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Global and Policy Journal of International Relations
ISSN : 23379960     EISSN : 27454274     DOI : -
Global & Policy adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pembangunan "Veteran" Jawa Timur. Global & Policy menerima artikel baik hasil pemikiran maupun hasil penelitian dalam bidang terkait kajian Hubungan Internasional kontemporer. Jurnal Global & Policy diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu setiap bulan Juni dan Desember.
Articles 9 Documents
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Perkembangan Gerakan Earth Hour sebagai Bentuk Pencegahan Perubahan Iklim Dunia Tahun 2007-2015 Rohy, Wolter Kinsky
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 01 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i01.1930


ABSTRACTThis research aims to analyze the development of the Earth Hour, which started in 2007, in Sidney, Australia. The Earth Hour, initiated by WWF, is a movement that works by encouraging people to turn off the light for an hour in the last week of March. Other than that, the Earth Hour has also managed to initiate other solutions for various climate change issues. This research look into the Earth Hour movement based on the standpoint of the recipient and the messenger. The recipient standpoint is being analyzed through the Convergence Theory, where the focus is the people, who joins the organizations based on their similarities in vision and mission statements and how they influence the national policy, from six sample countries. The messenger is WWF that works through the five strategies of mobilizing the global civil society, which are as follows, networking, lobbying, visibility, framing, and swarming.Keywords: strategy, convergence theory, earth hour movementDOI :
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan Impor Tekstil dan produk Tekstil (TPT) China di Jawa Timur Terkait ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACAFTA) Tahun 2010-2013 Muliawati, Riski
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 01 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i01.1928


ABSTRACTThis study examines the factors that influence the demand for the imports of the textiles and textile products (TPT) from China in the East Java, Indonesia. This research is based on the implementation of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA), applied to the ASEAN members and China. The implementation of tariff exemption between ASEAN-6 and China under the ACFTA, entered into force in 2010. The tariff exemption is being imposed to some of the TPT products under the category of Normal Track that affected the demand for Chinese textile imports in the East Java. The main problems to be discussed on this study are the factors that influence the demand for Chinese textile imports in East Java in regards to the ACFTA. This study uses the theory of the Free Trade Area (FTA), consumption theory, the theory of aggregate demand, business strategy, pricing strategy, the strategy of imitation, and the concept of imports. Based on the findings of the research, this research concludes that the factors affecting the demand for Chinese textile imports in East Java are divided into the external factors and internal factors. The External factors is the impact of the tariff-free implementation of ACFTA and the business strategies of China. While the internal factors comes from the purchasing power of the East Java, which can be observed through factors such as the prices, consumption, and average incomes.Keywords: ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA), business strategy, import demand, TPT East JavaDOI :
Alasan Indonesia Meratifikasi ASEAN Agreement On Transboundary Haze Pollution (AATHP) Dalam Penanganan Kabut Asap Lintas Batas Shidiq, Mohamad Ad’lan
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 01 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i01.1924


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan alasan Indonesia meratifikasi ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution. Pada tahun 1997, kabut asap akibat kebakaran lahan melanda Indonesia yang dampaknya hingga ke negara-negara kawasan Asia Tenggara. Fenomena tersebut mendorong ASEAN untuk membuat perjanjian pada tahun 2002 yang mewadahi kerjasama dalam upaya penanganan kabut asap tersebut. Indonesia sebagai negara yang disalahkan atas kabut asap tersebut tidak langsung meratifikasi perjanjian tersebut. Periode 2002-2014 kabut asap menjadi bencana yang tidak terselesaikan bagi Indonesia. Permasalahan tersebut menyebabkan masyarakat bergerak untuk mendesak pemerintah untuk melakukan pertanggungjawaban. Hingga pada tahun 2014 Indonesia bersedia meratifikasi AATHP. Penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan sebab akibat dari tuntutan masyarakat dan pertanggungjawaban negara terhadap lingkungan yang mendorong Indonesia meratifikasi AATHP melalui sudut pandang pilihan rasional. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan keuntungan yang didapat Indonesia setelah meratifikasi AATHP. Hasil dari penelitian ini memaparkan rasionalitas yang dimiliki oleh pembuat kebijakan dalam meratifikasi AATHP.Kata Kunci: AATHP, Tuntutan Masyarakat, Pertanggungjawaban Negara, Ratifikasi, Kabut Asap Lintas Batas, ASEANDOI :
Strategi World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Dalam Upaya Mendorong Penandatanganan Deklarasi Heart of Borneo Nugraha, Randi Putra
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 01 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i01.1925


