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Sekretariat Jurnal Ilmiah "Politica" Pusat Penelitian, Badan Keahlian DPR RI Gedung Nusantara I, Lt. 2 Jl. Jend. Gatot Soebroto, Jakarta Pusat, 10270
Jurnal Politica Dinamika Masalah Politik Dalam Negeri dan Hubungan Internasional
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Core Subject : Social,
Jurnal Politica memuat tulisan-tulisan ilmiah hasil kajian dan penelitian tentang masalah-masalah strategis di bidang politik dalam negeri dan hubungan internasional. Jurnal ini merupakan wadah bagi para peneliti, akademisi, dan praktisi di bidang politik dalam negeri dan hubungan internasional untuk menuangkan gagasan dan ide-ide sekaligus sumber inspirasi khususnya terkait dengan proses pengambilan kebijakan, termasuk dalam proses pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan.
Articles 143 Documents
Jurnal Politica Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Politica
Publisher : Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22212/jp.v2i2.293


Remote and outer Islands of Indonesia still have not been properly taken care by the central government although they recently confronted crucial threats from other countries. This field research attempted to disclose potential threats in Morotai, an Indonesian strategic island in the Pacific Ocean. Applying a combination of approaches, library study and in-depth interview, the research describes not only main (conventional) security threats, but also non-conventional ones. Its analysis which uses a qualitative method has explained the recent situation in the Municipality of the Morotai Archipelago. The research finding explains how serious the conventional security threats in Morotai as a newly enlarged municipality.
Perdebatan Kepentingan Kebijakan Digitalisasi Penyiaran di Indonesia (Studi Kasus Perumusan Kebijakan Digitalisasi Penyiaran pada RUU Penyiaran di DPR 2009-2014 dan 2014-2019) [Interest Disputes of Broadcasting Digitalization Policy in Indonesia] Ahmad Budiman
Jurnal Politica Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Politica Mei 2020
Publisher : Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22212/jp.v11i1.1613


The formulation and discussion on broadcasting digitalization, as one of the aspects of the Revised Broadcasting Bill, has been well underway since the Parliamentary Period of 2009-2014, and continued in the following Period of 2014-2019. The long period of deliberation of the policy shows that it tries to accommodate many interests. The research question raised in this study is concerned with the contestation arising in the formulation of broadcasting digitalization policy in Indonesia. This study aims to describe the research question regarding the debate over differing interests that occurred in formulating broadcasting digitalization policy in Indonesia. The research method used in this study is a case study qualitative method. Based on the results of the study, in the 2009-2014 period, a debate of interests occurred between the House and the Government, with regard to the rightful provider of multiplex services, has impacts on different definitions of broadcasting. The House maintains that multiplex provider rights should be given to multiplex broadcast providers (LPPM), whereas the Government believes that the rights should be given to IPP-licensed broadcasters. Commission I of the House in the 2014-2019 period formulated the policy of broadcasting digitalization in detail, especially with regard to the matter of the Government’s obligation to formulate the frequency allocation map in every broadcast area, migration model, ASO in every broadcast area and at the national level, digital dividend, and multiplexing fees. The proposed migration model was the single mux model, but it was opposed by the Legislation Committee of the House (Baleg), which proposed the hybrid mux migration model. Baleg believed that the single mux model would potentially create monopolistic practices. Furthermore, the state-owned TVRI has not been equipped with up-to-date broadcasting infrastructure and high-skilled human resources. Certainty in the frequency allocation map calculation in every broadcasting area, prospective digital dividend, and the prospect of broadcast companies must be the main foundation in determining the most appropriate digital migration model in Indonesia. It is certainly not impossible if Indonesia may even have its own unique migration model. Together, the House and the Government have to discuss and finish the Bill on Broadcasting as soon as possible for broadcasting digitalization to take place, for the benefit of the people and the nation of Indonesia.AbstrakPerumusan dan pembahasan kebijakan digitalisasi penyiaran yang menjadi salah satu materi dari perumusan penggantian UU Penyiaran, sudah dilakukan sejak DPR periode 2009-2014 dan dimulai kembali pada DPR periode 2014-2019. Lamanya perumusan dan pembahasan kebijakan digitalisasi penyiaran, menunjukkan materi ini memang sangat sarat kepentingan. Pertanyaan penelitian yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana kontestasi perdebatan kepentingan yang terjadi dalam merumuskan kebijakan tentang digitalisasi penyiaran di Indonesia? Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pertanyaan penelitian mengenai kontestasi perdebatan kepentingan yang terjadi dalam merumuskan kebijakan tentang digitalisasi penyiaran di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif studi kasus mengenai perdebatan kepentingan perumusan kebijakan digitalisasi penyiaran yang terjadi pada DPR periode 2009-2014 dan DPR periode 2014-2019. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pada DPR periode 2009-2014, perdebatan kepentingan terjadi antara DPR dengan Pemerintah, terkait dengan siapa yang berhak menjadi penyelenggara multipeksing yang berdampak juga pada definisi penyiaran yang berbeda. DPR tetap menyatakan penyelenggara multipleksing diserahkan kepada lembaga penyelenggara penyiaran multipleksing (LPPM). Sedangkan Pemerintah menyerahkan penyelenggara kepada lembaga penyiaran yang telah memiliki IPP. DPR periode 2014-2019 melalui Komisi I DPR, merumuskan secara rinci kebijakan digitalisasi penyiaran terkait kewajiban Pemerintah untuk menyusun peta alokasi frekuensi di setiap wilayah siar, model migrasi, ASO disetiap wilayah siar dan secara nasional, digital deviden, dan tarif penyelanggaraan multipleksing. Model migrasi yang diajukan yaitu model single mux, namun mendapatkan pertentangan dari Baleg DPR yang mengajukan model migrasi hybrid mux. Baleg menilai single mux berpotensi memunculkan praktek monopoli, insfrastruktur penyiaran TVRI sudah berusia tua, dan kurangnya kemampuan kompetensi SDM yang dimiliki TVRI. Kepastian hitungan peta alokasi frekuensi di setiap wilayah siar, digital deviden yang diperoleh, dan prospek lembaga penyiaran, harus menjadi dasar utama dalam menentukan model migrasi digital di Indonesia. Bisa jadi kita memiliki model migrasi yang khas Indonesia. DPR bersama Pemerintah, harus segera membahas RUU Penyiaran agar kepentingan masyarakat, bangsa, dan negara Indonesia terkait digitalisasi penyiaran benar-benar dapat terwujud.
Tata Kelola Dunia Maya dan Ancaman Kedaulatan Nasional Indra Cahyadi
Jurnal Politica Vol 7, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Politica
Publisher : Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22212/jp.v7i2.1134


