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Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan
Published by Universitas Darul Ulum
ISSN : 20874286     EISSN : 25806017     DOI :
Jurnal Intake: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik Dan Terapan (INtelligent Technology And Knowledge Engineering) Jurnal Intake merupakan publikasi berkala yang diperuntukkan Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik Dan Terapan. Jurnal Intake dikelola oleh Faklutas Teknik Universitas Darul Ulum Jombang . Publikasi Jurnal dalam bentuk studi literatur, penelitian, dan pengembangan teknologi sebagai bentuk penerapan ilmu teknik. Berisikan bidang kajian; teknik sipil, teknik mesin, dan teknik informatika dan komputer. Jurnal ini pertama kali terbit pada April 2010, dimana setiap tahunnya terbit dua buah. ISSN Cetak: 2087-4286 ISSN OnLine: 2580-6017 Focus and Scope Fokus Jurnal ini adalah Teknik Sipil, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, dan Teknik Informatika. Tetapi juga meliputi aspek Desain dan Pengukuran Kerja, Penelitian dan Analisis Operasi, Analisis Ekonomi Teknik, Teknik Fasilitas dan Manajemen Energi, Rekayasa Kualitas & Realibilitas, Faktor Ergonomi dan Manusia, Teknik dan Manajemen Operasi, Manajemen Rantai Pasokan, Teknik Manajemen, Keselamatan, Rekayasa Informasi, Desain dan Pengembangan Produk, dan Desain dan Rekayasa Sistem.
Articles 119 Documents
Pengaruh Penambahan Lapisan Logam Berenergi Potensial Lebih Positif Daripada Logam Anoda Dan Katodanya Pada Proteksi Katodik Metode Anoda Tumbal Besi-Seng Terhadap Laju Korosinya Ira Kusumaningrum; Askan
Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan Vol. 7 No. 2 (2016): Oktober 2016
Publisher : FT- UNDAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.48056/jintake.v7i2.33


Syarat-syarat terjadinya korosi adalah adanya anoda, katoda, elektrolit dan konduktor, dimana korosi akan gagal apabila salah satu syarat tidak terpenuhi. Anoda yang merupakan elektroda dengan energi potensial yang lebih rendah akan mengalirkan elektronnya menuju katoda yang merupaka elektroda dengan energi potensialnya lebih tinggi. Proteksi anoda tumbal besi-seng adalah korosi dwilogam dimana elektron mengalir dari seng menuju ke besi ketika dalam keadaan terhubung. Seng yang energi potensialnya lebih rendah dari besi sengaja dikorbankan untuk melindungi besi Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menambahkan logam lain yang energi potensialnya lebih tinggi dari seng maupun besi. Logam lain tersebut adalah tembaga dan timah putih. Kawat timah putih ataupun kawat tembaga dililitkan pada pelat besi yang sudah terbungkus lembaran seng. Benda kerja tersebut direndam di air PDAM, air sumur maupun air sungai. Dengan demikian ada tiga elektroda, dimana harus ada yang berperan sebagai anoda maupun katoda agar korosi bisa terjadi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi korosi pada besi yang terlapisi seng dan terlilit kawat tembaga ataupun kawat timah putih ketika direndam pada air sumur maupun air PDAM. Sedangkan pada benda kerja yang terendam air sungai mengalami korosi.
Modifikasi Oil Breather System Dengan Selang High Temperature Pada Yamaha MIO-J Tahun 2012 Askan; Muhammad Fakhrurozi
Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : FT- UNDAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.48056/jintake.v9i1.36


Motorized vehicles are one of the most widely used means of transportation in everyday life by the community. Engine performance is supported by the presence of an engine that complements the vehicle's performance due to the engine as a lubricant in motorized vehicles. In motorized vehicles, it is often found that engine problems are quickly hot when used by drivers when traveling long distances and even when stuck in traffic. To overcome this problem, an Oil Breather System will be added to the vehicle by punching a hole on the right side of the engine and planting a nipple for the hose holder Oil Breather System. From that point on, the oil will flow quickly directly from the oil pump. The oil is then passed on the hose to the Oil Breather System. From there the oil is cooled by gusts of wind received by the Oil Breather System and proceed to the Oil Breather System hole. Therefore, the Oil Breather System was installed in motorized vehicles. With the installation of the Oil Breather System in the Cover Valve section, the Cover driven chain air heat temperature on the 2012 Yamaha Mio-J vehicle engine can be reduced by a temperature of 5 ° C. This research will continue for other types of vehicles.
Pengaturan Kecepatan Motor Shunt Berbasis PID Auto-tune Matlab Muhlasin; Rukslin
Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : FT- UNDAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.48056/jintake.v9i1.37


