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Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship
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Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship is intended to be an effective channel of communications and knowledge sharing among various types of stakeholder interested in the study of innovation, business and entrepreneurship, both from a theoretical and practical perspective. While theoretical aspects are considered as important, the journal however tends to be focussed more on practical aspects of innovation, business and entrepreneurship.
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The study of inventory waste management in micro scale food industry in Bandung, case study bola ubi Yama Mangku Alam, Asnawi; Farmaciawaty, Desy Anisya
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Management constraints are often experienced by micro businesses in the culinary industry. Limited resources and poor management lead to many losses. Yama, one of the micro companies engaged in culinary, experienced obstacles in overcoming and managing the remaining inventory. Its possible that leftovers are often become problem that needs attention in running a culinary business. This research aims to learn how the micro-business conditions in the culinary industry in Bandung in dealing with the problem of remaining inventory or inventory waste. This research also aims to find suitable methods to overcome these problems and look for possible impacts that will occur after applying appropriate management methods. To find out the condition of micro-business is resolved by doing interviews using a qualitative approach, then the data is processed by coding methods. Interviews were conducted with four respondents who involved micro-scale culinary businesses in Bandung. In selecting the appropriate method, this research uses a rubric by comparing the criteria of the methods found with the characteristics of Yama's products and companies as the study model in this research. In determining the method, a literature review is also carried out first. To test and find possible impacts that occur, this research uses secondary data from Yama to be used as a calculation model. The results of interviews and coding found that the micro business condition in the culinary industry currently has a running management based on intuition without any scientific approach, supported by other factors, it is concluded that waste inventory management becomes an important topic. The method chosen by matching the characteristics is the single period inventory method, because the method has a match with Yama's system and problems in order to reduce the amount of inventory waste. The results of the calculation model show that the single period inventory method has a positive impact, such as increasing Yama's opportunity to make a profit and decreasing the possibility of inventory waste due to unsold inventory.
Developing new product & marketing strategy case study tribute watch company Fernaldy, Muhammad Yusuf; Wulansari, Amilia
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Fashion is one of the creative industry sectors that provides the largest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 18.15 percent in this industrial sector among 15 other sectors. As the second biggest sub-sectors in the creative economy, the Fashion industry has promising growth. Until July 2018 fashion industry has made 8.2 Trillion USD in export. The number increase by 8.7 % compared with the year before. Fashion retailing has a low capital compared to other industries (Thanatassa). Because of the low capital, many newcomers to start a business in the fashion industry. The fashion industry has a wide variety of products. With so many fashion styles, a watch is one of the fashion apparel that can easily blend in with every fashion style, thus making it one of the most wanted products in the fashion industry. With so many competitions in the market, careful planning and an excellent product strategy are very crucial to help to win the market. Tribute Watch is a fashion company that wants to develop a new product for their customer. By developing a new product, Tribute Watch wants to improve its current product and gain an advantage in the market, especially in the fashion trend that changing rapidly nowadays.Thus the research question is What is the improvement feature for Tribute Watch, and what the marketing strategy for Tribute Watch new productThe researcher used the AIDA model to create the customer persona; from there, the researcher will generate based on the customer persona and the customers want. after the product has been generated, the researcher will create the marketing strategy based on the customer journey and the customer persona of Tribute Watch. This study uses a qualitative approach by conducting interviews with Tribute Watch customers. Interview results will be analyzed using a descriptive analysis approach. The number of respondents collected by the researcher is 15 person. The conclusion of this research is Tribute Watch's new product will be added several new features such as calendar, more optional strap, water resistance. Tribute Watch will brand themselves as a watch that can be used in every situation. For the marketing strategy, Tribute Watch will focus on online marketing, especially digital advertisements. Tribute watch marketing content will be based on the AIDA model which has a step to step to attract their customer systematicallyKeywords: Micro Watch Industries, New Product Development, AIDA model, Customer Persona, Marketing Strategy 
Analysis of POT Branding House Brand Personality Using Jennifer Aaker's Brand Personality Scale
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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The creative industry growth in Indonesia is promising, it has contributed 7.38% to the total national economy. Kemenparekraf states that the 8,14% development rate caused by the high demand from millennials for the business branding, visual identity system, advertising and others necessity. In practical terms, Indonesia Graphic Design Association showcases the data that the amount of practitioners in Indonesia holds the biggest amount compared to other ASEAN countries, either as a self-designer or design agency and studio. Humane, as one of the design studios in Bandung captures the problems that arise along with the visual communication design industry development. The research problem is specific at the tight competition in the design industry. Therefore, as Humane Studio starts growing, an initial strategy to create competitive advantage should be considered.The methodology of the research conducted with a quantitative approach and for the data collected by distributed online questionnaires through Instagram. The collected data then analyzed using SEM PLS with confirmatory factor analysis. The dependent variable is the Brand Personality and for the independent variable is the five brand personality dimensions. The result shows that, among five variables, the brand personality that represents POT Branding House is the Sincerity dimension.Keywords : brand personality, brand personality scale, competitive advantage, design studio, SEM PLS.
