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Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Published by Universitas Jember
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Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies (JFGS) adalah jurnal akademik yang dikelola oleh Pusat Studi Gender, Universitas Jember. JFGS diciptakan untuk mengembangkan wacana dan analisis ilmiah tentang isu-isu gender dan feminisme di tingkat nasional dan internasional. JFGS menampung artikel-artikel dengan pendekatan empiris dan diskursif dengan memberikan kebebasan pengembangan keilmuan dalam kerangka feminisme dan perspektif gender. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menjadi forum dialog antara akademisi, pakar, praktisi dan aktivis feminis. Juga untuk membangun dan menciptakan pengetahuan baru yang berpihak pada keadilan dan kesetaraan dalam kerangka kemanusiaan. Fokus JFGS adalah pada fenomena di berbagai bidang kehidupan. Berbagai pendekatan dalam kajian feminisme dan gender sangat memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan dari lintas disiplin ilmu, baik eksakta, ilmu sosial maupun humaniora. Penekanannya lebih pada perspektif dan pendekatan; perspektif Feminisme dan Gender.
Articles 10 Documents
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Social Media as a Digital Space for Online Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Adelia Octavia Siswoyo; Ahmad Gimmy P. Siswadi
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v4i1.46480


Advances in technology and social media which are developing quite rapidly not only provide many positive benefits, but also trigger cyber crimes, one of which is online gender-based violence (KBGO) in the realm of social media. KBGO itself is a new form of gender- based violence that occurs due to the influence and assistance of technology. The purpose of this article aims to examine cases of KBGO in Indonesia that occur on social media and what are the rules and impacts of KBGO. The method in this study was carried out by studying the literature through searching related literature that has been published regarding KBGO that occurs on social media. The results found that reporting of KBGO cases in Indonesia in general has always increased every year. The increasing number of KBGO survivors and there are no regulations that significantly regulate KBGO, resulting in a loss of safe space for women to be able to use the internet, especially social media.
The Impact of Body Shaming on Teenage Girls Novita Maulida Ikmal; Nur Holifah
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v4i1.44486


The mass media has an important role in creating a view of ideal body standards. The existence of ideal body standards that emerge in society causes many individuals to experience body shaming. So that society has an indicator of a woman's beauty that is seen from her physical appearance. Body shaming is a person's action or treatment in giving bad comments or criticism about someone's physical appearance, whether related to body condition or appearance, which is done consciously or unconsciously. This form of body shaming is dominated by the color, shape and size of the body in the form of verbal communication and some even takes the form of physical violence. The research method uses a qualitative approach, with descriptive methods. Data was taken from in-depth interviews and journal sources. The results of this research show that body shaming still occurs among teenagers. Often body shaming behavior occurs in middle school or high school. The impacts felt are also very bad, namely stress, depression and loss of self-confidence. As a result, victims of body shaming try to change themselves according to the appearance standards that have been constructed by society. Body shaming behavior can cause discrimination and verbal violence against individuals.
High Heel Shoes Commodity Fethisis of Drag Queen Raminten Cabaret Artists Show Mirota Yogyakarta Putri Prabu Utami; Bayu Aji Suseno; Djuniwarti Djuniwarti; Sabri Gusmail
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v4i1.45548


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui muatan nilai fetisisme komoditas pada sepatu hak tinggi seniman drag queen dalam pertunjukkan cabaret show di Raminten 3 Mirota Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, serta melakukan analisis data berdasarkan teori Marx tentang fetisisme komoditas. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa sepatu hak tinggi pemain drag queen memiliki use value untuk melindungi kaki dari resiko terjadinya cedera dan lecet (tergores) yang diakibatkan gesekan antara kulit dengan permukaan lantai pada panggung arena tertutup (indoor). High heels menjadi media konstruksi citra feminisme terhadap tubuh maskulin laki-laki pemain drag queen yang mengalami pergeseran (exchange value) dari fungsi status sosial menuju fungsi estetika yang bernilai ekonomi untuk membentuk identitas seksual menjadi seniman atau aktor profesional yang berpakaian seperti wanita untuk alasan hiburan (female impersonators). Sepatu hak tinggi menjadi penanda seksualitas dalam memanipulasi kesadaran pengguna (seniman drag queen) terhadap pemujaan suatu benda secara berlebihan (fetisisme) dengan mengerotisasi obyek benda mati untuk membentuk dorongan (gairah) atau kepuasan seksual.
Examining Masculinities and Femininity in Tennessee William’s A Streetcar Named Desire Manjari Johri
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v4i1.43202


