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Global and Policy Journal of International Relations
ISSN : 23379960     EISSN : 27454274     DOI : -
Global & Policy adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Universitas Pembangunan "Veteran" Jawa Timur. Global & Policy menerima artikel baik hasil pemikiran maupun hasil penelitian dalam bidang terkait kajian Hubungan Internasional kontemporer. Jurnal Global & Policy diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu setiap bulan Juni dan Desember.
Articles 10 Documents
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Kesiapan UMKM Handicraft Surabaya Menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) Melalui Peningkatan Kualitas dan Kuantitas Produk Ekspor Kresnawati, Megahnanda Alidyan; Andarini, Sonja; Anabarja, Sarah
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 02 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i02.1910


ABSTRACTThe establishment of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) has become one of the challenge for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia. The challenges are especially in the way of how to increase the standard, design and product quality so that they can survive in the ASEAN single market. As one of the proven safety net in Indonesian economy after the crisis in 1998, SMEs became in the point of attention in Indonesian economic development. Thus, in order to develop the Indonesian economic performance, SMEs are needed to increase their number of exports as well as their management. According to the 2004 report, in Surabaya there are only 30 percent of SMEs products which are successfully market their products abroad. These numbers are still lesser than the expected percentage of export number from SMEs. By using the qualitative method this research identifies the obstacles and challenges faced by the SMEs producing Handicrafts products in Surabaya. As for the data were obtained by interview and FGD technic. The result of this first phase is going to be used to form the education pattern for developing the performance for those SMEs by using the Problem Based Learning Model.Keywords : Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Handicraft, Export Products, QualityDOI : https//
Whither Multilateral Negotiation? China’s Foreign Policy in the South China Sea Dispute Ramadhani, Eryan
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 02 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i02.1909


ABSTRACTThis paper aims to examine the factors driving China’s rejection of multilateral negotiation to achieve dispute settlement in the South China Sea. China was a relatively closed country striving for internal stability during the leadership of Mao Zedong. The new era for China to engage the world came true after Deng Xiaoping made a history by opening up his country in the late 1970s. From that moment onward, China has been actively involved in varying cooperation both bilaterally and multilaterally. The partners with which China eagerly strengthens its relationship are the neighbors in Southeast Asia. Engagement with the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was one of China’s most fateful breaktrhough in the early 1990s, following the sanction imposed by the Western world due to the Tiananmen outbreak in 1989. China-ASEAN relationship has been thriving by leaps and bounds ever since. The South China Sea dispute putting China against Southeast Asian claimants, however, dims the good prospect of better relationship in the future. China’s assertive behavior in dealing with the dispute tarnishes the good image China has been portraying in the last two decades. Adding to such contradiction, China casts aside multilateral talks ASEAN members opt for. Instead, China compels the use of bilateral negotiation to be held between China and each claimant. This paper identifies three factors contributing to China’s preference of bilateral over multilateral negotiation: the apprehension about third party’s infiltration (i.e. the US), the concern over bargaining power, and the non-negotiable position in territorial sovereignty issue.Keywords: China, ASEAN, South China Sea dispute, multilateral negotiationDOI :
Bretton Woods System: Eksistensi Hegemon Amerika Serikat Dalam Tatanan Perekonomian Global Paska Perang Dunia Saragih, Andika Amrija
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 02 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i02.1921


ABSTRACTThe strength of the United States in economic and military put him in the position in leadership as the most dominant actor after the outbreak of the First World War. The dominance showed in every decision and activity he participated in the political constellation and the global economy. One is through Bretton Woods System which is formed as well as the idea of the United States relating to the change and improvement of the structure of the post-war international monetary system. In the prewar period, the countries in the world more use gold as a single exchange rate system. But after the outbreak of the First World War, many countries experienced a decline in growth rates and instability in economic conditions due to the depleted gold reserves used to finance the war. The Bretton Woods System present to give enlightenment to all countries in order not to repeat the mistakes of the past which resulted in disruption of world economic structure. The system also managed to create international institutions such as the IMF, World Bank and WTO. The third institution initiated by the United States is the primary regulator in the respective proportions and play a role in promoting the liberalization of the economy. However, the Bretton Woods system did not last long because the great crisis facing the US in the 1970s led to the instability of the US domestic economic conditions that led to the collapse of the system which has been built for nearly half of the century.Keywords: United States, Bretton Woods System, liberal, economy, crisisDOI :
The Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation Toward Company’s Productivity : A Case Study of Tourism Industries in Indonesia Agustina, Eka Christine
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 02 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i02.1915