The shunt motor cannot produce large currents when starting to do a rotation as in the series coil field. This means that parallel motors have weak initial torque. When the voltage is applied to an electric motor, high resistance to the parallel coil keeps the current flowing slowly. This will affect the motor's rotational speed. To overcome this problem, a PID controller is used which detuning using the Auto tuning program in matlab. From the simulation results it was found that the PID auto tune control method is the best method of three simulated designs. At the speed output the best speed is 300 rpm with the fastest settling time is 0.832 seconds, while the output current is also the best control design with a current of 1,959 amperes and the settling time is 1,523 seconds.
Mood Lamp Berbasis Microcontroller Arief Budijanto; Tamaji
Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : FT- UNDAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.48056/jintake.v9i2.40


— Mood lamp is a lamp made from RGB (red, green, blue) led that can be programmed based on its color through remote control, so that the color of the lamp can be determined by the user according to his mood. This lamp is designed using 89C2051 microcontroller with low power technology and uses RGB leds that can be programmed into several colors via a remote control. The remote control signal in this study uses the standard NEC remote code. The results of the led lights experiment can be programmed into 7 colors, namely red, blue, cyan, yellow, magenta, white, and green. The purpose of the results of this study in the future so that it can be used as a business opportunity in the field of creative industries, because this mood lamp can be used as a garden light, home porch lights, restaurants and cafes.
Rekonfigurasi Jaringan Radial Distribusi Tenaga Listrik Penyulang Suryagraha Menggunakan Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) Diana Mulya Dewi; Nuzul Hikmah; Imam Marzuki; Ahmad Izzuddin
Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : FT- UNDAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.48056/jintake.v9i2.42


A radial distribution electrical network at a certain distance will have a large voltage loss due to conductive losses, especially at the end point. The tip voltage is determined by the distance of the distribution and the amount of load. The form of configuration also affects the amount of power loss and voltage loss. So that a good configuration is needed in order to obtain good efficiency. Reconfiguration of the distribution network is used to reset the network configuration form by opening and closing switches on the distribution network. Reconfiguration is expected to reduce power losses and improve distribution system reliability. Many feeders and buses on the network if calculated manually will be difficult and require a very long time. So it is necessary to solve problems using program assistance. In this case, use Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm based on the behavior of a herd of insects, such as ants, termites, bees or birds. BPSO is a development of the PSO algorithm designed to solve the optimization problem in a discrete combination, where the particle takes the value of binary vectors with length n and speed which is defined as the probability of xn bits to reach value 1. The results show a significant reduction in losses .
Variasi Penambahan Sika Cim Dan Fiber Kawat Pada Beton Mutu Fc’ 30 Mpa M Zainul Arifin
Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : FT- UNDAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.48056/jintake.v9i2.43


This research was conducted to determine the value of the highest compressive strength from the ratio of normal concrete to normal concrete plus additive types of Sika Cim with a composition variation of 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75%, 1.00%, 1.25%, 1 , 50% and 1.75% of the weight of cement besides that in this study also aims to find the highest tensile strength from the ratio of normal concrete to normal concrete in the mixture of sika cim composition at the highest compressive strength above and after that added fiber wire with a size diameter of 1 mm in length 100 mm with a ratio of 1% of material weight. The concrete mix plan was calculated using the ASTM method, the matrial composition of the normal concrete mixture as follows, 314 kg / m3 cement, 789 kg / m3 sand, 1125 kg / m3 gravel and 189 liters / m3 of water at 10 cm slump, then normal concrete added variations of the composition of sika cim 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75%, 1.00%, 1.25%, 1.5%, 1.75% by weight of cement and fiber, the tests carried out were compressive strength of concrete and tensile strength of concrete, normal maintenance is soaked in fresh water for 28 days at 30oC. From the test results it was found that the normal concrete compressive strength at the age of 28 days was fc1 30 Mpa, the variation in the addition of the sika cim additive type mineral was achieved in composition 0.75% of the cement weight of fc1 40.2 Mpa 30C. Besides that the tensile strength test results were 28 days old with the addition of 1% fiber wire mineral to the weight of the material at a curing temperature of 30oC of 7.5%.
Analisis Pengendalian Kecepatan DC Motor Berbasis Buck-Boost Konverter Dwi Ajiatmo; Imam Robandi
Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : FT- UNDAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.48056/jintake.v9i2.44