Examining A Streetcar Named Desire through the lens of Gender and Masculinity Studies is an academically enriching and intriguing pursuit. The play, first performed on Broadway in 1947, continues to captivate with its portrayal of the characters of Stanley and Blanche. Stanley’s aggressive masculinity is pitted against the frailty of Blanche, leading to her breakdown and her ultimate escape into the unreal world of fantasy. This study aims to identify different types of masculinities; from Allan Grey’s closeted identity to Stanley Kowalsky's toxic masculinity, and how each affects Blanche Du Bois. It is intriguing to explore whether her distraught emotional state is entirely due to Stanley’s bestial toxicity or whether she is also a victim of femininity which is synonymous with frailty, beauty, and obsession with eternal youth. R.W. Connell’s Masculinities (1995,2005), and Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique (1963) have been used as a framework to evaluate the male and female characters in the play.
Depiction of Machismo through Castillo Brothers in Oscar Hijuelos’ The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love Supiastutik Supiastutik; Septania Alya Rakhman; Syamsul Anam
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v4i1.46266


The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love (1989) is a novel by Oscar Hijuelos, a Cuban-American writer. It talks about the lives of Cesar and Nestor Castillo, Cuban immigrants who live in America to pursue their dreams as musicians. The novel strongly connects to Latin American culture. The Castillo brothers are known for embracing their "Cubanness" as men. Men in Spanish-speaking countries are recognized for their masculine solid pride. Their strong masculine pride is often associated with an exaggeration of their masculinity. People often call it machismo. Machismo, derived from destructive aspects such as aggressiveness, womanizing, emotional withdrawal, and male chauvinism, is known for having harmful outcomes for men who embed it. Operating Hall's Theory of Representation and Kupers' concept of toxic masculinity, this research aims to show how the Castillo brothers represent machismo and reveal the ideology of Oscar Hijuelos' regarding machismo. This research is conducted as qualitative research, utilizing narratives and dialogues. The study found that Cesar's practice of machismo through the act of being a Latin lover affects his participation in alcoholism and resistance to professional help. Besides, Nestor's practice of machismo for being a "man with muscle" eventually leads him to depression, anxiety, and rejection of therapy. It is acknowledged their status as immigrants heighten their practices of machismo. Through his writing, the author expects to criticize machismo.
Gender Equality among Women in West Klampis Village, Bangkalan Regency:Feminist Perspective Nur Wahyuni; Dewi Casmiwati
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v4i1.43935


The community in this village still adheres to a patriarchal culture where men are the main authority in the family. Most parents in this village also assume that a woman's job is to take care of her husband and children and to do housework. A woman is required to be able to cook, clean the house, wash clothes and so on. It is also not uncommon for parents to refuse to continue their children's education to a higher level. This research was conducted to analyze and describe gender equality in West Klampis Village, Klampis District, Bangkalan Regency. This research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The focus of this research is gender equality in terms of the theory of liberal feminism by Mary Wollstonecraft and Marxist feminism by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Data obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that in liberal feminism, women experience inequality in education that is not equal to men, while in Marxist feminism, there is a class between wives and husbands in the household, where a wife's class is reproductive while a husband's class is productive.
The Phenomenon of Male Entitlement and Defense Intervention Through Peace Psychology Siti Ahsanul Haq
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v4i1.43466


