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JPASDEV:Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development
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Focus and Scope Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik dan Sosiologi Pembangunan yang disingkat menjadi JPASDEV merupakan Jurnal yang memfokuskan pada bidang Administrasi Publik sebagai fokus utama, serta Sosiologi Pembangunan sebagai fokus kedua. Jurnal ini mengulas hasil penelitian atau studi literatur pada kedua bidang tersebut.� Cakupan substansi pada artikel meliputi: Manajemen Publik. Kebijakan Publik. Administrasi Pembangunan. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. Sosiologi Pembangunan
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JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development Vol 3, No 1 (2022): JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development
Publisher : Fakultan Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jpasdev.v3i1.49115


Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengkaji hasil implementasi kebijakan pengendalian pembuangan sampah yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Kebersihan Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Penulisan tesis ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pengelolaan sampah di Kabupaten Kubu Raya yang belum dilaksanakan secara optimal. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian kualitatif, dengan subjek penelitian adalah Kasubag Kebersihan dan Kasubag Kebersihan Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang Dinas Kebersihan Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa komunikasi antara pelaksana, kebijakan dan kelompok sasaran Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang dan Kebersihan Kabupaten Kubu Raya dimulai dengan Peraturan Daerah No. 9 Tahun 2013 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah, dan Peraturan Bupati No. 31 Tahun 2014 tentang Penanganan dan Pelaksanaan Pengelolaan Sampah. Komunikasi antara pelaksana dan pengambil kebijakan dikonsolidasikan, sedangkan komunikasi dengan masyarakat adalah sosialisasi. Sumber daya yang dimiliki Dinas Kebersihan Kabupaten Kubu Raya berupa sumber daya manusia dan sumber dana masih sangat kurang. Disposisi Dinas Kebersihan Kabupaten Kubu Raya berupa kebijakan pengelolaan sampah yang dikeluarkan oleh Bupati berupa pelimpahan wewenang penuh kepada Dinas Kebersihan untuk melaksanakan pengelolaan sampah di Kabupaten Kubu Raya sebagai instansi teknis yang memiliki konsekuensi. dan tanggung jawab di bidang kebersihan. Struktur birokrasi Dinas Kebersihan Kabupaten Kubu Raya mengacu pada standar operasional prosedur (SOP).
JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development Vol 3, No 1 (2022): JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development
Publisher : Fakultan Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jpasdev.v3i1.50325


In the implementation of road construction, problems and obstacles may arise, as happened in the construction of Jalan Dr. Sudarso. The purpose of writing this thesis is to describe the obstacles that occur in the construction process of Jalan Dr. Sudarso as well as analyzing the factors that influence the implementation of the Dr. Road construction policy. Sudarso by the Pontianak City PUPR Service. The problems that occur in road construction Dr. Sudarso, namely the existence of a conflict of interest with traders and parking attendants who set up trading stalls and parking lots on the road to be built. This study uses a qualitative method with analysis of policy implementation using Edward III's theory, namely four variables that affect the success of policy implementation, namely communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. (1) Communication; Communication is carried out by direct socialization, holding negotiations, as well as a written communication sent by the City Regional Secretariat to the parking coordinator regarding the arrangement of the Dr. Street network. Sudarso. Communication between the PUPR Service and the community went well so that each party was willing to discuss and listen to each other regarding land acquisition. (2) Resources; Experienced human resources have the skills and abilities to solve problems in order to implement policies. The availability of funds and physical facilities in the form of heavy equipment is also adequate so that it is very supportive of the success of road construction. (3) Disposition; The attitude of the implementor is considered wise in acquiring land, with reference to the social aspect. This raises sympathy for the surrounding community so that the community fully supports the construction of Jalan Dr. Sudarso. (4) Bureaucratic structure; based on SOP to make policy implementation run optimally. There are also various agencies involved that coordinate to support the successful construction of Jalan Dr. Sudarso. The four variables synergize to create success as well as smoothness in the implementation of the construction of Jalan Dr. Sudarso. The Pontianak City PUPR Service is expected to always be consistent in observing the social aspects of the community, so that the initial goal of development, namely the welfare of the community, can be achieved.Keywords: Policy Implementation, Road Construction, PUPR Service
JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development Vol 3, No 1 (2022): JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development
Publisher : Fakultan Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jpasdev.v3i1.53604


