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ELTALL: English Language Teaching, Applied Linguistic and Literature
ISSN : 27232700     EISSN : 27232719     DOI :
ELTALL (English Language Teaching , Applied Linguistics and Literature) is a peer-reviewed professional journal with the editorial board of scholars mainly in applied linguistics, literature, and English language teaching (ELT). It is published by the English Department of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Faculty, IAIN Ponorogo, Indonesia.The journal seeks to disseminate research to educators around the world and is published twice a year in the months of March and September.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 3, No 2 (2022)" : 5 Documents clear
ELTALL: English Language Teaching, Applied Linguistic and Literature Vol 3, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/eltall.v3i2.3726


THE MAIN PROBLEM OF THIS RESEARCH WAS “IS THERE ANY SIGNIFICANT EFFECT OF USING CONTEXT CLUES STRATEGY TOWARD STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION?”. Therefore, objective of this research was to find out whether or not there is significant effect of using context clues strategy on students’ reading comprehension. In this research, the researcher used quasi- experimental method by using the pre-test and post-test. The population of this research was 142 students consisting of four classes. The sample was X.OTKP there are 34 students which was treated as experimental class taught by using context clues strategy and X.BDP there are 34 students which was treated by conventional. Based on the finding, three hypothesis (Ha) were accepted. The first, the result of the pre-test and the post-test scores of experimental class was found that the tobtained (10,31) more than ttable (1,960). The second, the result of the post-test scores of experimental and control class were found that the tobtained (4,21) more than the ttable( 1,960). The last, the result of the post-test of experimental class and control class were found that tobtained (4,21) more than ttable (1,960). It means that by using context clues strategy in teaching English gives significant effect on students’ reading comprehension.
Revealing the Philosophy of Starbucks Logo: Semiotic Analysis Lambok Hermanto Sihombing; Puji Lestari
ELTALL: English Language Teaching, Applied Linguistic and Literature Vol 3, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/eltall.v3i2.4886


Starbucks is among the most recognizable coffee shops in Indonesia. People will recognize Starbucks by looking at the logo on the cup. The logo is essential in conveying the company's image and impression to customers. A brand's logo represents its identity. This study seeks to elucidate the idea behind the Starbucks logo. This research utilizes a qualitative approach. To assist researchers with their analysis, the Semiotics method and the Representation theory from Stuart Hall are implemented in this research. The result indicates that the Starbucks logo reminds us to be good to people and the world. 
Bullying Depicted in Cyberbully Movie Fitriah Nur Kamilah; Firqo Amelia; Dwi Taurina Mila Wardhani
ELTALL: English Language Teaching, Applied Linguistic and Literature Vol 3, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/eltall.v3i2.4903


This research identified types of bullying and impacts of bullying in Cyberbully movie. The design of this study is qualitative. The method is used to describe and analyze bullying in movie Cyberbully. The data collection was done by watching Cyberbully movie, screen capturing the scenes, and writing down the utterances indicating both the types and impact of bullying. The data analysis was done by classifying the types of bullying in Cyberbully movie by using the theory National Centre against Bullying (2010), finding the impact of bullying in Cyberbully movie by using the theory of Rigby (2003). The finding of the research found  that  there  were  twenty  data  for  three  types  of  bullying  on  the  main character in movie Cyberbullying: Verbal bullying, Social bullying ,and Cyberbullying. Here the researchers also managed to find twenty-four data for the impact of bullying which consists of three types, namely: low psychological well-being, poor social adjustment, and psychological distress.
Multimedia English Teaching Approach Based on Constructivist Learning Theory John Michael Villagorda Sasan; Annabelle Rabillas
ELTALL: English Language Teaching, Applied Linguistic and Literature Vol 3, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/eltall.v3i2.4607


In the context of English study, multimedia has provided learners with unique features and benefits. Constructivist learning theory, on the other hand, has had a considerable impact on students' learning processes and progress as one of the most fundamental teaching theories in the field of education. This study looks at a wide range of sources to support the claim that integrating multimedia and constructivism theory improved students' overall English learning experience. While the authors of this study thought it would help students improve their English learning, they also wanted to give teachers a better method to help them reduce stress in the classroom while still providing an effective teaching-learning process.
ELTALL: English Language Teaching, Applied Linguistic and Literature Vol 3, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/eltall.v3i2.4832


The African cultural identities have undergone earth-shattering shifts from the precolonial epoch to the colonial and post-colonial periods. It is the colonial empire that advented in the African continent in the 15th century and attempted to erode and stigmatise African cultural practices as part of its mission to take control of Africa. Despite Africa being under a democratic administration today, African cultural identities are still marginalised, chiefly, by colonial remnants that have not yet been successfully uprooted. Thus, this paper aims to re-anatomise the African cultural identity-crises in the present day from the onset of colonialism on the continent. It utilises a qualitative approach and crystallises this African cultural watershed from a literary perspective. Chinua Achebe’s Arrow of God is purposively sampled for the paper as a primary reference point by dint of its conformity to the main theme of the study. The paper, comprehensively, blames the enduring colonial fragments in the present day for the African cultural identity-crises as they hinder decolonisation and peril African cultures. The colonial legacies in Africa today, like in the colonial times, are found to be championing Western identities at the expense of African cultural identities, hence, the latter is still menaced.

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