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Indonesian Journal of Digital Business
ISSN : 27980014     EISSN : 27982432     DOI : -
Marketing Management Human Resource Management Financial Management Strategic Management Accounting Entrepreneurship Software engineering Data Mining Iot Multimedia and Game Database Technologies and Applications AI/ML Data Science Information technology
Articles 5 Documents
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DESIGN THINKING AS A STRATEGY IN FACING VUCA Agra Fadhiila Tamara; Alby Silmi Maulidan; Ali Akbar Alkatili; Fakhrizal Labib Musyaffa; Nadiyah Husniyah
Indonesian Journal of Digital Business Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Digital Business
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

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The purpose of this literary studies is to explain how was the design thinking as a strategy that can be used for deal with this VUCA conditions. The type of this research is nature qualitative by taking sources through literature studies. Activities that can be carried out in the context of implementing design thinking in every business activity are separating facts from opinions, listening and understanding a lot, gathering facts from various sources, as well as gathering and evaluating arguments.Keywords: Design thinking, VUCA, business.
Indonesian Journal of Digital Business Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Digital Business
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (527.693 KB)


Motivasi merupakan syarat mutlak dalam belajar; seorang peserta didik yang belajar tanpa motivasi (atau kurang motivasi) tidak akan berhasil dengan maksimal. Situasi dan kondisi pandemi COVID-19 saat ini, membuat proses pembelajaran harus dilakukan di rumah secara jarak jauh. Hal ini tentu akan menurunkan semangat dan motivasi belajar. Permasalahan yang sama terjadi pada para mahasiswa UPI. Sebagai sampel untuk penelitian ini, telah dilakukan survey berupa penyebaran kuesioner kepada para mahasiswa Program Studi Bisnis Digital UPI di Kampus Daerah Tasikmalaya. Hasil kuesioner yang diberikan kepada 50 responden, 45 responden menyatakan setuju apabila semangat belajar menjadi menurun selama pembelajaran online saat ini. UPI melalui platform digital Sistem Pembelajaran Daring (SPADA) berupaya untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang menyenagkan sehingga mahasiswa tetap memiliki motivasi untuk belajar. Dengan adanya model Gamifikasi pada proses pembelajaran, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa. Memanfaatkan ketertarikan pada game atau permainan yang tidak mengenal usia dan berbagai keunggulan game, maka penerapan unsur game dalam bentuk gamifikasi pada Sistem Pembelajaran Dalam Jaringan (SPADA) UPI merupakan sebuah upaya yang berhasil dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa selama pandemi ini.
Digital Cloud Storage: The Best Cloud Drive Analysis for Digital Business Purposes Irham Khairul Muttaqin; Lanina Astrid; Aditya Akbar Prasetyo; Nabilah Fitria Kamaludin; Azizah Ghina
Indonesian Journal of Digital Business Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Digital Business
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

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The economy has been transforming throughout the years, and internet development has brought something new into the business world. With the rapid grown of technology, the economy and technology are inseparable. E-commerce was an example of an economy and technology. A huge data stream needed to be stored, and make physical storage now is outdated. Cloud storage was the option for storing and securing the company data. It has many benefits for the company for using cloud storage. The research methods in this paper was a literature research journal review. By comparing various cloud storage, it was found that mega cloud storage was a suitable option for many businesses from our related journal and other literature. Mega was encrypted and can store many data stream safely that the company needed.
Economic Evaluation on the Production of Chitosan-Kaolinite Nanocomposite from Prawn Shell Waste asep bayu
Indonesian Journal of Digital Business Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Digital Business
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

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Chitosan-kaolinite clay nanocomposite is one of the nanocomposite biopolymers that can be used to remove heavy metals in wastewater treatment processes. This type of adsorbent can be modified from marine animal waste (especially shells), for example, prawn. The purpose of this study is to analyze if this adsorbent manufacturing project can be carried out or not, by taking into various perspectives including engineering and economic perspectives. Several parameters for economic evaluation have been analyzed in this paper, such as the length of time to obtain initial capital after the project is executed (PBP), the calculation of the total net profit value since the start of construction in years (CNPV), and so on. The results show that this project is prospective from an engineering and economic point of view. Characterized by the capital that is recovered after three years of the project. Marked by the increase in the Profitability Index (PI) value of 86.4230 from -0.9746 which is the second year PI value. In one day this project can produce 37.5 tons from three shifts of work. The total profit earned in one year reached 5,551,803.98 USD under ideal conditions. This project is considered to be able to compete in the market because PBP occurs in the third year of the project. Apart from the results of this economic analysis, this project is considered as a project that can be chosen as a way to utilize aquatic waste as an effort to maintain the beauty of the earth.Chitosan-kaolinite clay nanocomposite is one of the nanocomposite biopolymers that can be used to remove heavy metals in wastewater treatment processes. This type of adsorbent can be modified from marine animal waste (especially shells), for example, prawn. The purpose of this study is to analyze if this adsorbent manufacturing project can be carried out or not, by taking into various perspectives including engineering and economic perspectives. Several parameters for economic evaluation have been analyzed in this paper, such as the length of time to obtain initial capital after the project is executed (PBP), the calculation of the total net profit value since the start of construction in years (CNPV), and so on. The results show that this project is prospective from an engineering and economic point of view. Characterized by the capital that is recovered after three years of the project. Marked by the increase in the Profitability Index (PI) value of 86.4230 from -0.9746 which is the second year PI value. In one day this project can produce 37.5 tons from three shifts of work. The total profit earned in one year reached 5,551,803.98 USD under ideal conditions. This project is considered to be able to compete in the market because PBP occurs in the third year of the project. Apart from the results of this economic analysis, this project is considered as a project that can be chosen as a way to utilize aquatic waste as an effort to maintain the beauty of the earth.
Perancangan Sistem Pendeteksi Covid di lingkungan pendidikan dengan menggunakan internet of thigs shinta Berliana
Indonesian Journal of Digital Business Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Digital Business
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

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Sejak terjadinya pandemi yang disebabkan oleh virus Corona di Indonesia, banyak pihak berusaha untuk mencegah penyebaran virus ini. Salah pihak yang berusaha mencegah virus ini ialah Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) melalui Surat Edaran No 3 tahun 2020 tentang pencegahan Corona virus Disease (Covid-19) pada satuan pendidikan (Azhar et al., 2020).Dengan keluarnya surat edaran Kemendikbud mau tak mau kuliah dan sekolah harus melakukan kegiatan belajar dengan cara pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ). Namun, bagi sebagian yang berasal dari keluarga dengan kondisi ekonomi yang kurang mampu akan lebih memilih pembelajaran tatap muka kembali diterapkan, karena untuk sebagian keluarga merasa sangat terbebani dengan biaya paket data selular yang harus dikeluarkan setiap kali melakukan PJJ(Damayanthi, 2020).Sistem pendeteksi covid ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi ancaman penularan covid dilingkungan sekolah/ kampus, Pengukuran suhu tubuh adalah salah satu langkah cepat membantu proses pencegahan penyebaran Virus Corona (Nino, 2020). Sistem ini dirancang selain untuk mendeteksi suhu tubuh, alat ini juga dirancang touchless/ tanpa harus disentuh, hal ini pun menjadi salah satu usaha untuk mengurangi penularan virus corona. Dilansir dari situs “Pusat Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Penyakit (CDC) Amerika Serikat telah menyunting informasi resmi mengenai Covid-19 di laman resminya. Dalam versi terbaru, CDC mengungkapkan bahwa transmisi Covid-19 bisa terjadi melalui sentuhan terhadap permukaan benda yang terkontaminasi” (Ramadani, 2020).

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