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi yang digunakan oleh WWF dalam upaya untuk mendorong penandatanganan Deklarasi Heart of Borneo. Pada periode tahun 2000-2005 tingkat kerusakan akibat deforestasi di hutan Borneo yang mencakup kawasan negara Indonesia, Malaysia dan Brunei sangat tinggi. WWF sebagai NGO yang fokus terhadap isu-isu lingkungan mengeluarkan inisiatif Heart of Borneo. Seiring berjalannya waktu pemerintah ketiga negara yang menduduki pulau Borneo menandatangani perjanjian kerjasama yang bertajuk Deklarasi Heart of Borneo untuk bersama-sama melindungi kawasan tersebut. Penelitian ini menganalisis kegiatan advokasi terhadap pemerintah yang dilakukan WWF melalui konsep transnational advocacy networks, yakni WWF sebagai NGO melakukan kegiatan advokasi lintas batas terhadap pemangku kepentingan dan pemerintah ketiga negara, serta menggunakan teori advokasi dan lobbying untuk menjelaskan strategi yang digunakan oleh WWF. Hasil dari penelitian ini memaparkan bahwa WWF menggunakan strategi advokasi, direct lobbying dan kampanye dalam upaya mendorong terjadinya deklarasi heart of borneo. Secara keseluruhan, analisis penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menjelaskan hipotesis tentang ketiga strategi yang digunakan WWF untuk mempengaruhi para pemangku kepentingan dan pembuat keputusan di ketiga negara.Kata kunci: NGO, Strategi, Transnational Advocacy Network, Advokasi, Direct Lobbying, Kampanye, Deklarasi, Heart of BorneoDOI :
Upaya Pemerintah Indonesia Dalam Meningkatkan Wisatawan Mancanegara Asal Singapura Melalui Program Wonderful Indonesia Tahun 2011-2014 Bazher, Salamah Salem
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 01 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i01.1929


ABSTRACTThis study aims to explain the Indonesian government's efforts to increase foreign tourists from Singapore through the Wonderful Indonesia program in 2011-2014. The background of this study is the fluctuations of the number of foreign tourists to Indonesia from year 2004 to 2010, the declining occurs due to the international issues stating that Indonesia is an unsafe country. Therefore, Indonesia made various efforts to attract foreign tourists to visit Indonesia. Wonderful Indonesia is a program created by the Indonesian government as an effort to bring back the high number of foreign tourists. Wonderful Indonesia officially implemented from the beginning of January 2011. Singapore became the main promotion target of the Wonderful Indonesia program because Singaporean tourist is biggest contributor for the total number of tourists visiting Indonesia that has been showing a declining trend. Those problems are being analyzed under a dekskriptif methode by employing the cultural diplomacy and tourism promotion framework. Based on the theoretical approach, it can be argued that the government's efforts is based on a form of cultural diplomacy. This form of cultural diplomacy by Indonesia to Singapore works though the promotion of tourism and the forms of tourism promotion, specifically through sales promotion, internet marketing and advertising.Keywords: Wonderful Indonesia, cultural diplomacy, and tourism promotionDOI :
Misi Perdamaian PBB Dalam Penanganan Konflik: Studi Kasus Peran UNAMID Dalam Pencapaian Resolusi Konflik Darfur Tahun 2007-2011 Saragih, Andika Amrija
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 01 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i01.1922


ABSTRACTThis research based on the condition of international peace and security that experiencing dynamic and volatile in many parts of the world. A conflict that paid international attention over the past 20 years is the Darfur conflict within the problem of ethnic background. The Darfur conflict has killed at least more than 500,000 people and left more than 750,000 residents to flee to other countries for reasons of security and a better life. Facing the fact that many people who become casualties in this protracted conflict, many international parties are urging the Sudanese government to immediately resolve its internal conflicts and offer help if needed. One of the international organization that assist handling of this conflict is the United Nations (UN). Through the Security Council, the UN established a peacekeeping operation called UNAMID which is a joint mission of peace between the United Nations and the African Union. This peace mission who handle the Darfur conflict to UNAMID managed to achieve a resolution of the conflict in the form of a peace agreement, called the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur in 2011.Keywords : Darfur, UNAMID, conflict resolution, facilitator, peace agreementDOI :
Efektifitas Peran AUSAID dalam Pelestarian Hutan Akibat Perdagangan Kuota Karbon (CO2) Antara Sumatera Barat dengan Australia Tahun 2008-2013 Harsiwi, Resti Dwi
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 01 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i01.1926


