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Jurnal Comprehensive Health Care
ISSN : 25807137     EISSN : 27221563     DOI : 10.37362
Core Subject : Health,
Nursing services have an important role in determining the overall success of health services. The nursing process is a scientific method that is systematically used scientific principles that are used systematically in achieving diagnoses of health problems, formulating goals to be achieved, determining actions and evaluating the quality and results of nursing care. Therefore, through the publication of Holistic Care Scientific Nursing Journal, it can be a reference and literature material to handle scientific problems and problems, especially in the field of nursing.
Articles 5 Documents
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Depression Levels Of Prisons In Class II A Correctional Institutions Bulukumba Regency Safruddin; Nurlina; Anel Ariansyah
Comprehensive Health Care Vol 4 No 3 (2020): Comprehensive Health Care
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37362/jch.v4i3.514


A depressive disorder is a serious mental problem characterized by feelings of anxiety and sadness. Depressive disorders have increased from year to year, where the total number of people living with depression in the world is 322 million, this is supported by WHO 2017 data. Generally, someone in a depressed state experiences feelings of sadness, anxiety, or emptiness, and the impact that is caused if depression is not treated immediately, it will have an impact on oneself such as low self-esteem, social isolation, and even suicide attempts. Besides that, it will also have an impact on the people around it. The purpose of this study is to know the description of the level of depression in prisoners in Class II A Penitentiary in Bulukumba Regency in 2020. The research design used in this study is a descriptive research design with a cross-sectional approach. The affordable population in this study were inmates with all cases totaling 194 people with a sample size of 85 respondents. The sampling technique using a systematic random sampling method selects a sample from the population systematically. Data were collected using a questionnaire sheet. Based on the results of the research conducted, it was shown that the frequency distribution of the level of depression of the 85 prisoner respondents experienced mild depression as many as 64 respondents (75.3%) then moderate depression was 14 respondents (16.5%) and 7 respondents (8.2%) were not depressed. In all cases, the depression level of prisoners in class II A prisons in Bulukumba district experienced mild depression. Researchers suggest that further the sample size can be added so that data collection is more accurate and can be linked to other variables that can cause depression
Physical Environment Factors With Events Of Home Lung Tuberculosis In Public Health Bonto Bahari Arum Dani; Andi Suswani; Asri
Comprehensive Health Care Vol 4 No 3 (2020): Comprehensive Health Care
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37362/jch.v4i3.516


Tuberculosis is a contagious disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium Tuberculosis which is spread through droplets of people who have been infected with tuberculosis bacilli. Pulmonary tuberculosis is still a challenge in public health problems both regionally, nationally, and globally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015, there were 10.4 million new TB cases and nearly 75% of pulmonary tuberculosis patients were economically productive age groups. . The purpose of this study was to determine the physical environmental factors of the house with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis at the Bonto Bahari Health Center in 2020. The research method used was using analytical research methods with a case-control approach (case-control) where subjects, namely cases and controls were known and selected based on the output ( out came), then looked back (backward) about the history of the research exposure status experienced by the subject. The population in this study was about 40 people and the sample in this study amounted to 80 because the researcher took 40 controls. The results of the analysis using the Wilcoxon and Mc Nemar tests, with the results obtained by the value of ventilation (p-value = 0.001) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The type of floor obtained value (p-value = 1,000) then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. The type of wall obtained value (p-value = 0.002) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Occupancy density obtained value (p-value = 0.582) then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. The conclusion of this study There is a relationship between ventilation and the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis, there is a relationship between the type of wall and the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis and there is no relationship between floor type and occupancy density with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Relationship Between The Characteristics Of The Wound And The Event Of Patient Infection Darmila; Nadia Alfira; Muriyati; Andi Baso Tombong
Comprehensive Health Care Vol 4 No 3 (2020): Comprehensive Health Care
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37362/jch.v4i3.519


