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Core Subject : Science, Social,
Jurnal Zona adalah Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan terbitan Pelantar Press yang Berisi artikel ilmiah hasil penelitian dan non penelitian (kajian analisis, aplikasi teori dan review) aspek-aspek lingkungan termasuk ekologi lingkungan, konservasi sumber daya alam, pembangunan dan lingkungan, analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan, perencanaan dan administrasi lingkungan, sosio ekonomi lingkungan dan pencemaran lingkungan yang ada di Indonesia. Terbitan pertama jurnal ini pada tahun 2017. Terbit dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan April dan Oktober, jurnal ini melakukan proses single-blind peer review untuk setiap manuskrip. Jurnal Zona terutama berfokus pada Kajian Ilmu Lingkungan, Aspek dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Lingkup terperinci dari artikel yang diterima untuk diserahkan ke Jurnal Zona adalah: Ekologi Lingkungan; Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Lingkungan; Pembangunan Lingkungan; Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan; Manajemen Kebijakan Lingkungan; Valuasi Ekonomi; Kearifan Lokal; Pengendalian Pencemaran dan Ekotoksikologi; Teknik Lingkungan; Sanitasi dan Kesehatan Lingkungan.
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Pengelolaan kualitas air anak Sungai Kampar sekitar penambangan galian C (sirtu) di Desa Palung Raya Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar Monalisa Hasibuan; Rifardi Rifardi; Zulkifli Zulkifli
Jurnal Zona Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v3i2.40


There are many mining sites found around Kampar watershed, specifically in Tambang sub-district. These mining site are scattered in villages, such as Palung Raya village. This research is conducted to analyze the influence of mining to water quality, rate of land erosion, pollutant load, assimilation capacity, social condition and community economy and mining area management. Survey method and quantitative descriptive approach are chosen to collect data from represented population, which are water, soil and the community around mining site. Insitu parameters are temperature, pH, DHL, DO, and exsitu parameters are TDS, TTS, Fe, texture, soil permeability and plankton. Mining activities have yet to influence water quality, but there’s a fluctuation in physical and chemical parameters, and the average of measurement is under the quality standard of PP Number 82 Year 2001, analog with plankton biology parameter, moderate diversity, no show of dominant type and balanced uniformity. The rate of erosion on slope of 0-8 % is 16,1 ton/ha/year with TBES, and on slope of 8-15% is 72,7 ton/ha/year with TBESB. The value of TDS and TSS for assimilation capacity is over the pollutant load from pollutant source. Mining activity has yet to influence the social economy condition of the community around mining sites. It’s because of the owner and employees are from the outside of the community. Water quality management of Kampar tributary is conducted based on the analysis of influence from mining to water quality, rate of erosion, pollutant load, assimilation capacity and social and economy condition around the mining sites.
Potensi kerusakan lingkungan perairan laut akibat pengoperasian alat tangkap sondong di kecamatan Concong Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Gusti Indra; Nofrizal Nofrizal; Viktor Amrifo
Jurnal Zona Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v3i2.41


Based on the research that has been carried out, the extent of potential damage to marine waters due to the operation of the sondong is directly proportional to the length of the operation time, the size of the sondong, the sweep length and the number of back and forth fishing gear. The longer the operating time, the larger the fishing gear size, the wider the sweep area and the greater the number of fishing gear settings (back and forth), the greater the potential for damage to marine waters. The catch consists of 37 species (including garbage), 2 types of main catch species (maincatch), 15 types of bycatch species and 20 species (including waste) from discard. Percentage of catch based on number (head) for main catch is 38%, bycatch 11% and bycatch 51%. Percentage of catch based on weight (kg) is for main catch 22%, bycatch 6% and waste catch 72%. The captured waste that is not valued is thrown away both alive and dead will become waste, this has triggered serious conservation problems due to the waste of valuable natural resources and causes populations of species to be endangered and even extinct. It can be said that there are no social, economic and conflict impacts that arise in the aquatic environment due to the operation of the fishing gear. Socially, the operation of the sondong fishing gear in the waters of the research location is acceptable, the decrease in fishermen's income and the (economic) catch in general is not due to the operation of the sondong fishing gear.
Analisa daya dukung sub das Batang Kumu Kecamatan Rambah Hilir Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Rudi Hasmadan; Zulkifli Zulkifli; Imam Suprayogi
Jurnal Zona Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v3i2.37


