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Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Andalas, Limau Manis Campus, Padang 25163, West Sumatra
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CHIPSET (Journal on Computer Hardware, Signal Processing, Embedded System and Networking)
Published by Universitas Andalas
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CHIPSET (Journal on Computer Hardware, Signal Processing Embedded System and Networking) is a scholarly periodical. CHIPSET will publish research papers, technical papers, conceptual papers, and case study reports. This journal is published by Computer Engineering Department at Universitas Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. CHIPSET mainly discusses embedded devices, networking, and mobile computing engineering aspects.
Articles 5 Documents
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Sistem Reservasi Jadwal Jasa Medis Fasilitas Kesehatan Kelas Satu Menggunakan QR Code Berbasis Android Mohammad Hafiz Hersyah; Ririn Putri Anedya
CHIPSET Vol. 1 No. 01 (2020): Journal on Computer Hardware, Signal Processing Embedded System and Networking
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (588.034 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/chipset.1.01.1-4.2020


This research aims to establish a reservation system or reservation schedule for health services in the health facility class one. This system uses qr code technology to identify health service schedule orders made by users. This system consists of a laptop webcam that functions as a device for reading data in QR codes, Arduino Uno microcontroller as a data processor for reading QR code results, an MP3 player module as a device for storing sound output, speakers functioning as sound output devices for reading QR codes and Android application as a system interface for ordering health service schedules in health facility class one and accessing databases. Ordering a health service schedule starts with the selection of the service schedule by the user on the android application, then the user will get a qr code as proof of the order made to identify the sequence that will later be read by the webcam laptop and the results processed by Arduino followed by the voice output from the speaker. This study shows the success rate of the system in making online schedule bookings by 100%. In the process of identifying the QR code using a webcam with bright lighting conditions it has a 100% success rate and with a reading range of 11-20 cm a 90% success rate is obtained. In testing, the sound output from the speakers obtained a success rate of 100%.
Sistem Monitoring dan Penjernihan Air Berdasarkan Derajat Keasaman (PH) dan Kekeruhan Pada Bak Penampungan Air Berbasis Internet of Things Mario Orlando; Werman Kasoep
CHIPSET Vol. 1 No. 01 (2020): Journal on Computer Hardware, Signal Processing Embedded System and Networking
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (538.683 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/chipset.1.01.17-22.2020


There are still a lot area that have not goten water from PDAM, therefore, people try to make artesian well made by themselves. Although, not all of them can afford to make their own artesian well. Therefore, governtment make a national program called Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat (PAMSIMAS). Therefore, we need a technology which can detect and purify water turbidity for the water that people use everyday. People can see wether the water is decent to be consumed and if not therefore the system can pour alum automatically. The designed system in the form of conected hardware and software to monitor water quality based on turbidity and water pH through smartphone. Hardware system include microcontroller Arduino Uno, LDR sensor, pH sensor, servo motor, Sim808 modul and LED. The used softwares in this research are android aplication and firebase database. The system can save turbidity and pH data therefore, people can monitor through their smartphone and get information about level of the water. The goal of this system is to make people’s life become more easier to know the water’s condition and purify the water which will be used without going to the water tub
Rancang Bangun Sistem Penyewaan Lapangan Futsal Menggunakan Near Field Communication (NFC) Derisma; Riyadh Muhammad
CHIPSET Vol. 1 No. 01 (2020): Journal on Computer Hardware, Signal Processing Embedded System and Networking
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1308.265 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/chipset.1.01.23-31.2020


