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Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan
ISSN : 14117649     EISSN : 26849194     DOI : -
Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal published semiannually (June and December) by Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT (Southeast Asia Bible Seminary), Malang City, East Java, Indonesia. The journal specializes in evangelical theology that focuses on the novelty in biblical studies, systematic theology, and practical theology, contributing to theological studies and ecclesial ministry. Manuscripts submitted for publication in this journal include quantitative or qualitative field research findings, conceptual and critical studies, exegesis or exposition material, case studies, and other forms of original thought in the broad scope of theological research, supported with academic references that are adequate, robust, and accurate.
Articles 18 Documents
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Menggugat Allah: Pendekatan Sosio-ideologis terhadap Gugatan Ayub dalam Ayub 24:1–12 Albert Parsaoran Sihotang
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 21 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT (Southeast Asia Bible Seminary)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v21i2.568


The book of Job is one of the stories that excitingly describes the encounter of both the reality of life and the utopian faith’s tradition in the life of a pious and righteous person before God. The tension from the encounter between them is conveyed uniquely in the dialogue between Job, God, and his friends, using the form of confrontation and confirmation. Although the historicity of Job’s figure can be questioned, his characterizations that show a person’s religiosity represent the religiosity of the community. Job is present not only in the tension of confrontation and confirmation but also as a transformative solution between the fragile realities of life (vulnerability to suffering) and the utopian faith’s tradition that tends to hegemony the reality of life. Therefore, through a socio-ideological hermeneutical approach, this research tries to reread Job’s story specifically through chapters 24:1-12 which highlights Job’s claim. In this study, it appears that Job’s claim, which has been neglected due to the dominance of “one-sided” readings on the righteous and pious character of Job, has become a transformative solution as a realistic and authentic form of religiosity in the tension of encountering the realities of life and the traditions of faith.
Analisis terhadap Metode Berteologi Kalangan Pentakosta dari Trialektika Amos Yong menurut Triperspektif John Frame Antonius
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 21 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT (Southeast Asia Bible Seminary)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v21i2.510


Pentecostalism is one of the fast-growing traditions that is distinctive in its theological method. Some Pentecostals also claim that they are an evangelical church. This claim can lead to debates and blur the meaning of evangelical as if there is no difference between the two. This difference cannot be seen only from the church’s status but from the method of theology that underlies it. Therefore, this study will compare the theological method of the Pentecostals-Charismatics, represented by Amos Yong, and the theological method of the Reformed, represented by John M. Frame. The purpose of this comparison is to try to find common ground and balance between the two approaches. Frame’s Triperspectivalism method can give room for Yong’s Tria­lectic method to see the Holy Spirit-Word-Community aspect from the normative, situational, and existential lenses of theology as three inseparable parts. Thus, it is hoped that there can be harmony in theological methods between the Pentecostal-Charismatic tradition and the Reformed tradition.
Kajian Pandangan Martin Luther tentang Sinergi antara Gereja, Sekolah dan Keluarga dalam Pendidikan iman Anak di masa Pascapandemi Yulia Setia
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 21 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT (Southeast Asia Bible Seminary)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v21i2.638


Pendidikan iman bagi anak sangat penting. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan oleh gereja, sekolah Kristen, dan rumah atau keluarga untuk memberikan pendidikan iman kepada anak. Namun, di masa pandemi banyak hal yang berubah, termasuk bagaimana pendidikan iman bagi anak dilakukan oleh setiap lembaga tersebut. Dalam artikel ini, penulis ingin mengkaji pandangan Martin Luther, khusunya mengenai sinergi antara gereja, sekolah dan keluarga dalam menyelenggarakan pendidikan iman. Semasa hidupnya, Luther juga mengalami pandemi yang sering dikenal dengan Black Death, yang menyebar di Eropa pada abad ke-14 hingga ke-17. Luther melihat kondisi pendidikan iman bagi anak-anak sangat jauh dari ideal. Kondisi gereja, sekolah dan keluarga ternyata sangat memprihatinkan terlihat dari rendahnya kualitas iman jemaat. Pada akhirnya, Luther banyak memberikan pandangannya melalui khotbah, surat, dan tulisan lainnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka yang akan memaparkan dan menelaah pandangan Luther mengenai peran gereja, sekolah dan keluarga, serta sinergi yang harus dilakukan. Setelah itu penulis akan mengkontekstualisasikan hasil penelitian ini pada konteks pascapandemi dan memberikan saran konstruktif apa yang bisa dilakukan oleh ketiga lembaga tersebut dalam mendidik iman anak. Kesimpulannya, sinergi antara gereja, sekolah dan keluarga untuk mendidik iman anak sangatlah penting. Anak mendapatkan pendidikan iman yang holistik jika ketiga lembaga pendidikan tersebut bekerja sama dalam menjalankan perannya.
Reorientasi Makna Bait Suci sebagai Tempat Ibadah Berdasarkan Interpretasi Wahyu 21:22 Erman Sepniagus Saragih
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 21 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT (Southeast Asia Bible Seminary)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v21i2.588