The purpose of the research is to analyze the carrying capacity of Sub watershed Batang Kumu in existing conditions that are useful as a direction for the management of Sub watershed Batang Kumu to maintain sustainability. The method of approach used using policy instruments from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK) of the Republic of Indonesia which has published regulation of the Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia no.61 /Menhut II/ 2014 on monitoring and evaluation of watershed management with assessment of criteria covering land, water system, socioeconomic, value of building investment and utilization of regional space. The data used for the research includes land use data, high water level  and water quality sample test results sourced from BP-DAS Indragiri Rokan, rainfall data sourced from The River Regional Basin (BWS) of Sumatra III, socioeconomic and population data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Rokan Hulu Regency as well as building investment value data sourced from the Public Work  Office of Rokan Hulu Regency. The results of the research stated the total carrying capacity value of Sub watershed Batang Kumu is 117.5. The condition of support capacity of Sub watershed Batang Kumu Sub-District Rambah Hilir Rokan Hulu regency is in the category of bad or in other words Sub watershed Batang Kumu that deserves to maintain its supporting capacity where socioeconomic and institutional assets / value and investment of buildings function as they should. While land conditions, water systems and regional development policies are performance parameters of Sub watershed Batang Kumu which has an influence in increasing the risk of ineligion to the sustainability of watershed ecosystems especially the percentage of critical land, the percentage of vegetation closures and erosion index that shows a very high classification level followed by sub criteria of flooding with high classification and protected areas with very poor classification
Strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat Desa Tanjung Belit di sekitar Suaka Margasatwa Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling Kabupaten Kampar Provinsi Riau Bastianto Bastianto; Sukendi Sukendi; Nofrizal Nofrizal
Jurnal Zona Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v3i2.38


One of the problems faced in the management of conservation areas, including wildlife reserves, is the community activities in and around the area to meet their daily needs. They in general have traditionally carried on their traditional lives and most of them live at a very subsistence economic level. Therefore the success of the management of conservation areas including wildlife reserves is very dependent on the attitudes and support of the community both at the local and national level. Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling Wildlife Reserve has been determined by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Decree of the Minister of Forestry number SK.3977/Menhut-VII/KUH/2014 on May 23, 2014 with an area of 141,226.25 hectares (BBKSDA Riau, 2015). Tanjung Belit Village, Kampar Kiri Hulu Subdistrict, Kampar Regency is one of the villages bordering the Bukit Rimbang Hill Baling High School which has high public concern for the preservation of the forest, rivers and the surrounding environment. The people of Tanjung Belit Village have traditionally used natural resources in and around the Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling Wildlife Reserve area to fulfill their daily needs by farming / gardening and collecting forest products and other river products. However, the availability of these forest and river resources, if taken continuously, will certainly decrease both in quality and quantity. While the necessities of life always increase along with the increasing population and the progress of the times. Therefore efforts should be made to the community and natural resources, so that the availability of natural resources and the necessities of life can be improved. This study aims to analyze the socio-economic conditions of the people of Tanjung Belit Village, identify the potential of Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling Wildlife Reserve, formulate the Tanjung Belit Village community empowerment strategy around the Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling Wildlife Reserve, Kampar Regency, Riau Province. The research approach used in this study is a quantitative approach to the survey method.he results showed the socio-economic conditions of the people of Tanjung Belit Village were still classified as poor and less skilled. However, local wisdom and a strong will to try to be a social capital in community empowerment. The potential of Bukit Rimbang Hill Bukit Baling has quite high potential from flora, fauna and nature tourism, but for the development of agricultural business is still limited due to the status of the wildlife reserve. The results of the study can be formulated a strategy of community empowerment in the village of Tanjung Belit around Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling Wildlife Reserve; (a) optimize land use in agricultural business development; (b) encourage training activities to improve human resources in the context of community empowerment; (c) active community involvement in the management of the Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling Wildlife Reserve area; (d) increasing cooperation support between the government and stakeholders in developing infrastructure supporting natural tourism around the Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling Wildlife Reserve. 
Strategi pengembangan kawasan ekowisata dengan menggunakan model Community based ecotourism (CBE) di desa Kuala Terusan Kabupaten Pelalawan Megawati Hari Dwi Jayanti; Sofyan Husein Siregar; Deni Efizon
Jurnal Zona Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Pelantar Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52364/jz.v3i2.39


Community-based ecotourism is one of the efforts in rural development to improve the local economy. The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential for community-based ecotourism development (CBE) in terms of ecological aspects (flora and fauna characteristics, Carrying capacity and waste management) and socio-economic aspects of culture and local community wisdom and formulate CBE development strategies. The study was conducted in April to July 2019 in the area of natural attractions in the village of Kuala Terusan Pelalawan Regency. The method in this study uses a survey method with a qualitative approach. The results of this study are that the flora found in Kuala Terusan is a type of peat forest and freshwater swamp forest so that there are no special flora that are characteristic of the Kuala Terusan Village area, fauna types in Kuala Terusan are reptile animals, mammals, birds and fish species that exist in the Kampar River. Based on the calculation of physical carrying capacity (Physical Carrying Capacity / PCC) PCC values obtained for swimming / snorkeling activities can accommodate 40 people / day. Activities carried out by Kuala Terusan tourist visitors are accompanied by beach tours and family picnics. The family picnic and beach tourism site has a utilization area of 3,000 m2. Carrying capacity that can accommodate tourists for beach tourism activities is 240 people / day. Facilities still need improvements such as in the processing of waste that has not been going well. CBE development strategies that can be carried out include planning CBE development programs, increasing stakeholder knowledge and awareness, formulating the concept of ecotourism with the government and involving community groups, developing food (local snacks typical of the Kuala Terusan region), improving the economy of local communities, utilizing the important issues of natural forest and the sustainability of nature, utilizing and enforcing existing regulations to support the community-based ecotourism development program at Kuala Terusan Village. 

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