Analysis Instagram Ads and Celebrity Endorsement to Purchase Intention on N95 Mask Product
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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There is a negative trend in the campus radio market. There are many reasons that suggest that the trend of campus radio is not good, such as a decrease in the popularity of campus radio in college advisory and university societies, a drop in the amount of direct institutional financial funding for college radio, an unavoidable move towards digital development and broadcast, changes in the composition of students involved in campus radio, and That mix makes it important for campus radio to make a leap in order to continue working. The goal of this research is to examine the motivation of campus radio listeners. Depending on the outcome, researchers will assess the motivation of campus radio listeners. The study used a quantitative approach through a questionnaire with a total of 110 respondents between the ages of 18 and 23, domiciled in Indonesia, and who are ITB students. The data where analyzed using a multi-linear regression method to identify the correlation. The study obtains four hypotheses from the literature review in the examination of the underlying motivation. Information, personal identity , social interaction and entertainment are the variables examined in this study. The outcome of the study showed information and entertainment has a significant correlation with the motivation of the campus radio listeners. This study is important to explain the behavior of listeners on the radio campus and to help marketers and program directors identify the best marketing and program approach. In fact, the results of the study could also improve and enhance the campus radio program based on identified variables in order to be more successful.Keywords: Motivation, Campus Radio, Community Radio, Uses and Gratifications, Environmental Friendly Attitudes.Keywords: Celebrity Endorsement , Instagram Ads , N95 Mask , Purchase intention, Social Media Marketing
The Study of Web Page Design Improvement for "Selectedgoods" Company
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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In the fashion industry, there are smaller sector that are growing in the past ten years which is rugged menswear industry. Having experience as being in the industry, the founder of Selectedgoods felt there are gap between the leading brands and the small brands in the industry. Due to this gap occurring in the industry and established to help and aid the small brands to be able to compete with the leading brands in the industry. Based on this study, it shows that the root cause of Selectedgoods are poor performance of their internal team and have not done market test which makes the company does not understand the customer preference. Without having knowledge in developing a website, it is possible for Selectedgoods to create a platform with a substandard system and design, which might affect user experience. Therefore, this research is done to determine and plan the website interface design according to the customer preferences to improve customer satisfaction and experience towards the website. Based on the data collected, it shows that the consumers prefer the website to be personalized to its brand, a clean-looking layout, and like interactive features such as forum, weekly articles, and a chat feature.Keywords: E-Commerce, Rugged Menswear, Selectedgoods, Web Page Design
The Influence Of Digital And Traditional Marketing Strategy On Consumer Behavior And Its Impact On Consumer Purchase Decision In Honey Products
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Business competition in the culinary field is always being high competition and affects the food and beverage industry from producers to consumers. One of the sectors in the food and beverage industry is the honey industry. Honey goods developed from the area of health supplements development into the field of economic development. (Yeow et al., 2013). Nevertheless, in the market, we can see the price of the honey product, especially Raw Honey, is varied based on the Quality, the brand, and the marketing strategy. With this condition, every Honey company has a different marketing strategy to increase the revenue of the business, especially in the digital era. So, they have to choose rather than use traditional or digital marketing strategy as the primary marketing strategy for their strategic plan. Therefore, Hivellion Company, as one of the honey businesses, also finds it challenging to determine the right marketing strategy for its products to compete with other competitors and to solve high competitiveness in honey products. In this research, the author wants to analyze the influence of digital and traditional marketing strategies on consumer behavior and its impact on consumer purchase decisions of the Honey products. To get more data, Quantitative methods are used to obtained primary data for analysis from potential customers by giving the questionnaire to 175 respondents who buy honey products. To support this method, the authors use secondary data such as literature and journal. This paper will be useful for marketers, business owners, and especially for another party involved in culinary SMEs to understand the impact of digital and traditional marketing strategy and understand the importance of digital and traditional marketing strategy in order to attract purchase decisions of customers so they can get more sales from the product sold. Hopefully, they can understand how to design the strategy of digital marketing to attract customer purchase decisions so that they can implement this strategy in their business.Keywords: Digital Marketing, Traditional marketing, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Purchase Decision
Analysis of Significant Factors Influencing Employee Engagement in Startup Companies in Bandung