The Covid-19 pandemic has raised doubts about the sacredness of places, spaces, and materials for worship celebrations by the church. As a manifestation of God’s kingdom on earth, the church seems to reduce the space for encountering sacred and profane things with God. This article argues that even though the church is the arbitrator of the congregation with God (sacred and profane), the dynamics of the history of the Temple, the physical building is not legal-sacred worship because Christ is the final form of the Temple and believers participate in the New Jerusalem era. The conclusions are: first, the absence of an eschatological temple as part of the anti-Temple and anti-Temple polemic in various segments of Judaism and Greco-Roman, although, of course, the expectation of an eschatological temple was a reasonable expectation for early Jewish eschatology. Second, for Christians in Asia, the function of the physical Temple is not so essential in worship celebrations. However, the involvement of the container in the history of their belief is necessary. Third, John’s eschatological Temple emphasizes a new paradigm shift regarding Divine ownership in their minds, not the imagination of immortal things. Thus, the congregation as performers are not limited by symbols of worship and practicing spirituality must be able to transcend the symbols of worship from time to time.
Gereja yang Bertahan Hidup: Kairos dan Eskatologi dalam Paul Tillich dan Raimon Panikkar serta Eklesiologi Pascapandemi Nindyo Sasongko
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 21 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT (Southeast Asia Bible Seminary)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v21i2.609


This research investigates the relationship between the biblical notion of kairos, eschatology, and ecclesiology amid the struggle for survival in the postpandemic life. Drawing upon Paul Tillich and Raimon Panikkar, this article sketches a postpandemic ecclesiology called “kairotic ecclesiology.” The church must understand that it exists as a community that participates in, loves, and transforms life. Because of its indissoluble relation to history and reality, a kairotic community loves and defends life. This kairotic ecclesiology is an ontological search for the church to say “Yes” to life and “No” to death. Firstly, this article sketches kairos in Tillich and Panikkar. Then, this article sketches what I call the ecclesiology of survival, an ecclesiology characterized by resilience, interrelation, and irruption. Finally, I shall draw ethical implications for postpandemic churches.
Analytic Ecclesiology: The Paradox of the Unity of the Church Devina Benlin Oswan
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 21 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT (Southeast Asia Bible Seminary)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v21i2.575


Analytic Ecclesiology is a new branch within the enter­prise of Analytic Theology. The “analytic” part of the name refers to the analytic method employed to explicate the core claims of Christian theology using the tools of analytic philosophy. In the case of Eccle­siology, the concept of ecclesiastical unity demands cla­rification. The question is not why or how a collection of indi­viduals is united but in what sense they are one. The Scriptural answer to the former is that Christ is the head of the Church. It is the latter that Analytic Ecclesiology is committed to answering. Joshua Cockayne’s work, which focuses on the social ontology and group agency of the Church, has shed some light on the issue. He invites philosophers and theologians in the analytic tradition to think about Ecclesiology analytically. That is my aim in this paper. I hope to expand the discussion on Analytic Ecclesiology, not by building on Cockayne’s work, but rather by taking a step back and arguing that the issue of the unity of the Church must be discussed from the perspective of identity rather than, contra Cockayne, from the perspective of group agency. To achieve this, I shall first assess Cockayne’s account and offer my criticism. Then, drawing insights from Peter Unger’s article “Problem of the Many,” I dis­cuss the paradox of the unity of the Church and conclude that relative identity theory best solves the paradox of the unity of the Church.
Totus Christus, Kenosis, dan Ekaristi: Sebuah Imajinasi Eklesiologis Baru Angga Avila
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 21 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT (Southeast Asia Bible Seminary)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v21i2.587


