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Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
ISSN : 2581060X     EISSN : 27466922     DOI : 10.30631/aluslub
Core Subject : Education,
Focus and Scope This journal is published by the Department of Language and Arabic Literature Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, both print and online editions. This journal aims to mamunculkan work of quality research based on actual and original data that contribute to lecturers, teachers, researchers and observers of Linguistics, Literature, and Arabic civilization. From the aspect of Linguistics is expected to be able to display an analysis of the concept / theory and structure of Arabic linguistics and its branches. As well as from the aspect of Arab literature and civilization is expected to be raised Arab literary analysis and civilization in a comprehensive and quality. This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including: Arabic Linguistic Arabic Literature Arabic History History of Arabic Education Strategy of Arabic Teaching Arabic Islamic Culture Media of Arabic Teaching Technology of Arabic Teaching Modern Standard Arabic Arabic Second Language Acquisition Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language
Articles 7 Documents
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The Phenomenon of Polyphony in the Short Story Collection “The Seagull Man” by the Libyan Writer Hussein Nassib Al-Maliki Haruna Abubakar Haruna; Ali Mahmood Asmai
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 6 No 02 (2022): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v6i02.128


This study aims to illuminate the features of the relationship of the narrator character in the story group, with the narrative that contributes to its presentation through the story, and the impact of that relationship on the narrative consistency in it. The Libyan "Hussein Nassib Al-Maliki", who tried through the "polyphony" technique, as he was able, over the course of an extended experience, to dedicate his own narrative voice, And to pass images of condemnation of behaviors and social phenomena that are still destructive in the human spirit, and in the structure of society alike, and it is the most common and expressive of the unity of narrative voice and action in this group of stories. and let her introduce herself, This technique is called polyphony, that spacious world that is based on the idea of pluralism in the narrative components, to give the narrator the blessing of choices and open up to him the vast fields of formulation, and “polyphonic” is achieved in more than one form of narration” the story, the novel, the biography, even the thoughts. This group rose on successive narratives that presented separate perspectives that are united by one spatial space, and are subject to variables that reveal a set of visions of different levels of authority, religious, cultural and sexuality
Taḥlīlu al Akhṭa’i al Imlā’iyyati fī Kitābati al Lughati al ‘Arabiyyati ‘inda al Talāmīżi fī al Madrasati Ahmad Daḥlān fī Madīnati Jāmbi (Dirāsatun Taḥlīliyyatun fī Qawā’idi al Imlā’iyyati) Nurhaliza Putri; Nurlaily Nurlaily
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 6 No 02 (2022): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v6i02.129


The type of research used is qualitative research. Research whose data is obtained using learning methods in the field or personal fieldwork. This study analyzes writing errors in writing Arabic at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Ahmad Dahlan in Jambi City. This research was conducted because the researchers found the problem of students' writing errors in spelling in Arabic at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Ahmad Dahlan, Jambi City. at Ahmad Dahlan, Jambi City. 2. What are the causes of frequent errors in writing spelling in Arabic at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Ahmad Dahlan, Jambi City.3. What is the solution to overcome spelling errors in writing Arabic for students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Ahmad Dahlan, Jambi City. The results of the study show that: The causes of imla errors after using the theory that there are errors made by students at the Ahmad Dahlan School in the city of Jambi include: errors in terms of writing with different amounts in each surah including errors in writing surah alfatihah, errors in surah an-nas, Error in surah al-Maun. as well as errors in hamzah washol and hamzah qhot'i and errors in writing Arabic. the causes of student errors are lack of understanding of Arabic vocabulary, lack of understanding of recitation and do not understand writing hijaiyah letters, do not understand the rules, lack of practice on imla and lack of focus in learning imla. The solution to reducing imla errors is by: 1.The teacher's role The teacher pays more attention to imla errors and provides training in Arabic writing, coupled with an understanding of Arabic vocabulary, 2. emphasizes understanding related to recitation and also in writing hijaiyah letters so that students are more it's easy to write IMLA, 3. provide practice or learning related to IMLA, and use books related to Islamic imla learning. The school supports it by providing facilities for books related to IMLA to make it easier for students to understand what IMLA and Qawaidul Imla are so that students more interested and enthusiastic in learning Arabic.
Taḥlīlu Ṭuruqi al Tarjamati fī Kitābi Fatḥil Qarībi li al Syaikh Syamsi al Dīni Abū ‘Abdillah (Dirāsatun fī ‘Ilmi al Tarjamati) Idham Kholik; Izzat Muhammad Daud
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 6 No 02 (2022): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v6i02.130


