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Global and Policy Journal of International Relations
ISSN : 23379960     EISSN : 27454274     DOI : -
Global & Policy adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pembangunan "Veteran" Jawa Timur. Global & Policy menerima artikel baik hasil pemikiran maupun hasil penelitian dalam bidang terkait kajian Hubungan Internasional kontemporer. Jurnal Global & Policy diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu setiap bulan Juni dan Desember.
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 11, No 02 (2023)" : 8 Documents clear
ASEAN Integration Process as a Model of Successful Regional Integration
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 11, No 02 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v11i02.3711


The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive understanding of successful regional integration by looking at the ASEAN regional integration process as the main case study. Previous research has explained that successful regional integration is indicated by success in increasing economic levels, inter-state linkages that support the achievement of political stability, and cultural linkages that encourage the creation of a mutual identity. This paper seeks to describe how ASEAN's efforts to achieve regional integration success. The three interconnected causal factors of regional integration theory—increasing interdependence between states, organizational capacity for resolving disputes, the emergence of international legal systems, and the states' expectation that supranational rules will eventually supplant national regulatory systems—led to the formation and the development of ASEAN. ASEAN believes that by implementing the ASEAN Community, which is supported by the three pillars of the ASEAN Economic Community, ASEAN Political-Security Community, and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community, they can achieve all forms of integration through the process, including the economic, political, and socio-cultural integration.DOI
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 11, No 02 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v11i02.4138


Digital transformation has affected various aspects of our lives, starting from the way we communicate, work, shop, and do business. In Indonesia, the use of blockchain technology for data security has great potential to increase security and transparency in data management. The use of blockchain technology for data security is an interesting and innovative solution. However, amidst the great potential benefits, the use of blockchain technology also carries risks and challenges that cannot be ignored. The research methodology was carried out using a qualitative descriptive approach by analyzing data and information obtained from reliable sources such as journals, books, articles, reports and official documents related to digital transformation and the implementation of blockchain technology in Indonesia. In addition, this research also involves interviews with experts and practitioners in the field of technology and digital transformation in Indonesia. The concept of data security includes three main aspects: confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. Data confidentiality relates to the privacy and confidentiality of data from unauthorized parties. Information categorized as confidential includes personal data, health data, financial data, company confidential data, and government data. The Indonesian government has paid attention to this potential and issued regulations and strategies to increase the use of blockchain technology in government and private sector operations. Several projects using blockchain technology in Indonesia have been carried out, such as verifying and validating educational certificates, storing medical data, and using cryptocurrency as a means of payment.DOI :
Evaluating the central and strategic role of Saka Kalpataru in successing of sustainable development
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 11, No 02 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v11i02.4139


The modern environmental conditions cannot be separated from climate change. Therefore, climate change is covered as one of the goals in the sustainable development agenda, titled "climate action". Theme for 2023 is "Human Impacts and Responsibility." Furthermore, Saka Kalpataru is a special unit within the Indonesian Scout movement that is engaged specifically in the environmental subject. Saka Kalpataru is valuable and crucial because it combines training, youth involvement, and collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry as well as the Ministry of Education as part of the Indonesian government. The activities completed by Saka Kalpataru enables and encourages young people to address environmental problems. These activities, which also collaborate with local communities, help promote several things regarding the climate change. Therefore, the central and strategic roles of Saka Kalpataru are fascinating to discover. This paper aims to evaluate Saka Kalpataru's activities with regard to the climate movement and the contribution to the success of sustainable development.DOI:
Upaya Nation Branding Qatar melalui Event FIFA World Cup 2022
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 11, No 02 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v11i02.4195


