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Komunika: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi
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Journal Komunika is a journal published by the Dakwah Faculty of IAIN Purwokerto, which has a concentration related to the field of Dakwah, Islamic Communication, communication theory, mass communication, dakwah management, dakwah messages, dakwah media, dakwah methods, dakwah organizations, Islamic broadcasting, Islamic journalism, public relations, dakwah, dakwah in the digital era. Journal Komunika really expects the participation of submission of manuscripts or articles that are expected to be published in every print or electronic edition. Through the journal, Komunika will improve the quality of the content of the manuscript or articles in accordance with the rules of the journal Komunika and the results can be useful for the progress of science and society.
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KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (81.794 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v10i2.943


This research is motivated by the fact that every society has the power that can be empowered. In reality, women’s empowerment can not be separated from the mass media. Media plays an important role in community development activities in addition to those factors that physically exists, the costs that are physically visible, and a program that systematically reads as a motor of an empowerment. Can not be denied that the media be a factor that plays a role in social change. The metodology used is a discourse analysis of Teun Van Dijk that include text analysis, social cognition and social analysis. The results of this study are in terms of thematic, news in Kompas on community empowerment more women are taking the theme of the spirit of environmental conservation, the management of waste into valuable goods and high economic value, the spirit of education for the rural women, education for the children of scavengers and businesses by empowering residents. In the schematic aspect, Kompas has a systematic scheme from the start the title, lead and mutually continuous body. In terms of semantics (meaning that will be emphasized), Kompas in its message emphasizing the importance of community empowerment. The characters are raised in rubric “sosok” is the inspiring figures are considered “essential” and interesting. From the aspect of syntax, Kompas taking shape, sentence structure with many uses elements of coherence, namely by using conjunctions to show that the attitude of painstaking, diligent, not easily discouraged and high social sensitivity is the foundation of community empowerment. From the stylistic aspects (choice of words) Kompas uses words that are universal, humanistic and not dry. In the aspect of rhetorical style repression by Kompas uses graphic elements to highlight or emphasize deemed important by using a full color photo or image be equiped complete biodata. From the aspect of the analysis of Social Cognition, can be dissected that reality carries the ideology of Journalists Kompas humanistic ideology. idealism Kompas journalist for the achievement of the mission that the mandate of the People’s Conscience. Kompas vision that promotes the vision of making transcendental humanism humanistic Kompas use language in presenting the facts to the reader. In speaking, Kompas does not use language that dry, formal, abstract and rational, but that involves feelings of intuition, and human emotions. From the aspect of social analysis, that ownership is held by a group or its members, in this case that directly or indirectly affect the discourse of empowerment is a character or figure, journalist, and editor of Kompas. In terms of “akses” (access) each group has access enabler respectively in disseminating the empowerment of communities through printed and electronic mass media. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fakta bahwa setiap masyarakat memiliki daya (potensi) yang dapat diberdayakan. Realitanya, pemberdayaan masyarakat perempuan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari media massa. Mediasangat berperan dalam aktivitas pemberdayaan masyarakat di samping faktor orang-orang yang secara fisik ada, biaya yang secara fisik tampak, dan program yang secara sistematis terbaca sebagai motor dari sebuah pemberdayaan. Tidak dapat ditolak bahwa media menjadi faktor yang berperan dalam perubahan sosial masyarakat.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis wacana Teun Van Dijk yang mencakup analisis teks, kognisi sosial dan analisis sosial. Hasil penelitian ini adalah dari segi tematik, pemberitaan di Kompas tentang pemberdayaan masyarakat perempuan lebih banyak mengambil tema semangat pelestarian lingkungan, pengelolaan sampah menjadi barang berharga dan bernilai ekonomi tinggi, semangat pendidikan untuk masyarakat perempuan desa, pendidkan untuk anak-anak pemulung dan bisnis dengan memberdayakan warga. Dalam aspek skematik, Kompas mempunyai skema yang sistematis dari mulai judul, lead dan body saling berkesinambungan. Dari sisi semantik (makna yang ingin ditekankan), Kompas dalam pemberitaannya menekankan pentingnya pemberdayaan masyarakat. Tokoh-tokoh yang diangkat dalam rubrik “sosok” adalah tokoh inspiratif dianggap “penting” dan menarik. Dari aspek sintaksis, Kompas memakai bentuk, susunan kalimat dengan banyak menggunakan elemen koherensi, yaitu dengan menggunakan kata penghubung untuk menunjukkan bahwa sikap telaten, tekun, tidak mudah putus asa dan sensitivitas sosial yang tinggi adalah landasan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Dari aspek stilistik (pemilihan kata) Kompas menggunakan kata-kata yang universal, humanistis dan tidak kering. Dalam aspek retoris, gaya penekanan yang dilakukan Kompas menggunakan elemen grafis untuk menonjolkan atau menekankan yang dianggap penting dengan menggunakan foto atau gambar full color  dilengkapi biodata lengkap. Dari aspek analisis Kognisi Sosial, dapat dibedah bahwa realitas ideologi Jurnalis Kompas mengusung ideologi humanistik. Idealisme jurnalis demi tercapainya misi Kompas yaitu “Amanat Hati Nurani Rakyat”. Visi Kompas yang mengutamakan visi humanisme transendental menjadikan Kompas menggunakan bahasa humanistis dalam menyajikan fakta kepada pembaca. Dalam berbahasa, Kompas tidak memakai bahasa yang kering, formal, abstrak dan rasional, tetapi yang menyangkut perasaan intuisi, dan emosi manusia. Dari aspek Analisis sosial, bahwa kepemilikan yang dimiliki oleh suatu kelompok atau anggotanya, dalam hal ini yang secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mempengaruhi wacana pemberdayaan masyarakat adalah tokoh atau sosok, wartawan, dan redaksi Kompas. Dari sisi akses (access) setiap kelompok pemberdaya mempunyai akses masing-masing dalam menyebarluaskan pemberdayaan masyarakat, baik melalui media massa cetak maupun elektronik.
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (76 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v10i2.944


