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Jurnal Ilmiah Sutet
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SUTET Journal, especially to the Electrical Engineering Lecturer and generally to all Practitioners to be able to contribute in the form of scientific writing which will be useful for the application of science and technology, especially in the field of Electrical and Electrical Engineering.
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Evaluasi Tingkat Keandalan Sistem Distribusi 20 kV Menggunakan Indeks SAIDI SAIFI Nurmiati Pasra; Samsurizal Samsurizal; Muh Fajri
Sutet Vol 12 No 1 (2022): JURNAL ILMIAH SUTET
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknik - PLN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33322/sutet.v12i1.1644


Reliability describes the proportion of service level when power is delivered from the system to the customer. PT. PLN (Persero) UP3 Biak still experiences frequent power outages due to fallen trees, animal activities such as snakes, and disturbances due to blackouts due to bad weather, which affects the reliability value. By using SAIDI and SAIFI to determine the level of reliability at PT. PLN (Persero) UP3 Biak, then based on the standards that have been determined by the Main Unit for the Papua and West Papua Regions with a SAIDI value of 10.11 hours/customer/year and SAIFI = 9.72 times/customer/year. For this reason, periodic maintenance is carried out such as tree removal, installation of fibers, installation of insulators and repair of SUTM and SUTR constructions. After the maintenance, the results showed that there was a change in the value of SAIDI and SAIFI, namely ULP Biak City, the value of SAIDI = 5.9 hours/customer and SAIFI = 4.98 times/customer with a percentage decrease of 87.6% and 88.8%, respectively. ULP Yumdori value SAIDI = 11.48 hours/customer and SAIFI = 5.97 times/customer with a percentage decrease of 90.1% and 94.3%, respectively. ULP Serui value SAIDI = 6.48 hours/customer and SAIFI = 3.79 times/customer with a percentage decrease of 83.4% and 86.9%. ULP Waropen value SAIDI = 0.77 hours/customer and SAIFI = 0.95 times/customer with a percentage decrease of 92.2% and 86%, respectively.
Dampak Variasi Beban Dan Keterbatasan Pembangkit Terhadap Kontrol Frekuensi Sistem menggunakan Automatic Generation Control Suci Rositawati; Iwa Garniwa Mulyana
Sutet Vol 12 No 1 (2022): JURNAL ILMIAH SUTET
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknik - PLN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33322/sutet.v12i1.1653


Pusat pengatur beban menggunakan Automatic Generation Controller (AGC) sebagai regulasi frekuensi real time untuk memastikan keseimbangan antara permintaan beban dengan ketersediaan pembangkitan. Ketidakpastian variasi beban, dan adanya keterbatasan respon pembangkit (GRC) mempengaruhi respon dinamik frekuensi sistem dalam periode menit. Sistem Jawa Bali menerapkan AGC menggunakan metode integrator dengan 51,18 % partisipasi aktif pembangkit. Penelitian ini mengusulkan AGC menggunakan metode PID controller dengan mempertimbangkan variasi karakteristik beban dan keterbatasan ramp rate up/down pembangkit. Pemodelan AGC menggunakan PID controller memberikan respon pemulihan lebih cepat 2,3 detik dibandingkan metode eksisting dan mengelola kenaikan pembebanan lebih besar pada pembangki dengan biaya lebih rendah. Pembatasan ramp rate up/down pembangkit mengakibatkan perbedaan waktu dalam respon pemulihan dan berpengaruh pada fluktuasi frekuensi sistem, sedangkan variasi karakteristik beban tidak banyak mempengaruhi respon dinamik frekuensi sistem. Metode yang diusulkan disimulasikan dengan menggunakan Matlab Simulink dengan pemodelan untuk 2 pembangkit pada kontrol area tunggal dengan variasi karakteristik beban dan pembatasan pembangkit menggunakan data-data Sistem Jawa Bali
Desain PLTS On-Grid 7 kW Di Gedung Kantor Polisi Pamong Praja Kabupaten Ende Ibnu Hajar; Yohanes Carlos Ngaga Sara
Sutet Vol 12 No 1 (2022): JURNAL ILMIAH SUTET
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknik - PLN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33322/sutet.v12i1.1661


PLTS converts electromagnetic energy from sunlight into electrical energy. On-Grid PLTS Design at the Civil Service Police Office of Ende Regency generates 7 kWp of power, with 35 panels used, each with a capacity of 200 Wp. The triangular roof area is 44m2. The inverter used is 1 unit with a capacity of 4 kW. The purpose of this study is to reduce the use of conventional PLN energy to meet energy needs at the Civil Service Police Station, Ende Regency. This plan requires a cost of Rp. 130.935.000. From the average daily load requirement of 35302 W/h, this plan produces 34450 W/h to meet 97% of the needs of the Ende District Civil Service Police Station.
Kajian Perbaikan Tegangan Menggunakan Kapasitor Bank Di PT. Panca Agung Sejati Ibnu Hajar; Khoirunnisa Ramadhanti
Sutet Vol 12 No 1 (2022): JURNAL ILMIAH SUTET
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknik - PLN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33322/sutet.v12i1.1662


This work study voltage correction using capacitor banks on PLN’s network distribution with medium voltage consumer of PT. Panca Agung Sejati. Voltage drop into PT. Panca Agung Sejati network in operation condition is 17.87 kV, it mean happened voltage drop in persentage of 10.65. That is not apropriate to the SPLN 72:1987 standard, that is+ 5%. While, voltage drop on the network of the company is still in the range of SPLN standard when it is not on operation by 19.67 kV (1.65%). Then, efforting to improve the voltage drop the PT. PLN (Persero) has installed capacitor banks on the network at PT. Panca Agung Sejati with a total capacity are 3 x 400 kVAR. This research simulates using ETAP 16.0 software to find out whether the capacitors are still effective for load growth in the next 10 years. Simulation result with the capacitors installed of 3 x 400 kVAR is 19.15 kV (4.25%) that is mean it has already in the range of SPLN standard. For load growth until year of 2030 will be needed five capacitors in capacity of 400 kVAR (5 x 400 kVAR) to correcting the occurred voltage drop.
Prototipe Sistem Kendali Jarak Jauh Pada Pakan dan Pintu Kandang Kucing Tri Wahyu Oktaviana Putri; Muhammad Affan Darmawan
Sutet Vol 12 No 1 (2022): JURNAL ILMIAH SUTET
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknik - PLN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33322/sutet.v12i1.1664


Kucing merupakan hewan peliharaan yang sangat populer didunia. Dari banyaknya aktivitas pemilik kucing menimbulkan berbagai macam masalah pada kucing terutama pada kebutuhan pokoknya seperti makan, minum dan bermain diluar kandang. Perancangan prototipe ini tentang suatu sistem kendali jarak jauh pakan, minum dan pintu pada kandang kucing yang dapat dikontrol melalui aplikasi Blynk pada Smartphone. Prototipe ini menggunakan NodeMCU sebagai mikrokontroler sekaligus komponen penghubung keapliaksi Blynk. Pada pintu kandang kucing dikontrol dengan motor servo dan monitoring pergerakan kucing yang melewati pintu dengan sensor infrared yang akan dikirimkan notifikasi ke Blynk. Pada ketersediaan pakan dan minum dimonitoring dengan sensor ultrasonik melalui notifikasi pada aplikasi Blynk. Pemberian pakan dengan motor servo dan pemberian minum dengan pompa air mini dikontrol melalui aplikasi Blynk. Hasil dari perancangan, prototipe dapat mengontrol dan memonitoring pakan dan pintu kandang kucing dari jarak jauh yang dapat diakses realtime dengan delay 3-5 detik saja

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