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English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Surabaya Building T4, 2nd floor, Kampus Lidah Wetan, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
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RETAIN publishes articles within the scope of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. RETAIN publishes articles within the scope of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.
Articles 16 Documents
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RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstract Extensive reading practices which considered as reading for pleasure and search for general information is an important program to be implemented by EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students in Indonesia, especially for students in higher education in which English is as their major. Extensive reading practices have been proven by the previous study that it could improve EFL (English as a Foreign Laguage) students’ English skills; therefore, this study aimed to investigate the students’ perceptions in relation to their extensive reading subject, kinds of materials that they preferred, and its benefit to their English skills. This study was conducted in Universitas Negeri Surabaya whereby the researcher selected ten senior English department students who have already received the extensive reading subject in their previous semesters. This study used a qualitative method with a semi-structure interview as an instrument. The result of this study showed that the students have good perceptions towards extensive reading practices in which they considered if extensive reading is a reading activity for pleasure and information search where they can read material without any restraint. Novel (fiction genres), news, and journal were the materials that the students chose when they implemented extensive reading practices. Besides, extensive reading practices also contributed to the enhancement of their knowledge and English skills such as writing, speaking, listening, reading, vocabulary mastery, and grammar. In addition, some suggestions were given to the students to continually implement extensive reading as one of their habits in their daily activity.
The Effect of Shadowing Technique on Students' Intonation
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Shadowing technique is one of the listening techniques in which the listener is required to repeat word-by-word or phrase by phrase. Listening as the main activity of this technique helps the students to master listening skills. Listening deals with intonation, stress, grammatical structure, recognize speech sounds, background knowledge, etc. Many students faced difficulties in learning listening skills. They felt unfamiliar with the accent of the speakers. Furthermore, in the speed of listening, students feel the text being too fast from time to time. To solve the problem, the intonation aspect should be mastered first by the students. The aim of this study was to know the effect of the shadowing technique on students’ intonation. This study was quantitative research and the data was taken from the test. The findings of this study showed that there was a weak effect on intonation after the teacher applied the shadowing technique in listening.
The Quality of Arguments Made by EFL University Students in Their Conceptual Papers
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Argumentative writing is often described as a highly complex task that places enormous difficulty for EFL students. It is a genre of writing where students demonstrate their critical thinking as they express opinions with detailed supporting evidence. Some previous studies revealed that Indonesia EFL university students are unable to develop well-constructed arguments. To build a sound argument, students are expected to consider the elements of argument and the quality of reasoning. Limited number of research that assessed the quality of argument failed to value the presence these aspects. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe the quality of arguments in EFL university students’ conceptual papers, by assessing on both aspects of argumentation. Qualitative content analysis is employed to answer the research questions. The findings show that most arguments are unsound with irrelevant, not acceptable, and weak supports. Most university EFL students participating in this study also failed to include all six elements of argumentation. However, in terms of the surface structure, the majority of arguments are in a well-organized manner.
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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PQ4R strategy is a learning strategy which has a good concept to teach the students in comprehending a reading text. Moreover, this study is aimed to find out the implementation of PQ4R strategy in teaching narrative reading text done by the teacher in the classroom. This study is also trying to find out the students’ reading comprehension after practicing the PQ4R strategy in teaching and learning activities. The base of this study is using descriptive qualitative as the research design through an observation. Furthermore, the field notes were used to collect the information regarding teaching and learning process by using the implementation of PQ4R strategy. In one meeting, the teacher implements the stages of PQ4R strategy starting from preview, question, read, reflect, recite, and review sequentially. The implementation of those stages was divided into three reading activities; pre reading, while reading, and post reading. The data from the field notes showed that in pre reading activity, the teacher mostly implemented preview and question stage. In post reading activity, the teacher applied review stage to ensure the students’ understanding about the text by delivering ideas and providing suggestions. The rest of the selected stages read, reflect, and recite applied during while reading activities. Moreover, the students’ reading task was used in order to know the students’ reading comprehension after the implementation and it was analyzed by using ESL Composition Profile considering that the task was in the form of writing a summary towards the reading text. Furthermore, all of those stages of PQ4R strategy and their implementation are useful for the teachers or other educational practitioners when they engaging the students’ reading comprehension in narrative reading text. Keywords: PQ4R strategy, reading comprehension, narrative text.
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Creativity and collaboration are known as one of learning objective in today’s teaching and learning process. However, creativity and collaboration have not been highly promoted in students’ activities in developing learning media. Regarding that there are many people, especially English teachers and students, in Indonesia who have not been aware of how developing learning media contributes in the development of creativity and collaboration, this research is aimed to focus on describing the creativity and collaboration of the sixth semester students of English department in developing their learning media. The base of this research is using descriptive qualitative as research design. The data were gained through observations and interview. The result of this study figure out that most of students are demanded to think creatively and collaborate in developing learning media. Combination of ideas from various sources, understanding of the material, problem solving and the use of learning media itself were creativity indicators that always appears in developing learning media. While discussion, sharing task and help each other are prominent collaboration indicators in developing learning media. In addition, the results of this study stated that by giving assignments to develop learning media, students are greatly helped in practicing creativity and collaboration and have a better understanding of the material.
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Pada era globalisasi, Bahasa Inggris telah menjadi salah satu Bahasa yang cukup sering digunakan. Bahasa Inggris bahkan telah menjadi Lingua Franca atau Bahasa penguhubung antarnegara. Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris kepada anak usia dini sangat penting untuk melahirkan generasi yang lebih cemerlang. Namun, tidak semua guru dapat menciptakan suasana pembelajaran yang mendukung. Padahal, menciptakan suasana yang baik sangat diperlukan untuk menunjang hasil pembelajaran yang maksimal. Oleh karena itu, peneliti melakukan sebuah studi tentang pengembangan media pembelajaran untuk anak usia dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang proses pengembangan media pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. FIBO Game dapat digunakan oleh siswa kelas 5 jenjang Sekolah Dasar untuk memperluas pengetahuan kosakata. Dalam pengembanga FIBO Game, peneliti menggunakan metode Design and Development Research. Pengambilan data untuk percobaan media dalam penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah 10 siswa kelas 5 dari beberapa sekolah dasar yang berbeda di Tuban. Sebelum di uji cobakan, FIBO Game telah mendapatkan pengesahan dari para ahli media. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa FIBO Game dapat menarik minat siswa untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris. Dalam penggunaan FIBO Game, beberapa siswa masih memiliki kesulitan yang meliputi materi yang belum dipahami. Sebagai kesimpulan, FIBO Game telah terbukti memenuhi kebutuhan siswa dalam pembelajaran kosakata. Implikasi dari penelitian ini dipertimbangkan untuk pendidik agar dapat menciptakan suasana belajar yang menarik dengan media.

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