The Covid-19 pandemic has not only had an impact on health, but also on social and economic conditions. Policies for handling the COVID-19 pandemic through PSSB to PPKM have caused a decline in community economic activity. Government policies limit their activities in the following ways: workers are laid off or even laid off, farmers cannot sell their produce due to a shortage of buyers, transport drivers no longer have passengers, and so on. Conditions like this can lead to social instability, income inequality, and regional disparities. Therefore, to avoid some of these things, the government revised the regulation. One of the revised regulations is Permendagri Number 69 of 2018. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the BLT program on community resilience in carrying out the provisions for handling the COVID-19 outbreak in Lokory Village, Tanarighu District, West Sumba Regency. The research method used is a qualitative research method which is often referred to as a naturalistic research method because the research is carried out to examine a natural place (natural setting). And in this study, the results of the government's collaboration in facing the realization of a resilient community facing the COVID-19 pandemic in Lokory Village, Tanarighu District, West Sumba Regency through the Government Cooperation scheme, with direct cash assistance there are still people whose needs have not been met, meaning that they are not strong, then the form of government cooperation namely by involving bringing new innovations in the form of selling businesses online so that every community who sells their wares can be online and can be delivered directly to the buyer's place and comply with health protocols and with the marketplace application we can connect sellers with buyers. The supporting factor is the government's transparency to the public. supporters of the village government have always been transparent with us as the village government, the obstacles that occur in the BLT Program Against Community Resilience In Lokory, Tanarighu District, West Sumba Regency, so far no action has been taken. at all regarding the resolution of obstacles that occur Efforts to create a community that is resilient to the COVID-19 pandemic in Lokory Village seen from the principle of good governance, namely the level of community participation is very high, and is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54/Huk/2020 concerning the Implementation of Aid Social Food and Cash Social Assistance in Handling the Impact of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), and in Services, the government is transparent and transparent to the publicKeywords: program implementation, community resilience, COVID 19                                
JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development Vol 3, No 1 (2022): JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development
Publisher : Fakultan Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jpasdev.v3i1.56201


This study aims to find out and analyze the process of implementing the Independent Data Updating Policy for State Civil Apparatus through the MySAPK Application at the Regional Personnel Agency of West Kalimantan Province because there are still many State Civil Apparatuses who have not updated their independent data or are still incorrectly filling out independent data updating through the MySAPK application. the. The theory used in this study was the theory proposed by Charles O. Jones about the policy implementation process. This study used the qualitative method with descriptive research. The results showed that the Implementation of the Independent Data Updating Policy for State Civil Apparatus Through the MySAPK Application at the Regional Personnel Agency of West Kalimantan Province has been running but not yet optimal because there are still problems in policy implementation. It was proven by a) Organization; the absence of the Organizational Structure and Work Procedures which were created for a clear division of tasks and responsibilities; furthermore, the facilities and infrastructure supporting the policy program have not been optimized, such as the internet network and the MySAPK application which is still frequently maintained; b) Interpretation; the consistency of users and officers in delivering information on program implementation is still low and there is a lack of socialization and assistance; c) Applications; lack of monitoring and evaluation of the program by the Responsible Officer and staff. Recommendations from this research are: 1) There should be improvements or additions to facilities and infrastructure that serve to support the implementation of the policy, such as making an MOU to increase internet bandwidth in overcoming internet network problems; 2) Applying reward and punishment as a tool for fostering and monitoring users so as to increase seriousness and awareness in implementing the independent data updating policy; 3) There should be a gradual implementation of monitoring/supervision by the Officer in Charge so that periodic policy evaluations can be carried out. Keywords: Implementation, MySAPK Application, Independent Data Updating
JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development Vol 3, No 1 (2022): JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development
Publisher : Fakultan Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jpasdev.v3i1.55580