The author discusses the translation method used in the Fathul Qorib translation book. The formulation of the problem is: 1. What are the translation methods used in the Fathul Qorib translation book? 2. What method is suitable for translating the book of fathul qorib? The purpose of this study is to describe and find out: 1. What translation is used by the translator in the book of Fathul Qorib. 2. What kind of translation is suitable for translating the book of Fathul Qorib. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive literature research. And the technique used is by reading, writing and studying as well as analyzing the data with documentation. It can be concluded from the results of this study, namely: the translation used in translating the book of fathul qorib is a literal translation of 3 sentences, a faithful translation of 91 sentences and a free translation of 38 and the translation that is suitable to be used in translating this Fathul Qorib book is the Faithful Translation. With the description of Setia's translation, that is the translation that is focused on the intent of the original translation so that it is right on target and easy to understand.
Taḥlīlu al Binyawiyati fī al Ghinā’i “Nasamāt al Hawak li Mevlān Kurtīsyi (al Tarkību al Ẓāhiriyatu wa al Bāṭiniyyatu) Zul Karnaini; Wahyudi Buska
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 6 No 02 (2022): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v6i02.131


Abstract:Literature is an expression of one`s feelings that contains beauty and meaningful mesenges. Song lyrics are still part of literature because they are sung poerty. One of the song lyrics that contains beauty and meaning is found in the song “Nasamatu Hawak” by Mevlan Kurtishi. This research was conducted because the researcher found problems with the song “Nasamatu Hawak” by Mevlan Kurtishi: firsh what is the physical structure of the song “Nasamatu Hawak” by Mevlan Kurtishi, second what is the inner structure of the song “Nasamatu Hawak” by Mevlan Kurtishi. The purpose of this study is to describe the physical and mental structure in the song “Nasamatu Hawak” by Mevlan Kurtishi.The type of research used is qualitative research. The data is this study are the lyrics of the song “Nasamatu Hawak” by Mevlan Kurtishi. The research data source is the song “Nasamatu Hawak” by Mevlan Kurtishi. Data collection methods and techniques use are, (1) one speech, (2) identifying the data based on speech, (3) giving meaning and (4) describing the research data. The results show that there are a number of physical and mental structures in the song “Nasamatu Hawak” by Mevlan Kurtishi: 1. Physical structure (face, diction, imagination, concrete words, figurative language, and ryhmes), 2. Inner structure (theme, sense of, tone, and messenge)
Taḥlīlu al Akhṭā’i al Ṣautiyati ‘Inda Nuṭqi al Azāni wa Qirā’ati al Ṣalāti li al Ṭullābi fī Ma’hadi al Jazary Penyengat Rendah Telanai Pura Madīnati Jāmbī (Dirāsatun fī ‘Ilmi al Aṣwāti) Yuli Putri Amelia; Rosalinda Rosalinda
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 6 No 02 (2022): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v6i02.132