The woman’s body in the advertising world today used as a commodity in the public interest. In the space of capitalism, women became a profitable commodity handful of parties. In the world of advertising, women became an object to conquer the commercial market. “Body” and the expression of women explored massif to give the impression that support a variety of image ads. Researchers chose Magnum ice cream ad version of Pink and Black as advertisements analyzed because the message conveyed in these ads are more creative and taking pictures with the reversal of the model in repeated up to three times this can build imagination in sex. This research was conducted through qualitative approach with descriptive research. Source of the data obtained is Video ads Magnum ice cream Pink and Black, the production of PT (Walls) Unilever. In addition, data obtained also from official data: books, journals, papers, articles, and research results preexisting relevant to this study. The theory used in this research is the theory of Marxism commodification. Results The study confirmed that the female body attractiveness is always used as a commodity which is able to accumulate capital or generate profits. Because the woman is a very big market in the media industry which is believed to strengthen the advertising message. The concept of commodification in the ad Magnum ice cream version of Pink and Black itself is using her sex appeal with the intention to attract public attention to generate suggestions sexual show some fragments of the body’s vital to be ‘exclusive’ shown by visualization of the reversal of the model is carried out three times in playback ads. As well as other forms of commodification that is the commodification of content wherethe content / message in the form of sexual material and includes images of the model with a sensual pose, commodification audiences in this ad arepeople who consume products produced by media. And lastly commodification of workers who could hire them in the activities of production and distribution by the capital owners. Tubuh perempuan dalam dunia periklanan masa kini dijadikan sebagai komoditas dalam menarik perhatian publik. Dalam ruang kapitalisme, perempuan menjadi komoditas yang menguntungkan segelintir pihak. Di jagat iklan, perempuan menjadi objek untuk menaklukkan pasar komersial. “Tubuh” dan ekspresi perempuan dieksplorasi secara massif untuk memberi berbagai kesan yang mendukung citra iklan. Peneliti memilih iklan es krim Magnum versi Pink and Black sebagai iklan yang dianalisis karena pesan yang disampaikan dalam iklan tersebut lebih kreatif dan terdapat pengambilan gambar dengan penjungkirbalikan sang model yang di ulang sampai tiga kali ini dapat membangun imajinasi dalam seks. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Sumber data yang diperoleh adalah Video iklan es krim Magnum Pink and Black, produksi PT (Walls) Unilever. Selain itu, data yang diperoleh juga dari data resmi: buku, jurnal, makalah, artikel, dan hasil penelitian yang sudah ada sebelumnya yang relevan dengan penelitian ini. Adapun teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori komodifikasi Marxisme. Hasil penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa kemolekan tubuh perempuan selalu dijadikan komoditas yang mampu mengakumulasi modal atau menghasilkan keuntungan. Karena perempuan adalah pasar yang sangat besar dalam industri media yang dipercaya mampu menguatkan pesan iklan. Konsep komodifikasi dalam iklan es krim Magnum versi Pink and Black ini sendiri yaitu menggunakan daya tarik seks dengan maksud menarik perhatiankhalayak.
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (57.31 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v10i2.945


