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Jurnal Sitakara
ISSN : 25026240     EISSN : 26203340     DOI :
Core Subject : Education, Art,
Sitakara Journal provides a forum to publish original research-based articles related to art education dan culture. Those scientific articles are the ones which discusses culture art and philosophy of art, curriculum, methodology, teaching and learning media, learning approaches, comparison, character education, teachers/lecturers, students, evaluation in art education, and the relationship between art and culture in human.
Articles 14 Documents
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Fungsi Reog Singo Wogro Dalam Suronan Di Desa Maitan Kabupaten Pati Yheni Aprilia Susanti; Mamik Widyastuti
Jurnal Sitakara Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Sitakara
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

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The aim of  this study discuss the function of Reog Singo Wogro in the Suronan Ritual of Maitan village, Pati regency, took two problems. The first talking about what is the form of Reog Singo Wogro in the Suronan ritual of Maitan village, Pati regency. The second talking about how is the function of Reog Singo Wogro in the Suronan ritual in Maitan village, Pati regency. The problems were analyzed by using theory of form from Sri Rochana and the theory of function uses theory of Soedarsono. This study uses qualitative data, the data of study were obtained through observation, interview, and literature review. The result of study shows that: Reog Singo Wogro consists of five parts, they  are chanting mantras, Barongan dance, Jaranan dance, Gambyongan dance, and Bendrong. The form includes the structure and elements. Reog Singo Wogro has a function as a means of ritual, as a means of personal entertainment, and as an aesthetic presentation or spectacle that affects Maitan villager. Keyword: Reog Singo Wogro, form, function
Tari Semut Karya Arif Rofiq dan Budi Alfan Sebagai Sarana Edukasi Anak Alifia Ade Yusantari; Bodi Setyastuti; Slamet MD
Jurnal Sitakara Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Sitakara
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

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The reseach aims to discuss of  the ant dance. The problem of this research can be formulated as follows: how the ant danceworks and how the ant dance educates children. The purpose of this study is to describe the form of the ant dance and how to explain and how to educate children. The literati use theory of Slamet Md to reveal the element of ant dance namely: motion, rhythm or accompaniment, expression or taste, costumes, stage venues, and dancers. Educational theory by John Locke is ta bula rasa. The ant dance imitates the movement of the ant animal, by using Desmond Morries' theory, namely theatrical mimicry, imitates the actual motion. The metode that i have used is qualitative, data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and literature study. The results of this study, the ant dance is a choreography in the form of a group, can be danced by six dancers aged 4-11 years wearing a costum which is visualizes  the  ant.  The  motions  composed  by the  choreographer  are  imitative motions of ant animals. The musical is contained and adapted to the characteristics of the children, namely music that describes an atmosphere of joy and agility. Ant dance as a means of education which is realized in the form of imitative movements that are embellished with children's playing movements. Ant Dance help children to developed motoric sytem, kognitif system, social-emosion system, and developed their linguistic’s ability. Keywords: Ant Dance, form, and education.
Seni Ukir Kayu Balairung Koto Piliang Nagari Paninggahan Kabupaten Solok Sumatera Barat Sri Depi Handayani; Purwo Prihatin
Jurnal Sitakara Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Sitakara
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

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This research aims to  determine the art of carving applied to the Koto Piliang Nagari Paninggahan hall, Solok Regency, West Sumatra. The problem is focused on the sculptural art that is applied to the balairung which takes the idea of nature takambang being a teacher, which comes from the motif of the names of plants, animals and the names of other natural objects. In order to approach this problem, Fielman's aesthetic theory was used with qualitative research methods. The data were collected through field studies, literature studies, interviews as well as documentation and comprehensive data analysis. This study concludes that the sculptural art applied to the balairung has an aesthetic value that describes the harmony and harmony of people's lives in Minangkabau and has a kinship life system, togetherness in the governance system in Minangkabau society. Keywords: Carving Art; Balairung Koto Piliang; Peninggahan, Solok Regency
Estetika Timur Dalam Teater Tradisional Kemidi Rudat Lombok M. Okta Dwi Sastra F.M Marijo; M. Jazuli; Mari’i Mari’i
Jurnal Sitakara Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Sitakara
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