The results of observations at RSUD H. Andi Sultan Daeng Radja carried out observations on all types of wounds that entered the emergency room with each wound characteristic observed, namely the location of the wound, the shape of the wound, the size of the wound, the depth of the wound, and the wound edge. Research Objectives To determine the relationship between wound characteristics and infection incidence in RSUD H. Andi Sulthan Daeng Radja, Bulukumba Regency. The research design is quantitative research. This study used a cross-sectional design. The sample size is 14 people. Results Based on the Fisher exact test, the value of p = 0.005 (<α = 0.05) was obtained, which means that there is a significant relationship between the location of the wound and the incidence of infection. Kolmogorov Smirnov test results obtained p-value = 0.016 (<α = 0.05), which means that there is a significant relationship between the shape of the wound and the incidence of infection. Kolmogorov Smirnov test results obtained p-value = 0.010 (<α = 0.05), which means that there is a significant relationship between wound size and the incidence of infection. Kolmogorov Smirnov test results obtained p-value = 0.002 (<α = 0.05), which means that there is a significant relationship between wound depth and the incidence of infection. The Kolmogorov Smirnov test results obtained p-value = 0.267 (> α = 0.05), which means that there is no significant relationship between the wound edges and the incidence of infection. Conclusion and suggestion that there is a significant relationship between the location, shape, size, and depth of the wound and the incidence of infection. It is hoped that there will be further research with a larger number of samples with in-depth studies.
Relationship Of Patient Characteristics With Compliance With Lifestyle Modifications In Recovery Post Diabetes Mellitus Patients Isnayati; Ricky Rianto Ikhsan; Sri Atun Wahyuningsih
Comprehensive Health Care Vol 4 No 3 (2020): Comprehensive Health Care
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37362/jch.v4i3.520


Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases with hyperglycemic characteristics that occur due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action or both. In managing the disease, the patient's role is very important, especially in terms of increasing adherence in establishing therapy in order to achieve optimal blood glucose levels to prevent more severe complications. Objective The relationship between patient characteristics and the level of adherence to lifestyle modification in the recovery of patients after DM Method This research is analytical research with cross sectional approach. This research was conducted in the Pelni Hospital Room in Jakarta in May 2017. The population was all patients with diabetes mellitus who came to the Pelni Hospital room. Sampling using a consecutive sampling technique with a total sample of 65 people. Primary data collection instruments using DM risk factor questionnaire. Results of the study In this study respondents who were the subject of the study were Diabetes Mellitus sufferers who visited the Pelni Hospital Inpatient Room Jakarta. Differences in characteristics possessed by each patient, can indirectly affect patient compliance in taking drugs. In table 1 it can be seen that in the age group below 45 years have a higher compliance that is equal to 70.0% compared to the age group above 45 years which is 25.5%. This shows the tendency between patient compliance in taking diabetes medications, where the younger the patient's age, the more likely it is to be obedient in consuming diabetes medications. Conclusion Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the age and level of education of patients with the level of adherence in undergoing treatment. However, there is no significant relationship between the sex of the patient and the level of adherence in undergoing treatment.
Factors Related To Anxy Events In Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 In Public Health Center Ira Inayah; Aszrul AB; Edison Siringoringo; Nurlina
Comprehensive Health Care Vol 4 No 3 (2020): Comprehensive Health Care
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37362/jch.v4i3.522


Tuberculosis is a contagious disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium Tuberculosis which is spread through droplets of people who have been infected with tuberculosis bacilli. Pulmonary tuberculosis is still a challenge in public health problems both regionally, nationally, and globally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015, there were 10.4 million new TB cases and nearly 75% of pulmonary tuberculosis patients were economically productive age groups. . The purpose of this study was to determine the physical environmental factors of the house with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis at the Bonto Bahari Health Center in 2020. The research method used was using analytical research methods with a case-control approach (case-control) where subjects, namely cases and controls were known and selected based on the output ( out came), then looked back (backward) about the history of the research exposure status experienced by the subject. The population in this study was about 40 people and the sample in this study amounted to 80 because the researcher took 40 controls. The results of the analysis using the Wilcoxon and Mc Nemar tests, with the results obtained by the value of ventilation (p-value = 0.001) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The type of floor obtained value (p-value = 1,000) then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. The type of wall obtained value (p-value = 0.002) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Occupancy density obtained value (p-value = 0.582) then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. The conclusion of this study There is a relationship between ventilation and the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis, there is a relationship between the type of wall and the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis and there is no relationship between floor type and occupancy density with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis.

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