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Indonesian startups has grown very rapidly in the last 5 years and currently the country ranks first in ASEAN and fifth globally in number of startups, and they are the hope for the Indonesian economy in the future. However, the fact shows that almost 90% of startups from various sectors from all over the world fail to develop their startups. There are several reasons why startups can fail to run their business, one of the important factors is a poor team. To avoid have a poor team, they need an employee engagement to increase the employee performance, individual participation, employee happiness and enthusiasm for work. However, startup have a lot of limitations such as capital, resources, and knowledge to increase their employee engagement. So, in this research, the author aims to help startup in Bandung to know what is the significant variable that influence employee engagement in startup company. The independent and dependent factors on this research are: Leadership, Organizational Culture, Rewards, and Employee Engagement.Keywords: : Leadership, Organizational Culture, Compensation, Employee Engagement
Implementation of Design Thinking and Lean Startup Method in New Product Development of Natural Skincare from Cascara: Study Case of Kamala
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Beauty has become a necessity in this era, especially for women. The trend for beauty products is now moving to natural ingredients, as customers are scared of chemicals. As a result of seeing the positive opportunity and promising market growth in natural skincare, Biesha - a biotechnology startup in Bandung emerges to develop new products in the beauty industry with the main material from cascara. Based on the study, it shows that the root cause that beauty value in the product is not delivered yet as customer expectation. We see the potency that cascara can be developed into new products in the form of skincare. This is based on the idea of supplementing the skin from the outside is gaining more impact (Ascenso et al., 2013; Carneiro et al., 2011). Thus, this research was aimed to gain insights from the implementation of new product development using design thinking to contribute to new solutions that meet the most critical consumer needs. Based on the data collected using a semi-structured interview, the researcher found out some insights about the skincare product from cascara that already meets the needs and requirements of the persona which is called cascara serum. While the lean startup approach is used to do validated learning after the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is created. This step is aimed to establish the consumers by the time the product is ready for widespread distribution. The researcher validated the value that influences the choice intentions of cascara serum by using Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). It was found that the choice intentions significantly affected conditional value then followed by the functional value of benefit and functional value of price. Other than that, the researcher also measures the growth hypothesis of MVP by using Net Promoter Score (NPS) to know how many people would recommend the product. The result of NPS shows that the ‘passive’ gets a greater score than the ‘promoter’. The insights from the implementation of design thinking and lean startup methods then used to create the recommendation of marketing strategies to be implemented in cascara serum.Keywords: New product development, natural skincare, design thinking, lean startup
Men Buying Behaviour on Plus Size Jeans Product
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Based on the data from Warta Pengkajian Perdagangan Volume 3 no. 12 Tahun 2016, the sales of jeans are increasing every year. In Indonesia, the number of obesity is also continuing to keep growing every year, including in Bandung. This phenomenon allows Avant Grande, a big-size jeans company based in Bandung, to step in into the market and get the potential market to increase their big size jeans sales. Avant Grande has been facing sales issues, where their sales didn’t reach its target and did not achieve their expectation. This research aims to find men's purchase decision process on plus-size jeans and also understand men's buying behaviour on plus-size jeans purchasing. The researcher found that the decision-making process of men buying behavior on plus-size started from the firm's attendance state. Then, it will be affected by the purchase environment factor. An environment will influence how the customer chooses the product. Then, men who use plus-size jeans will purchase a product then do a post-purchase activity. Based on the result of the study, men who use large-sized jeans prefer to purchase offline than online. Foreign brands are more preferred products to buy than local brands or tailor because they perceive it as more trusted.Keywords:  Men buying behavior, purchase decision, plus size, jeans, SEM PLS
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Purchase Intention of Online Auction Consumers on Facebook
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 5, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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According to DilelangAja - an online auction service provider currently operating on Facebook - online auction’s rate of sales fluctuates with few studies having researched the cause of this, particularly Indonesian online auctions. The purpose of this research is to discover the factors which influence online auction customer’s purchase intentions and determine the best solution to apply the newfound knowledge to DilelangAja and similar services. The data collection method for this study was through an online survey, consisting of quantitative questions with Likert scaled-answers. The respondents of this survey were 150 members of various hobby communities on Facebook in the same market as DilelangAja with the sampling method using the non-probability judgmental method. Descriptive statistics along with partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) were used to analyze the data gathered from the online survey. It was found that the perceived product and service quality and perceived convenience are the most influencing independent variables to the purchase intention, through the perceived ease of use and usefulness. For DilelangAja, the recommendations from the findings are focusing improvements on product quality, service quality, and the convenience of the auction.Keywords: E-commerce, online auction, DilelangAja, Facebook, purchase intention, PLS-SEM

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