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Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars
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PROCEEDINGS AnCoMS:Publikasi artikel dari hasil konferensi CETAK, dan menggunakan ISBN; Terbitan pertama 2017 dan kedua 2018; artikel yang dionline kan ini bertujuan memudahkan pembaca dan penulis untuk mengakses artikel secara during dan memudahkan untuk di unduh serta disebarkan. Mulai Terbitan Ke TIGA tahun 2019 ini menggunakan E-ISSN. Konferensi dilaksanakan oleh Kopertais Wilyah IV setiap tahun, mengupas tentang kajian-kajian keislaman dan multidisipliner, konferensi ini pertama dilaksanakan pada tahun 2017; Karya-karya pemikiran intelektual muslim dalam merespons perubahan dunia masih sangat dinantikan, terutama produk pemikiran ilmiah dengan basis nilai-nilai keislaman; Bidang: 1. Muslim Polity perspective of Islamic Thought 2. Muslim Polity perspective of Islamic Education 3. Muslim Polity perspective of Islamic Communication 4. Muslim Polity perspective of Islamic Law 5. Muslim Polity perspective of Islamic Culture and Civilization 6. Muslim Polity perspective of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary.
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Bank Wakaf Mikro dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Inklusi Keuangan Pelaku Usaha Kecil dan Mikro (UKM) Ani Faujiah
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 1 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 1
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (708.795 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 1.141


Bank Wakaf Mikro telah memainkan peranan yang penting sebagi salah satu atlernatif pemanfaatan wakaf uang. Artikel ini mendiskusikan tentang peran Bank Wakaf Mikro dalam upaya meningkatkan inklusi keuangan pelaku usaha kecil dan mikro (UKM) di Indonesia yang belakangan ini menjadi program utama pemerintah. Artikel ini mencoba mengupas tentang bagaimana pemasukan wakaf uang didistribusikan dan dimanfaatkan dan bagaimana wakaf tersebut mampu memberikan dampak baik bagi upaya meningkatkan inklusi keuangan pelaku usaha kecil dan mikro (UKM) melalui Bank Wakaf Mikro. Mempergunakan metode kajian pustaka dan penelitian lapangan, artikel ini menegaskan bahwa Bank Wakaf Mikro mempunyai peran yang penting dalam upaya inklusi keuangan pelaku usaha kecil dan mikro. Dalam pelaksanaanya Bank Wakaf Mikro dapat dilaksanakan dengan mengunakan akad Mudharabah,Musyarakah, Ijarah, Murabahah yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para pelaku usaha kecil sesuai dengan kemampuan usahanya.
Model Jual Beli Angsuran di Perbankan Syariah Ahmad Muqorobin; Muharrik Fitragara Fachreza
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 1 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 1
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (570.652 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 1.142


Jual beli angsuran adalah salah satu bentuk muamalah yang ramai beredar di masyarakat, karena tingkat pendapatan seseorang itu berbeda untuk membeli barang baik secara langsung dan tidak, maka bentuk pembayaran dalam jual beli bisa dilakukan secara tunai dan tangguh. Contohnya sebagian orang akan memilih untuk membayar barang secara tunai karena kecukupan yang, sedangkan yang lain memilih membayar secara tangguh/kredit karena ketidakcukupan uang untuk membayar tunai. Pada konsepnya jual beli ini mengandung konsekuensi bahwa harga angsuran lebih besar dari pada harga kontan, karena adanya tambahan harga pada pembayaran yang ditangguhkan. Dalam implementasinya hubungan jual beli ini berlangsung antara nasabah dan perbankan syariah, yang mana nasabah sebagai pembeli dan bank syariah sebagai penjual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau potensi bank syariah dalam mengembangkan produk-produk pembiayaan dengan model jual beli angsuran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan metode kualitatif diskriptif dengan data primer dan sekunder. Temuan penelitian ini adalah model jual beli angsuran yang diterapkan diperbankan syariah yaitu; Murábahah, Ijárah Muntahiyah Bittamllik, Musyárakah Mutanáqishah dan Istishna'. Dengan model jual beli angsuran yang diterapkan perbankan syariah yang sesuai dengan hukum Islam, maka kita bisa terhindar dari keraguan dan bertambah yakin dalam bermuamalah dengan jual beli yang sesuai dengan syariah
Kotekstualisasi Fikih Golongan Penerima Zakat (Asnaf Tsamaniyah) Zakat dan Relevansinya dengan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Indonesian Rahmad Hakim
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 1 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 1
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1099.245 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 1.143


