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Jurnal Listrik, Instrumentasi, dan Elektronika Terapan
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The Journal of Electricity, Instrumentation and Applied Electronics (JuLIET) is an open-access journal published by the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Vocational School, Gadjah Mada University. JuLIET is issued twice a year with varying volumes. JuLIET was first published, Vol 1, No 1 in April 2020. This journal contains writings taken from the results of research and analytical studies in the field of applied science and technology, specifically Power Systems, Generators, Power Distribution and Transmission, Power Distribution and Transmission, Electrical Power Conversion, Distributed Generation, Protection Systems, and Renewable Energy for the scope of Electrical Engineering. Next, Instrumentation, Sensors and Actuators, Industrial Instrumentation for Instrumentation scope. And Signal, System, and Electronics, Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Robotic Systems, Control and Automation Systems, and Embedded Systems for Applied Electronics scope.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 4, No 1 (2023)" : 5 Documents clear
Linierisasi Model Sistem Ball and Beam dan Metode Kendali LQG Berbasis MATLAB-Simulink Hanifah Suwardi; Anisa Septyaning Choir; Salima Nurrahma; Imroatul Hudati
Jurnal Listrik, Instrumentasi, dan Elektronika Terapan Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Sekolah Vokasi UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/juliet.v4i1.81744


Abstract – There are some unstable control systems, it can be an important problem in control, like systems in aerospace and flight. This can be studied simply in the ball and beam system. The ball and beam system uses an LQG (Linear Quadratic Gaussian) controller to determine the effect of stability and optimal system to reach the set point and the results of the slope angle on the beam at the set point. There is a combination of LQR with the element matrix parameters Q and R which can be searched using a trial and error technique with the condition that the Q matrix is a positive semidefinite while the R matrix is a positive definite matrix. As well as the use of gain Kalman filter as an estimator. Two experiments are given on the Q and R matrix elements which will be used in three distance/position displacement tests. The design of LQG on ball and beam systems is carried out in the MATLAB-Simulink software. Then the results of the angle of inclination of the beam (beam) obtained 14° to make the ball reach a set point of 10 cm, 17° for a set point of 20 cm, and 28° for a set point of 30 cm. Keywords – ball and beam, angle, LQG, LQR, linearizationIntisari –Sistem kontrol yang tidak stabil menjadi sebuah masalah yang penting dalam pengontrolan, seperti sistem dalam aerospace dan penerbangan. Hal ini dapat dipelajari secara sederhana pada sistem ball and beam. Pada sistem ball and beam digunakan pengontrol LQG (linear quadratic gaussian) untuk mengetahui pengaruh stabilitas maupun optimalnya sistem mencapai set point serta hasil kemiringan sudut pada balok (beam) pada titik set point. Terdapat kombinasi LQR dengan parameter matriks elemen Q dan R yang dapat dicari menggunakan teknik  trial and error dengan syarat matriks Q ialah semidefinite positive sedangkan matriks R ialah matrik definit positif Serta penggunaan gain filter Kalman sebagai estimator. Dilakukan dua eksperimen pada elemen matriks Q dan R yang akan digunakan pada tiga pengujian perpindahan jarak/posisi. Rancangan LQG pada sistem ball dan beam dilakukan di software MATLAB-Simulink.  Diperoleh hasil sudut kemiringan beam sebesar 14° untuk membuat ball mencapai di posisi set point 10 cm, 17° untuk set point 20 cm, dan 28° untuk set point 30 cm.Kata kunci – ball and beam, sudut, LQG, LQR, linierisasi
Identifikasi Sistem Motor DC dan Penerapan Kendali PID, LQR, dan Servo Tipe 1 Berbasis Arduino-MATLAB Muhammad Rakha Firdaus; Tegar Arif Berbudi; Salima Nurrahma; Galang Izzaulhaq; Imroatul Hudati
Jurnal Listrik, Instrumentasi, dan Elektronika Terapan Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Sekolah Vokasi UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/juliet.v4i1.81918


