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Early Childhood Research Journal (ECRJ)
ISSN : 26556448     EISSN : 26559315     DOI : 10.23917/ecrj
Core Subject : Education,
Early Childhood Research Journal (ECRJ) is a scientific journal of early childhood education program of Teaching and Education Faculty of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta focusing on publication of scientific research result conducted by UMS's internal and external academicians, especially in early childhood education. Early childhood research journal (ECRJ) publishes scientific articles in the field of pure and applied science about early childhood education including innovative and creative learning and teaching on early childhood education, detection of growth and development for early childhood, early childhood studies about nutrition and health. The article based on research article, a critical, and comprehensive scientific study of the important and current issues covered by the journal Early childhood research journal (ECRJ).
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Articles 6 Documents
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Effect of Experimental Methods on Early Children's Creativity Saifuna Nur Addini; Choiriyah Widyasari
Early Childhood Research Journal (ECRJ) Vol.4, No.1, June 2021
Publisher : Department of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/ecrj.v4i1.11828


The experimental method is one of the learning methods that can help encourage individual abilities by observing objects around them and creating a high sense of curiosity in individuals. With individual experimental methods will add knowledge, gain experience and be able to develop creative abilities. This article aims to review literature reviews, and articles from research related to experimental methods and early childhood creative abilities. Sample: The sample used in this study is a research journal with the topic of experimental methods or creativity according to the criteria of the selected journal, namely: 1) experimental methods, 2) children's creativity, 3) early childhood respondents. Method: The method used in this research is the search for scientific articles from several databases totaling 20 journals consisting of 15 national journals in the last 5 years and 5 international journals over the last 7 years and using certain keywords. The results of the discussion: literature review shows that the experimental method can provide a process for something happening and a solution, which can produce abilities in children, such as children's creativity abilities that can be stimulated by activities using experimental methods. Experimental methods can be provided through the introduction of science, science skills, or science learning. Science activities for early childhood include identifying colors, mixing colors, recognizing plants, recognizing animals, causes of natural events, and so on. This activity is related to the experimental method which also affects the creativity of early childhood. Conclusion: the experimental method is one of the experimental methods that is able to make children find and solve their own problems, this is able to foster creativity in early childhood. 
Problematics of Improving Fine Motor Abilities of Children Age 5-6 Years Rizki Isnaini; Sri Katoningsih
Early Childhood Research Journal (ECRJ) Vol.4, No.1, June 2021
Publisher : Department of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/ecrj.v4i1.11857


Fine motor skills are an aspect of development that is emphasized in early childhood education. AbilityFine motor skills are developed from an early age in order to have the skills to coordinate the eye and hand. The research objective is to examine the literature, articles and research documents that identify problems in improving fine motor skills of early childhood. Methods: references in the form of primary articles of approximately 20 articles 15 national journals with a period of 5 years and international journals with a period of 7 years with accredited quality and reputation. This research uses qualitative research with literature review method. The samples of this research are: 1) Related to fine motoric development of early childhood, 2) Respondents are early childhood, 3) The independent variable is problematics and the dependent variable is fine motor skills, 4) The treatment given is a problem which can improve fine motor skills. Results and discussion: The Literature Review states that media can affect fine motor skills, including pencil shavings collage,constructive play with paper, unit beam, playdough, kirigami. method can have an effect on improving fine motor skills, that isu aquatic / water learning, cutting activities, collage activities, cutting and pasting activities, demonstration methods, printing activities using banana leaves, coloring pictures, practical life in montessori education, interactive writing. There are several factors that can affect the improvement of fine motor skills, namely counseling through play activities, learning plans, learning preparation, learning environment, being overweight, and motivation.. Conclusion: learning media, learning methods are problems that do not dominate, but there are other factors that are problematic in improving fine motor skills, including counseling through play activities, lesson plans, learning preparation, learning environment, overweight, and motivation.
The Habit of “Let's Write Cheerfully” for Children Aged 5-6 Years Old Aprillia Monitasari; Sri Katoningsih
Early Childhood Research Journal (ECRJ) Vol.4, No.1, June 2021
Publisher : Department of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/ecrj.v4i1.11878


Aim This research is early childhood as someone who is just starting the stage of development in the world with various experiences that children get. Children have their own weaknesses and strengths where the weaknesses and strengths of the child need to be considered and then developed according to their talents. This research can be a source to motivate children aged 5-6 years to like writing as a way of preparing themselves to enter school to the next level. Method is research articles from several "databases" using certain keywords in the period 2003-2020. There are 13 national journal articles and 5 international journal articles that meet the criteria in these keywords. The results showed that writing activities for early childhood can be done in various ways such as writing with comics, writing with pictorial media, writing with the obstacle course method so that learning to write becomes more effective and children become more cheerful in developing their fine motor skills in the field of writing.
Beyond Centers and Circle Time Learning Management in TK Intan Permata Aisyiyah Makamhaji Tira Lapan Sari
Early Childhood Research Journal (ECRJ) Vol.4, No.1, June 2021
Publisher : Department of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/ecrj.v4i1.11977


