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'Anil Islam: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Keislaman
ISSN : 20854080     EISSN : 25287532     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
‘Anil Islam: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Keislaman is concerned with publishing original (library or field) research articles related to Islamic studies in a nusantara context, under five main topics, 1) Pesantren and Islamic Education; (2) Islamic law; (3) Sufism; (4) tafsir; and 5) Islamic Economics.
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Articles 7 Documents
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Persoalan-Persoalan Fiqih Al-Maslahah dan Relevansinya dalam Pemilu Luthfi Raziq
'Anil Islam: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Keislaman Vol 8 No 2 (2015): Desember
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Annuqayah

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The common principles of ijtihad has been clearly ruled under Islamic law, as Muslims (especially mujtahid) are possible to make a religious law in dealing with new issues that has no clear reference to Al-Qura>n and Hadis\. One of these principles is al-mas{lah{ah (common use). As a central principle of Islamic law, al-mas{lah{ah possibly facilitates Muslims to identify that every source of Islamic jurisprudency included al-mas{lah{ah into its examination. Almost none of islamic laws has been created without al-mas{lah{ah. Many God’s commandments consist of al-mas{lah{ah either in explicit or in implicit way. However, it is difficult to make al-mas{lah{ah as a source of Islamic law. There are some criteria of validity for a certain al-mas{lah{ah to be as relevant as possible to the social, religious, cultural, even political problems, including general election.
Mendialogkan Peradaban Timur-Islam dan Barat-Kristen Asna Andriani
'Anil Islam: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Keislaman Vol 8 No 2 (2015): Desember
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Annuqayah

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During this time the meaning of West and Islam are so strongly attached into a kind of stereotype for both. The emergence of certain assumptions about both sparked problems. Thus need for dialogue between the two civilizations which aims to break down misunderstandings, because basically in the existence of Western civilization-Christian, there is the role of Eastern civilization-Islam is very large, and vice versa in the formation of Eastern civilization-Islam, Christians also have a very vital role. So, both have relationships need each other. This paper seeks to provide a discourse of dialogue between the civilizations of East-Islam and Western-Christian, while reconstructing the new identity of Islamic civilization-Western, hoping to contribute to the realization of global civilization, world peace without destructive conflict and war.
Supervisi Pendidikan Islam (Studi atas Kontribusi Pengawas dalam Memotivasi dan Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru dalam Proses Pembelajaran di Sumenep) Abd Warits
'Anil Islam: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Keislaman Vol 8 No 2 (2015): Desember
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Annuqayah

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The main function of educational supervision is to maintain the quality of management. A supervisor has to ascertain that learning and teaching process is basicly in line with national standards of education. Additionally, a supervisor has to do some important functions, including facilitating, choching, and guiding of teachers to advance their quality of teaching. The improvement of quality of education could be possible by increasing professionalism of teaching and learning, and hence the need for supervision of education as a partnership of teachers is necessary for advancing their competency and knowledge. This study attempts to figure out the role of educational supervision in Sumenep, Madura, in order to encourage teachers’ competencies and improve the better learning process. By using descriptive based qualitative approach, this study is aimed to address teacher’s performance and competence in educational system. The study provides a sympthomatic result that a lack of supervision has effects on the some degrees of decreased quality of education in Sumenep. It is a side-effect of some causes: burdened scope of tasks, lower level of teacher’s motivation, and any limited access of islamic institutions. However, some educational advisors in Sumenep get started with some efforts of improving the quality of teacher’s performance. They have encouraged them to actively get inovolve with forum of teacher workgroup and to attend some seminars, training, and workshop.
Islam dan Persaudaraan Antaragama: Dari Kesadaran Individu Menuju Kesadaran Sosial Masykur Arif
'Anil Islam: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Keislaman Vol 8 No 2 (2015): Desember
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Annuqayah

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Islam is a religion that brings blessing and prosperity for all the rest of world (rahmatan lil alamin). The moral message of peace and brotherhood is included into a sacred text Al-Quran and embedded into the long history of this religion. The idea of brotherhood is also central for peace building, even among religious believers. The history of religion has showed that every religion reflects double masks of human: peaceful and anger, god and evil. However, such double identity was born from single transcendental vision: getting blessed by God. This study attempts to explore this double mask of religion because of the multi-interpreted sacred texts of any religion in the world. Given the essence of religion for peace of all the rest of world, the believers have to be aware of understanding religion in terms of its humanity, not animality. The implication of this study is to figure out that an attempt of getting Islam back to its vital essence of peace-builder is not being easy, but must be started as Mohammad’s moral message of the importance of peace and brotherhood.
Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Tiga Matra Pemberdayaan Sosial-Paritisipatif Bakir Bakir
'Anil Islam: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Keislaman Vol 8 No 2 (2015): Desember
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Annuqayah

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This paper is to describe the recent challenge of Islamic education in schools, and to offer a new method for how Islamic education is possible to respons the challenge in the future. The decline of Islamic education is, among others, less of sensitivity over the complex social reality. This study would provide an idea of empowerment to students which is based on three dimensions of participation: power in, power with, and power within. These are implemented in the context of Islamic education in order to make sure student’s ability in working, either individually or collectively, without getting ride of moral spirituality as their basic values of human life.
Pesantren dan Transmisi Keilmuan Islam Melayu-Nusantara; Literasi, Teks, Kitab dan Sanad Keilmuan Ulfatun Hasanah
'Anil Islam: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Keislaman Vol 8 No 2 (2015): Desember
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Annuqayah

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A Gus Dur’s terminological reference ‘Sub-Culture’ to Pesantren indicates that this institution is closely related to society. It is because of a fact that pesantren has been developed from, by, and for society. From its initial function as literate society, a center for reduction of social illiteracy, until as cultural literacy, a castle of socio-cultural defense, this institution has became an archipelago-based-islamic institution and a center of Muslim civilization in its intelectual roots of tradition, including al-turats, genealogical lineage of science, etc. At-turats (kitab kuning) serves as a medium of networking ulama’ in the spreading of islamic knowledge. The tradition of at-turats and the moral relationship between teachers and students has became social ground of pesantren building. This relationship has been embedded into the tradition of at-turats in order to maintain the genealogical linkage of science transmission (sanad). Instead of contradictionary, these elements are complementary for maintaining Pesantren as ‘sub-culture’.
Memanusiakan Murid Sejak di Dalam Kelas Ach Khatib
'Anil Islam: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Keislaman Vol 8 No 2 (2015): Desember
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Keislaman Annuqayah

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Karya-karya Chatib sebelumnya ialah: Sekolahnya Manusia (terbit pada tahun 2009), Gurunya Manusia (2011), Sekolah Anak-Anak Juara (2012), dan Orangtuanya Manusia (2012). Kemudian Kelasnya Manusia: Memaksimalkan Fungsi Otak Belajar dengan Manajemen Display Kelas yang ada di tangan pembaca ini. Sebenarnya, dari beberapa karya Chatib sebelumnya, sudah “tercium” ide dasar dan pemikiran pokok Chatib, dengan terbitnya buku Kelasnya Manusia ini, semakin mempertegas ide dasar itu, yaitu: memanusiakan peserta didik. Juga penting dan mendesaknya merancang pendidikan—dan lembaga pendidikan, tentunya—yang tetap menjaga kemanusiaan peserta didik itu. Karena mereka bukan robot, benda mati, dan bukan sekedar objek kepintaran guru.

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