Hegemoni masculine yang terbentuk sebagai bagian dari budaya patriarki semakin mengijinkan laki-laki untuk menunjukkan bagaimana domimasi mereka terhadap pihak yang berada pada posisi inferior. Pada dasarnya hegemoni maskulinitas ini juga memberikan beban kepada laki-laki, mereka dituntut untuk berpenampilan, bersikap, bertingkah laku sesuai dengan stereotype gender mereka. Karena tuntunan tersebut mereka jadi memaksakan dan terjerat pada maskulinitas yang kaku. Serta ego yang dimiliki laki-laki karena tuntuntan peran gendernya menjadikan fenomena male entintlement sebagai sesuatu yang dianggap laki-laki adalah haknya untuk mendapatkan seusatu yang diinginkan dan mereka wajar untuk melakukan berbagai cara untuk mendapatkannya berujung pada tindakan kekerasan. Budaya patriarki seolah-olah membenarkan hal yang dilakukan laki-laki benar adanya dan landasan daripada itu untuk mempertahankan posisi walaupun harus mengambil jalan diskriminasi dan kekerasan kepada perempuan juga ikut dibenarkan. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganilisis fenomena ini yaitu dengan metode fenomonologi dengan melihat fenomena riil yang terjadi pada masyararakat yang menunjukkan male entitlement benar-benar tumbuh menjadi bagian kehidupan masyarakat dan dampak pada perempuan.
Legal Protection for Women as Victims of Criminal Acts (Research at Women and Children Protection Unit the Jember Resort Police) Antinia Saputri; Fanny Tanuwijaya; Dina Tsalist Wildana; Halif Halif; Sapri Prihatmini
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v4i1.44306


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk perlindungan hukum beserta kendala dalam pemberian perlindungan hukum kepada perempuan sebagai korban tindak pidana di PPA Kepolisian Resor Jember. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis empiris dengan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis berdasarkan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap perempuan sebagai korban di PPA Kepolisian Resor Jember melalui perlindungan secara represif namun belum diterapkan terhadap perempuan sebagai korban tindak pidana kekerasan umum. Adapun kendala unit PPA Kepolisan Resor Jember dalam memberikan perlindungan terhadap korban tindak pidana yaitu tidak adanya tenaga psikologi khusus, keterbatasan ruangan yakni ruangan istirahat, dan belum ada aturan yang mengatur tentang perintah perlindungan hukum secara khusus terhadap perempuan sebagai korban tindak pidana kekerasan umum. Oleh karena perlu adanya pembenahan unit PPA Kepolisian Resor Jember dan adanya peraturan hukum terkait perlindungan terhadap perempuan korban tindak pidana kekerasan umum.
Gender Equality Perspective of Asghar Ali Engineer: Challenges and Opportunities for Theological Feminists Melta Adelia Putri Kurniandi
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v4i1.44611


Gender equality in the Islamic context is in deep focus, especially through the lens of feminist theology. This article explores the views of Asghar Ali Engineer, a Muslim activist, who advocates the need to treat women as equals to men and redefine sharia law regarding gender issues. The main focus is on the challenges and opportunities facing feminist theology in Islam, with an emphasis on the concept of gender equality and its impact on Muslim women. This research adopts a qualitative approach, analyzing and exploring data from key works such as "Islamic Liberation Theology" by Latief Muhaemin and the works of Asghar Ali Engineer. Feminist theologians, including Engineer, face the challenges of reconstructing religious texts, deconstructing traditional understandings that devalue women, and resolving socio-cultural challenges related to religious law and social norms. With a socio-theological approach, they emphasize the importance of understanding the social context and reinterpreting key concepts to suit the needs of the times. In an effort to create a non-exploitative life order, theological feminists such as Engineer strive to provide equal opportunities for women and men, including in aspects of leadership, to bring positive changes in the interpretation of Islamic religious teachings in the 21st century.
Work-life Balance and the Working Women: Studit of Women's Experience in Gender Commodity Perspective Bernarda Prihartanti
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 4 No 1 (2024): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v4i1.45452


This article aims to reflect the experiences of working women and mothers with dual roles regarding how the discourse on work-life balance affects their respective lives. The research using an autoethnographic method complemented by a literature review. Data was obtained through personal experience and interviews with several female friends who work in big cities like Jakarta and Surabaya. The data was processed as a self-reflection through Robin Truth Goodman's 'gender commodity' perspective. Through the results of reflections on experiences in this article, several working women feel the influence of the work-life balance discourse, both directly and indirectly. The results of this research also show that work-life balance as a discourse is reproduced by neoliberalism for capitalist.

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