Abstract:The learning a foreign language can not be separated from mistakes. Phonological errors are errors that occur in Arabic sounds, which include pronunciation errors, adding letters or replacing letters and others. This study aims to analyze phonological errors and the causes of errors as well as solutions to overcome errors in low stinging islamic boarding school al-jazari Telaipura Jambi city. The type of research used is qualitative research. The research data is obtained directly from the field or directly by collecting data when students announce or say the call to prayer and when reading the prayer readings and then identify errors in the reading. And this type of research is error analysis.From the error analysis conducted , there is a conclusion that phonological errors in pronouncing the adhan and reading the prayer in ma'had al - jazari low stinging telaipura are 1) the occurrence of errors including changing letters , adding letters or deleting letters and replacing harokat . 2 ) the cause of the error is the mother tongue or first language factor . Lack of understanding of the science of tajwid and makhorijul letters that are less precise as well as inadequate facilities and infrastructure. 3) The solution to the problems that occur is to continue to practice reading the Qur'an and pay attention to the reading of the students and the mental aqi of the readings that have been memorized by the students, emphasizing reading with the correct rules of tajwid and makhorijul letters. As well as providing adequate facilities such as books related to the rules of recitation.
Taḥlīlu al Akhṭā’i fī Nuṭqi al Lughati al ‘Arabiyyati ‘inda al Talāmīżi fī Ma’hadi al Nūri Tangkit Sungai Gelam Muaro Jāmbī (Dirāsatun Taḥlīliyyatun fī ‘Ilmi al Aṣwāti) Anitha Purnama Syari; Ahdiyat Mahendra
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 6 No 02 (2022): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v6i02.133


This study aims to determine the forms of errors in Arabic pronunciation at the An-Nur Tangkit Islamic Boarding School, Sungai Gelam Muaro Jambi at the phonological level, the factors of errors in Arabic pronunciation. The type of research used is qualitative research. Collecting data from this study using the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the forms of Arabic pronunciation errors that occur in Pondok Pesantren An-Nur Tangkit Sungai Gelam Muaro Jambi are grouped into 2: 1. Phoneme changes using thin sounds are replaced with thick sounds or vice versa. on the contrary. 2. The letters are similar in pronunciation, but where they come out differently.The factors of errors in Arabic pronunciation are students find it difficult to concentrate while studying, inadequate facilities and infrastructure, the assumption that Arabic language lessons are difficult lessons, mother tongue and environmental factors. The solution made by the teacher is to create fun lessons, pay special attention to students who are lacking in Arabic pronunciation, prepare their own facilities and infrastructure that are not yet available at school.
Ta’ṡīru Istikhdāmi Wasā’iṭi YouTube fī Dāfi’i Ihtimāmi li Ta’līmi al Lughati al ‘Arabiyyati bi al Madrasati al Ṡānawiyyati al Ikhlāṣi al Islāmiyyati Jāmbī Lia Solehati; Yogia Prihartini
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 6 No 02 (2022): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v6i02.134


Abstract:The objectives of this research are: a) to find out how big the influence of learning Arabic by using YouTube media is. b) to find out how big the influence of learning Arabic without using YouTube media is. c) to find out whether there is an effect of learning Arabic using YouTube media on the interest of students at SMP Al-Ikhlas Jambi City. This research is a quantitative research with the type of experimental research with Post test Only Control Design. Calibration of the instruments used are Validity Test, Reability Test, Difficulty Level, Distinctive Power. Data analysis methods used are: Normality Test, Homogeneity Test, Hypothesis Testing (T-Test / Independent Sample T-Test) and Effect Size. The subjects are class VIII A students with a total of 19 as the experimental class and class VIII B with a total of 19 as the control class. Based on the results of research data analysis, it is known that learning Arabic using YouTube media on the questionnaire (questionnaire) got the highest score of 99.00, the lowest was 62.00, the average value was 80.95 and the test results got the highest score, namely 100 , the lowest is 40 , the average value is 85.25 . and learning Arabic without using youtube media and the results of the questionnaire (questionnaire) got the highest score of 92.00, the lowest was 60.00, the average value was 73.63 and the test results got the highest score of 100, the lowest was 40, the average score -the average is 66.84. So it is proven that learning Arabic using youtube media is higher than learning Arabic without using youtube media. 0.033 <0.05 and the test results obtained a 2-tailed value <0.05, namely 0.00 <0.05 then Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a significant difference between students' interest in learning Arabic by using YouTube media and interest in learning Arabic. Arabic students without using YouTube media. Meanwhile, based on the Effect Size Test, the results of the questionnaire (questionnaire) obtained a value of 0.941 with an effect percentage of 82% and on the test questions obtained a value of 0.717 with a percentage effect of 76% which means that the use of YouTube media has a high influence on the interest in learning Arabic for students in junior high school. Al-Ikhlas Jambi city.

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