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Dinasti International Journal of Management Science
Published by Dinasti Publisher
ISSN : 26865211     EISSN : 2686522X     DOI :
This research was carried out on Build Operate Transfer investment in Business cooperation model to metering system development project by examinated those criterias by technology preparedness level (TKT) evaluation method, Innovation preparedness level and political, social economic, technology, environment & legal aspects (PESTEL). This research was carried out to earned value from level of technological readiness level 8 and 9, Those innovation steady level 3 which involved several division like business development, engineering, accounting & finance, administration, human resources and health safety environtment officer. Gathered from all divisions and gave an score for TKT 8 assessment should be weight of more than 95% for accurate data criteria are ready, an assessment of TKT 9 has weight of more than 91% for technology criteria which tested in actual conditions, an assessment of Katsinov 3 has weighting of more than 94% for Manufacture Aspects, while assessment of PESTEL has a weight of more than 85% for Legal Aspect. Furthermore, these assessment results were brought up into focus group discussion by presented the Managing Director as expert judgment on final assessor of data validation, indicators, graphics and risk management planning before making decision about those Build Operate Transfer concept on investment business cooperation model to metering system of development project.
Articles 15 Documents
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NCT Dream's Role as A Brand Ambassador Through Buying Interest in the Purchase Decision of Lemonilo Noodles in Bekasi City Annisa Roudhotul Jannah; Hadita
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (September - October 2022)
Publisher : Dinasti Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijms.v4i1.1399


This study aims to find out how big is the role of NCT DREAM as a Brand Ambassador through Buying Interest in the Purchase Decision of Lemonilo Noodles in Bekasi City. The method used in this study is a quantitative method, which in this study uses accidental sampling technique in determining the sampling method. The basis of the study used 186 respondents to be used as samples in the study, which in this study used primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires to consumers of Lemonilo noodles in Bekasi City. The results show that 1) Brand Ambassador has a significant effect on Buying Interest, 2) Brand Ambassador has no significant effect on Purchase Decisions, 3) Buying Interest has a significant effect on Purchase Decisions, 4) Buying Interest significantly mediates Brand Ambassador's decision. Purchase.
The Effect of Schools Principal Supervision and Moderated Work Motivation Online Learning Methods on the Performance of Teachers of SMAN 25 Tangerang Regency Cepih Cepih; Peni sawitri
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (September - October 2022)
Publisher : Dinasti Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijms.v4i1.1400


This study aims to analyze (1) Principal's supervision of teacher performance at Sman 25 Tangerang Regency (2) teacher performance motivation on teacher performance results at Sman 25 Tangerang Regency (3) Online learning on teacher performance results at SMAN 25 Tangerang Regency. This study uses quantitative methods and uses a questionnaire as a research instrument. The data were collected from 56 respondents from teachers at 25 district of Tangerang. The collected data were then analyzed using simple linear regression analysis methods and multiple linear regression analysis using a quantitative approach. The results of the analysis show that (1) the principal's supervision variable (X1) has a partial significant effect on teacher performance. This is indicated by the value of the regression coefficient (X1) of 0.000 <0.05 (2) The variable of teacher work motivation (X2) has a significant effect on teacher performance. This is shown by the regression coefficient value of X2 of 0.036 <0.05 and ( 3) The online learning variable (X3) has a significant effect on performance, as can be seen from the regression coefficient (X3) of 0.000 <0.05, which has a positive effect on teacher performance results. The principal's supervision variable, work motivation, online learning is obtained a calculated F value of 57.819 with a significant number (P value) of 0.000 meaning that the principal's supervision variable, work motivation, online learning has a significant influence simultaneously on the teacher performance variable.
The Contribution Of The Philosophy Of Science In Research Science And Social Life Fatonah Fatonah; Ismail Ismail; Teguh Adimarta; Mar’atun Sholiha; Rafik Darmansyah; Fardinal Fardinal; Yanfaunnas Yanfaunnas; Bimo Tunggal Prastetyo; Risatri Gusmahansyah
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (September - October 2022)
Publisher : Dinasti Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijms.v4i1.1401


