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Ferius Soewito
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Journal of the Indonesian Medical Association : Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia
ISSN : 20891067     EISSN : 26543796     DOI :
Journal Of The Indonesian Medical Association (JInMA) / Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia (MKI) adalah Jurnal yang berada di bawah naungan Pengurus Besar Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (PB IDI) dan sebagai Kanal InformasiIlmiah di Kalangan Dokter Umum dan Dokter Spesialis serta Profesi Terkait.
Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 72 No 2 (2022): Journal of The Indonesian Medical Association - Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia, Vo" : 7 Documents clear
Gigitan Ular: Manajemen Terkini Niken Wahyu Puspaningtyas; Rismala Dewi; Ashfahani Imanadhia
Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia Vol 72 No 2 (2022): Journal of The Indonesian Medical Association - Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia, Vo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47830/jinma-vol.72.2-2022-386


Snakebite is declared as neglected tropical disease by WHO in 2009. Limited report and collection data about the exact number of snakebite national incidents shows that this case lacking of attention. Moreover, control program, management, also proper treatment have not been understood by public and health workers. In fact, snakebite is a medical emergency that can lead to permanent disability, limb amputation, and even death. For this reason, effort are needed to reduce morbidity and mortality that arise through preventive, curative, including comprehensive understanding of related proper, safe, and effective case management.
Gambaran Penerapan Respiratory Hygiene Di Masyarakat Kecamatan Baiturrahman Kota Banda Aceh Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Safarianti Safarianti; Zahratul Aini; Ayu Humaira
Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia Vol 72 No 2 (2022): Journal of The Indonesian Medical Association - Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia, Vo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47830/jinma-vol.72.2-2022-492


Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious respiratory disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV 2). The Indonesian government and the World Health Organization (WHO) have made some efforts in the fight against the spread of COVID-19, one of which is by implementing respiratory hygiene. Respiratory hygiene, as an on-pharmaceutical intervention (NPIs), is one of the prevention measures designed to limit the transmission of respiratory infection spread by airborne and droplet routes. Method: This study used a descriptive research method with a simple random sampling technique. One hundred six people from ten villages in Baiturrahman Sub-district were selected as the subject of the study. The data were collected using an online questionnaire (google form). The obtained data were analyzed through univariate analysis. Result: The results revealed that only 4 respondents (3,8%) had a high level of respiratory hygiene compliance, 57 respondents (53,8%) were fairly compliant with respiratory hygiene, and 45 respondents (42,5%) had a very low respiratory hygiene compliance level. The study also found that 50% of respondents had used non-medical masks when doing activities outside the home, and 8.5% had applied physical distancing. Conclusion: The compliance level of good respiratory hygiene in the Baiturrahman Sub-District in Banda Aceh is still low, and the most common COVID-19 precautions the community takes are the use of non-medical masks when doing activities outside the home.
Determinan Aterosklerosis Pembuluh Darah Intrakranial Dan Ekstrakranial Pada Stroke Iskemik Hedy Angeline; Junita Maja Pertiwi; Gilbert Tangkudung
Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia Vol 72 No 2 (2022): Journal of The Indonesian Medical Association - Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia, Vo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47830/jinma-vol.72.2-2022-527


Introduction: Large artery atherosclerosis is the cause of ischemic stroke. Intracranial atherosclerosis (ICAS) is the main vascular lesion in patients with ischemic stroke in Asia, extracranial atherosclerosis (ECAS) also contributes to mortality or morbidity in 20% to 30% of the cases. Until now there are differences in the determinants of atherosclerosis in each country. Method: A retrospective cross-sectional study, the sample of ischemic stroke patients from 2017-2020, acute onset and post-acute period and had undergone digital subtraction angiography examination, found atherosclerosis and met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Result: This study sample was 98 patients, consisting of 54 men and 44 women. The majority of ICAD was found in ischemic stroke patients 41%, combination (EICAS) 34%, and ECAS 26%, (p=0.633). In the circulation that had atherosclerosis, the majority was anterior circulation 62%, anterior-posterior 29%, and posterior circulation 9%, (p=<0.001). The age difference was more significant for cerebral artery circulation with stenosis (p=0.047). Based on the results of regression analysis, it was found that the age determination affected extracranial atherosclerosis in the posterior circulation by 1.68 times (p=0.030). Conclusion: Age is the determinant of extracranial blood vessel atherosclerosis in the posterior circulation in ischemic stroke patients at Prof. Dr. R.D Kandou Manado; meanwhile, the determinants of atherosclerosis of intracranial was inconsistent.
Korelasi Feritin dengan Sitokin Proinflamasi pada Pasien Talasemia Beta Di Kota Samarinda Kalimantan Timur Muhammad Fahmi Aminuddin; Anton Budhi Darmawan; Lantip Rujito
Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia Vol 72 No 2 (2022): Journal of The Indonesian Medical Association - Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia, Vo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47830/jinma-vol.72.2-2022-608


