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Khasanah Thelogia is a national journal managed by the Post-graduate Program of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Khasanah Thelogia is a double-blind reviewer and open access peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the novelty of theology, and education practices through quantitative and qualitative research (hermeneutics, argumentative, and case studies). This journal publishes original articles, reviews, and also interesting case reports
Articles 71 Documents
Studi Kritis Terhadap Pemahaman Fahmi Basya Terkait Dengan Ayat-Ayat Negeri Saba Ahmad Fudoli Zaenal Arifin; Hasan Bisri; Dadang Darmawan
Khazanah Theologia Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Khazanah Theologia
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (419.575 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/kt.v2i1.8395


Criticism is something that must be built in the scientific world. Because, in science there is no such thing as a definite truth. Criticism here to bring it in the right direction. Especially about the story of the past contained in the Qur'an. A story that is explained in it contains truth, lessons and teachings evidently undeniable for all creatures of Allah, for the happiness of the world and the hereafter. This study uses qualitative research in the form of library research, the author uses the approach of the theory of the Qur'an and Interpretation and the theory of Diltheiy thinking and interpretive writing ideas in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the collection of data by means of documentation, namely the book Indonesia Negeri Saba'by Fahmi Basya and also taken from various related sources. Furthermore, the analysis is done by reading and examining Fahmi Basya's understanding writing, which is written in his book. In summary, Fahmi Basya confirmed 14 comparative accounts of Indonesia and Yemen based on the Qur'an and 53 scientific facts which he discovered that Indonesia was the State of Saba'. Fahmi Basya's understanding is very contrary to the commentators at least caused by two problems. Finally, Fahmi Basya wants to prove that the State of Saba 'in the Qur'an in Indonesia. Based on the study of Fahmi Basya's understanding it was found that Fahmi Basya was not an expert in the field of the Qur'an and Tafsir. So, when he understands the Qur'an and reveals the results of his research in the community it needs to be reviewed. Seeing with the scientific viewpoints of the Qur'an, Fahmi Basya's interpretation seems to match his discoveries with the Qur'anic Verses. And forcing all that can be matched look for verses of the Qur'an.
Kehidupan Masyarakat Bima Pada Masa Kepemimpinan Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin Tahun 1915-1951 M Al Qautsar Pratama
Khazanah Theologia Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Khazanah Theologia
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (307.751 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/kt.v1i1.7128


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan tentang peranan Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin dalam perkembangan Islam di daerah Bima. Masalah yang diteliti dalam tulisan ini difokuskan pada Bagaimana kondisi Bima pra Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin, Bagaimana Usaha-usaha Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin dalam mengembangkan Islam di Bima dan Bagaimana tantangan dan peluang yang dihadapi Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin dalam mengembangkan Islam di Bima. peneliti menggunakan metode sejarah, untuk mengungkapkan fakta sejarah tentang biografi Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin dan peranannya dalam perkembangan Islam di daerah Bima. Untuk menganalisis fakta tersebut peneliti menggunakan pendekatan yang sering digunakan dalam penelitian sejarah, yaitu pendekatan politik, sosiologi, antropologi, agama dan pendidikan. Penelitian ini menemukan Muhammad Salahuddin lahir dalam lingkungan istana dan dibesarkan oleh para ulama. Dari didikan ulama inilah sehingga membentuk kepribadian sultan sampai tumbuh dewasa. Muhammad Salahuddin di nobatkan menjadi Sultan setelah kematian saudaranya Abdul Azis dan mendapatkan pelajaran dari ulama di daerah dan luar daerahnya sehingga pada masa kepemimpinanya Islam di Bima mengalami perkembangan, dalam mengembangan Islam di daerah Bima Sultan melakukan pembaharuan sehingga pada masanya Islam di derah Bima mengalami kejayaan. Adapun hal-hal yang dilakukan oleh Sultan adalah membagun lembaga-lembaga pendidikan baik formal maupun non formal, dan masjid-masjid dan dalam menunjang kemajuan daerah Bima Sultan membiayai dan memberikan beasiswa kepada remaja yang sekolah di timur tengah dan bagi mereka yang memiliki kemampuan dalam bidang agama.
Potensi Lazisnu dalam Meningkatkan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Kota Sorong Papua Barat Hamzah Hamzah; St Umrah
Khazanah Theologia Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Khazanah Theologia
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.607 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/kt.v1i1.8051


One of the worship in Islam is the implementation of zakat, infaq and Shadaqah (ZIS). On the other hand, ZIS is also an effective solution in empowering the social economy. This study aims to elaborate the potential and socio-economic assistance of the community conducted by LAZISNU Sorong. The research method uses descriptive qualitative research with NU leaders, LAZISNU Sorong managers and beneficiary communities as informants in the study. Data collected by observation, interview and documentation. The Miles and Huberman model analysis technique is used as an analysis tool. The results of this study show that the number of Nahdiyin (member of Nahdlatul ulama) residents and a solid and competent management team is a potential in the development of LAZIZNU. There are 4 models of excellent programs that continue to be carried out, including: NUSmart, NUPrenuer, NUSkill, and NUCare as pillars of improving the social economy of the community. In addition, the activation of the District Level NU Deputy Council, and the establishment of new branches and UPZIS can reach muzaqqi and munfiq in the interior into an effort in institutional optimization.
Yesus Sebagai Guru Teladan dalam Masyarakat Berdasarkan Perspektif Injil Matius Talizaro Tafonao
Khazanah Theologia Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Khazanah Theologia
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.63 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/kt.v2i1.8390


