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Jurnal Peurawi : Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam
ISSN : 25986023     EISSN : 25986031     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
Peurawi Journal is one of the media journals of Islamic communication studies that contribute to increasing scientific knowledge of Islamic communication and broadcasting, based on open-access, publishing communication research-based integrating the science of communication and da'wah. Peurawi Journal collects and encourages communication writers or scientists to conduct research while mediating the publication of quality, local, national and international.
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Articles 8 Documents
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Peran dan Kendala Jurnalis Dalam Pemberitaan Deforestasi Di Aceh Syukri Syamaun
Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam
Publisher : Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jp.v4i1.9162


This illegal logging practice occurs in almost all districts in Aceh. The mass media should be part of the socialization of various illegal logging cases that have occurred in Aceh. News Serambi Indonesia is able to carry out an in-depth and comprehensive investigation of illegal logging in Aceh. Serambi Indonesia must be able to expose the involvement of the "big and important" figures who played in this case. The questions that will be answered in this research are Why does Serambi Indonesia Daily not report the issues of illegal logging in Aceh comprehensively and thoroughly? What are the problems and obstacles faced by the journalists of the Serambi Indonesia Daily in reporting on the issues of illegal logging in Aceh? The study used a qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive methods with data collection instruments carried out through interviews with journalists who had reported on illegal logging cases in Aceh. The coverage of illegal logging issues in the Serambi Indonesia Daily does not seem to have high news values. The value of the news in question is hardly interesting to follow because the news that is presented is never finished. The journalists of the Serambi Indonesia Daily are constrained by various things in covering and reporting on illegal logging in Aceh
Fenomena Hate Speech Di Media Sosial dan Konstruk Sosial Masyarakat Muhammad Arif Hidayatullah Bina
Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam
Publisher : Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jp.v4i1.8814


The development of communication technology coupled with the proliferation of social media has changed the paradigm of communicating in today's society. The formation of a virtual society has also made it possible for humans to become whatever they want in cyberspace. Social media in this case has full control over the social reality of society. In the context of the syringe theory, this phenomenon shows that social media users are helpless in the face of a variety of social media content milling about on social media. This helplessness then becomes the potential for the formation of new social constructs in society. Like a double-edged knife, the convenience offered by social media also coincides with the emergence of new social problems such as hate speech and attitudes of intolerance that are expressed through the various content and features available on social media. Although only expressed through social media, hate speech and intolerance on social media also have an impact on the social life of the community and even form a new social reality and construct in society. 
The Role And Authority Of Queen Of Aceh And Sultan Of Perak To Deal With The Dutch In The Tin Trade Issues Khairul Nizam
Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam
Publisher : Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jp.v4i1.9371


Aceh reached its zenith, during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda Mahkota Alam. However he died at a young age, leaving an heir and legacy of enormous ruling power. Its main enemy, both in the military and in trade, is the European power in the Straits of Malacca. The Ruler of Aceh after his death had to deal with the Dutch colonialists who are interested in tin mining in the state of Perak in the Malay Peninsula. Perak at the time was under the auspices of Aceh. The main goal of this paper is to review the role and authority of the ruler of Aceh and Perak, when dealing with a Dutch ploy to monopolize the quarry. This study uses a qualitative method, with a fully literature approach. Based on the data analyzed, it was found that the Queen of Aceh and the Sultan of Perak managed to maintain the tin in Perak, from completely monopolized by the Dutch. The attitude of Queen of Aceh, and Sultan Perak's patience and diplomacy to treat the ills of the Dutch; finally resulted in the Dutch themselves have to bear the losses because of their greed by blockading the port of Aceh and Perak, who angered local merchants and foreigners.
Dakwah Sebagai Media Integrasi Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Dini Maulina Maulina
Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam
Publisher : Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jp.v4i1.8823


: This study aims to look further at science and religion and da'wah as a medium for the integration of both. Da'wah with one of its goals, namely spreading truth and goodness can be one of the media to explain that science and religion are not contradictory and both have the same goal, namely to seek the essence of truth. This study uses a library research approach by analyzing two variables, namely science and religion by utilizing books, journals, and other library tools as references and sources of data or information. Based on the results of the analysis, it is found that one conclusion is that science and religion do not contradict each other. Both science and religion both require the role of reason to understand it perfectly and da'wah can be a medium to convey the harmony of the objectives of the two variables.
Implementasi Komunikasi Persuasif Qurani Dalam Dakwah Jufri Hasani Z
Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam
Publisher : Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jp.v4i1.9042