Pelayanan Administrasi publik di masyarakat desa  yang dimana merupakan wilayah dengan penduduk yang saling mengenal hidup dan gotong royong. Pelayanan administrasi yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat desa dengan cepat dan efektif untuk itu dibutuhkan pegawai pelayanan yang mampu cepat tanggap dan telaten untuk melayani masyarakat desa yang mayoritas masih awam dalam kegiatan menyangkut administrasi dan awam dalam hal peraturan jam kerja. Penelitian ini memakai metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, analisis dokumen serta observasi. Menggunakan jenis jam kerja Flexible Daily Hours yang memungkinkan pelayanan administrasi yang dilakukan tanpa waktu atau jam kerja yang telah ditentukan untuk melayani masyarakat di desa Pesawahan. Dengan jam kerja yang fleksibel ada salah satu keuntungan dari hal tersebut yaitu pegawai masih dapat bekerja dalam waktu yang ditentukan dan sesuai dengan kemampuan pegawai. Fleksibilitas jam pelayanan dari perangkat desa di Desa Pesawahan membuat produktivitas pelayanan administrasi semakin tinggi, tetap perlu membuat batasan pelayanan apa yang dapat dikerjakan di jam kerja fleksibel.
Implementasi Program Pemberdayaan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (Pada Dinas Koperasi Usaha Mikro Dan Perdagangan Kota Batu) Pernandes Frans Putra
JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development Vol 3, No 1 (2022): JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development
Publisher : Fakultan Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jpasdev.v3i1.55404


AbstractIn starting a business, it is often constrained by the lack of capital, poor administrative ability and lack of experience on how to promote the products. Based on those empirical problems, it is necessary to empower an entrepreneur. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises are business activities that are able to expand employment, increase income, encourage local economic growth, and realize the stability of the Batu Region. This study used a qualitative method and determined the respondents with a snowball sampling. The technique of collecting data was through interviews, observation, documentation. The data analysis technique involved reduction, presentation, and verification. The results of the study showed that the government has put experts in their respective fields, supported by human resources, nature and budget, implementation of empowerment, identified through facts or phenomena that occured in the field by means of communication, and coordination, as well as having an impact on the social economic environment. The supporting factors were the communication, the availability of empowerment consultants, budgets, and the Batu Employers Association Group. While the inhibiting factors were the competition, not having business licenses, weather changes and the lack ability of recording material presented by the resource person.   Keywords: Empowerment Program, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Efektivitas Pemberdayaan Penyandang Disabilitas Tuna Rungu-Wicara Melalui Program Pelatihan (Studi Pada Dinas Sosial Kota Batu) Noberta Feri
JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development Vol 3, No 1 (2022): JPASDEV : Journal of Public Administration and Sociology of Development
Publisher : Fakultan Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jpasdev.v3i1.55403


AbstractBasically, people with disabilities are part of the citizens who have the same rights and obligations. In Batu City alone, the number of people with disabilities is 398 people. This research discusses the role of the Social Service in empowering people with disabilities in Batu City. One of the efforts made by the Batu City Government is to provide training in the form of clothing screen printing activities carried out by the Batu City Social Service. This study aims to find out and examine how effective the training program for persons with disabilities is, using qualitative research methods and carried out with observation, interview and documentation techniques as techniques in data collection. The indicators used to measure the effectiveness of such skill programs are indicators of the achievement of goals and indicators of real chang. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that the training program implemented by the Batu City Social Service can be said to be effective based on the benchmarks of the two indicators, where this training program has achieved the size of both indicators of achieving goals and real changes. It can be seen from the indicators of achieving the objectives that this training program is tailored to the will and abilities of people with disabilities. As well as indicators of real changes that there are psychological or mental changes of the trainees. Keywords : Effectiveness, Coach Program, Persons with Disabilities

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