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ISSN : 27988775     EISSN : 27988260     DOI :
Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
JURNAL ISO publishes scientific papers on the research and scientific studies in the scope of humanities and social studies, such as anthropology, studies, business, communication studies, corporate governance, criminology, the study of cross-cultural, demographic, economic studies of development, the study of education and ethics, social geography, the study of information technology management, industrial relations, international relations, legal studies, media studies, political science, the study of population dynamics, the study of psychology, the study of public administration, social welfare, religious studies and linguistics.
Articles 23 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Desember" : 23 Documents clear
The Role of Communication in Building Cooperation Between Members of the Islamic Student Association Commissariat of the Faculty of Social Sciences, North Sumatra State Islamic University Dinda Gita Puspita; Muhammad Hafizh Raihan; Wendy Ilham Pratama; Hasan Sazali Maulana; Andinata Dalimunthe
Jurnal ISO: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/iso.v2i2.814


Indonesia is a democratic country, with the highest authority in the hands of the people having an important role in aspects of state life. Therefore, it is very important for people to know about the life of the nation and state or in other words politics. Without political awareness, the level of public political participation is also low which can have an impact on obstacles to national development. Political awareness can be obtained through several things, one of which is joining organizations, especially for students to join student organizations. Student organizations are divided into two, namely intracampus and extrasemous organizations. Intracampus Student Organizations are student organizations that exist in universities and receive student activity funds from college managers and/or from ministries/institutions. This student organization both intracampus and extracrees has played a positive role in providing students with an understanding of political life. One of them is the extra-general organization of the Islamic Student Association. The Islamic Student Association (HMI) is an extractcoat organization founded in Yogyakarta on February 5, 1947/14 Rabi'ul early 1366 H which was initiated by the Pane
Use of Social Media as a Communication Media by Public Relations of Medan City Government Sri Nurhayati; Nursapia Harahap
Jurnal ISO: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/iso.v2i2.815


This study aims to determine how the use of social media as a medium of communication by public relations Medan city government). The results of the study show that: 1. Social media is very influential as a means of communication by the protocol and communication of the Medan City leadership, 2. Social media is very effectively used as a means of delivering information to the public, 3. There are no challenges faced as a protocol and communication for City leaders. Medan in using social media as a means of communication, 4. The existence of hoax news and differences of opinion are one of the inhibiting factors that occur as protocol and communication for Medan City leaders in conveying information, 5. The network is evenly distributed throughout the city of Medan, 6. The existence of hoax news and differences of opinion are also a challenge for the community in receiving information conveyed by the Public Relations of the Medan City Government through social media, 7. The community is also satisfied with the information obtained through social media.
Analysis of Intercultural Communication Models Among UINSU FIS Students Dhea Adelina Harahap; Febri Shaleh Siregar; Rizky Ananta; Maulana Andinata Dalimunthe; Hasan Sazali
Jurnal ISO: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/iso.v2i2.817


This study aims to determine the intercultural communication in question is the process of communication between groups of different cultures between foreign students and UINSU FIS students. This research uses descriptive research, which means a systematic, factual, and accurate description of the facts, characteristics and relationships between the phenomena being investigated. Research that uses descriptive type is research that is intended to describe, describe, or explain the state of the object being studied as it is about the analysis of intercultural communication in students of FIS UINSU. This research results that there is a KAB model for Aceh and Javanese students involving a mediator. This model illustrates that differences in communication behavior cause Papuan students to have difficulty adapting to Javanese students so that effective KAB is difficult to achieve. Therefore, the presence of a mediator from Javanese students is needed to bridge communication with Javanese student groups as well as to be a companion in class.
Communication Effectiveness of Acculturation of Migrant Students with Local Communities (Case Study of Communication Studies Students at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra) Syecha Bawazier; Icha Ariyana; Taufiq Sarfan Hasibuan; Maulana Andinata Dalimunthe; Hasan Sazali
Jurnal ISO: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/iso.v2i2.818


