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IJAL (Indonesian Journal of Academic Librarianship)
ISSN : 25975110     EISSN : 25979957     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science,
IJAL (Indonesian Journal of Academic Librarianship) is the official journal of APPTIS JATIM (Asosiasi Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Islam Jawa Timur). This is a peer review open access journal dedicated to publish high quality research articles in academic librarianship. IJAL publishes articles that focus on the information profession. IJAL serves as a vehicle for authors to present analytical essays (conceptual paper) and research findings (research paper) on their concerns in an information profession facing many challenges. The journal is published three times in a year (February, June, October)
Articles 7 Documents
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Tantangan Intellectual Movement Community (IMC) sebagai Communities of Practice (CoP) di IAIN Jember dan Peran Pustakawan dalam mendukung Keberhasilan IMC Nurhayati Aisatun
IJAL (Indonesian Journal of Academic Librarianship) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): FEBRUARY
Publisher : Asosiasi Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Islam Wilayah Jawa Timur (APPTIS Jatim)

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As the part of knowledge management, Community of Practice (CoP) is the strategic media through knowledge sharing for organization success. This research focus on the effectiveness of Intellectual Movement Community (IMC) IAIN Jember based on four challenging variables, it explains the relationship between variable and librarian role supporting to achieve the success of a community. The method that use in this research is mixed method and use concurrent triangulation model design. The population is IMC members and as the sample role too. The data collection use questionnaire with Likert scale, documentation and interview. The result of the research show that the correlation between four variables toward IMC community success are personal challenge correlation has the highest percentage (92,3%), community challenge has the lowest correlation (87,1%). Those variables show the correlation toward IMC community’s success degree amount 89,4%. The correlation between variable show that management challenging has the positive correlation and strong toward technical challenge (71,6%), it is also strong enough toward community challenge (42,5%) and personal challenge (49,2%). The correlation of community challenging and personal challenging also has the strong correlation (42,7%). However, the correlation of technical challenging toward community challenging (36,3%) and personal challenging (19,3%) show the negative correlation or weak. This research also found some internal and external factors that make librarian did not give the optimal contribute in supporting IMC success.
Problematika Pengembangan Profesi Pustakawan Bukhori Bukhori
IJAL (Indonesian Journal of Academic Librarianship) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): FEBRUARY
Publisher : Asosiasi Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Islam Wilayah Jawa Timur (APPTIS Jatim)

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A library is a workplace where resources are organized, managed, stored, and gathered. Those resources are organized systematically so that users can access and use them as sources of information as well as of fun and enjoyable learning resources. Functional librarian officer is a public servant librarian who is given duties, responsibilities and full authorities and rights by the appointed officer to do librarianship tasks at the units of library, documentation, and information in a governmental organisation or other types of institution based on their certain skills which are practised independently. Considering the importance of librarians’ professional development, the author aims to examine this topic further.
Penerapan Teori Deming untuk Meningkatkan Manajemen Mutu di Perpustakaan Asnah Yuliana
IJAL (Indonesian Journal of Academic Librarianship) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): FEBRUARY
Publisher : Asosiasi Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Islam Wilayah Jawa Timur (APPTIS Jatim)

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Library can serve as a vehicle for education, research, conservation, information, and recreation to improve the intelligence and empowerment of the nation. The policy to advance the library world in Indonesia is considered the most realistic option as a lifelong learning vehicle to develop the potential of the community to become a human being who believes and cautious to God Almighty, having noble character, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and citizen a democratic country and responsible for supporting the implementation of national education. However, the development of the library as the center of the development of science is constrained by the quality management in the library that has not been able to reach the maximum level. The problem boils down to one major problem ie the lack of a quality assurance system in the library that becomes the driving spirit in order to realize the maximum library development. The above mentioned problems can be solved if a library has a good quality management system. After the authors searched the literature on library quality management systems, the authors found only one quality management used in Indonesia that is ISO 9001: 2008. This paper will discuss more about library development using quality management initiated by Edward Deming, because it focuses on the customer or library users using the 14 principles that have been formulated.
Pemanfaatan Zotero dalam Penyusunan Karya Tulis Ilmiah Pustakawan Hary Supriyatno
IJAL (Indonesian Journal of Academic Librarianship) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): FEBRUARY
Publisher : Asosiasi Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Islam Wilayah Jawa Timur (APPTIS Jatim)