Covid-19 pandemic changes the way the world sees reality. Much research has shown that the pandemic also affects the way people see the life of the church, especially as it has driven many people out of the church. This paper offers a sacramental ecclesiology based on totus Christus as the onto­logical basis for a “proflective” church—a suggestive por­trayal previously offered by Joas Adiprasetya, which encourages the church to learn and unlearn by becoming vulnerable. If the church is the body of Christ, what is the fate of those who left the church? Is it possible for the body of Christ to be broken down and separated? Seeing the church as Christ’s body that participates in the historical Eucharist through Hans Urs von Balthasar’s reflection on Mysterium Triduum, this paper thus offers an ecclesiological imagination of the church as proflec­tive and Eucharistic to account for those who have left the church and to challenge the postpandemic church to think and live in a truly Christlike (and trinitarian) way.
Gereja Cyber-Net: Sebuah Usulan Gagasan terhadap Natur Gereja pada Revolusi Industri 4.0 dan Pascapandemi COVID-19 Adrianus Yosia
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 21 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT (Southeast Asia Bible Seminary)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v21i2.628


The COVID-19 pandemic, which has been striking Indonesia for two years, has brought significant changes in society. One significant change is the amplification of digit­al­ization and the use of the internet in everyday life. Thus, smartphones or other related technologies are becoming more common in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 context. The Church, as the fellowship of God’s people who live in the context of the digital network and smartphones, is now influenced by such a context. This article thus proposes the idea of a cyber-net church as an ontological reality of God’s people, especially in the Indonesian context. Using the approach of constructive theology, this article combines insights from networked theo­l­ogy (ala Heidi Campbell and Stephen Garner) and cyborg theology (ala Ilia Delio) as dialogue partners to explicate the reality of such a Church. There are three main ideas proposed in this article: (1) the cyber-net church as a third space beyond the analog versus digital nature; (2) the cyber-net church as a contextualized way of being in the world today; (3) the cyber-net church as a preparatory space for the virtual reality which is anticipated to dominate the Indonesian society in the near future.
Dekreasi dan Atensi dalam Pemikiran Simone Weil: Reimajinasi Pelayanan Pastoral di Era Pandemi Jessica Novia Layantara
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 21 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT (Southeast Asia Bible Seminary)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v21i2.593


This paper proposes a model of pastoral care in the pandemic era which is inspired by the concepts of decreation and attention in Simone Weil’s thinking. Decreation and attention are two important concepts in Weil's theological thought. Decreation in Weil's thought can be interpreted as denial of oneself so that the other can be revealed. The concept of decreation is inspired by God's act of withdrawal, which He did so that all creation could exist. Decreation manifests in attention, by emptying oneself, and being ready to be fully open to the disclosure of the other. Using Weil’s two concepts, this paper proposes “decreational ministry.” In this model, the church is no longer focused on pastoral ministries that are “creating” forms of service that attract many congregations to come to church, but instead focuses on placing other people or the congregation as the center of pastoral care. Decreational ministry thus has three characteristics: (1) space-giving, (2) friendly, (3) “empty” and “silent.”
Apokaliptik Resistan: Dialog Moltmann dan Žižek serta Relevansinya di Masa Pandemi John C. Simon
Veritas : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Vol 21 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT (Southeast Asia Bible Seminary)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36421/veritas.v21i2.577


How to understand apocalyptic in the current COVID-19 pandemic? This is the question as well as the sig­ni­ficance of the problem to be answered. Is it based on Jürgen Moltmann’s theological opinion through his “adventus” and emphasizes divine transcendence, or based on Slavoj Žižek’s opinion, which is “Christian materialism,” which rejects divine trans­cendence? By using a comparative-analytical me­thod and qualitative research, this paper aims to find meaning that is found through the encounter between Moltmann’s idea of adventus and Zižek’s suggestion to build a new community through “resistance.” The result is that the COVID-19 pan­de­mic is a resistant apocalyptic narrative about “What is to Come” as an adventus that exceeds the normal and surprising, as well as resistance to finding a new cosmic community model in an effort to live a new life in the new normal era. The order of discussion is as follows. First, Moltmann's apocalyptic thinking will be presented. Second, Žižek’s apocalyptic thinking will be presented. Third, the meeting points and relevance for apo­ca­lyptic resistance will be presented in the context of the current pandemic.

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