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Published by Universitas Riau
Core Subject : Agriculture, Social,
The journal publishes Original Research Articles (full papers and short communications) and Review (full and mini-reviews) in all aspects of Wetland (Peat swamp Forest Restoration) Estuaries (Mangrove, macrophytes, or plant species present in the area). Migration, and establishment of new plants, species richness, the abundance of introduced species.Sedimentation and movement of sediment, landslides, land shift. Exploitation of Aquatic Resources (Coral Reefs, Seagrass, Algae, Rocky Shore), Coastal Area Development, Coastal Erosion. The manuscript should be prepared in good English and has to proofread by a native speaker or professional proofreader. The proposed manuscript should not be previously published or be considered for any other journals, and should be free of plagiarism. The submitted manuscript will be initially screened by an editor to check the scope, language and suitability, and to detect plagiarism using Turnitin software. The journal publishes one volume and two issues (January - July & August - December) per year. The accepted manuscript will be online once the revised version has been received and approved by the editor in chief.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1, No 2 (2020)" : 6 Documents clear
Saprobic Index and Composition of Phytoplankton in the Sungai Jang, Tanjungpinang, Indonesia Tengku Said Razai; Thamrin Thamrin; Nofrizal Nofrizal; Viktor Amrivo; Ramses Ramses; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar; Imam Pangestiansyah Putra; Rika Kurniawan
ECOTONE Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Riau University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ecotone.1.2.p.47-56


Environmental pollution that occurs in Tanjungpinang City, cannot be separated from the pollution of the aquatic ecosystem. Water pollution is caused by the presence of waste from residential activities, shops, industry, and other activities that produce waste. Likewise, what happens in the waters of the Sungai Jang, the activities of settlements, shops, industry can cause water pollution in this area, so a study is needed to see the extent of environmental pollution. The indicator used to determine the level of water pollution is by looking at the saprobity index through the phytoplankton community. This research was conducted by dividing the research stations based on differences in activity, namely; station 1 (settlements), station 2 (mangroves), station 3 (shops, industry), station 4 (reclamation). The results showed that the composition of the phytoplankton species found in the waters of the Sungai Jang, Tanjungpinang consisted of 17 species which were classified into 5 divisions. Diatomae types have the most number of species among other divisions, and the most dominating. The dominance of phytoplankton from the class Bacillariophyceae (Diatomae) cannot be separated from the role of nutrients in the water. The average saprobic index value of -0.39 is classified as Moderately Polluted (Meso Saprobik). Pollution that occurs is a result of organic waste from existing activities, causing an increase in nutrients. From the results of measurements in the field, the nutrient content (nitrate and phosphate) in the waters of the Sungai Jang had exceeded the quality standard.
Growth and Feed Efficiency of Chopped Grouper Fish Fry (Epinephelus fuscoggutatus> Asih Amanda; Wiwin Kusuma Atmaja Putra; Tri Yulianto
ECOTONE Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Riau University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ecotone.1.2.p.77-84


This study aims to determine the best feeding rate (FR) in increasing feed efficiency and growth of Chopped grouper and to determine the efficiency and growth of Chopped grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus x Epinephelus lanceolatus). This research was conducted in February-March 2020 for 42 days at the Household Scale Hatchery of the Marin Agri Sejahtera Cooperative, Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands. The method used was experimental with a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications where K treatment (15% trash feed), A treatment (10% trash feed), B treatment (20% trash feed), treatment C (feeding 25% trash feed). The results of the study, through statistical analysis, showed that the papain enzyme dose was able to have a very significant effect.
The Effect Of Fasting On The Growth Response Of Chopped Grouper Fish (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus x Epinephelus lanceolatus) Indriana Citra Dewi; Wiwin Kusuma Atmaja Putra; Tri Yulianto
ECOTONE Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Riau University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ecotone.1.2.p.85-92