In this paper, the author studies Jesus as a model teacher in a society based on the perspective of the Gospel of Matthew. This study departs from the author's observation of the condition of the teachers at this time, where educators today no longer make Jesus as the main role model in carrying out their teaching duties. The method used is a qualitative research method, the author studies the text of Matthew's gospel to analyze the Bible's view of Jesus as a model teacher. The analysis process carried out by the author is to use a variety of reliable library and electronic sources to support the analysis of the author. The results of this study found that Jesus is a model teacher for the community with indicators Jesus teaches through His real life, Jesus in teaching is not boring, Jesus always starts teaching from the way of thinking His disciples and Jesus always has a good relationship with students his disciples.
Pengaruh Tradisi Sekatenan Terhadap Perilaku Keagamaan Masyarakat Yogyakarta Melati Indah Al-Fajriyati
Khazanah Theologia Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Khazanah Theologia
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.539 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/kt.v1i1.7126


Dalam setiap agama-agama besar di Indonesia dikenal juga dengan adanya perayaan hari-hari besar keagamaan tertentu, sebut saja Islam. Dalam agama Islam dikenal juga ada Hari Raya Umat Islam yaitu Idul Fitri dan Idul Adha, ada juga memperingati hari kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW., yang dalam beberapa tradisi masyarakat berbeda-beda penyebutan dan tata caranya. Seperti di daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, disebut dengan istilah Tradisi Sekatenan. Artikel ini melihat Tradisi Sekatenan sebagai bagain dari kegiatan ritus dari Keraton Yogyakarta dan masyarakatnya. Perbedaan pola interaksi dan tingkah laku masyarakat Yogyakarta ini terus berakumulasi oleh waktu yang membawa tradisi ini bisa sampai hidup di masyarakat. Tradisi-tradisi ini memberikan kepercayaan tersendiri yang tumbuh di masyarakat. Kebudayaan asli Jawa yang bersifat transendental lebih cenderung pada paham animisme dan dinamisme. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif analitik. Menghasilkan adanya nilai-nilai Islam yang terkandung dalam Tradisi Sekatenan yang berbentuk simbol-simbol. Muatanmuatan religiusitas ke-Islaman masyarakat Keraton seiring dengan masuknya agama Islam ke Jawa adalah merupakan wujud dari falsafah “mikul dhuwur medem jero” (adalah gambaran, bagaimana Islam merangkul seluruh lapisan masyarakat, dari kalangan ningrat sampai masyarakat jelata. Menyentuh setiap aspek kehidupan, menarik dan mengaturnya dengan hukum dan norma-norma yang Islam ajarkan tapi tidak sampai meningglkan budaya yang sudah ada--pen) dari keraton terhadap perjuangan Wali Songo yang telah berhasil menyebarkan tuntutan Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Kualifikasi Guru berdasarkan 1 Tesalonika 2:7-12 Ezra Tari
Khazanah Theologia Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Khazanah Theologia
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.468 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/kt.v2i1.6745


The author studies 1 Thessalonians 2: 7-12 about teacher qualifications. This study departs from the writer's anxiety about the condition of the teacher. Where teachers are currently required to perform tasks according to the educational qualifications of each level. But in reality, there are still many teachers who have not met the minimum bachelor requirements. One obstacle is the distance to go to college and the age that is not young anymore. As a result, many teachers have difficulty in accessing education. With that problem, the author examines the qualifications of teachers based on 1 Thessalonians 2: 7-12. The method used by the author is qualitative. The method used to trace the actual state of the object of research. The study used is exegese. Exegese tries to understand the text from various aspects. Based on the study conducted by the author in this paper, there are two important things that need to be learned, namely hospitality in love. And the example of struggle is an example for many people. Teaching is a very important task in Paul's ministry. Paul gave an example of how to work hard in work as a teacher, providing holistic service. This paper is a teacher qualification study that touches on nature that must be possessed by a teacher.
Talqin Dzikir Sebagai Metode Dakwah Jama’ah Dan Fardiyyah Danial Luthfi
Khazanah Theologia Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Khazanah Theologia
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (324.144 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/kt.v1i1.7125