Cultural exchange is very likely to happen, because anyone who comes from a country or region will certainly not be separated from the culture in which he was born and raised. With a culture rooted in him, he had to share a room with other people from other cultures. This cultural exchange, may be causing a conflict. Conflict can be muted with the birth of an awareness that every person should be able to understand the culture of other people of different cultures with him. The process of communication that takes place between people of different cultures is often influenced by several factors: The Act, The Scene, The Agent (Performer), The Agency (Intermediaries), and The Purpose. The factors mentioned above also becomes one of determining an effective communication process. Based on that, we can determine the strategies or methods of communication used in a communication process. Effective communication can be realized if the strategies and methods of communication are used appropriately. Efektive communication strategy is very important to be considered in a process of communication. Intercultural communication as a form of interpersonal communication of communicators and communicant of different cultures. Effectiveness of interpersonal communication was largely determined by factors: openness, empathy, positive feelings, provide support, and maintain balance. While the social prejudices that determine the three main factors, namely stereotypes, social distance, and discrimination. The relationship between prejudice to the communication very closely because of the prejudices assumed as the basis for the establishment of communication behavior.
Analysis of Consumptive Behavior in Shopping Through Social Media Among FIS UINSU Students Yudhi Affandi Harahap; Dean Marcella; Muhammad Rafi Alkhusairi; Maulana Andinata Dalimunthe; Hasan Sazali
Jurnal ISO: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/iso.v2i2.819


This study aims to find out how consumptive behavior is in shopping on social media among students of FIS UINSU. This study uses a research approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. As for what is meant by qualitative research, namely research that intends to understand the phenomena of what is experienced by research subjects holistically, and by means of descriptions in the form of words and language, in a special natural context and by utilizing various scientific methods (Moleong, 2007:6). The type of this research approach is descriptive. Descriptive research is research that seeks to describe current problem solving based on data. The type of qualitative descriptive research used in this study is intended to obtain information about consumptive behavior in online shopping among students. This study resulted that from the three selected informants, the existing consumptive behavior started from habits and a sense of inclination to continue shopping online on various online shopping platforms. From the three informants, it can be seen that there are informants who like to shop at Shopee, olshop accounts on social media, and even shop at the busy TikTok Shop.
The Effect of Globalization on the Rise of LGBT in Indonesia Through Social Media Networks Instagram and Tiktok Reza Suhendri Tarigan; Nursapia Harahap
Jurnal ISO: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/iso.v2i2.822


This study discusses deviant sexual behavior In Social networks where LGBT people are looking for a place to realize and look for relationships that take place in certain parties that help and provide all the needs of LGBT organizations through social media. Based on the phenomenon of the emergence of attitudes of LGBT people to the public through Social Media. The author tries to express the phenomenon where LGBT people are not only silent in the era of Globalization as it is today, They also voice their rights in this country through their Social Media. Based on the results of this study, it is hoped that it can provide information and input for the wider community that LGBT people have been very widespread in Indonesia even in the city of Medan, so that we can avoid these actions and the community can refuse and the Medan city government is following up on LGBT people who have appeared themselves on Social Media.
Analysis of Audience Reception Against Intercultural Communication Represented in the Film Bumi Manusia Fadilah Amelia; Firda Yulia; Natasya Asali; Hassan Sazali; Maulana Andinata Dalimunthe
Jurnal ISO: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/iso.v2i2.823