The implementation of persuasive communication of the Qur'an in preaching is carried out by: 1. Use of polite language, 2. use of beautiful and attractive language, 3. Use of language that is straightforward, easy to understand or digest by the public, 4. Use of language that is concise and contains. 5. The language or choice of words used is able to accommodate every group. 6. Avoid using words or sentences that contain hate speech. In addition to the use of language, the way of presenting the message of da’wah also greatly determines the success of the da'wah. Every preacher is required to build good and intense relationships with the audience, including by maintaining an attitude not to monopolize the truth. The success rate of da'wah can be measured, among others, by the change in the attitude of the audience towards a better direction in accordance with the message of the message conveyed. In this study, the authors combined the concept of persuasive communication with preaching so that it gave to a persuasive da'wah model that could be applied in society. This research uses the thematic interpretation method by following the steps of contemporary interpretation where one of the points of difference with the previous method is that in the contemporary thematic interpretation method each commentator tries to answer the problems that arise by digging these answers into the Al-Qur'an
Komunikasi Peningkatan Akreditasi Program Studi Azman Sulaiman; Hanifah Nurdin; Teuku Zulyadi
Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam
Publisher : Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jp.v4i1.9407


Accreditation of the Study Program is a must to ensure that there is no expiration. Because it will have an effect on the consequences for the existence of the study program which is determined by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT). Preparing for accreditation is not an easy thing to get a decent accreditation value, but it requires support and cooperation with all parties. However, the problems that occur are many parties who do not seriously support the accreditation process, especially the lecturers, students and alumni. Therefore, proper communication is needed so that the cohesiveness and seriousness of all parties emerge. This article discusses how communication is built to increase cooperation, cohesiveness and seriousness in preparing for accreditation so as to increase the value of accreditation. The method used is qualitative descriptive analysis. Research workshop in the Study Program. KPI Postgraduate IAIN Lhokseumawe by using organizational information theory. The results of the study show that the IAIN Lhokseumawe Postgraduate KPI Study Program communicates with the Rector, Lecturers, LPM, Students, Alumni, Alumni Users and Assessors in the process of increasing their accreditation. Communication built in the form of formal, informal and persuasive communication. Especially the head of the study program always communicates with increasing emotional relationships for the benefit of the study program
Membangun Citra Humas Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Dalam Mewujudkan World Class University Emia Pepayosa Br Surbakti
Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam
Publisher : Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jp.v4i1.8809


The study aims to determine the role of PR in building the image of the State Islamic University of North Sumatra, the supporting and inhibiting factors of Public Relations in order to build an image, and the results achieved by Public Relations in building that image. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The results showed that the role of Public Relations in building the image of UIN SU, 1) the role of Public Relations in building the image of UIN SU, namely as a form of information built by Public Relations in building images, 2) supporting factors for the role of Public Relations, namely support from superiors, obstacles to Public Relations, namely lack of human resources who are experts in their fields, 3) The results achieved by Public Relations in order to build the image of UIN SU are the role of Public Relations of UIN SU as a relationship builder, the role of Public Relations in realizing quality universities that can meet the educational needs of the people of North Sumatra and the role of Public Relations in efforts to improve the quality of education Public.
Etika Komunikasi Islami di Media Sosial Dalam Perspektif Alquran dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Keutuhan Negara Nazaruddin Nazaruddin; Muhammad Alfiansyah
Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Peurawi: Media Kajian Komunikasi Islam
Publisher : Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jp.v4i1.8935


In the current era of advances in information technology (new media), many immoral acts in communication activities are a challenge and a threat to harmony in the life of the nation and state within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. As M. Zia Al-ayyubi emphasized that, on social media, there are many kinds of negative content that attack certain groups and individuals, such as: statements that contain provocative values, hoaxes, hate speech (Hate Speech), racial issues , religion and between groups (SARA). This paper examines the Ethics of Islamic Communication in the Perspective of the Koran, the Urgency of Islamic Communication Ethics on Social Media in Maintaining the Integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach with the method of study literature Alquran / Library Research by collecting verses relating to communication ethics, then the author analyzes and concludes as a solution given by the Qur’an to good Islamic communication ethics. The results of this study indicate that, the Koran provides instructions on communication ethics, namely (1) Communication must be based on Truth and Patience, (2) Filtration in receiving information (Tabayyun), (3) Avoid making fun of each other over differences, (4) Communicate in a good way and language and implied values of kindness

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