Cognitive science is a science which studies how human mental processes to influence one’s behavior. Principal major issue that needs to be known in the understanding of cognitive science and their development is related to how the initial state of cognitive science itself, the mind is adapted, the development process starting from the concrete to the abstract, the conceptual nature of the change, the difference between learning and development, format representation of the underlying changes in development, the role of implicit and explicit cognitions in the development, the role of the association and the rules in the development, the universal development, cognitive domain and how to influence the development of brain structure. There are three difference in the cognitive domain of the most common sense that domain as a module, as the domain of expertise, and domain as a model of mind. Ilmu kognitif adalah suatu pengetahuan yang mempelajari tentang bagaimana proses mental manusia dalam mempengaruhi perilaku seseorang. Pokok pembahasan utama yang perlu diketahui dalam memahami ilmu kognitif dan perkembangannya yaitu terkait dengan bagaimana keadaan awal dari ilmu kognitif itu sendiri, pikiran yang teradaptasi, proses perkembangan mulai dari hal yang kongkrit sampai dengan abstrak, sifat konseptual dalam perubahan, perbedaan antara belajar dan pengembangan, format representasi yang mendasari perubahan dalam perkembangan, peran kognisi implisit dan eksplisit dalam perkembangan, peran asosiasi dan aturan dalam perkembangan, perkembangan secara universal, domain kognitif dan bagaimana struktur otak mempengaruhi perkembangan. Ada tiga perbedaan domain kognitif dari indera yang paling umum yaitu domain sebagai modul, domain sebagai bidang keahlian, dan domain sebagai model pikiran.
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (162.305 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v10i2.946


In August 2015, there are two major Islamic organizations in Indonesia, NU and Muhammadiyah held a consultative forum which is the highest in the conference organization. 33 NU congress held in Jombang, East Java began 1 to 5 August 2015. As at August 3 to 7 held 47 Muhammadiyah congress in Makassar, South Sulawesi. One of the print media that provide accounts is Kompas. Interestingly, Kompas has a history as the founder of the mass media-founders are Catholic figures. As P. K. Ojong, Oetama, R. G. Doeriat, Frans Xaverius Seda, Polycarp Swantoro, R. Soekarsono, there are also representatives of the Supreme Council of hierarchical elements of the Indonesian Bishops (Mawi), Catholic party Union of Catholic University Students of the Republic of Indonesia (PMKRI). Kompas discourse about NU and Muhammadiyah that are the focus of research. How the two types of the news media is manufactured into a text. Because the media really is in the middle of a social reality that is loaded with a variety of interests, but has been linked with the social reality. As Aart Van Zoest once said, that a text has never been separated from ideology and have the ability to manipulate the reader toward an ideology. In the text of the media, reporters, also the editor, full power over the choice of words to beworn. He may or must select one word in between the rows of words that are quite similar yet different “flavors” of his. This research is a library (library research) with a focus on the study of print media ie newspapers Kompas, while the object to be studied is the preaching of NU and Muhammadiyah 33rd to 47th. In conducting the study, researchers used a discourse analysis approach Norman Fairclough. Fairclough focused discourse on language. Therefore, this analysis will focus on how it is formed and shaped the language of social relationships and social context. From this analysis, there are three points which were highlighted by researchers that democracy, state, and religious. Based on these three points, then the compass  which in this case represented by the reporter had identified himself as part of the Muhammadiyah. In doing news about Muhammadiyah Congress, journalists tend to bring out the themes of good and using the words positive connotation. While in Congress proclaim the Nahdlatul Ulama, there was some news that gave rise to unfavorable theme of the NU and use words negative connotation.
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (162.65 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v10i2.948