This article reviews the Contribution of the Philosophy of Science in Scientific Research and Social Life, which is a form of qualitative research and literature study or Philosophy of Science library research. The results of this literature review article show that: (1) History records that philosophy has bridged the change from mythcentric to logocentric, the change from thinking patterns based on myth and superstition to thinking patterns based on science (logos). This change in mindset has proven to have far-reaching implications for civilization. Nature and its phenomena that were previously feared are then studied, researched, and even exploited. From these investigations of natural phenomena, various theories and scientific findings were found that explain the changes and phenomena that occur, both in the universe (macrocosm) and in the human world (microcosm). (2) The influence of knowledge in the course of philosophical life from century to century, from myth, anthropos, and then to theos (theology/dogma) and changed to logos. That is the journey of the philosophy of knowledge to become a philosophy of science which later gave birth to the sciences of astronomy, cosmology, physics, chemistry, and so on. Meanwhile, from the investigation of the human microcosm, the sciences of biology, psychology, sociology, and so on have developed. Over time, these sciences have developed to become more specialized and increasingly produce technologies that have a direct and broad impact on civilization and human life. (3) The philosophy of science itself contributes to scientific inquiry and in human life, especially These sciences then develop into more specialized and increasingly produce technologies that have a direct and broad impact on civilization and human life. (3) The philosophy of science itself contributes to scientific inquiry and in human life, especiallyknowledge in the form of deductive reasoning related to empirical and positivist (qualitative) and inductive reasoning with rationalism, constructivist and critical (qualitative). Although rationally science compiles its knowledge consistently and cumulatively, empirically science separates knowledge that is in accordance with facts and that which is not. Therefore, before being empirically verified, all rational explanations put forward are only hypothetical. (4) In addition, the philosophy of science has also substantially, methodically and relevantly provided a new paradigm in scientific research as well as for human life, namely; Positivism Paradigm, Constructivist Paradigm, and Critical Paradigm. These three paradigms are very important for a researcher who will compose a scientific work, be it a thesis, thesis or dissertation or other scientific paper.
The Practice of Underage Marriage in Bathin VIII District Positive Legal Perspectives and Islamic Law M. Mizan Azrorizain; Hermanto Harun; Husin Bafadhal
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (September - October 2022)
Publisher : Dinasti Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijms.v4i1.1402


This study aims to reveal the problem of underage marriage and how according to positive law and Islamic law on this matter, with sub-focuses including: (1) Explanation of the practice of underage marriage in Bathin VIII District, Sarolangun Regency. (2) An explanation of the causes of the practice of underage marriage in Bathin VIII District, Sarolangun Regency. (3) An explanation of the perspective of positive law and Islamic law on underage marriage in Bathin VIII District, Sarolangun Regency. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with a variety of casuistic research. Data was collected by using in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation techniques. The data analysis technique uses interactive analysis with a cyclical interactive model. The results showed that there were three findings. First, underage marriages that occurred in Bathin VIII District, Sarolangun Regency. is a tradition that often occurs among the majority of people, so that underage marriages often occur because they think that as long as the marriage is religiously valid and the family's parents also agree, the marriage can be carried out by ignoring several things related to marriage , including the physical and psychological children and also laws. Second, the factors for the occurrence of underage marriages are low education, economic factors, and being influenced by the surrounding environment, keeping children from things that are not wanted, people have already been proposed to so "pamali" if rejected and feared that it will be difficult to get a mate afterwards, emergency forced by parents and community traditions, and coercion on the part of parents and family than he does something that he does not want, it is better for him to get married. Third, the positive legal perspective of Indonesia through Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage has determined the minimum age for marriage to be allowed, namely 19 years for women and 19 years for men. If the prospective bride and groom have not reached the minimum age, the relevant parties must arrange marriage dispensation at the local Religious Court. Islamic law through the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) has determined the minimum age for marriage so that the prospective bride and groom reach maturity of body and soul, in order to realize the goal of a good marriage. and coercion on the part of parents and family than he does something that he does not want, it is better for him to get married. Third, the positive legal perspective of Indonesia through Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage has determined the minimum age for marriage to be allowed, namely 19 years for women and 19 years for men. If the prospective bride and groom have not reached the minimum age, the relevant parties must arrange marriage dispensation at the local Religious Court. Islamic law through the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) has determined the minimum age for marriage so that the prospective bride and groom reach maturity of body and soul, in order to realize the goal of a good marriage. and coercion on the part of parents and family than he does something that he does not want, it is better for him to get married. Third, the positive legal perspective of Indonesia through Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage has determined the minimum age for marriage to be allowed, namely 19 years for women and 19 years for men. If the prospective bride and groom have not reached the minimum age, the relevant parties must arrange marriage dispensation at the local Religious Court. Islamic law through the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) has determined the minimum age for marriage so that the prospective bride and groom reach maturity of body and soul, in order to realize the goal of a good marriage. the positive legal perspective of Indonesia through Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage has determined the minimum age for marriage to be allowed, namely 19 years for women and 19 years for men. If the prospective bride and groom have not reached the minimum age, the relevant parties must arrange marriage dispensation at the local Religious Court. Islamic law through the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) has determined the minimum age for marriage so that the prospective bride and groom reach maturity of body and soul, in order to realize the goal of a good marriage. the positive legal perspective of Indonesia through Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Marriage has determined the minimum age for marriage to be allowed, namely 19 years for women and 19 years for men. If the prospective bride and groom have not reached the minimum age, the relevant parties must arrange marriage dispensation at the local Religious Court. Islamic law through the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) has determined the minimum age for marriage so that the prospective bride and groom reach maturity of body and soul, in order to realize the goal of a good marriage.
Redesigning of Industrial Warehouse Layout Using CADD Mohammad Annas; Humairoh Humairoh
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (September - October 2022)
Publisher : Dinasti Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijms.v4i1.1403