Jurnal Politica Vol 4, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Politica
Publisher : Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22212/jp.v4i2.325


The dynamic of an Islam political thinking have a strategic role in the state affairs, with all their arguments which was followed in the implementation levels. One of among thatdevelop in the Indonesian landscape, is the proponent called as a Liberal Islamic political thinking. These stream proposed a freedom of an Islamic rationality idea which contradictwith the model of literal comprehension of Islam thinking. Their present is precisely become a specific political controversial in Indonesia where an effort to achieve towardconsolidation of democratic transition base on a road map who wants by a half of an elite and the majority of public. The important of substance from a debate in the Islamic liberalthinking has been marked with many things aspect, such as an issues of secularization in the one side and pluralism as an issues in the other side.
Peran Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil dalam Proses Perintisan Sistem Informasi Desa di Kalibening Dukun Magelang Jawa Tengah [The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Pioneering Village Information System in Kalibening, Dukun, Magelang, Central Java] Anggalih Bayu Muh Kamim
Jurnal Politica Vol 10, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Politica November 2019
Publisher : Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22212/jp.v10i2.1346


Balai Sakinah ‘Aisyiyah community group has an important role as the development partner of the Kalibening Village, Dukun District, Magelang Regency. The MAMPU financial assistance scheme has encouraged BSA to drive innovation in pioneering the village information system (SID) in Kalibening. The pioneering of the said village information system was carried out in collaboration with students, the village government and some residents. An assessment of the village information system development process in Kalibening must be carried out to evaluate the overly dominant role of technical assistance in village development. This research was conducted with a participatory research method to allow researchers be a part of the studied phenomenon to explore the paradoxes that emerged from implementing the Balai Sakinah Aisyiyah’s technical assistance in pioneering the village information system in Kalibening, Dukun, Magelang. The data collection and analysis were carried out throughout the development of the village information system during the Gadjah Mada University community engagement program in Kalibening Village for a period of 50 days. The results of the study show that the model of technical assistance advocated by BSA in pioneering SID does indeed help the village innovation process. However, paradoxes arise in the disproportionately bigger role that civil society organizations played compared to that of the villagers. Civil society organizations designed the SID development method without prior consultations with the villagers. The dominance of the civil society organizations also resulted in knowledge gaps among villagers. They become nothing more than merely an object for data collection. Nevertheless, the students involved in the community engagement program facilitated the villagers to utilize the resulting data.AbstrakBalai Sakinah ‘Aisyiyah (BSA) memiliki peranan penting sebagai mitra pembangunan desa Kalibening, Kecamatan Dukun, Kabupaten Magelang. Bantuan skema donor MAMPU mendorong keterlibatan BSA dalam mendorong inovasi perintisan sistem informasi desa di Kalibening. Perintisan sistem informasi desa dilakukan bersama dengan para mahasiswa, pemerintah desa dan sebagian warga. Pengkajian terhadap proses perintisan sistem informasi desa di Kalibening perlu didalami untuk mengevaluasi terlalu dominannya peran bantuan teknis dalam pembangunan desa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian partisipatif untuk menjadikan peneliti menjadi bagian dari fenomena yang dikaji untuk menggali paradoks yang muncul dari pelaksanaan bantuan teknis BSA dalam perintisan sistem informasi desa di Kalibening, Dukun, Magelang. Pengumpulan dan analisis data dilakukan sepanjang pelaksanaan program perintisan sistem informasi di desa selama pelaksanaan KKN PPM UGM di Desa Kalibening selama 50 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa model bantuan teknis yang didorong BSA dalam perintisan SID memang membantu proses inovasi desa. Akan tetapi, muncul berbagai paradoks dalam peran organisasi masyarakat sipil yang terlalu banyak dibandingkan peran warga. Organisasi masyarakat sipil menentukan sendiri metode yang dipakai dalam perintisan SID tanpa terlebih dahulu melibatkan warga lain. Dominasi peran organisasi masyarakat sipil juga membawa masalah kesenjangan pengetahuan dengan warga. Warga semata menjadi objek yang kemudian coba dimediasi oleh mahasiswa KKN untuk dapat memanfaatkan data. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada para pemangku kepentingan di Kalibening untuk melibatkan kelompok sasaran lain seperti kelompok tani, PKK, dan lain-lain dalam pemanfaatan sistem informasi desa.
Jurnal Politica Vol 7, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Politica
Publisher : Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22212/jp.v7i1.1115