ABSTRACT Qatar is a rich country in the Middle East region which is one of the largest oil producers in the world. In 2008, Qatar inaugurated the Qatar National Vision 2030 (QNV 2030) which aims to transform Qatar into a developed country. To realize this Vision, Qatar is increasingly aggressively presenting itself to the international community. One of them is in 2010, Qatar won the bidding to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup by defeating other countries such as Japan, South Korea and the United States. The bidding victory made Qatar the first Middle Eastern country to successfully host the 2022 FIFA World Cup and became one of the efforts to realize QNV 2030. Various rejections arose after Qatar was chosen to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup due to Qatar's policies that were considered burdensome to participants to the issue of labor exploitation and migrant workers that occurred during the preparation of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. By hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup, Qatar is trying to improve its image in the international world and convince other countries that they are ready to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup through the implementation of nation branding efforts including policy, investment, tourism, culture and people.Keywords: Qatar, FIFA World Cup 2022, nation branding Qatar merupakan negara kaya di Kawasan timur tengah yang menjadi salah satu penghasil minyak terbesar di dunia. Pada tahun 2008,Qatar meresmikan Qatar National Vision 2030 (QNV 2030) yang bertujuan untuk mengubah Qatar menjadi negara maju. Untuk mewujudkan Visi tersebut, Qatar semakin gencar memunculkan diri ke dunia internasional. Salah satunya adalah pada tahun 2010, Qatar memenangkan bidding untuk menjadi tuan rumah FIFA World Cup 2022 dengan mengalahkan negara – negara lain seperti Jepang, Korea Selatan dan Amerika Serikat. Kemenangan bidding tersebut menjadikan Qatar sebagai negara di Kawasan Timur Tengah pertama yang berhasil menjadi tuan rumah FIFA World Cup 2022 dan menjadi salah satu upaya untuk mewujudkan QNV 2030. Berbagai penolakan muncul pasca Qatar terpilih menjadi tuan rumah FIFA World Cup 2022 dikarenakan kebijakan – kebijakan Qatar yang dirasa memberatkan peserta hingga isu ekploitasi buruh dan pekerja migran yang terjadi selama persiapan FIFA World Cup 2022. Dengan menjadi tuan rumah FIFA World Cup 2022 ini, Qatar berusaha untuk memperbaiki citra di dunia internasional dan meyakinkan negara lain bahwa mereka siap menjadi tuan rumah FIFA World Cup 2022 melalui implementasi upaya – upaya nation branding antara lain policy, investment, tourism, culture dan people. Kata Kunci: Qatar, FIFA World Cup 2022, nation brandingDOI:
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 11, No 02 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v11i02.4160


This research examines and identifies men's role in supporting the SDGs' achievement. This research uses the literature study method. Data from literature relevant to the research title, such as books, journal articles, reports, and website articles, will be analyzed qualitatively. Gender inequality has become a particular concern globally, especially regarding human resource development. Gender inequality appears in marginalization, subordination, stigma, stereotypes, and violence. The root of the problem of gender inequality is the patriarchal social system that does not support women. Men play a strategic position in supporting women to change social norms, structures, and policies that disadvantage women. We argue that to achieve gender equality and women's empowerment, there is a need to stabilize the discourse of men's roles by abandoning traditional hegemonic masculinity values towards a new masculinity movement that supports gender equality. This research implies that the deconstruction of a new masculinity that mediates the role of men in sustainable development, especially in the social, economic, political, and domestic sectors, in encouraging the realization of gender equality is critical, so we recommend policies from the government and related sector institutions. Keywords: new masculinities, movement, gender equality, SDGsDOI:
Mengurai Identitas dalam Konteks Regionalisme Kawasan Afrika: Perjuangan Melawan Apartheid Menuju Persatuan yang Solid
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 11, No 02 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v11i02.4095