This paper aims to conduct an in-depth analysis related to the contextualization of zakat distribution in Indonesia. The discussion begins with the effort of contectualization of the recipient group of zakat (aṣnāf ṡamaniyah) that includes; fakir, miskin, gharim, muallaf, fi sabilillah, ibnu sabil, amil dan riqab. Given that the gap has not shifted significantly since since December 2015, the gap in the income gap ratio only ranges from 0.41-0.43 so that the priority of zakat distribution in Indonesia is for fakir and miskin. Based on the research, it can be concluded that efforts to strengthen the distribution of zakat through the contextualization of eight categories of recipients of zakat (aṣnāf ṡamaniyah); with this effort is expected zakah institutions such BAZ and LAZ have those specialization. For example Zaka Institution A specializing on ​​programs for productive enterprises, where Zakah institution B specializing on providing scholarships and trainings program. On the other hand, Zakah institution C specializing on the construction of facilities and infrastructure program, and so forth. The existence of synergy and cooperation to reinforce each institution is needed nowadays. On the other hand, poverty reduction can work effectively if each party can play its own roles; where the individual understands that improving skills and work ethics are important to alleviate them from poverty, the role of wealthy relatives, communities and governments is important to encourage them to prosper by providing material assistance for their lives. In this context, the role of established and trusted zakat institutions is needed.
Social Capital sebagai Faktor Pembangunan Perekonomian di Lingkungan Pesantren Nurul Inayah; Aula Izatul Aini
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 1 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 1
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (594.785 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 1.144


Struktur sosial melahirkan dorongan sosial menjadi lebih berkuasa atas perilaku individu. Sedangkan dorongan sosial tersebut yang disesuaikan dengan norma norma sosial, yang meliputi; kultur yang dominan, pengaruh kekuatan sosial atas perilaku lebih yang umum. Selanjutnya dominasi sosial akan membentuk sosial capital yang akan mempengaruhi perekonomian suatu daerah. Di lingkungan Pondok Pesantren Darussalam faktor social capital telah menjadi pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi lokal yang membuat semakin masifnya dibuka usaha-usaha bisnis yang menguntungkan. Pada kasus perkembangan perekonomian yang ada di sekitar wilayah pondok pesantren Darussalam, kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar telah mempengaruhi pada produktifitas di tingkat mikro level. Dengan terbentuknya hubungan yang baik pada social capital mempengaruhi kapabilitas manajerial. Dan jika kapabilitas manajerial baik pada sosial capital maka akan mengurangi biaya informasi, biaya transaksi dan risiko serta mambantu menghindari moral hazard dan masalah adverse selection dilingkungannya. Pengelolaan risiko yang ditimbulkan, shock dan peluang yang ada merupakan kunci untuk mencapai pembangunan ekonomi berkelanjutan khususnya pada hubungan social capital.
Maqasid Al-Shariah V.S. Lifestyle (Menyikapi Budaya Konsumerisme Masyarakat Indonesia Jaman Now) Nurul Fatma Hasan
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 1 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 1
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (698.787 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 1.145


Faktor Minat Non Muslim Menjadi Nasabah di Bank Syariah Lely Ana Ferawati Ekaningsih; Risma Eka Riana
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 1 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 1
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (753.375 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 1.146


The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence non-Muslim interest to be customers in Bank Syariah. This type of explanatory research used to test the relationship between hypothesized variables. The variables used are five independent variables, namely Location (X1), Service (X2), Reputation (X3), Promotion (X4) and Profit Sharing (X5). The dependent variable is non-Muslim interest to be a customer in Bank Syariah (Y). Location of research at BRI Sharia Branch Office of Banyuwangi Sub-district. Sampling census technique is Census Sampling that is all non-Muslim customer in BRI Syariah Branch Office of Banyuwangi Sub-district as many as 13 people. The most powerful correlation, 84.9% is location variable (X1), indicating if customers consider the location of BRI Syariah easily accessible. The second strongest correlation of 71% is reputation (X3), indicating if a good and reliable Reputation is the source of competitive advantage of a bank. The third correlation of 67.4%, is promotion, this indicates that the promotion has been done by BRI Sharia is already good and acceptable by the community, especially for non-Muslim community. While the variables that do not have correlation to the interest is the service of 18.2% and profit sharing 4.3%, indicate if non-Muslim interests become customers not on service and profit sharing.
Teknologi-Layanan Keuangan, Literasi-Inklusi Keuangan, dan Value pada Fintech Syariah di Indonesia: Perspektif S-O-R (Stimulus-Organism-Response) Model Abdillah Ubaidi Djawahir
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 1 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 1
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (868.93 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 1.147


