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Biokultur receives manuscripts from both original articles which are field-work research and literature review in the field of Anthropology. The scope of the anthropology includes: Social Anthropology Physical Anthropology Political Anthropology Cultural and Society
Articles 5 Documents
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Adaptasi Pelaku Bisnis Besi Tua Suku Bangsa Madura Terhadap Persaingan Bisnis Besi Tua di Kota Surabaya Aftina Fityan Sholeh
Biokultur Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020): Cultural Dynamics and Changes
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/bk.v9i1.21727


Adaptation to the scrap metal business in Surabaya as a livelihood is monitored and analyzed the Madurese adaptation behavior in the scrap metal business operating in the City of Surabaya. This study uses ethnographic methods with data collection techniques of observation and in-depth interviews, data analysis techniques using ethnographic analysis using the Adaptation Theory of Usman Pelly. The results showed that in the adaptation carried out by scrap metal business (Founders) as immigrants of the Madurese Tribe in the City of Surabaya by working with fellow relatives of the scrap metal businessmen of the Madurese Tribe in the City of Surabaya, in addition, relatives who had first migrated in the City Surabaya can guarantee the economic life of overseas relatives by creating jobs within the scope of the scrap metal business. This was repeated to other relatives who wanted to develop in overseas lands as a reciprocal relationship as an Adaptation process. This adaptation was carried out in the process of dealing with the competition of the scrap metal business which strengthened the dominance of the Madurese Tribe in the scrap metal business in the city of Surabaya
Stunting pada Remaja Kawasan Buruh Industri dan Nelayan di Kota Surabaya Luluk Oktavia
Biokultur Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020): Cultural Dynamics and Changes
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/bk.v9i1.21723


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kejadian stunting (kondisi pada anak yang memiliki tinggi badan kurang jika dibandingkan dengan umurnya) pada remaja yang tinggal pada lingkungan kawasan industri dan nelayan di Kota Surabaya. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 145 responden. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) ada perbedaan status gizi TB/U remaja di kawasan buruh industri dan nelayan. Kejadian stunting lebih banyak terjadi di kawasan nelayan. Tingginya jumlah remaja stunting di kawasan nelayan tidak lepas dari jumlah saudara remaja yang tinggal di kawasan ini. 2) Ada perbedaan status sosial ekonomi pada remaja kawasan buruh industri dan nelayan. Kawasan buruh industri mayoritas berstatus sosial ekonomi atas, sedangkan kawasan nelayan berstatus sosial ekonomi bawah. 3) Status gizi IMT/U tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan pada remaja di kedua kawasan. Hal ini menggambarkan bahwa kebutuhan nutrisi remaja masih dapat terpenuhi, karena bertempat tinggal di Kota Surabaya mendukung adanya berbagai pasokan pangan yang mudah diperoleh. 4) Ada perbedaan kejadian stunting pada remaja laki-laki dan perempuan. Hal ini bisa disebabkan kebutuhan gizi ibu yang kurang selama kehamilan bisa berdampak rusaknya sel telur pada janin perempuan, dan sistem sosial yang masih menganut patriarki mengindikasikan anak laki-laki memiliki kesempatan lebih baik dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan gizi.
Persepsi dan Makna Tradisi Perkawinan Bajapuik pada Masyarakat Sungai Garingging Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Zike Martha
Biokultur Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020): Cultural Dynamics and Changes
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/bk.v9i1.21725


Communication and culture is communication that has a reciprocal relarionship. Culture can influence communication and conversely communication affects culture and the prvailing culture in one area will be different from other regions. The Geringging River are, Padang Pariaman Regency. The Community has a tradition of giving japuik money in the custom of marriage.  The marriage custom of Sungai Geringging In Padang Pariaman Regency is different from the marriage customs of other Minangkabau areas, becouse it has a Bajapuik tradition to pick up the groom) which requires japuik money. Many meaning are stroed fom this japuik money. Not all mean to demean or indeed buy someone. This is not a human trafficking transaction, just a culture to honor one’s partner in the way of the Garingging River community. This writing discusses and observes how the cultural communication of the meaning of the traditional of Bajapuik marriage in the Garinggiang River community Padang district. Using a Qualitative method with a descriptive design, namely writng that gives an accurate description of symptoms of particular individual or group of a situation and symptoms that occur, operationalizing the concept and producing variable and indicators. Basically, every community in their life will experience changes, changes are condition of a community at diferent times and places, as well as the implementation of the Bajapuik tradition in the Garinggiang River.
Studi Komparatif Motivasi dan Prestasi Belajar Taruna AAL Ditinjau dari Pilihan Korps Untuk Mewujudkan World Class Navy Koko Komarudin
Biokultur Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020): Cultural Dynamics and Changes
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/bk.v9i1.21724


The interest of cadets is one of the considerations to determine their Service Corps while studying in the Naval Academy; though, it bears the least point compared among other aspects.  Based on some views of educational experts, interest is a motivational tool that can arouse the excitement of learning. Hypothetically, cadets who have good motivation to learn are feasibly able to get better achievement. The author carried out the study to find out the distinction of motivation and learning achievement between cadets with the corps of their interests and those whose corps are not on their interests: the influencing factors upon motivation and learning achievement; and simulation of dynamic system of motivation and achievement with the samples of 4th-grader  Cadets of 62 in Indonesian Naval Academy.  By using the results of independent t-test with a value greater than 0.05.  apparently there is no significant differences of motivation and learning achievement  among the cadets with different corps in relevance  with their interests. Then based on the descriptive analysis, factors that influence the motivation and learning achievement are: the instructors and the cadres, teaching materials, teaching and learning facilities and learning social environment with the  average  point of 84.25% of satisfaction level. The result from the dynamic system simulation model tells that the respondents who have very good level of interest and are supported optimally by  the influencing  factors, are able to achieve GPA 3.6. It proves that interest, motivation and influencing factors come in linear to better achievement among cadets. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct regular and organized  evaluation toward learning factors for optimal learning achievement of cadets.
Perubahan Perilaku Budaya Mburi Omah Masyarakat Pinggir Sungai Afiarta Akbar Alfiyansyah
Biokultur Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020): Cultural Dynamics and Changes
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/bk.v9i1.21721


Fuel Terminal (FT) Boyolali merupakan bagian perusahaan PT. Pertamina (Persero) yang memiliki berbagai program pemberdayaan masyarakat dan pengolahan lingkungan sebagai wujud tanggung jawab perusahaan terhadap masyarakat sekitar perushaan. Coorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) perusahaan terhadap kelestarian lingkungan diwujudkan dalam program keanekaragaman hayati dan pemberdayaan masyarakat di sungai Kalipepe. Pelestarian lingkungan sungai Kalipepe yang berdekatan dengan lokasi perusahaan tersebut disebabkan adanya pencemaran lingkungan sungai. Pencemaran tersebut bukan dikarenakan oleh perusahaan melainkan oleh masyarakat yang masih belum peduli akan kelestarian lingkungan. Banyaknya masyarakat yang membuang sampah di sungai kalipepe karena berada dibelakang rumah yang tidak terlihat oleh orang lain. Muncul mainset masyarakat mengenai sungai sebagai “mburi omah” yang mana masyarakat menggap sungai sebagai tempat kotor membuang sampah.

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