Abstract – There has been a lot of research on the application of control to DC motors. However, there are often obstacles regarding the selection of controllers that are not appropriate, resulting in the control of DC motors becoming unstable. So to overcome this, a system identification process is needed on the DC motor. This paper will explain the process of identifying the DC motor coupling system using the System Identification Toolbox in MATLAB. After obtaining the modeling, several types of control will be applied, namely PID, LQR, and type-1 servo to be compared to determine effective control for the DC motor system. From the results of the system identification process, it is obtained that the system model closest to the reference model is the ARX model with a best-fit value of 63.2%. Furthermore, this ARX model will be used as a mathematical model of the system to which PID, LQR, and type-1 servo controls will be added. From the experimental results, it is found that the best type of control in this system is to use type-1 servo control which produces the smallest MSE value of 4.9897.Keywords – identification system, LQR, PID, type-1 servoIntisari – Penelitian mengenai penerapan kendali pada motor DC telah banyak dilakukan. Namun sering terjadi kendala mengenai pemilihan pengontrol yang tidak tepat sehingga mengakibatkan pengendalian motor DC menjadi tidak stabil. Sehingga untuk mengatasi hal ini, diperlukan suatu proses identifikasi sistem pada motor DC. Pada makalah ini menjelaskan proses identifikasi sistem kopling motor DC dengan menggunakan System Identification Toolbox pada MATLAB. Setelah mendapatkan pemodelan tersebut maka akan diterapkan beberapa macam kendali yaitu PID, LQR, dan servo tipe 1 untuk dibandingkan untuk menentukan kendali yang efektif untuk sistem motor DC tersebut. Dari hasil proses identifikasi sistem diperoleh bahwa model sistem yang paling mendekati dengan model referensi adalah model ARX dengan nilai best-fit sebesar 63,2%. Selanjutnya model ARX ini akan digunakan sebagai model matematis sistem yang akan ditambahkan kendali PID, LQR, dan servo tipe 1. Dari hasil percobaan didapatkan bahwa jenis kendali paling baik pada sistem ini adalah dengan menggunakan kendali servo tipe 1 yang menghasilkan nilai MSE paling kecil yaitu sebesar 4,9897.
Implementasi Kontrol PID pada Kopel Motor DC dengan Menggunakan Filter Kalman Salima Nurrahma; Tegar Arif Berbudi; Muhammad Rakha Firdaus; Galang Izzaulhaq; Imroatul Hudati
Jurnal Listrik, Instrumentasi, dan Elektronika Terapan Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Sekolah Vokasi UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/juliet.v4i1.82150


This paper describes a DC motor clutch system that uses  control methods PID and uses a Kalman filter. The methods used aim to obtain stable results from the DC motor coupling system used. To get the appropriate results, several stages were carried out such as hardware design where this process was carried out by pairing all the components used including the power supply, DC motor driver, Arduino Uno, potentiometer and the two coupled DC motors. This system uses an input voltage of 12 V and will then be processed by the motor driver to drive the DC motor. Based on the results that have been obtained and the system response after being given control. It can be observed that when the system uses the Kalman filter and uses the PI control the system response results have a small steady state error.
Kontrol Motor DC dengan Kendali Linear Quadratic Regulator dan Filter Kalman Menggunakan GUI MATLAB Imroatul Hudati; Nurul Izzah Wijayakusuma; Aditya Yusuf Ismail; Alfonzo Aruga Paripurna Barus; Hendi Budianto
Jurnal Listrik, Instrumentasi, dan Elektronika Terapan Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Sekolah Vokasi UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/juliet.v4i1.83605