Bumi Manusia is a film by Pramoedya Ananta Toer which has a theme about the love story of a young man of Javanese descent with a girl of Dutch descent and his struggles in the midst of the early 20th century Indonesian movement. audience, how to interpret the message received from a media, namely from a film which is one of the mass communication media. The purpose of this study is to find out how the audience's reception of intercultural communication in the film Bumi Manusia. This research is a descriptive analytical research method using Stuart Hall reception analysis with the concept of encoding-decoding and data collection techniques using the interview method. This study succeeded in showing different audience receptions in interpreting intercultural communication in the film Bumi Manusia. The results of this study indicate, the audience perceives into three types of dominant hegemonic, negotiated reading and optional reading. Viewers who are included in this dominant hegemonic classification understand the message content as it is. Audiences who are in a negotiating position receive texts or scenes of intercultural communication in the film but are not fully accepted because there are still things to negotiate. While the audience is in an oppotional position, the audience does not accept the text or scenes of intercultural communication presented in the film.
Development of Tor Tor Dance in Batak Wedding Ceremony in Medan City Rana Salsabila; Lita Octaviani; Fia Adilla; Hassan Sazali; Maulana Adinata Dalimunthe
Jurnal ISO: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/iso.v2i2.824


Tortor dance for the Batak tribe is used to express feelings in any situation, one of which includes wedding ceremonial activities. Tortor dance is an important part of the Batak indigenous community, which has cultural values and spiritual values. Through the Batak indigenous Tortor dance in Medan, it conveys its hopes and prayers. The movement or demonstration of attitudes and feelings through this Tortor dance adorn the situation and conditions that are being experienced. The purpose of this study is to determine the development of Tortor dance in a brick wedding ceremony in Medan. This study uses a case study method with a qualitative approach. The data collected is primary data obtained from several speakers. From the result of research in the field that the Tortor dance in Batak wedding ceremony in Medan shows that every hand movement has meaning and significance
Semiotic Analysis of the Malay Palang Pintu Tradition in Medan Traditional Malay Weddings Ihsan Al Fathir; Taufiq Nurrahmad; Elpiana Rossa; Hasan Sazali; Maulana Adinata Dalimunthe
Jurnal ISO: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/iso.v2i2.831


Research on Semiotic Analysis of the Malay Cross Door Tradition in Malay Traditional Weddings in Medan City aims to analyze, know and understand the meaning of the Malay Palang Pintu tradition which is commonly used in traditional Malay wedding processions in the city of Medan. The research was conducted using an Interpretative Qualitative research method and in more depth using the semiotic model method developed by Roland Barthes, which is a science and method used to analyze a sign that is carefully and based on facts in the field when researching the Malay Cross Pintu Tradition in Marriage. Medan City Malay Traditions. Data collection was carried out by direct observation of traditional Malay weddings using the Palang Pintu tradition, using books and previous research, and conducting interviews with traditional leaders or Telangkai from the Palang Pintu tradition. Based on the discussion and findings in the field, it is known that the Palang Pintu tradition itself has the aims and objectives of teaching and learning about obligations that must be carried out after marriage. In the Malay Palang Pintu tradition, it also means that the husband really holds the leadership of the household, starting from facing all kinds of obstacles, to putting patience to achieve good and healthy household goals.
The Use of Tiktok in Increasing Brand Awareness (Case Study on Mie Gacoan Followers in Medan) Farah Fadhillah Khairani; Loula Umaiyah Indriana; Vrisya Dwi Tirabusky; Maulana Andinata Dalimunthe; Hasan Sazali
Jurnal ISO: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/iso.v2i2.832


The rapid development of internet technology, anyone can use it, anywhere and anytime without knowing boundaries. The development of the internet can also trigger emergence of various new social media, such as TikTok. TikTok itself is a social media platform that focuses on being a forum for video creator content communities, where each user can share their experiences and information through videos of a certain duration. In this study, the marketing mix theory and Uses and Gratification theory are used, which with these two theories will solve the problem of using TikTok in increasing brand awareness. The research method used is qualitative research, data obtained by interview and observation. From the results of research that has been researched, the TikTok Mie Gacoan account really utilizes the use of the TikTok application well and also in the application of marketing communications with the promotional mix is quite efficient and also effective for increasing brand awareness of the Mie Gacoan brand itself.

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