ABSTRACTThe main purpose of this paper is to explore further the dynamic and debatable relationshipbetween corporate social responsibility (CSR) and economic performance of a company byanalyzing the impact to company productivity or economic growth. Many previous studies inthis topic mostly use the manufacturing or machine based related industries. However, fordeveloping countries like Indonesia, hospitality or service based industries contributessignificantly to the nation’s economic development rather than other industries. Apparently,tourism industries have a slightly different mechanism compare to other industries in order tomake the business sustainab le and CSR plays a very important tool for its development. Bylooking first from some definition about CSR, the paper will then discover some long ongoingdebate over CSR impact and divided it into two majors which are profit maximization andhuman resour ces management. The case will be taken from increasingly growing tourismindustry in Indonesia which it has been considered as the best practice of CSR due to its highawareness to environmental and society issue. The paper later found out that despite thereluctance of some company to fully implement CSR and sign some codes of conducts forcertain humanitarian issues, there is positive impacts especially toward the accountability ofworkers. Also, the so called branding impact of CSR action will bring pote ntial sustainabilityto the company despite some critics to its genuine purpose by company.Keywords:CSR implementation, economic performance, company productivity, tourismindustryDOI :
Analisis Perubahan Keputusan Pemerintah Maladewa Terhadap Kontrak Konsesi Bandara Internasional Male Dari Perusahaan GMR India Ke BUCG Tiongkok Pada Tahun 2010-2014 Hasyaimi, Margi A.
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 02 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i02.1919


ABSTRACTThis research aimed to analyze the changes of the Maldives government's decision on the cancellation agreement with GMR India and switch to cooperate with BUCG China. In 2010, the government of the Maldives signed a privatization agreement with the GMR-MAHB that produce concessions on Male International Airport. Two years after the signing of the agreement, airport operations under GMR caused controversy which led to the cancellation of the contract unilaterally by the government of Maldives. This study analyzes the changes in the Maldivian government's decision by rational choice theory, which states as rational actors will make decisions based on profit and loss, as well as the bandwagoning theory for profit as Maldives’s strategy for cooperation with China. Overall, the analysis of this study aimed to answer the hypothesis the changes of Maldives foreign policy was influenced by interest in the Maldives to join in the plan of 21st Century Maritime Silk Route of China.Keywords: privatization, consession, rational choice, bandwagoning for profit, 21st Century Maritime Silk RouteDOI :
Karakteristik Terorisme dengan Bumbu Globalisasi dan Hubungannya dengan Human Security Wicaksono, Stefanus Ari
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 02 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i02.1916


ABSTRACTTerrorism is a threat which became terrified for all over the world. Attack by attack from terrorism always replying with condemnation by the family or victim’s friends. States and international society always mad and tired because of terrorism attack. Its impact was increasingly felt from the short term to long term, from the physical to the psychological. In this paper will examine the well of character possessed by terrorists, which is useful to know a little more about the terrorists what they were. And will explain the various impacts with case studies and theoretical explanation of the theory of Human Security. The impacts of terrorism will be expanded as well by using the phenomenon of globalization as a complement. This phenomenon helps explain terrorism relationship with the media that also have an impact, so it is not just simply look at the impact in terms of terrorism itself but also of the phenomenon of globalization along with one instrument which in this era became very heated discussion.Keywords: Human security, Terrorism, Globalization, Media, Psychological, InternationalDOI :
Mencapai Ketahanan Pangan Indonesia Berkelanjutan Maharani, Dina Cassa
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 02 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i02.1918