This research aims to determine the effect of appropriate feeding time for the growth of Chopped Grouper Fish (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus x Epinephelus lanceolatus). This research was conducted from March to April 2020 for 42 days at Madong village, silver pompano culture group, Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands Province. The methodology used in this research was experimental with a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 4 replications, which the T1: fed daily  T2: 1 day given food 1 day of fasting. T3: 2 days given food, 1 day of fasting. Analysis of the data using One-Way ANOVA showed that the best absolute weight growth was found in T1 treatment of (29.13 ± 1.07 g), daily growth (SGR) (0.69 ± 0.03 cm). The results obtained indicate that T1 treatment is the best treatment for growth
Sustainable Management of Guruh Gemurai Waterfall Ecotourism in Kuantan Singingi Thamrin Thamrin; Ridwan Manda Putra; Nofrizal Nofrizal; Rahman Karnila
ECOTONE Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Riau University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ecotone.1.2.p.93-104


Tourism Location of Guruh Gemurai Waterfall, Kuansing is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations to visit, which is located in Kuasing Regency, Riau. The study is conducted from September to October 2010. To see the sustainability of this tourist area, research was carried out to identify current environmental conditions. Factors for future development and assessing the ecotourism sustainability of Guruh Gemurai Waterfall using a survey. From the research results, it is found that many factors need to be improved by the management, especially those related to the safety of visitors, especially the stairs and handrails at level 4, the facilities besides being equipped with representative trash cans. It is recommended that the seven levels be managed, then all that is available must be developed again, both the damaged ones and the new ones, which must be remade so that it affects labor absorption. From the leveraging factors, there are six: covering the basic water substrate, water conditions, having protected species, local labor absorption, environmental knowledge, and growth in the number of traders. However, from these six leveraging factors, there are only three factors that can be improved, namely local labor absorption, environmental knowledge, and growth in the number of traders.
Rapid Assessment of the Ecological Value of Buaya Lake in Bandar Alai Kari, Kuantan Tengah, Kuantan Singingi Regency, Riau Rasoel Hamidy; Yusni Ikhwan Siregar
ECOTONE Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Riau University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ecotone.1.2.p.57-65


In Bandar Alai Kari, Kuantan Tengah Sub-district, Kuantan Singingi Regency, Riau, there is a Buaya Lake. According to the history, the Buaya (crocodiles) Lake, used to be a place for river crocodiles to live (an area of approximately 4.5 ha). To obtain data on the value of the lake's conservation status (ecological value), a rapid assessment method is used using the ECELS index. Observations in the field and with the help of drones to observe the components of the ECELS index assessment, the index value is less than 30. From this value it can be concluded that the Bandar Alai Kari crocodile lake is in a very bad conservation status and needs to be restored
Environmental Factor Relationship To Coral Growth of Goniopora stokesi in Waters of Laelae Island And Barranglompo Island Dedy Kurniawan; Jamaluddin Jompa; Abdul Haris
ECOTONE Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Riau University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/ecotone.1.2.p.66-76


Goniopora stokesi coral is one of the massive corals on Laelae Island and Barranglompo Island. Massive coral growth in the formation of coral skeleton sedimentation rate (CaCO3) is highly dependent on the environment. The research objective was to analyze the differences in the growth rates of G. stokesi, as well as the relationship between environmental factors and the growth rates of G. stokesi corals in Laelae Island and Barranglompo Island. This study uses secondary data on coral growth of G. stokesi and data on environmental conditions from 2009 to 2013, in the waters of Laelae Island and Barranglompo Island. Differences in coral growth rates were analyzed using One Way ANOVA analysis, if there were significant differences followed by a significant difference test according to the Bonferroni method, with SPSS 19.00 software. Analysis of the relationship between environmental factors and coral growth using the Principle Component Analysis (PCA) test with Microsoft Excel 2003 software. The results showed that the environmental conditions in the waters of Laelae Island and Barranglompo Island showed a range of values that were not too different, only the traffic, current, and turbidity values were different between the two islands. The coral growth rate of G. stokesi on Laelae Island was 9.72 ± 1.16 mm year-1, while on Barranglompo Island it was 12.47 ± 2.67 mm year-1. The coral growth of G. stokesi on Laelae Island was affected by high currents and turbidity, while on Barranglompo Island it was influenced by high salinity.

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