of household head. The results showed that the conditional regression model outperformed the standard regression model. The number of household members, whether the head of household was married or single, age of the head of household, educational attainment of the head of household, as well as the work status of the head of household were the determinant factors of the working children.
Geographically Weighted Regression with Kernel Weighted Function on Poverty Cases in West Java Province: Regresi Terboboti Geografis dengan Fungsi Pembobot Kernel pada Data Kemiskinan di Provinsi Jawa Barat Winda Nurpadilah; I Made Sumertajaya; Muhamad Nur Aidi
Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Applications Vol 5 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Departemen Statistika, IPB University dengan Forum Perguruan Tinggi Statistika (FORSTAT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/ijsa.v5i1p173-181


Spatial regression analysis is a form of regression model that considers spatial effects. Geographically weighted regression (GWR) is the spatial regression methods that can be used to deal with the problem of spatial diversity. This method generates local model parameter estimates for each observation location. The application of spatial statistics can be done in all areas such as the problem of poverty. Poverty can be influenced by factors of proximity between regions, so that in determining the poverty factor, the proximity factor of the region cannot be ignored. West Java Province is a province with the largest population, so this study aims to model the poverty data in West Java Province by incorporating spatial effects. The weighting function used for the GWR model is the function of the fixed and adaptive kernels. The analysis results show that the fixed exponential kernel function has the smallest cross validation (CV) value, so the weighting matrix used in the model is determined by the exponential kernel function. The largest  value and the smallest AIC value are owned by the GWR model with an exponential kernel function. Based on the results obtained by the the ANOVA table to test GWR's global goodness, the GWR model is more effective than global regression. Therefore, the GWR model is the best model when it used in West Java’s poverty cases. The effect of each explanatory variable on the percentage of poverty varies in each district/city in West Java Province.
Determinants of Male Adolescents Smoking Behavior in Indonesia using Negative Binomial Regression Angel Zushelma Hartono; Siskarossa Ika Oktora
Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Applications Vol 5 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Departemen Statistika, IPB University dengan Forum Perguruan Tinggi Statistika (FORSTAT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/ijsa.v5i1p182-194


Adolescent smoking habits have become the Ministry of Health's major program associated with tobacco consumption. In 2016, the prevalence of adolescent smoking aged 10-18 years reached 8.8% and were rate increasingly against the Strategic Planning Ministry of Health 2015-2019 target to lower adolescent smoking prevalence to 5.4%. Male adolescents consuming cigarettes are higher than females. Whereas, high consumption of cigarettes in men will increase the risk of impotence and decrease reproductive health quality to affect future generations' quality. This study aims to determine the general picture of smoking behavior in Indonesia's male adolescent in 2018 and any variables that affect the number of cigarettes consumed. The analytical method used is Poisson Regression and Negative Binomial Regression. The data source used is raw data Riskesdas 2018 with the unit of analysis are male adolescent smokers aged 10-18 years. Research indicates that most male adolescents are light smokers. Heavy smokers were dominated by older age, living in a rural area, poorly educated, employed, lived with a household head who was a smoker, and had low education. Age, location of residence, education level, working status, smoking status, and household head education level significantly affect male adolescents' smoking behavior.
A Conditional Logistic Regression Model for Analyzing Unemployment Rates in West Java: Model Regresi Logistik Bersyarat untuk Analisis Tingkat Pengangguran di Provinsi Jawa Barat Dwi Jayanti; Septian P Palupi; Khairil Anwar Notodiputro
Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Applications Vol 5 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Departemen Statistika, IPB University dengan Forum Perguruan Tinggi Statistika (FORSTAT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/ijsa.v5i1p195-204


Unemployment is a critical problem faced by developing countries.  It is a complex problem which creates other social and economic problems such as poverty, economic gaps, and crimes. This paper discusses the determinant factors of unemployment rates based on empirical data using the conditional logistic regression model.  The model was used to analyze matched pair data using gender, age and residence as matching factors.  The result showed that household status, marriage status, as well as levels of education were the determinant factors of a person being unemployed in West Java.  It is also shown that the conditional logistic regression outperformed the standard logistic regression for analyzing the cause of unemployment.
Determining Critical Yield Index of Area Yield Insurance based on Basis Risk Constraint Valantino Agus Sutomo; Dian Kusumaningrum; Aurellia Layvieda; Rahma Anisa
Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Applications Vol 5 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Departemen Statistika, IPB University dengan Forum Perguruan Tinggi Statistika (FORSTAT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/ijsa.v5i1p205-219


 Area yield index insurance at district level faces heterogeneous basis risk due to geographical conditions which implies to obtain unprecise critical index . Clustering and zone-based area yield scheme can reduce heterogeneous basis risk that leads to determine the suitable alternative for . On the previous research, we have obtained 7 clusters and 2 level of paddy productivity based on clustering assumption from primary data in Java. The suitable clustering assumption for calculating  is cluster based assumption, which gives the homogeneous paddy productivity under 7 clusters in Java. Therefore, our goal is to develop area yield index at district level (cluster based) with minimize basis risk at certain constraints for paddy farmer productivity in Java Indonesia. There are some methods for calculating  such as mean, median, winsor mean, one sigma, two sigma and  (first quartile) method on the basis risk constraints using confusion matrix. Furthermore, two basis risk constraints are the difference between overpayment and shortfall is not extremely far, and total basis risk does not exceed 20% of its total claim occurrence. Two sigma method has the lowest basis risk, overpayment, and shortfall, but it has lowest pure premium, small probability of claim, and low range of claim. Hence, we consider to use  (first quartile) method as alternative and suitable method to calculate  that satisfied two basis risk constraints. In conclusion, our research provides analytical calculation for area yield index at district level with pure premium as Rp 152,151 using  ( method), which is sufficient to cover the total claim and consistent with the simulation.

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