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This study aims to determine eastern aesthetics in the traditional theater of Kemidi Rudat Lombok. The problem is focused on eastern aesthetic values ​​in Kemidi Rudat traditional theatrical performances as one of the arts that expresses aesthetic values ​​originating from cultural nobility. In order to address this problem, references to Soetarno's theory are used in a book on thoughts on eastern aesthetics which are more oriented to spirituality/spirits and moods. The data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive approach using the semiotic analysis method of Tedeusz Kowzan theater. In summary and clearly this study shows that the eastern aesthetic values ​​of the Komidi Rudat theater include: 1) stoicism which is a reflection of the nature of human character which has the principle of maturity in thinking and acting, 2) adigang-adigung which is the antithesis of haughty nature and arrogance that should not be carried in humans. 3) item-putek which is the nature of human optimism in defending the truth and goodness (pute/white) and against bad and evil (item/black). 4) jiwe seli which is the nature of human concern in doing everything, that every work and problem can be solved together/cooperation. 5) sect which is human nature that has knowledge and a clear mind, and 6) manut which is human nature that obeys orders and rules. Keywords: Eastern Aesthetics, Traditional Theatre, Kimidi Rudat.
Pembelajaran Teater Tradisional Melalui Metode Sosiodrama Pada Kelas X SMA Islam Az-Zahrah Palembang Dona Pransiska; Hasan Hasan
Jurnal Sitakara Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Sitakara
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

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This study aims to identify and describe the traditional theater learning process through the sociodrama method in class X Islamic Senior High School Az-Zahrah Palembang. This research method uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews and documentation. In the processof collecting data, the researchers directly observed the traditional theater learning process at Islamic Senior High School AzZahrah Palembang, where the subject in this study wasclass X IPA3 withatotalof 20 students. The researcher also directly interviewed the arts and culture teacher and one of the students Sinclass X IPA3.There sult softh is study can be concluded that learning traditional theate rthrough the sociodrama method in class X SMA Islam Az-Zahrah Palembang is going well. This can be seen from there sult sof the evaluation or students'ability to practice traditional the ater infront of the class. For the traditional theater itself, the teacher provides Dulmuluk theater material from South Sumatra. The method used by the teacher is using the sociodrama method in which students can directly practice the script thatwill be played and guided directly by the teacher. In this traditional theater learning, students are happy and enthusiastic because they not only learn theory but can also practice it directly so that students becomemore aware and understand the role that will be played. In addition, students can recognize and preserve the local culture, especially the ater arts. Keywords: Traditional Theatre, Sociodrama Method, Dulmuluk Theater.
Pengaruh Kegiatan Mewarnai Gambar Terhadap Kemampuan Motorik Halus Anak TK Parman Parman; Treny Hera
Jurnal Sitakara Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Sitakara
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of coloring pictures on fine motor skills of group A children at TK Al-Azhar 57 Jambi, with a total of 12 children and a sample of 8 children enrolled in the 2023/2024 school year. The observed indicators are using crayons correctly, adjusting the colors with the coloring pictures neatly and coloring doesn't go out of line. The results showed that there was an effect of coloring pictures on children's fine motor skills through statistical tests, namely the average test of 2 samples 2 parties in pairs or paired T test. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there is an effect of coloring pictures on fine motor skills of group A children at TK Al – Azhar 57 Jambi. Keywords: Picture Coloring Activities, Fine Motoric Skills, Early Childhood
Pembelajaran Seni Musik dan Lirik Lagu Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Vocabulary Berbahasa Inggris Fitri Maisarah
Jurnal Sitakara Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Sitakara
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