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In addition to provide excellent service, a librarian should also be able to pour ideas in writing. Writing scientific papers has become a mandatory duty for librarians not only when dealing with job promotion. It is a challenging task since one need to do preparation and have a focus in writing. Apart from having ideas and themes in the study, librarians need to be supported by quality reference materials. In this case, Zotero became the best solution to assist librarians when preparing scientific works. It helps them to obtain quality reference materials as well as to manage the references. Zotero’s ease of installation and its data management features make the software easier to operate and therefore highly recommended to be used for managing citations.
Upaya Meningkatkan Kompetensi Pengelola Perpustakaan Melalui Kegiatan Komunitas SLiMS Kediri Raya Muhammad Hamim
IJAL (Indonesian Journal of Academic Librarianship) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): FEBRUARY
Publisher : Asosiasi Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Islam Wilayah Jawa Timur (APPTIS Jatim)

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The fast development of library technology has forced librarians and information managers to continually improve their competencies. In order to enhance their skills, ones can participate in both formal and informal education. One of the informal ways of sharpening skills is to engage in communities. SLiMS Kediri Raya Community is a community which concerns on sharpening their members’ librarianship skills, primarily in enhancing their library IT skills. There are several activities held by the community which include gathering day, workshops or training session, library automation consultation and guidance, and online learning through social media. It is hoped that by participating in those activities, the community members who majority did not have any librarianship educational backgrounds will be able to improve their skills and competencies in the field.
Survei Kepuasan Pemustaka Terhadap Layanan Referensi di Perpustakaan IAIN Purwokerto Indah Wijaya Antasari
IJAL (Indonesian Journal of Academic Librarianship) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): FEBRUARY
Publisher : Asosiasi Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Islam Wilayah Jawa Timur (APPTIS Jatim)

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This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of library users towards reference services at the Library of IAIN Purwokerto. The researcher adopted descriptive quantitative approach and involved active library users as the population of the study. Sampling is carried out using slovin formula with 10% sampling error taken from 100 respondents. Three different collection methods are used, namely observation, questionnaires and documentation. The results of this study show the values of each sub variable: satisfaction towards facilities is 3.08; satisfaction towards collection is 2.73; satisfaction towards services is 3.04; satisfaction towards officers is 3.40; satisfaction towards regulation is 3.08. With average value of all sub-variables at 3.07, it can be concluded that the level of satisfaction of library users in the library of IAIN Purwokerto can be categorized high enough which means the service is considered satisfactory by the library user. The results of this study are used as reference for librarians in compiling work program plans. Since satisfaction with the collection has the lowest value, the improvement of quality and quantity of book collection deserves priority. Keywords: Library services, Library user, Reference services, User satisfaction, Academic library. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pemustaka terhadap layanan referensi pada bagian layanan jurnal, ensiklopedi, kamus dan hasil penelitian di Perpustakaan IAIN Purwokerto. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif dengan populasi anggota aktif di perpustakaan IAIN Purwokerto. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan rumus slovin dengan sampling error 10% dan diambil sampel 100 responden. Metode pengambilan datanya adalah observasi, kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai masing-masing sub variabel kepuasan pemustaka sebagai berikut: kepuasan terhadap fasilitas 3.08; kepuasan terhadap koleksi 2.73; kepuasan terhadap layanan 3.04; kepuasan terhadap petugas 3.40; kepuasan terhadap peraturan 3.08. Dengan nilai rata-rata keseluruhan sub variabel sebesar 3.07 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan pemustaka di Perpustakaan IAIN Purwokerto dapat dikategorikan cukup tinggi yang berarti layanannya dinilai memuaskan oleh pemustaka. Hasil penelitian ini digunakan untuk memandu pustakawan referensi dalam membuat rencana program kerja. Karena kepuasan terhadap koleksi mendapat nilai terendah, maka perbaikan kualitas dan kuantitas koleksi mendapat perhatian utama. Keywords: Layanan perpustakaan, Pemustaka, Layanan referensi, Kepuasan pemustaka, Perpustakaan perguruan tinggi..
Sistem Informasi “Aspirasi”: Sebuah Bentuk Penanganan Complain Perpustakaan Universitas Gadjah Mada Nur Cahyati Wahyuni
IJAL (Indonesian Journal of Academic Librarianship) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): FEBRUARY
Publisher : Asosiasi Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Islam Wilayah Jawa Timur (APPTIS Jatim)

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Continuous improvement is the key word for a Library that has already implemented international standard organization (ISO) in its services. The library should pay attention to customer complaint as an input for improvement. UGM Library in coordination with Public Relations of Universitas Gadjah Mada, using Information System "ASPIRASI" (SIAP) as a communication channel to public. The ASPIRASI is managed by UGM Public Relation whom has authority to arrange complaint disposition. Observation and document study of Library ISO-Like and Aspirations of UGM indicate the existence of several factors that become the subject of complaints namely physical facilities, information access, rules of library, collection, information system, and library’s human resource. In the future, with SIAP, continuous improvement could be made and the number of complaints decreases from year to year, or at least, there is no complaint about the same thing.

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