This paper aims to describe the link between the phenomenon of information technology advancement and financial services, index of literacy and financial inclusion as well as the benefits of Islamic Financial Technology (FinTech) in Indonesia with a Model S-O-R (Stimulus-Organism-Response) perspective. Disruptive Innovation Phenomenon occurs in the Financial Services Industry, an innovation that disrupts the landscape of the Financial Services Industry globally. Starting from the industrial structure, intermediation technology, to the marketing model to consumers. All these changes encourage the emergence of FinTech. Consumer empowerment trilogy has a close relationship in achieving financial well-being. Reading the opportunities and challenges of Fintech Syariah in Indonesia with the perspective of the S-O-R Model, organism moderation toward stimulus and response generates value benefits. Is a benefit for consumers and businesses of Islamic financial services and economy.
Instrumen Bank Wakaf Mikro: Alternatif Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Pesantren Alan Suud Maadi
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 1 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 1
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (665.741 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 1.148


This articel provides a model of clarification or a strategic instrument for Micro Waqaf Bank in an effort to empower the pesantren economics and society living around the boarding school. Micro waqaf Bank Endowments Banks on the definition of the concept of waqf which is a unique and growing financial instrument in Islamic countries. But in Indonesia has not been optimally empowered because during this time the property used goods that are not moving and not productive. This article describes the model theory or instrument of Wakaf Micro Bank which is ideal and suitable to be applied in pesantren in disaster management by empowering economy through various sharia compliance investments. The method used is a library reseach of literature books, articles, journals and internet. Results from Micro Endowments Bank for the economic development of pesantren and arround communities.
Urgensi Partisipasi Pesantren sebagai Pusat Edukasi dan Moderasi Islam dalam Percepatan Pariwisata Halal di Indonesia Galuh Widitya Qomaro
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 1 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 1
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (523.556 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 1.149


This study aims to identify the importance of Pesantren's role, socially and psychologically, as one of the main pillars of halal tourism development in Indonesia. Beside fashion, food and finance trends, halal tourism is also one of the mainstay sectors in the world's halal industry. Halal tourism is an added value for tourism industry in Indonesia. Pesantren, as one of the stakeholders in the halal tourism industry pentahelix, plays an important role in many things, such as: identifying halal tourism destinations, raising public awareness in processing food, choosing travel services and concepts, and determining the method of payment of travel services. Pesantrens should also be involved in the educational process on Islamic business ethics, formal or non-formal training for the halal tourism industry implementers, and also residents of halal tourist areas for shariah daily-style concept. This research is conducted with qualitative approach. Data collection uses literature study through documents, both written and electronic documents that support the writing process. This study shows that Pesantren should have participated comprehensively in the Indonesian halal tourism industry so that with maximum management will greatly contribute to the achievement of Indonesia's halal tourism internationalization program.
Meneguhkan Visi Moderasi dalam Bingkai Etika Islam: Relevansi dan Implikasi Edukatifnya Fata Asyrofi Yahya
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Series 1 (2018): AnCoMS 2018: Book Series 1
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (561.709 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeries 1.150


The academic anxiety in this paper is the emergence of pesantren which is indicated to teach radical understanding in recent times so as to create a negative stigma toward the character of Islamic boarding school in Indonesia which has been the character of the rahmat lil ‘alamin. The focus of this paper is on ethical issues, where radicalism is not in accordance with the ethical teachings of Islam and against the current face of Islam in Indonesia. Therefore the first problem formulation is to reveal the values ​​of moderation contained in Islamic ethics with a philosophical approach and the second offers a model of ethical education in pesantren with an educational management approach. From the formulation of the first problem concluded that the values ​​of moderation in Islamic ethics reflected on the way of thinking and acting someone who always refers to maqaa sid al-shariah and consider aspects of ummahat al-fad}ail in the actualization space includes tadbir al-nafs, tadbir al-manzil and tadbir al-mudun. While the second problem formulation offers a model of Islamic ethics education comprehensively in boarding school by conducting reconstruction and curriculum development with approach of field of study and reconstructionist approach.