Cara menyewa lapangan futsal dilakukan dengan penyewa datang ke lapangan untuk menyewa lapangan tidak efektif, karena penyewa tidak tahu apakah jadwal yang ingin mereka sewa tersedia atau tidak. Oleh karena itu, dikembangkan aplikasi penyewaan berbasis web dan NFC. Ada tiga peran hak akses untuk masuk ke situs web, yaitu admin, penyewa dan pemain. Peran admin berfungsi untuk memantau penyewaan lapangan dan menambahkan penyewa baru ke dalam basis data. Peran penyewa dapat masuk ke website setelah mendaftar kepada admin dan mendapatkan kartu NFC sebagai identifikasi. Pemain bertujuan untuk menambah biaya sewa pada penyewaan lapangan. Peran pemain dapat mendaftar langsung di situs web. Proses sewa dilakukan oleh peran penyewa, maka peran pemain dapat menambahkan biaya sewa untuk membayar sewa lapangan sebagai syarat check-in ke lapangan. Penyewa dan pemain datang ke lapangan yang telah disewa sesuai jadwal. Penyewa melakukan check-in lapangan dengan kartu NFC dan palang pintu terbuka. Setelah sesi sewa selesai, penyewa check-out dari lapangan.Setelah dilakukan pengujian dan analisa terhadap rancang bangun sistem penyewaan lapangan futsal menggunakan NFC (near field communication) didapat 5.Kualitas aplikasi sistem penyeywaan lapangan futsam berbasis website sesuai ISO 9126 dari aspek functionality baik karena fungsi yang dibutuhkan sudah berfungsi dengan baik tanpa ditemui error. Pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan pendekatan konsep MVC(Model View Controller) sehingga perbaikan dan pengembangan (maintainability) menjadi mudah. Kualitas aplikasi dari aspek portability sudah baik karena aplikasi dapat berjalan pada browser yang berbeda tanpa ditemui error baik dari sistem ataupun tampilan.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Pertumbuhan Sayuran di Dalam Ruangan Dengan Sistem Tanam Aeroponik Fuad El Khair; Rian Ferdian
CHIPSET Vol. 1 No. 01 (2020): Journal on Computer Hardware, Signal Processing Embedded System and Networking
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (586.099 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/chipset.1.01.5-9.2020


Vegetables are the commodity that consumed daily by people as the source of nutrition. But in its cultivations, the farmer uses production input such as fertilizers and pesticides that could bring bad impact to consumer's health. For that reason, planting in on our own is one of the best solutions to get vegetables with good quality, clean, and good for health. But the limitation of lands become a new problem in planting our vegetables at home. To solve this problem, the writers made a vegetable growth control system that use aeroponic planting system. This planting system is one way to plant vegetables in the air without using lands. In this system, the writer did temperature control, moist control, spraying nutrients, and built a lighting system. Components that applied for this system are HC-SR04 sensor to detect the height of the remaining nutrient fluid, DHT22 sensor to identify the value of temperature and moisture, grow LED light as the substitute of sunlight in the night for the photosynthesis process, and a fan to keep the temperature in the planting room stay in the optimal temperature. In conventional planting, it takes about 40-60 days for a plant to grow, meanwhile aeroponic farming is faster and takes about 30-40 days. The research shows that plants that used the devices in planting reach the height of 22,24 cm, meanwhile the highest height for the plant that used conventional way is 14 cm. Factors that affect plant growth are weather, temperature, air moisture, and lighting.
Monitoring Sistem Ketersediaan dan Pengontrolan Pengisisan Air Secara Otomatis Pada Gedung Perkantoran Berbasis Mikrokontroler Dodon Yendri; Desta Yolanda; Rezy Pratiwi
CHIPSET Vol. 1 No. 01 (2020): Journal on Computer Hardware, Signal Processing Embedded System and Networking
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (737.983 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/chipset.1.01.10-16.2020


Employees who work in offices absolutely need water, for example to wash hands, to defecate, or other household needs. Water availability must be a concern of managers. But in fact, many officers pay less attention for this. They let a lot of water flows from the tank or reservoir that makes important water resources are wasted. This study aims to regulate the usage of water in office buildings so that water needs for employees are always met. The system was built by three tanks, one tank as the main water source called the central tank and two tanks as a reservoir of water that will be consumed by employees called tank1 and tank2. To measure the water level in the tank, it will use an ultrasonic sensor. If the water in the central tank has reached the minimum capacity length from the surface of the water to the sensor (≥ 20 cm), the tank manager will receives an SMS that indicates the water in the central tank is not available and needs to be refill. Tank 1 and tank 2 are filled automatically by activating the pump and opening the solenoid valve when the water is less than the maximum limit set (> 5 cm). The results showed that the system was able to send an SMS to the tank manager when the water level had reached the minimum limit with an 7.39 seconds of average delivery time. Tank 1 and tank 2 can be returned off when the water level reaches the 5 cm limit. The average success rate of filling water in tank1 was 98.46% and tank2 was 97.32%.

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