Buck Boost converter controls the use of efficient and economical low and medium power applications, another advantage is its simple design. Very fast response speed, low harmonic distortion components, and high power factor. In this paper, simulation control of the Buck-Boost DC Motor is presented using PSIM software. The results of the analysis and simulation with the PSIM program can be summarized as follows: In open loop dc motor speed, stable in 4.181 seconds and DC motor speed -2.499 rpm. In a closed loop controlled condition, the dc motor speed is stable at 2,308 seconds and the DC motor speed is 6,702 rpm.
Analisa Kapasitas Penampang Sungai Kali Gunting Di Kabupaten Jombang Saiful Arfaah; Iswinarti
Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : FT- UNDAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.48056/jintake.v9i2.45


The cause of flooding in the watershed area, one of which is caused by the inability of the river profile to accommodate the existing discharge (overflow). This research is intended to examine flood discharge and flood water level profile of Kali Gunting as a first step to determine flood mitigation solutions. Analysis of flood water level profiles using the Hec-Race 4.0 modeling program. With the help of this program, it is expected to be able to accommodate the flow parameters that are so complex. After modeling and knowing the capabilities of each part (cross section), this result will be a technical reference in determining flood mitigation measures. From the results of the study, the analysis of the potential for flooding in the scissor area was obtained as a result of the flood discharge capacity at scissors times = 301.00m3 / dt, and the emission times = 136.66m3 / dt for the 50th return period. The results of the Q50th calculation show that the condition of K. Scissors P0-P36 river water overflows / floods because the flood water level is above the eksesting embankment, while P36-P46 does not overflow / does not flood because the flood water level is below the eksesting dike. K. Panir condition P0-P48 river water overflows / floods because the flood water level is above the eksesting embankment, while P48-P60 does not overflow / does not flood because the flood water level is below the eksesting embankment
Optimasi Kontrol Katup Aliran Debit Air Pada Mikro-Hidro Berbasis Ant Colony Optimization Asnun Parwanti; Markhaban Siswanto; Cholil Hasyim; Mohammad Hasib Al Isbilly
Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : FT- UNDAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.48056/jintake.v9i2.46


Technically, Microhydro has three main components in generation, namely water (as an energy source), turbine, and generator. Water flowing with a certain capacity is channeled to the height of a certain house (turbine house). Water discharge is regulated by a water discharge regulating valve. In a power house, the water installation will pound the turbine, the turbine will receive energy directly from the water and turn it into mechanical energy. The shaft is then transmitted to the generator using a clutch. Because of frequent fluctuations in the frequency and voltage of the system which can cause damage to electrical equipment. Therefore optimization of the water flow valve control is used so that the frequency control can be more stable. To obtain optimal control parameters on a micro hydroelectric power generation system, the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) method is used. The results of this study will be tried by other methods, the results of which may be better.
Desain Power System Stabilizer Berbasis Fuzzy dan Particle Swarm Optimization Tamaji
Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan
Publisher : FT- UNDAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.48056/jintake.v10i1.47


One important factor to produce a qualified electricity is the stability of the system. An unstable system resulted an undamped oscilation of system, and the stable system can damp the oscilation quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a stability device to a power system and it is called a Power System Stabilizer (PSS). One of stability design is a feedback control design. Here, in this research, the state feedback control are designed for Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) . The SMIB model is non linear therefore the feedback control can’t be designed directly. Some researchers do linearize the system before design the feedback control. In this research, a nonlinear model of SMIB is build in a state space form. Subsequently, a fuzzification Takagi-Sugeno is applied. The state feedback controls are applied to design the control of SMIB fuzzy system, a state feedback gain is determined using method Routh Hurwitz. The determining the parameter of state feedback gain influence the performance of SMIB. Therefore, it is important to determine the suitable parameter such that the SMIB has the optimal performance. The Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is applied to optimaze the performance of SMIB. In these research, it is compared the performance of SMIB by applying between Routh Hurwitz, fuzzy Routh Hurwitz, PSO fuzzy Routh Hurwitz for state feedback control. The simulation result show that Performance of SMIB using The PSO Fuzzy Routh Hurwitz state feedback can improve the performance of SMIB, but the performance of Efd become oscillate and this method influence by the chosen parameter.

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