This research explains the method of hypno-circumcision in the clinic. Generally, the service of circumcision still uses a conventional method and less of attention toward the psychological side. Whereas, this factor is very important on how affecting the patients view’s toward circumcision. The main goal of this research is to know the implementation of hypnosis in medical field, especially circumcision process in Klinik Khitan Plus Hypnosis Pabuwaran.The method used in this research is descriptive-analysis. This method is used to provide an overview of the method of hypno-circumcision in Klinik Khitan Plus Hypnosis. This research found that method of hypno-circumcision in Klinik Khitan Plus Hypnosis is similar with hypnosis in general. The method of hypno-circumcision into four stages: preparation stage, induction stage, suggestion stage and termination stage. Preparation of hypno-circumcision in Klinik Khitan Plus Hypnosis begins from consultation to Ms. Novi as receptionist. Then, Induction is a main way to bring someone from conscious to subconscious mind. Giving suggestion is the core stage in the process of hypno-circumcision. Last stage is termination which defines as a gradual step to bring the subject to consciousness.
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (63.768 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v10i2.949


Da’wah in practical terms, always in touch with the community. Therefore requires a specific set of supporters in achieving its objectives, namely the setting or the good management and direction. In missionary activity there will be a very complex problem, if no good management, systematic, and purposeful. Implementation of propaganda will work effectively and efficiently when it first be able to identify the problems faced by the community. Then, on the basis of control of the situation and conditions for propaganda, formulate an appropriate plan. The dynamics of the problem requires people with a variety of actors preaching able to devise a proper plan-as the basis of a movement dakwah-, and arrange and organize the subject of preaching in a certain propaganda units. To realize and ground the teachings of Islam in public life, the propaganda must be properly managed, to meet the needs of society. Dakwah dalam tataran praktis, selalu berhubungan dengan masyarakat. Oleh karenanya membutuhkan seperangkap pendukung dalam mencapai tujuan, yaitu pengaturan atau manajemen yang baik dan terarah. Dalam aktivitas dakwah akan timbul masalah yang sangat kompleks, apabila tidak dilakukan manajemen yang baik, sistematis, dan terarah. Penyelenggaraan dakwah akan berjalan dengan efektif dan efisien apabila terlebih dahulu dapat mengidentifikasi masalah-masalah yang tengah dihadapi oleh masyarakat. Kemudian, atas dasar pengendalian situasi dan kondisi tempat untuk dakwah, disusunlah suatu rencana yang tepat. Dinamika masyarakat dengan berbagai problemnya mengharuskan para pelaku dakwah mampu menyusun rencana yang tepat –sebagai dasar dari sebuah gerakan dakwah, dan mengatur dan mengorganisir subjek dakwah ke dalam kesatuankesatuan dakwah tertentu. Untuk mewujukan dan membumikan ajaran-ajaran Islam dalam kehidupan masyarakat, maka dakwah harus dikelola dengan baik, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat.
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (76.43 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v10i2.950