Abstract –  DC motor is one of the electronic devices that is used in the robotic, industry and sometime can be found in daily life.  DC motors usage is quite a lot, where the user is expected to be able monitor the speed or the position of the DC motor and be able to make adjustments. Noise is a part that cannot be ignored in controlling the motor DC speed. Numerous studies have been conducted. Previous research monitored the system response without considering the noise. The aims of this study are to implement the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) control and provide noise in the form of random number which will be filtered using a Kalman filter to reduce the noise and achieve a more stable system response. The provision of control and filter methods will be monitored by the user through an easy-to-understand display. The LQR control method will be given to DC motors in order to reduce the error between the output and input. LQR control use six variations of the Q index weighting will be given with an R value of 1. The most optimal Q result is [0.1 0 0; 0 0.1 0; 0 0 0.1] with a rise time is 2.20 seconds and a peak overshoot is 0.09 and the system response results are displayed. in the MATLAB GUI with the addition results after being given a Kalman filter.Keywords – DC motor, LQR, Kalman Filter, MATLAB GUIIntisari – Penggunaan Motor DC menjadi salah satu perangkat elektronik yang digunakan pada bidang robotika, industri bahkan banyak ditemui dalam kehidupan sehari – hari. Penggunaan motor DC yang cukup banyak, di mana user diharapkan dapat memantau kecepatan atau posisi motor DC dan dapat melakukan pemantauan terhadap noise yang terjadi pada sistem. Terdapat banyak penelitian yang telah dilakukan. Penelitian sebelumnya hanya memantau respons sistem tanpa memperhatikan noise yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan kendali linear quadratic regulator (LQR) dan memberikan noise berupa random number yang kemudian diberi filter Kalman sehingga noise tersebut dapat dikurangi dan respon sistem menjadi lebih stabil. Pemberian metode kendali dan filter diharapkan dapat dipantau oleh user melalui sebuah tampilan yang mudah dipahami. Metode kendali LQR akan diberikan kepada motor DC untuk mengurangi besarnya kesalahan antara output terhadap input. Pada kendali LQR akan diberikan enam variasi pembobotan indeks Q dengan R bernilai 1 didapatkan hasil Q yang paling optimal ialah [0,1 0 0;0 0,1 0;0 0 0,1] dengan rise time sebesar 2,20 detik dan peak overshoot sebesar 0,09  dan hasil respons sistem ditampilkan pada GUI MATLAB dengan adanya penambahan hasil sistem setelah diberikan filter Kalman.Kata kunci – kecepatan motor DC, LQR, filter Kalman, GUI MATLAB
Design of Water Quality Monitoring System for Koi Fish Farming Using NodeMCU ESP32 and Blynk Application Based on Internet of Things Dendi Rosandi; Junaidi Junaidi; Donni Kis Apriyanto; Arif Surtono
Jurnal Listrik, Instrumentasi, dan Elektronika Terapan Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Informatika Sekolah Vokasi UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/juliet.v4i1.83131


Intisari – Penelitian tentang rancang bangun sistem pemantauan kualitas air budidaya ikan koi telah dilakukan menggunakan NodeMCU ESP32 berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) yang terhubung dengan perangkat Android melalui aplikasi Blynk. Sistem ini terdiri dari empat sensor kualitas air, yaitu jumlah padatan terlarut, tingkat keasaman, tingkat amonia, dan besar suhu. Sistem ini dibuat agar kualitas air ikan koi selalu terpantau secara langsung lewat Android. Keuntungan menggunakan perangkat Android sebagai penampil sistem pemantauan adalah memudahkan pengguna untuk memantau kondisi air di lokasi manapun. Hasil dari sistem ini ditampilkan dalam bentuk pemantauan pada aplikasi Blynk dan pada liquid crystal display (LCD) 20×4, dengan notifikasi tentang ambang batas kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sensor memiliki akurasi sebesar 94,92% untuk jumlah padatan terlarut, 98,88% untuk tingkat keasaman, 90,49% untuk tingkat amonia, dan 98,77% untuk suhu, dengan waktu tunggu selama 5 menit untuk tampilan hasil pemantauan. Tingkat akurasi yang tinggi menunjukan alat ini dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pemantauan kualitas air budidaya ikan koi.Kata kunci: Blynk, ESP32, IoT, pemantauan, kualitas airAbstract - A research study on the design and development of a water quality monitoring system for koi fish farming has been conducted using the Internet of Things (IoT) based NodeMCU ESP32, connected to an Android device through the Blynk application. This system consists of four water quality sensors, namely dissolved solids, acidity level, ammonia level, and temperature. The purpose of this system is to ensure direct monitoring of the koi fish water quality through an Android device. The advantage of using an Android device as the monitoring interface is that it allows users to monitor the water conditions from any location. The system's results are displayed through the Blynk application and a 20x4 liquid crystal display (LCD) screen, with notifications indicating the threshold limits of water quality. The research findings indicate that the sensors have an accuracy of 94.92% for dissolved solids, 98.88% for acidity level, 90.49% for ammonia level, and 98.77% for temperature, with a waiting time of 5 minutes for the monitoring results to be displayed. The high level of accuracy demonstrates that this device can be used effectively for monitoring the water quality in koi fish farming.Keywords: Blynk, ESP32, IoT, monitoring, water quality

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