They take a look at changes in seeking out the most appropriate application of warehouse layout patterns using an extended AutoCAD simulation model. preliminary data changed into won based totally on the financial and overall performance of foremost heavy components providers. both primary and secondary data assets have been processed and analyzed at some point which calculated the ratio of the proportion of location for each type of product class based on sales productiveness and the percentage effects can be applied with CADD simulation (pc Aided layout and Drafting) by using the use of software program software AutoCAD and SketchUp to make clear in viewing pix in three-dimensional form. After the reapply layout is implemented in the utility, the organization can use shade codes and numeric / letter codes to make it smooth in grouping classes of goods. The outcomes indicate that properly-prepared and technology-based warehouse operations brought full-size and giant growth to both efficiency and sales in a selected post-pandemic.
The Effect of Knowledge, Work Experience, and Work Spirit on Performance of Employees PT. Adira Dinamika Multifinance Pasuruan Parmei Luluk Maliyah; Pompong B. Setiadi; Sri Rahayu
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (September - October 2022)
Publisher : Dinasti Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijms.v4i1.1404


As the relationship management perspective has been criticized and contradicting for focusing too much on individual entities, two parallel research tracks encourage business practices to view relational exchanges from a systems perspective. These two literary streams exist across the performance domain, sales force customization, sales force management, and sales to domain. The sales process can be seen as an episodic and non-linear exchange involving a large number of stakeholders. Our systematic review of the sales literature reveals a rich science that parallels the above characteristics. At the same time, this research fails to integrate management school perspectives or to identify links that illustrate the foundations of neoliberalism and improved the welfare states. We aim to develop a middle-class theory of the well-being of the sales ecosystem by combining the sales performance and performance of the sales ecosystem that can be targeted to this emerging of increasing the sales insurance product
Ability to Use Information and Communication Technology Akidah Akhlak Teachers in Increasing Student Learning Outcomes in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 City of Jambi Rahmiyati Rahmiyati; Musa Musa; Darma Putra
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (September - October 2022)
Publisher : Dinasti Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijms.v4i1.1405


