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Jurnal Comprehensive Health Care
ISSN : 25807137     EISSN : 27221563     DOI : 10.37362
Core Subject : Health,
Nursing services have an important role in determining the overall success of health services. The nursing process is a scientific method that is systematically used scientific principles that are used systematically in achieving diagnoses of health problems, formulating goals to be achieved, determining actions and evaluating the quality and results of nursing care. Therefore, through the publication of Holistic Care Scientific Nursing Journal, it can be a reference and literature material to handle scientific problems and problems, especially in the field of nursing.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Comprehensive Health Care" : 5 Documents clear
Relationship Application Of Professional Nursing Practice Models With The Level Of Working Satisfaction Of Nurses In The MPKP Room Of Lasinrang Pinrang Hospital Muslimin; Werna Nontji; Burhanuddin Bahar; Safruddin
Comprehensive Health Care Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Comprehensive Health Care
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37362/jch.v4i2.334


Professional Nursing Practice Model (MPKP) is a method of comprehensive nursing care in providing quality nursing care. This study aims to investigate the correlation between the implementation of the professional nursing practice model and the work satisfaction rate of the working nurses at the MPKP room of the Regional Hospital of Lasinrang in Pinrang. The study is analytically observational with a cross-sectional design. The subject (n=124) are practicing nurses in the inpatient ward of Lasinrang Regional Hospital of Pinrang. The sample was selected employing a systematic random sampling technique. The data were obtained with a questionnaire distribution and observation checklist and the data were analyzed with univariate and bivariate measures. The chi-square test proves that the operand (p=0.000), pre-Competence (p=0.000), competence (p=0.000), competence case (p=0.164), and round (p=0.164) on the work satisfaction rate of the working nurses. This implies that there is a significant correlation the operand evaluation, pre-conference, post-conference, and the work satisfaction rate of the working nurses for the value of p<0.05 but no significant correlation between case competency evaluation as well as round and the work satisfaction of the nurses with p>0.05.
Relationship Between Work Loads And Working Conditions With Nursing Stress Levels In Intensive Care Unit Edison Siringoringo; Andi Susilawani; lhamsyah
Comprehensive Health Care Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Comprehensive Health Care
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37362/jch.v4i2.336


Nurse workload is all activities carried out by nurses while on duty in a nursing service unit. Working conditions include physical environment variables such as the distribution of working hours, physical conditions in the form of noise, regulations, and demands. Job stress is a condition of tension that causes an imbalance of physical and psychological conditions in employees sourced from individuals and organizations that affect the physical, psychological, behavior of employees. This research method uses analytic research, with a cross-sectional design. The population in this study were nurses on duty in the ICU. The sample in this study amounted to 36 respondents with a sampling technique using the total sampling method. Data is collected by using a questionnaire sheet. Analysis of the data used by using the Chi-Square test. In this study, the results were obtained that the workload was in the bad category of 20 respondents (55.6%) and the working conditions included in the category did not support as many as 22 respondents (61.1%) and the stress level in the moderate category there were 23 respondents (63, 9%). Based on the analysis that has been done using the Chi-Square test, there is a significant relationship between workload with stress levels with a value of P = 0.000 <0.05 and work conditions with nurses' stress levels with a value of P = 0.011 <0.05. There is a relationship between workload and working conditions with the stress level of nurses in the ICU. It is hoped that this research can be used as additional knowledge for the educational institutions of Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba.
The Effectiveness Of Psikoeducation On Burnout Levels Skizofrenia Client Caregiver In Kersamanah Village Garut District Tini Wartini; Sri Atun Wahyuningsih; Isnayati
Comprehensive Health Care Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Comprehensive Health Care
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The prevalence of burnout in schizophrenia caregivers is quite high compared to other chronic diseases. The aim is to determine the relationship between the effectiveness of psychoeducation and the level of burnout caregivers in schizophrenic clients. This research method is a quasi-experimental with a model of two groups pre and post-test with control design. The number of used samples is 32 people with 16 people in the control group and 16 people in the intervention group. The intervention group received 5 sessions of psychoeducation therapy, while the control group received no intervention. Hypothesis testing was used the Mann Withney test to determine the differences in caregiver burnout level scores in the control group and the intervention group after the psychoeducation intervention and repeated measures to determine the highest score at each intervention session. The results showed a significant difference in scores between pre and post-test in the intervention group with U = 24 and p-value = 0.01. In the psychoeducation session, it was found that session 3 could reduce the high level of caregiver burnout followed by session 5, session 4, session 2, and session 1. The results showed a significant difference in scores between pre and post-test in the intervention group with U = 24 and p-value = 0.01. In the psychoeducation session, it was found that session 3 could reduce high levels of caregiver burnout followed by session 5, session 4, session 2, and session 1. The results of psychoeducation were effective in reducing caregiver burnout levels so that they could be applied in dealing with psychosocial problems experienced by caregiver clients with schizophrenia. In conclusion, there is no change in the burnout level score. There is a significant difference in the level of caregiver burnout of schizophrenic clients before and after the psychoeducation intervention in the intervention group which is significant with Z = -3.145 and p-value = 0.002.
Effect Of Image Therapy On Reduction Of Anniversary Of DIII Students Midwifery Dealing With Writing Scientific Nurlina; Ilhamsyah; Rahmatullah
Comprehensive Health Care Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Comprehensive Health Care
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37362/jch.v4i2.347


According to World Helth Organization data, there are around 47.5 million people in the world who are affected by severe anxiety, in Indonesia alone there are around 14 million people aged 15 years and over, it is very possible to experience anxiety, overcoming anxiety by drawing activities is the right way to convey what which becomes a burden on the mind that causes anxiety through the process of scratching the image. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of drawing therapy on reducing anxiety in D III midwifery students facing scientific papers at Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba 2018. This type of research is quantitative quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design methods. This study used a purposive sampling technique with research instruments using the HARS scale. This research was conducted for two meetings within 7 days. The paired T-test results obtained the first meeting = 0.001 (p-value <0.005) and the second meeting the paired T paired value = 0.001 (p-value <0.005). The study concludes that there is an effect of drawing therapy on reducing anxiety in midwifery DIII students facing scientific writing exams at Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba 2018.
Image Of Cholesterol Levels In Obesity Patients In Bulukumba District Ulil Asmi; Arfiani Nur; Asri
Comprehensive Health Care Vol 4 No 2 (2020): Comprehensive Health Care
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37362/jch.v4i2.370


Obesity is a condition in which abnormal fat accumulation or excessive adipose tissue so it can be detrimental to health. Diketahuii LDL cholesterol levels in the obese in District ujung loe Bulukumba. Metode district is the method of fully automatic. Principally cholesterol checked after enzymatic hydrolysis and oxidation. Research shows that the results of the LDL-cholesterol levels in 28 obese people showed normal levels of LDL cholesterol as much as 12 samples, high LDL cholesterol levels limit as much as 13 samples, and high cholesterol levels only 3 samples. Of the 28 serum samples obtained from patients with obesity result of normal LDL cholesterol levels as much as 9 samples, high LDL cholesterol levels limit as much as 17 samples, and high cholesterol levels just two samples. For further research should compare the respondent to maintain a diet and exercise regularly. Regular exercise can help you lose excess weight and regulate eating to avoid the various problems due to being overweight include increased levels of LDL in the blood.

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