Introduction: Ferritin is a routine parameter used in the evaluation of iron overload in thalassemia patients. Excess iron causes the formation of ROS, resulting in an oxidative reaction that triggers inflammation. This study aims to determine the correlation of ferritin levels with proinflammatory cytokines in beta thalassemia. Methods: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted on 33 beta thalassemia patients who received routine blood transfusions at I.A. Moeis Samarinda. Spearman rank correlation test was used to determine the correlation between ferritin and TNF-α and IL-6. Results: The results of this study showed that there was no relationship between ferritin and TNF- (p=0.580) and IL-6 (p=0.924). Meanwhile, there was a significant relationship between TNF- and IL-6 (p<0.0001) which had a strong positive correlation (r=0.621). Conclusion: This study showed that there was no correlation between ferritin levels with TNF-α and IL-6. Meanwhile, proinflammatory cytokines showed a correlation between TNF-α and IL-6 in thalassemia patients in Samarinda City.
Urtikaria pada Perawat di Bangsal COVID-19: Laporan Kasus Rita Ingewaty Wijaya; Dewi Sumaryani Soemarko
Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia Vol 72 No 2 (2022): Journal of The Indonesian Medical Association - Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia, Vo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47830/jinma-vol.72.2-2022-676


Introduction: Chlorhexidine is widely used in health centers as an antiseptic and disinfectant. Several cases of immediate and delayed hypersensitivity to chlorhexidine have been reported. Case report: We reported a case of a 26-year-old nurse working in Hospital X that came with a complaint of itch in several areas of the body that started four days before presenting at the hospital. The itch was continuously felt, and it started to form multiple large red bumps. Redness accompanied by dry skin was present between the fingers and palms. Cetirizine and dexamethasone did not relieve the symptoms. The patient has been working for six years in the inpatient unit and six months in the COVID-19 ward. Since the pandemic, she had been using alcohol-based hand rubs more frequently. The hospital uses chlorhexidine as an alcohol-based hand rub, which may cause hypersensitivity reactions to exposed health workers. The patient was finally diagnosed with acute urticaria. Based on the seven steps of occupational diagnosis of disease, it was still inconclusive whether the urticaria is an occupational disease because there was no data regarding the causal relationship between chlorhexidine exposure and the incidence of urticaria. Conclusion: Hence, it is necessary to carry out further diagnostic test with a puncture test. The hospital is still required to implement control measures toward chlorhexidine exposure.
Perbandingan Penggunaan Penghambat Pompa Proton Dosis Tinggi dan Rendah terhadap Mortalitas pada Pasien Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) yang Menjalani Rawat Inap: Studi Kohort Retrospektif Frans Liwang; Nurhayati Adnan Prihartono; Haya Harareed; Lucas Welfried Panjaitan
Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia Vol 72 No 2 (2022): Journal of The Indonesian Medical Association - Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia, Vo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47830/jinma-vol.72.2-2022-802


Introduction: The role of proton pump inhibitor (PPI) in Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) is still debatable. PPI is commonly used to prevent or treat upper gastrointestinal bleeding and/or dyspeptic symptoms. However, previous studies showed that PPI may lead to adverse outcomes in COVID-19 patients, thus the dose of PPI may play an important role. This study aimed to compare the risk of mortality between high vs low dose PPI in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Methods: We performed retrospective cohort study from two COVID-19 referral centers in Jakarta between June 2021 and September 2021. We included hospitalized COVID-19 patients, moderate-critically ill cases, who had been given intravenous PPI for more than 7 days. We defined high dose PPI for omeprazole >40 mg/day or pantoprazole >40 mg/day, and low dose PPI for omeprazole ≤40 mg/day or pantoprazole ≤40 mg/day. Results: Of the total 365 patients (median age[Q1–Q3] 55 [45–64] years old), 216 subjects were given high dose PPI. Subjects with high dose PPI had a significantly higher mortality rate than the low dose PPI according to bivariate analysis (54.2% vs 26.1%; p<0.001), but quite similar length of stay (median[Q1–Q3] 12.5 [9–16] vs 13 [9–18] days). After conducting a multivariate analysis to control the confounders, we found that high dose PPI still led to higher mortality (aOR 3.04; 95%CI 1.22–7.60; p=0.017). Conclusion: High dose PPI may increase risk of mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
Pentingnya Mendeteksi Penyakit Jantung Bawaan Lebih Dini: Skrining Fase Prenatal dan Postnatal Bayushi Eka Putra; Radityo Prakoso
Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia Vol 72 No 2 (2022): Journal of The Indonesian Medical Association - Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia, Vo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47830/jinma-vol.72.2-2022-822


Congenital heart disease (CHD) may affect 1% of all pregnancies per year. This means, out of 100 babies there will be 1 baby who will experience CHD.1 Moreover, the latest data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 shows the prevalence reaches 1.6%-1.7% for the Southeast Asia region, including Indonesia.2 On the other hand, Indonesia has a growth rate The population is 1.39% with 4.2-4.8 million babies born per year. 3 Thus, it can be estimated that the number of patients with CHD born in Indonesia is 71,400 to 81,600 babies per year.

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