This research was conducted at MAN 2 Jambi City. This study focuses on the ability to use ICT for Akhlaq teachers in improving student learning outcomes, teachers' obstacles in using ICT and teachers' efforts in overcoming these obstacles. This research was conducted on Akhlaq teachers and students of class x Man 2 Jambi City Academic year 2021/2022 . This study uses a qualitative approach. The process of data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study on the ability to use ICT for Akhlak Teachers in MAN 2 Jambi City that there are two indicators about the ability to use ICT teachers, namely the ability to use hardware and software ICT media, the ability to use ICT for Akidah Akhlak teachers in MAN 2 class x that the Akidah Akhlak teachers have able to use hardware and software ICT media but the implementation is still not optimal due to several obstacles. In improving student learning outcomes for the tenth grade Akidah Akhlak subject at MAN 2 Jambi City, ICT media are used in the form of: Lapto, infokus, speakers, powerpoit alikasi, google and youtube as a support in the learning process. The obstacles faced by teachers in the use of ICT to improve student learning outcomes at MAN 2 Jambi City are: first, the information technology and communication skills of teachers' morals and beliefs that must be improved, secondly, the facilities are still insufficient. Efforts to overcome the obstacles faced in the use of information and communication technology to improve student learning outcomes at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Jambi City are increasing cooperation by increasing discussions, attending training on ICT and motivation to increase the desire to improve abilities.
Does The Owner Characteristic Affect Sustainability Disclosure And Firm’s Performace? (Empirical Evidence From The Indonesia Stock Exchange) Ronny Andesto; Zuhal Maftuh Ahnan; Akhmad Saebani
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (September - October 2022)
Publisher : Dinasti Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijms.v4i1.1406


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the characteristics of ownership (institutional, foreign, and government) on the sustainability disclosure level and its implications for firm performance. The population of this study is all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2016-2020. Purposive sampling was used to determine the sample. Data from 35 companies were obtained for hypothesis testing. Path analysis with SPSS v. 25 is used to data processing. The results show that the institutional ownership has a significant and positive effect on the level of sustainability disclosure. Meanwhile, the foreign and government ownership have significant and negative effect on the level of sustainability disclosure. Furthermore, the institutional, foreign, government ownership and sustainability disclosure level have no significant effect on firm performance.
The Effect of Professionalism Teacher Management and Teacher Performance Motivation on Teacher Performance Results in SMAN 25 Kab. Tangerang Gugus 08 Kab. Tangerang, Banten Province Siti Amyanih; Herry Sussanto
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (September - October 2022)
Publisher : Dinasti Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijms.v4i1.1407


This study aims to analyze (1) teacher management professionalism of teachers on teacher performance at Sman 25 kab. Tangerang (2) The effect of teacher performance motivation on teacher performance outcomes at Sman 25 Kab. Tangerang (3) The influence of teacher management professionalism and teacher performance motivation on results. Teacher performance at sman 25.Tangerang. This study uses a quantitative method and uses a questionnaire as a research instrument. The data were collected from ninety-four teachers from fourteen different high schools in the Cluster 08 district, Tangerang Regency. The collected data were then analyzed using simple linear regression analysis methods and linear regression analysis. multiple with quantitative approach. The results of the analysis show that (1) the variable of teacher management prefessionalism (X1) has a partial positive effect on teacher performance. This is shown by the value of the regression coefficient (X1) of 32.6% (2) The variable of teacher performance motivation (X2) has a partially positive effect on teacher performance. This is shown by the value of the regression coefficient of X2 of 46.2% and ( 3) Professionalism teacher management variables together with teacher performance motivation have a positive effect on teacher performance results. This is indicated by the regression coefficient value of 47.1%.
The Effect Of Profitability, Leverage And Sales Growth On Tax Avoidance With The Size Of The Company As A Moderation Variable Sriyono Sriyono; Ronny Andesto
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (September - October 2022)
Publisher : Dinasti Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31933/dijms.v4i1.1408


Taxes are the embodiment of the largest contribution to the development of a country including Indonesia, on the other hand, many taxpayers, especially companies, consider taxes to be a burden that can reduce income, so there are still many taxpayers who try to carry out tax avoidance activities. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of profitability, leverage and sales growth on tax avoidance with the size of the company as a moderation variable. In this study, tax avoidance was measured using the Effective Tax Rate. The samples used in this study came from consumer goods industry sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2016-2019 period. The sampling in this study used the purposive sampling method and obtained 32 companies as samples. The analysis method used is multiple regression analysis with the help of eviews 12 software. From this study, results were obtained that showed profitability had a significant negative effect on tax avoidance. Meanwhile, leverage and sales growth have no effect on tax avoidance.This research also shows the results that the size of the company is able to strengthen the negative influence of the profitability relationship on tax avoidance, but the size of the company cannot moderate the relationship between leverage and sales growth against tax avoidance.

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