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis regionalisme di Kawasan Afrika dalam dimensi sosial budaya. Melalui eksplorasi tersebut, penulis akan menjelaskan proses integrasi kawasan melalui penjabaran regionalisme, analisis latar belakang praktik Apartheid, hubungan antara regionalisme, norma, dan identitas, serta manifestasi gerakan pan-Afrikanisme melalui institusi regional Organization of African Unity dan African Union. Sebagai alat analisis, penulis menggunakan pendekatan regionalisme baru (new regionalism approach/NRA) dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan identitas, norma, nilai, dan prinsip berperan sebagai intangible forces, sedangkan praktik politik dan eksploitasi sebagai tangible forces dalam proses regionalisme di Kawasan Afrika. Regionalisme yang terjadi di Kawasan Afrika berdasarkan aspek sosial disebabkan oleh faktor internal (dinamika kawasan akibat praktik kolonialisme dan Apartheid) maupun eksternal (nilai dan norma universal yang dibawa oleh arus globalisasi). Melalui pendekatan regionalisme baru, diperoleh peran aktor non-negara yang turut mewarnai regionalisme kawasan. Terakhir, panggung politik global yang dinamis juga menuntut OAU untuk merubah haluan di tengah gempuran zaman.Kata kunci: regionalisme; apartheid; new regionalism approach;  Afrika; sosial budayaAbstract This research aims to analyze regionalism in the African Region in the dimension of socio-cultural aspects. Through this exploration, the author will explain the regional integration process by elaborating on regionalism, analyzing the background of Apartheid practices, the relationship between regionalism, norms, and identity, as well as the manifestations of the Pan-African movement through the regional institutions of the Organization of African Unity and the African Union. As an analytical tool, the author employs the New Regionalism Approach (NRA) with a qualitative descriptive research method. The research findings indicate that identity, norms, values, and principles play a role as intangible forces, while political practices and exploitation act as tangible forces in the process of regionalism in the African Region. Regionalism in the African Region, based on social aspects, is influenced by both internal factors (regional dynamics resulting from colonialism and Apartheid practices) and external factors (universal values and norms brought by the tide of globalization). Through the new regionalism approach, the role of non-state actors shaping regionalism in the region is evident. Finally, the dynamic global political stage also demands a shift in direction for the OAU amid the challenges of the times.Keywords: regionalism; apartheid; new regionalism approach; Africa; socio-culturalDOI:
Breaking Barriers to Global Education: Investigating the Experiences of Middle-Income Students in Study Abroad Programs
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 11, No 02 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v11i02.4140


Everyone has the right to a complete education, yet certain demographic groups face barriers. Study abroad programs help students understand global issues and improve their academic and career skills. International education migration can be tough for middle-class people. This study examines how educational quality and study-abroad programs affect international migration. This study examines how study abroad affects student academic and professional success. Middle-income students may need more study-abroad opportunities. Interviews are used in qualitative research on study abroad students. This project aims to improve study-abroad programs for students from different socioeconomic origins, emphasising disadvantaged groups. According to studies, economically disadvantaged students may confront many problems when studying abroad. They include financial, cultural, and linguistic barriers and social isolation. Scholarships and financial aid also promote justice and increase study-abroad access. The above funds can help economically disadvantaged students pay for study abroad programs by reducing travel, tuition, and living expenses. The widespread distribution of scholarship program information and its accessibility can help all youngsters receive a comprehensive education and accomplish their academic and occupational goals. This research could help build Sustainable Development Goal 4 policy and implementation techniques. It promotes and improves high-quality education. Furthermore, these discoveries can improve global educational parity.DOI:
SDGs-Based Economic Development Design Through the Development of Eco Halal Food in Sustainable Food Home Areas (KRPL)
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 11, No 02 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v11i02.4169


Eco Halal Food is a new term in the food industry. Eco Halal Food is a continuation of eco food, namely food that provides safety not only for humans but also for the environment. Eco food is one of the business models for food from processed plants that has an impact on health and community empowerment. But in the current context, eco food in food is not enough, because it cannot be internationally competitive. Thus, eco food coupled with halal food are two food safety concepts that have their own standardization, and can become a new discovery, namely eco halal food, a food concept that is not only halalan thoyyibah, but also has a positive impact on empowering the surrounding community and a sustainable environment. So this research aims; the first describes the development of eco Halal food in the Sustainable Food Home Area (KRPL), the second analyzes the design of SDGs-based economic development through the development of eco halal food. Achievement of the objectives was carried out using a research method, namely a qualitative approach with the type of phenomenological research. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, documentation and extension of observations at the location. Data analysis used the Miles Huberman model with a phenomenological analysis model. So the results of this study state that the first thing to do is to empower women in managing food at KRPL. So as to produce various food variants that are managed from upstream to downstream. Second, the design of the economic development carried out seeks to achieve the 17 goals of the SDGs coupled with sharia elements as a new combination in realizing sustainable development.DOI:

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