This study aims to describe 1) planning of learning centers at TK Intan Permata, 2) implementing learning centers and evaluation of learning centers. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Collecting data using interview and documentation methods. Interviews are used to collect data on planning, implementation and evaluation of learning. Documentation in the form of files as supporting data for interview results. The data sources of this research are center teachers, class teachers and school principals. The data validation used source and technique triangulation. Data analysis used interactive analysis model of Miles and Huberman with data reduction steps, data display, and conclusions. The results showed: 1) Learning planning by making types of planning. The types of planning are annual programs, semester programs, RPPM and RPPH. The lesson planning refers to the school curriculum but the content of the material is not based on the needs of the child. 2) Center learning is a part of the whole one day learning. For the implementation of the learning process, the children come with the class teacher, then the center teacher then goes home. The central learning procedure includes the footing of the playing environment, the footing before playing, the footing when playing and the footing after playing. The pattern of moving the center, every day the children take turns the teacher stays. Periodic shift of centers. The teacher has a position as a center teacher as well as a class teacher, 3) The aspect that is evaluated is the stages of child development by referring to STTPA. Evaluation is carried out by conducting an assessment. The assessment is carried out in stages, namely daily, weekly, monthly, and once a semester. Evaluation results are used only for LPPA to parents.Keywords : planning, implementation, evaluation 
Application of Reward and Punishment to Develop Disciplinary Behavior of Early Childhood Aulia Indah Saputri; Choiriyah Widyasari
Early Childhood Research Journal (ECRJ) Vol.4, No.1, June 2021
Publisher : Department of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/ecrj.v4i1.11784


Reward includes the process carried out by giving reinforcement (reinforcement) in the form of rewards, so that with the award it is expected that it will naturally arise positive behavior and continue to do it better in the future. So that with the award of children will be considered to play a role or useful and feel valued for their efforts that can raise their status. In other words, reward can be said as one of the steps taken by children to give an award to children who have done their job properly. By giving rewards children are expected to maintain and even improve the quality of their achievement in the future. Punishment also has an equally important role in shaping or improving children's attitudes. Punishment is performed by children to provide improvements to unsatisfactory behavior or achievement. With the punishment it is expected that the child is aware of the mistakes he made so that he can consider something that will be done next. Punishment is done to avoid unpleasant conditions by correcting or minimizing unfavorable behavior. Therefore, with the behavior accompanied by punishment, the behavior (negative) will be reduced and will not even repeat. Punishment is done to avoid unpleasant conditions by correcting or minimizing unfavorable behavior. Therefore, with the behavior accompanied by punishment, the behavior (negative) will be reduced and will not even repeat. Punishment is done to avoid unpleasant conditions by correcting or minimizing unfavorable behavior. Therefore, with the behavior accompanied by punishment, the behavior (negative) will be reduced and will not even repeat.     In overcoming this discipline required the existence of school rules, consistency and implementing school discipline and partnerships with parents. Sanctions must not be given emotionally and according to taste, but must refer to existing standards and rules and aim at educating. With these things discipline in the school can be upheld and restored. Children who have problems with bad behavior can be helped and restored. It is hoped that such steps and attitudes will have a major impact on conducive conditions so as to create good learning outcomes and more positive changes in children's behavior. 
Parent And Teacher Collaboration in Building Readiness of Early Childhood Learning For Next Education Grade Sri Katoningsih
Early Childhood Research Journal (ECRJ) Vol.4, No.1, June 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Pengembangan Publikasi Ilmiah dan Buku Ajar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/ecrj.v4i1.18693


The transition period in preparing for the next level of schooling needs attention from parents and teachers, especially the preparation for Early Childhood Education (PAUD) to Elementary School (SD), is currently the focus of attention of students, parents, schools and stakeholders’ other education. In preparing for the transition period in the implementation of early childhood education, at least three preparations are needed when entering elementary school, namely ready for children, ready for parents, and ready for school. This study uses a qualitative method. Data collection in this study was carried out through observation, interviews and psychological testing to obtain the truth of empirical data. Through the empirical data collected, it is believed that it will be able to provide answers to the problems in this research. This research was conducted in PAUD in Karanganyar Regency. The data analysis technique uses source triangulation. The results of this study indicate that schools must have educators and education personnel who are professional, responsible, committed teachers, teachers who master the material and teachers who recognize the characteristics of children. Of the five characteristics of teachers that are mandatory to have so that they can help prepare PAUD children to transition to elementary school. The program of activities must also be of high quality, attractive, using a curriculum according to the local cultural context, relevant to interests, ages, needs and unique abilities in enhancing children's development. Schools and teachers need to explore basic concepts in developing curricula to designing appropriate daily learning activities for early childhood. This is also related to the increasing awareness of the importance of developing children's development at the next school level.

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