Kegagalan dalam memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik terhadap prospek demokratisasi di Indonesia telah dipertanyakan dalam tulisan ini. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan ekonomi-politik, penulis mempresentasikan sebuah analisis kritis mengenai perkembangan politik di Indonesia pasca-Soeharto. Penulis mengritik para institusionalis, khususnya Indonesianis, yang mempertahankan cara pandang mereka dalam memahami Indonesia. Dibandingkan dengan institusionalisme, pendekatan ekonomi politik, menurut penulis, lebih menolong dalam memberikan penjelasan yang lebih baik mengapa modal atau politik uang semakin dominan mengontrol perkembangan politik Indonesia pasca-1998, sehingga telah menyebabkan kegagalannya dalam mewujudkan konsolidasi demokratis dalam beberapa tahun sesudahnya. Penulis mengemukakan mengenai pentingnya sebuah solusi sosialis atas praktek demokrasi liberal Barat dan model pembangunan kapitalisnya, serta neo-feodalisme, neo-liberalisme, dan bentuk-bentuk baru oligarki yang muncul di negara demokrasi baru seperti Indonesia. Dengan demikian, solusi terhadap permasalahan sistem politik dan kekuasaan di Indonesia tidak lagi bersifat institusional di permukaan, namun efektif menjawab akar permasalahannya.
Jurnal Politica Vol 4, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Politica
Publisher : Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22212/jp.v4i2.316


Political party is a means for political participation of the constitutional democracy to realize the national ideals of the Indonesian. Meanwhile, the election is an arena for people to express their freedom in choosing and selecting their leaders. In this context, political party as a political machine must be able to understand public aspiration, especially regarding legislatives and presidential candidates and their running mate the 2014 election. Otherwise, political parties will be more ignored by public. This condition will increase the member of people who will not exercise their political right in the coming election.
Jurnal Politica Vol 5, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Politica
Publisher : Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22212/jp.v5i2.339


Indonesia is turning its phase from transition towards democratization through general elections since 1999. After three legislative elections in 1999, 2004, and 2009, the country still shows its difficulties in realizing its democratic consolidation. Some facts disclose that the process to find right election has not yet finished in the country. That is why, as the election time comes, discussions on applying the right system still take place, with which Law No.3/1999, Law No. 12/2003, and Law No. 10/2008 have been respectively amended.
Jurnal Politica Vol 6, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Politica
Publisher : Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22212/jp.v6i2.307


Broadcasting digitalization can increase efficiency of broadcasting infrastructure management which can result in maximum audio and audio visual broadcasting. Therefore, choice of models of broadcasting digitalization management cannot be separated from principles of efficiency and goals for attaining maximum digital dividend. Broadcasting digitalization moreover provides various opportunities for people to choose its dissemination technology and the ways its substances can be received. The essay says that broadcasting digitalization in Indonesia must be regulated in law regarding broadcasting.
Jurnal Politica Vol 4, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Politica
Publisher : Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22212/jp.v4i1.330


The international law has provided opportunity for the formulation of The Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights that underlines corporation as the party securing an obligation and responsibility in respect for and enforcement of human rights today. In collaboration with long-firmly standing roles of the state, corporation has begun to map and direct their policies parallel in the framework of remedy of human rights violations offered by the Guiding Principles. This collaboration should be seriously undertaken by both corporation and the state. If not, the corporation will be punished through material and non-material loss and the state would face international sanctions.

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