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English Language Teaching and Research
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Prodi S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FBS Universitas Negeri Padang menggelar Konferensi Nasional Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris dan Riset bertajuk "ELTAR Conference. Konferensi ini telah dilaksanakan pertama kali pada tanggal 18-19 September 2017 di Gedung FBS Universitas Negeri Padang. Selanjutnya kegiatan ini menjadi agenda tahunan yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun. Materi seminar akan dipublikasikan dalam prosiding online ini.
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Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3, No 1 (2020)" : 5 Documents clear
Intrinsic-Task Motivation and Creative Writing through Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) Using Video Scribe Khoiriyah Khoiriyah; Utami Widiati
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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This paper presents the importance of intrinsic motivation to accomplish the task within project-based language learning (PBLL) using a particular technology in the form of a video scribe to elevate pre-service teachers’ creative writing. The result shows that PBLL using video scribe facilitates pre-service teachers to elevate their writing language production and their creativity exposure. The strategy also stimulates personal competence covering enthusiasm, curiosity, problem-solving, motivational intensity, intrinsic value, and patience, reasonable challenges to support student teachers’ professional competence and pedagogical competence. It also strengthens the other competence that allows them to be more sociable persons. This study implies that PBLL empowers pre-service teachers’ competencies in which the three “Hs” of Hand, Heart, and Head are embedded which allow them to encourage their creativity and critical thinking. Keywords: intrinsic task-motivation, creative writing, Project-based Language Learning (PBLL), video scribe
Organizing blog as student’s diary: A teacher’s strategy to teach writing a recount text to junior high school students Al Araf Amala
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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Internet is one of the on-line media that can be accessible for everybody in any places and moment. The development of this technology (IPTEK) gives positive impacts to education, especially in English writing class. In addition, some Junior High Schools and Senior High Schools have already got the multimedia room equipped by computer and internet connection. One of the ways to improve the students’ writing quality and the ability to write is through utilizing IPTEK development by organizing Blog (on-line journal). Blog is an on-line journal where the students can write anything that they are interested in, edit their writing and publish it, and even make a sharing media for their members. It hopes that writing through organizing blog will create a real and potential audience to improve the students’ writing, innovation, exploration, and better creation to give a better dynamic interaction, a better literacy, and even a better development work in team. This paper explains how to organize the on-line writing media such as blog to improve the students’ writing ability. The paper begins to explain about some problems faced by teachers at schools and theories of writing, diary, and blog. It also explains about the model of teaching writing through blog. The writer hopes that this technique can be applied and therefore it can help the teacher to teach writing in the class as away to improve their writing ability.
The Need Analysis of Learning Materials for Teaching English for Specific Purpose at 2nd grade Computer Networking Students’ in SMKN 1 Bukittinggi Tifannie Audya Syifa; Loli Safitri
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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This study analyzes needs of 2nd grade computer networking students at SMK 1 Bukittinggi because computer networking students desperately need English in accordance with their majors. In learning computer networking students of computer networking are still to uses English textbooks that have the same material as general students and this school has 6 majors. The subjects of this study were of 2nd grade computer networking   students. The researchers used a descriptive method which uses qualitative and quantitative paradigm. The populations of results of this study were all students of 2nd grade computer networking in SMK 1 Bukittinggi and the samples taken were all students of second grade computer networking with a total of 47 students and samples taken with proportional sampling techniques. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire. Researcher uses documents to collect data in analyzing the suitability of material in English and interview the English teacher that teaches of 2nd grade computer networking in vocational schools especially in SMKN 1 Bukittinggi. The   results of this study indicate that 2nd grade computer networking students need more specific English material for vocational students. Finally, ESP program is appropriate in vocational schools so students can understand English lesson.
Pre-writing Techniques for the Development of Logical Thinking of EFL University Students in Writing Argumentative Essays Peggy Magdalena Jonathans; Utami Widiati
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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Writing an argumentative essay might put more challenges toEFL low proficient students.  This paper seeks to shed light on the contribution of pre-writing techniques to the development of logical thinking expected in an argumentative essayamong Indonesian EFL university students. With two objectives leading the discussion, the paper suggests pre-planning to construct thinking while simulatenously reading going along with the writing as a source of input. Clustering and outlining, the proposed two pre-writing techniques, are found to facilitate the students’ abstract thinking prior to writing and assist the higher order thinking skill for better writing outcomes. It is suggested that pre-writing techniques should be a regular practice especially for low proficient student writers, with each technique serving different purposes.Keywords:argumentative writing, clustering, outlining, pre-writing techniques
Exploring the Effects of Collaborative Writing on Students’ Argumentative Essays and Their Perceptions about Its Implementation Faradila Masuara; Utami Widiati
English Language Teaching and Research Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : English Language Teaching and Research

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This study aims at exploring the effects of collaborative writing (CW) on students’ argumentative essays and their perceptions about its implementation. It involved 42 students from a state university in Indonesia, grouped into two: 14 students of control group and 28 of experimental group. In the control group, argumentative writing tasks were completed individually; in the experimental group, these tasks were conducted in pairs. Writing quality was determined by a holistic rating procedure that included content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics. Results of the study showed that CW had an overall significant effect on students’ L2 argumentative writing quality.  However, this effect varied from one writing aspect to another; the effects were significant for content, organization, and vocabulary, but not for grammar and mechanics. In addition, the findings also revealed that the students enjoyed the CW activitis, and most of them perceived CW positively as it improved their L2 writing performance. Keywords: argumentative writing, collaborative writing, writing quality, students’ perception

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