ABSTRACTProblems and challenges in achieving sustainable Indonesian food security are multi-dimensional including economic, social, political, and environmental aspects. Identification of those problems and challenges can be approached through food supply and demand analysis. From supply side, those challenges, among others, are a stiff competition in the use of natural resources, impacts of global climate change, and the dominance of smallscale farmers in food farming. From demand side, several challenges are the existence of high population growth and its dynamic characteristics, change in food consumers' preference, and competition in demand for food commodities as human consumption, feed, and energy uses. This paper aims to review current condition of Indonesian food security, to analyze challenges faced by this country, and to formulate policy alternatives in achieving sustainable Indonesian food security toward 2025. This analysis found out that in the last six years Indonesia was able to provide enough food to fulfill its people’s need, however quality of food consumption of an average Indonesian was under standard dietary pattern recommended by nutritionists. Challenges to achieve sustainable Indonesian food security toward 2025 will be more difficult. To response to the challenges, this article recommends some adjustment on policy direction of food security development, especially related to defining goals, choosing means and ways in achieving the goals, and setting targets of food security development.Keywords: sustainable food security, food demand and suplly dynamics, policy direction changesDOI :
Islamophobia dan Tindakan terhadap Minoritas Muslim oleh Pemerintah dan Kelompok 969 di Myanmar Tahun 2012-2016 Hapsari, Renitha Dwi
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 02 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i02.1911


ABSTRACTIslamophobia has become a global phenomenon since 9/11. It is not only happened in the West but spread around the world following the War on Terror policy. This article explains the influences of Islamophobia upon the rise of Buddhist Nationalism in Myanmar with its insecurity towards Moslem minorities within the country. As a rational response against Islamophobia, a number Buddhist extremists, such as 969, execute violent attacks towards Moslem minorities especially Moslem Rohingya. Patron-client relationship between the Government and Buddhist community make the violence even worse. In the end, Islamophobia and the rise of Buddhist Nationalism in Myanmar cause a prejudice, violence, discrimination, and exclusion towards all Muslim Minorities within the country.Keywords: islamophobia, the rise of Buddhist nationalism, patron-client, prejudice, exclusion, discrimination, violence, Myanmar, moslem minoritiesDOI :
Globalisasi Sebagai Tantangan Identitas Nasional bagi Mahasiwa Surabaya A., Syifa Syarifah; Kusuma, Ade
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 02 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i02.1917


ABSTRACTThe era of globalization at this time causes the flow of information and the mobility of people from one area to another to move quickly. This allows human interaction between one nation with other nations is becoming increasingly intense. One of the consequences of globalization is the very strong influence of the values and the culture out of which affect people's lives, especially young people. Among the values and culture that is absorbed by the public, many of which are not in line with the values of Pancasila, so it is feared this might impact on the erosion of the values of nationalism and national identity. This study aims to see how the national identity of students Surabaya today and see the connection between globalization and national identity of students of Surabaya. This study is a qualitative research data collection methods such as focus group discussions, interviews and observation. The participants are students who study and live in the area of Surabaya. After the collected data is categorized by topics that appear to further dianalisasa using thematic analysis technique. Initial results showed that the students Surabaya positive national identity, but seen a shift in the old values are reflected in everyday life. In addition there are new values are adopted from foreign cultures as a result of globalization.Keywords: globalization, modernization, national identityDOI :
Pengaruh Islamophobia Terhadap Peningkatan Kekerasan Muslim Di Perancis Pradipta, Christian Aditya
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations Vol 4, No 02 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jgp.v4i02.1920


ABSTRACT9/11 tragedy in United States was the one of important thing that pushed Islamophobia issue to be global phenomenon. Integrated world not only pushes populations mobility, but help to spread out the fear about Islam easily. French who believes about Seculerism, seeing Muslim as incompatible with them. French feels afraid the existence and dominated by Muslim through the growth of population and some extrimist terorist attack. Dominated and threaten feelings push French doing violences to Muslim. It also matches with Huntington’s Clash of Civilization. It explained that West has high posibility to get clash with Islam Civilizations. This research is going to explain how clash of civilizations, existences needs, and incompatibility push French doing violences to Muslim at France 2002-2015.Keywords: French, Islamophobia, Violence, ThreatenDOI :

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