Perkembangan metode dakwah idelanya mampu mengimbangi perkembangan zaman. Hari ini ketika dakwah berhadapan dengan kondisi masyarakat modern, dakwah dituntut menggunakan metode yang relevan dengan karakteristik masyarakat modern. Masyarakat modern yang mengalami kehampaan dan kekeringan spiritualitas, ditambah dengan gaya hidup yang serbacepat, berhadapan dengan luangnya waktu mereka yang serba terbatas. Hal ini menuntut da’i mampu memilih metode yang bisa menjawab kondisi tersebut. Talqin dzikir adalah salah satu metode dakwah yang bisa mengakomodir kebutuhan ini. Selain karena waktunya yang singkat, juga bisa langsung menembus kesadaran batin yang ditaqin.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap konsep dan proses talqin dzikir. Setelah itu, ingin mengetahui bagaimana keampuhan talqin dzikir dalam konteks keberhasilan dakwah. menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengambil metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan datanya dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa talqin dzikir secara konseptual dan prosesnya merupakan metoda dakwah yang bisa menjawab problematika masyarakat modern. Selain itu, baik secara berjamaah maupun individual, talqin dzikir mampu mengantarkan peserta talqin pada tersentuhnya aspek margin al-‘âthifiy (emosional-spiritual); kedua, margin al-‘aqliy (rasional); dan terakhir margin alhissiy (inderawi).
Peran Masjid Lautze 2 Bandung dalam Dakwah dan Budaya Mila Mardotillah; Amin Hendro; Rini Soemarwoto; Ardini Raksanagara
Khazanah Theologia Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Khazanah Theologia
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (536.311 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/kt.v2i1.8188


Moslem is a human obedience in submission to Allah SWT. The surrender to Allah SWT consists of spiritual and civic practices based on the Quran and Sahih Hadits. In community practices are influenced by how culture forms in society. Identity is part of the culture and social environment that can be shifted according to the dynamics of society life. Identity revolves around the space and time of every generation in the world of everyday life that comes from human thoughts and actions and evolves into real practice including Chinese culture which became a variety of Nusantara ethnic groups summarized in the activities of the Lautze 2 Mosque.  The aim of this article is to examine how a Chinese Muslim as an Indonesian Nation by maintaining Chinese cultural identity without conflicting with religious rules by making the mosque utilizes. The method used is descriptive qualitative method to analyze how the Lautze 2 Mosque in Bandung has an active role in community activities and da’wah. The result show that the Chinese Muslim community has an active role in the utilize of the Lautze 2 Mosque as a means of religious da'wah, has an active role in helping people regardless of ethnicity and customs but still maintaining their identity as Chinese Muslims.
Perjuangan Kh.Choer Affandi Pendiri Pesantren Miftahul Huda Manonjaya Dian Prayoga
Khazanah Theologia Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Khazanah Theologia
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.614 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/kt.v1i1.7124


Pesantren Miftahul Huda yang didirikan oleh Almarhum K.H. Choer Affandi, dan merupakan Pesantren Salafiyah terbesar yang berada di wilayah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, yang masih mempertahankan sistem Salafiyah dengan sedikit mengadopsi sistem pembelajaran dari Pesantren Modern sehingga dengan hal ini mengakibatkan tingkat kemajuan dalam bidang pendidikan bagi santrinya itu sendiri. Pesantren ini lahir berkat kesabaran dan keinginan serta kepatuhan pendiri terhadap gurunya. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan studi serajah dan cara mendapatkan data dilakukan dengan wawancara,studi literature dan turun langsung kelapangan. Perkembangan pesantren juga bisa dikatakan berkembang dengan pesat, ini terbukti dengan luas pesantren yang semakin luas walaupun tidak secara keseluruhan dijadikan bangunan pesantren namun kepemilikan lahan pesantren yang luas membuktikan pesantren tersebut bisa mandiri dan berkembang tanpa tergantung dari uluran tangan dermawan-dermawan, luas lahan pesantren ini mencapai 8,5 Ha dengan luas 5 Ha di tempai bangunan dan rumah serta asrama pesantren, sedangkan sisanya dijadiakan lahan pertanian, peternakan, kolam ikan. Dengan jumlah santri secara keseluruhan mencapai 2.085 jiwa.
Jalan Kesempurnaan Menurut Jamaah Insan Al-Kamil di Cijati Desa Cikareo Selatan Sumedang Syarifudin Syarifudin
Khazanah Theologia Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Khazanah Theologia
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (405.935 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/kt.v2i1.7936


Each religious sect has its own characteristics, whether fundamental, radical, or religious. One of them is Insan Al-Kamil Congregation, which is in Cijati, South Cikareo Village, Wado District, Sumedang Regency. This congregation is Sufism with the concept of self-purification as the subject of its teachings. So, the purpose of this study is to reveal how the origin of Insan Al-Kamil Congregation, the concept of its purification, and the procedures of achieving its purification. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with a normative theological approach as the blade of analysis. In addition, the data generated is the result of observation, interviews, and document studies. From the collected data, Jamaah Insan Al-Kamil adheres to the core teachings of Islam and is the tenth regeneration of Islam Teachings, which refers to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. According to this congregation, self-perfection becomes an obligation that must be achieved by human beings in order to remember Allah when life is done. The process of self-purification is done when human beings still live in the world by knowing His God. Therefore, the peak of self-purification is called Insan Kamil.