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Vocabularies or vocabulary is also known as one of the important things that must be understood to learn the language being studied. In this case, as it is also called, without understanding vocabulary, it will make it difficult for us to learn, especially language lessons. As one of the efforts that can be done is to introduce English learning, especially vocabulary through the technique of understanding songs. Aside from being a learning medium, songs are also an alternative that can be used by teachers to make learning more enjoyable. Songs and chants have a high level of effectiveness that can be used in introducing English vocabulary to children. The purpose of this study is as a form of attracting students' interest to increase English vocabulary among students as well as improve memory and understand vocabulary effectively. By learning songs can also help to develop pronunciation skills with good intonation in learning techniques. Children as learners will prefer this way of learning because the atmosphere is more fun and not bored. The tones contained in the song will create a happy mood. Make the child comfortable and start lulled by the tone and language conveyed. Learning vocabulary using songs is a fast way to learn English that will make children feel happy and want to learn more. From the results of community service that has been carried out, in the art of music, especially songs, it has a fairly high effectiveness that can be used in learning English vocabulary learning introduction to children according to their capacity. Keywords: Learning, Art Music, English
Metode Seni Drama Dalam Pembelajaran Simulasi Pelayanan Rumah Sakit Dalam Lab. Administrasi Rumah Sakit STIKES DONA Palembang Nita Novianti
Jurnal Sitakara Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Sitakara
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

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The notion of drama is something that is known so far, which for example states that drama is a story or an imitation of human behavior that is staged which is not wrong. This is because when viewed from the words of the drama itself, the definition of drama above is considered appropriate. In dramaturgy, form is taken into account as an overall concept of how to experience a role so that we can give the concept according to what we want in the event. It should be remembered, in dramatugi it is necessary to study human behavior in context to achieve its goals and not to study the results of its behavior in these events. In dramaturgy, it is necessary to understand that in interactions between humans is behavior that is approved and can lead to the ultimate goal of the purpose of social interaction in the event. In general, this research uses a descriptive method, namely a method that is as relative as possible to explain and describe, analyze, and interpret as well. Qualitative research is data collected by researchers in the form of words, sentences or pictures that have a more meaningful meaning so that they are able to trigger a real understanding of any description of something that is not just a presentation of numbers and also frequency. In addition to primary data, there are also observations in drama learning in the fourth semester of the Medical Record and Health Information Study Program at Stikes Dona Palembang. Secondary data is in the form of writings related to drama learning with the art method of playing drama based on project learning obtained from various sources in the form of simulations carried out in the administrative laboratory of the RMIK Stikes Dona Palembang hospital. In drama learning it is also necessary to appreciate drama not only focusing on cognitive aspects which involve affective and psychomotor aspects by carrying out activities such as during administrative services to develop the imagination and readiness of the students themselves in activities in designing hospital administration. Keywords: method, drama, service
Integrasi Pengetahuan Lokal dalam Pendidikan Seni Rupa di Era Digital Muhsin Ilhaq; Irfan Kurniawan
Jurnal Sitakara Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Sitakara
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

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This study aims to explore the integration of local knowledge in art education in the city of Palembang in the digital era. Using a phenomenological approach with qualitative methods, this study examines how digital technology and cultural heritage can be integrated into the art education curriculum. Results indicate that although there are challenges in adapting to technology, its proper application can enrich students' understanding of traditional arts and prepare them for the digital era. It can be concluded that effective art education in the modern era should consider cultural heritage while leveraging technological innovations. Keyword: Art education, local knowledge integration, digital era
Pertunjukan Solis Marimba dan Drumset Dengan Repertoar Concerto In B Minor Zapin Kerinduan dan Naruto Main Theme Rezi Syaputra; Ferry Herdianto; Yusnelli Yusnelli
Jurnal Sitakara Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Sitakara
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

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This solo marimba and drumset performance presented 3 repertoires namely Concerto In B Minor, Zapin Longing, and Naruto Main Theme. The first repertoire of the Concerto in B Minor is a romantic work by O. Rieding.. This work is a three-part work with the tempo Allegro moderato, Andante and Allegro moderato. The next repertoire is the Malay repertoire, namely, Zapin Longing. the director and composer of this music group is Rino Dezapati. The last repertoire is Naruto Main Theme. which was created by Yasuhara Takanasi In 2008. Keywords: Show, Repertoire, percussion.

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