The novel of “Akulah Istri Teroris” is the 14th masterpiece from Abidah El Khalieqy as a man letter that raises the theme of terrorist wife life which is always stereotyped by society including for those who wear the veil. It results to them who are still trying in winning their rights as women. This novel is so attractive to be observed because it bases on the reality and most of people still do not it yet so that we can know about the ideology and discourse construction that wants to deliver by the author. This research used a qualitative research with discourse approach of Teun A. Van Dijk. Van Dijk divides it into three dimensions: Textual dimension that examines the structure of text, the view of social cognition, understanding and mental awareness of the author and also social context according to the discourse that grows among of society. The result shows that all the information within the sentences of the novel have coherence and unity so that it creates shape and meaning. In addition, all the information wrap with attractive and simple language style. Discourse analysis that developed by Van Dijk found that this novel becomes one of media for representing the condition of terrorist wife who always get the stigma from various complexities issues but these women show the reader about the fortitude and strength to raise them up from adversity. Novel “Akulah Istri Teroris” merupakan karya ke-14 dari seorang sastrawan Abidah El Khalieqy yang mengangkat tema kehidupan istri teroris yang selalu distereotipkan oleh masyarakat termasuk di dalamnya mereka yang menggunakan cadar. Sehingga mereka terus berusaha untuk merebut hak-haknya sebagai perempuan. Novel ini menarik untuk diteliti karena berdasarkan realitas yang terjadi dan belum banyak diketahui masyarakat  luas, sehingga dari sisi kita dapat mengetahui ideologi dan konstruksi wacana yang ingin disampaikan oleh pengarang.Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif dengan pendekatan wacana Teun A. Van Dijk. Van Dijk membaginya kedalam tiga dimensi, yaitu dimensi teks yakni meneliti struktur dalam teks, kognisi sosial yang merupakan pandangan, pemahama dan kesadaran mental pengarang, dan konteks sosial yakni terkait wacana yang berkembang dalam masyarakat.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap informasi dalam kalimat pada novel “Akulah Istri Teroris” adalah saling berhubungan dan memiliki unsur-unsur koherensi sehingga terbentuklah struktur wacana berupa bentuk dan makna. Selain itu informasi dikemas dalam gaya bahasa yang menarik dan sederhana. Tokoh digambarkan memiliki karakter yang kuat. Analisis wacana yang dikembangkan Van Dijk menemukan informasi bahwa novel “Akulah Istri Teroris” merupakan salah satu media untuk merepresentasikan tentang keadaan istri teroris yang selalu mendapat stigmatisasi dari berbagai rumitnya permasalahan yang terjadi, namun para perempuan ini memiliki ketegaran dan kekuatan untuk bangkit dari keterpurukan.
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (116.774 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v10i2.951


Islamic Communication and Broadcasting or commonly known as KPI, as one of the majors in Islamic colleges, must have an identity. Basically, the KPI’s scientific design can not be separated from two things, first, at the scientific level, the device is able to make science communication and science propaganda as the basis of activity design and the movement of Islamic broadcasting through various paradigmatic, theoretical, and methodological approaches. This is what is referred to as the ability of theoretical understanding (knowledge-based capability). Second, at a practical level, facilitating the growth of capabilities that could be the foundation undergraduate professional competence of KPI. Komunikasi dan penyiaran Islam atau yang biasa dikenal dengan KPI, sebagai salah satu jurusan di perguruan tinggi agama Islam, harus mempunyai identitas. Pada dasarnya desain keilmuan KPI tidak terlepas dari dua hal, Pertama, di level keilmuan, mampu menjadikan perangkat ilmu komunikasi dan ilmu dakwah sebagai basis dari desain aktivitas dan gerakan penyiaran Islam melalui berbagai pendekatan paradigmatik, teoritik, dan metodologis. Inilah yang disebut sebagai kemampuan pemahaman teoretik (knowladgebased capability). Kedua, di level praktis, memfasilitasi tumbuh kembangnya kemampuan yang dapat menjadi pijakan kompetensi profesi sarjana KPI.
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (121.714 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v10i2.952