ABSTRACTThe quota carbon trading (CO2), by the West Sumatera and Australia under the Kyoto Protocol and the REDD, brought both positive impacts and also negative impacts. The quota carbon trading (CO2) is considered as the solution in addressing global warming and climate change issues. Unfortunately, the other side of the quota carbon trading (CO2) takes forms in the deforestation and forest degradation. In this case, AusAID acts as the mediator in solving the problems that arises between the two sides. With the AusAID taking role as mediator, it is expected that the related parties can work together for a common purpose. In regards to that matter, the AusAID works through the use of diplomacy, communication and influence, which resulted in the effective work of AusAID. In achieving their goal, there is an important role of the DSF (Decentralization Support Facility) as facilitator and inspector related mechanisms must be fulfilled by Australia, AusAID, and West Sumatera.Keywords: Kyoto Protocol, REDD, quota carbon trading (CO2), AusAID, and DSF.DOI :
Strategi Indonesia Dalam Mengatasi Black Campaign Sawit Untuk Meningkatkan Ekspor Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Periode Tahun 2007-2012 Habibie, Ardyanata Billy
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 01 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i01.1923


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mendeskripsikan strategi pemerintah Indonesia dalam mengatasi black campaign sawit untuk meningkatkan ekspor crude palm oil (CPO) (2007-2012). Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai negara penghasil minyak sawit terbesar di dunia, Indonesia seringkali mendapat sorotan dan tuduhan negatif dari dunia. Beberapa negara menganggap bahwa masalah menanam kelapa sawit di tanah gambut dan hutan primer dan grassland penyebab emisi gas rumah kaca. Dari latar belakang tersebut, pertanyaan yang muncul dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana strategi strategi pemerintah Indonesia dalam mengatasi black campaign sawit untuk meningkatkan ekspor crude palm oil (CPO) (2007-2012)? Pertanyaan tersebut diteliti dengan menggunakan teori diplomasi ekonomi, teori green marketing strategy, green product, diplomasi publik dan kampanye public relations. Dalam diplomasi ekonomi tersebut, strategi yang digunakan pemerintah adalah Green marketing strategy yang didalamnya terdapat aspek pemasaran green product. Untuk mendukung berlangsungnya Green marketing strategy Indonesia melakukan diplomasi publik dan kampanye public relations yang diimplementasikan melalui program green campaign yang dimulai oleh pemerintah Indonesia pada tahun 2007.Kata Kunci: Crude palm oil, Black Campaign, Green Campaign, diplomasi ekonomi, green marketing strategy, green product, diplomasi publik, kampanye public relationsDOI :
Peran Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) Dalam Resolusi Konflik Antara Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) dan Pemerintah Indonesia Tahun 2005-2012 Kurniawan, Rizky Arie
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 01 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i01.1927


ABSTRACTThis study aims to describe the role of the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) in the resolution of conflict between the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and the Indonesian government. Post-independence Indonesia in 1945, Aceh felt that they have been colonized by Indonesia to exploit the natural resources and that there is an economic inequality between Aceh and other areas in Indonesia. GAM is formed to fight against the Government of Indonesia (GoI) as the result of the disappointment that has been experienced by the people of Aceh. GAM seeks to liberate Aceh from Indonesia and to restore the rights of the deprived people of Aceh. This study discusses the role of CMI between the GAM-GoI using conflict resolution theory, which focuses on the process to transform a conflict into peace, and also the theory of non-governmental organization’s role, which focuses on the non-governmental organizations as the actors who are able to influence the conflict resolution. Overall, this research argues that the CMI's role in the conflict resolution between GAM-GoI is as mediators, facilitators and observers. The period of the study is limited from the 2005 to 2012. This study uses a descriptive research methodology where the data is presented in detailed manner.Keywords: Crisis Management Initiative, GAM, Government of Indonesia, Conflict Resolution, Role of Non-Governmental OrganizationDOI :

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