Everyone in treading life at certain times will be faced with psychological events such as feeling threatened or feel there is a danger that threatens them is an inner anxiety, especially when man faces severe constraints it thinks could harm themselves both physically and psychologically even at death. If the anxiety level is allowed to whack someone, then so can interfere psychological stability as the inner pressure (stress) on the last level, can even lead to depressed levels of a mental shock which is very dangerous for the human identity. Departing from the description of the development and the negative psychological events in question, may be brought as a result of the very bad for one’s mental health. Then the movement counseling services into one of the gods helper for those with impaired intended in part to find a solution as urgent in order to save the stability of mental health / psychological for individuals who are experiencing problems in question. Setiap orang dalam menapaki kehidupannya pada saat saat tertentu akan dihadapkan pada peristiwa psikologis berupa perasaan terancam atau merasa ada bahaya yang akan mengancam, di antaranya adalah kecemasan batin terutama saat manusia menghadapi hambatan berat yang dianggapnya bisa merugikan diri, baik secara fisik maupun psikologis bahkan pada tingkat kematian. Apabila tingkat kecemasan ini dibiarkan terus mendera seseorang,maka bisa jadi akan menimbulkan gangguan stabilitas psikologis seperti tekanan batin (stress) pada tingkat terakhir, bahkan bisa menuju pada tingkat depresi suatu kegoncangan jiwa yang sangat berbahaya bagi identitas diri manusia. Berangkat dari deskripsi perkembangan dan peristiwa psikologis negatif dimaksud, bisa jadi akan membawa akibat yang sangat buruk bagi kesehatan mental seseorang. Maka gerakan layanan konseling menjadi salah satu dewa penolong bagi mereka yang mengalami gangguan dimaksud dalam mencarikan solusinya sebagai bagian yang urgen dalam upaya menyelamat  kan stabilitas kesehatan mental/psikologis bagi individu yang sedang mengalami gangguan dimaksud.
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (172.791 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v10i2.953


Descriptive statistics are statistics used to analyze data in ways that describe or depict the data that has been collected as it is without intending to generally accepted conclusions or generalizations. Therefore, in order to ensure the validity of results from data obtained three stages required therein or better known as the basic foundation that is; The first variation where statistics works with changing circumstances. The second reduction means that not all of the information that must be processed. Not all people have studied (population), but simply with less samples are representative only. Thirdly, the generalization is to draw general conclusions that apply to members of the population based on representative samples. Through these stages at least, researchers will be able to produce comprehensive data and findings can be justified scientifically. It is therefore essential for researchers to use statistical methods descriptive qualitative research, as a form of research on social phenomena that tend to be captured. Through the ability if a database owned by qualitative descriptive method, it is helpful in making the observations in the form of measures in the form of numbers. Statistik deskriptif adalah statistik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data dengan cara mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan data yang telah terkumpul sebagaimana adanya tanpa bermaksud membuat kesimpulan yang berlaku umum atau generalisasi. Oleh karena itu guna menjamin hasil dari kevalidan data yang diperoleh diperlukan tiga tahapan di dalamnya atau lebih dikenal sebagai landasan pokok yaitu; pertama variasi dimana statistik bekerja dengan keadaan yang berubah-ubah. Kedua reduksi artinya tidak seluruh informasi yang harus diolah. Tidak seluruh orang harus diteliti (populasi), melainkan cukup dengan sampel-sampel yang mewakilinya saja. Ketiga, generalisasi yaitu menarik kesimpulan umum yang berlaku untuk anggota-anggota populasinya berdasarkan sampel-sampel yang representatif. Melalui tahapan tersebut paling tidak peneliti akan mampu menghasilkan temuan data yang komprehensif dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara keilmuan. Sebab itu sangat penting bagi peneliti untuk menggunakan metode statistik deskriptif pada penelitian kualitatif, sebagai bentuk penelitian tentang yang cenderung memotret fenomena sosial. Melalui kemampuan olah basis data yang dimiliki oleh metode kualitatif deskriptif, sangatlah membantu dalam melakukan pengamatan dalam bentuk ukuran-ukuran berupa angka-angka.

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