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Indonesian Journal of Cancer
ISSN : 19783744     EISSN : 23556811     DOI : 10.33371
Core Subject : Health, Science,
Indonesian Journal of Cancer is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal. This journal is published quarterly (in March, June, September, and December) by Dharmais Cancer Hospital - National Cancer Center. Submissions are reviewed under a broad scope of topics relevant to experimental and clinical cancer research. Articles are original research that needs to be disseminated and written in English. All submitted manuscripts will go through the double-blind peer review and editorial review before being granted acceptance for publication. The journal publishes original research articles, case reports, and review articles under the following categories: cancer management, cancer prevention, cancer etiology, epidemiology, molecular oncology, cancer diagnosis and therapy, tumor pathology, surgical oncology, medical oncology, radiation oncology, interventional radiology, as well as early detection.
Arjuna Subject : Kedokteran - Onkologi
Articles 4 Documents
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Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Recurrent Brain Metastases After Prior Radiosurgery: A Case Report and Review of Literature HENRY KODRAT; RIMA NOVIRIANTHY
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 10, No 4 (2016): October - December 2016
Publisher : National Cancer Center - Dharmais Cancer Hospital

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1045.108 KB) | DOI: 10.33371/ijoc.v10i4.492


ABSTRACTPreviously, all brain metastasis has been treated with whole brain radiotherapy and the survival is poor. Recently, the development of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) provides comparable efficacy with low toxicity, and in several cases have a better survival compared to historical data. We conducted a case review in brain metastasis, which has been treated with SRS previously and experienced distant brain recurrence, then re-treated with SRS.ABSTRAKDahulu, semua metastasis otak ditangani dengan modalitas radiasi seluruh otak dan memiliki kesintasan yang tidak terlalu baik. Saat ini berkembang modalitas stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). SRS memberikan efektivitas yang sebanding dengan toksisitas yang rendah dan pada beberapa kasus memiliki kesintasan yang lebih baik dibandingkandata sebelumnya. Berikut adalah tinjauan kasus metastasis otak dengan penanganan SRS sebelumnya dan mengalami kekambuhan di lokasi lain pada otak, kemudian ditatalaksana ulang dengan SRS.
Analisis Ketahanan Hidup Tumor Testis Sel Germinal di RS Sardjito Periode 2007-2013 Denny Achmad Prayoga; HR Danarto
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 10, No 4 (2016): October - December 2016
Publisher : National Cancer Center - Dharmais Cancer Hospital

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (420.189 KB) | DOI: 10.33371/ijoc.v10i4.490


ABSTRACTObjective: To know survival of germ cell testicle tumor at Sardjito hospital who had chemotherapy or radiotherapy and its factor which influenced their survivalMethod: From year 2007 until 2013, we collected patients with germ cell testicle tumor at Sardjito hospital who had chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The clinical factor that studied were age, histopathology findings, the TNMS staging, clinical staging, therapy and survival status. We evaluate their survival up to five years after therapy. Correlation between survival status with age, histopathology findings, the TNMS staging, clinical staging,therapy and prognosis were analyzed using Fisher Exact Test. The Kaplan Meier survival analysis was used to calculate survival of germ cell testicle tumor. Result: There are 23 patient of germ cell testicle tumor whom 21 patients had chemotherapy and 2 patients had radiotherapy. There are no correlation between survival status with age, histopathology findings, the TNMS staging, clinical staging, therapy and prognosis (p>0.05). Based on Kaplan Meier survival analysis, their survival were better on age < 30 years old (p=0.534), seminoma type (p=0.860), had chemotherapy (p=0.599), T3 (p=0.031), Nx (p=0.394), Mx (p=0.781), 51 staging (p=0.623) dan 3rdstadium (p=0.732). Based on risk classification, survival of seminoma with intermediate prognosis were better than seminoma with good prognosis (p=0.631) whereas survival of non seminoma with good prognosis were higher than non seminoma with intermediate or poor prognosis (p=0.014). Conclusion: Germ cell testicle tumor at Sardjito hospital had dominant of seminoma type and had already developed into advanced staged with chemoterapy as therapy. Survival of germ cell testicle tumor were lower than other country. T3 staging and non seminoma with good prognosis could be prognostic factor of germ cell testicle tumor at Sardjito hospital.ABSTRAKObjektif: Untuk mengetahui gambaran ketahanan hidup pasien tumor testis jenis sel germinal di RS Sardjito yang dilakukan kemoterapi maupun radioterapi serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi ketahanan hidup tumor testis jenis sel germinal Bahan dan cara: Dari tahun 2007-2013, dilakukan pendataan pasien dengan tumor testis jenis sel germinal di RS Sardjito baik yang dilakukan kemoterapi maupun radioterapi. Data yang dipelajari adalah usia, jenis histopatologi, stadium T, N, M, S, stadium klinis dan status ketahanan hidup. Dilakukan evaluasi ketahanan hidup hingga 5 tahun post terapi. Dilakukan analisa bivariat menggunakan tes Fisher untuk menilai hubungan antara ketahanan hidup dengan faktor-faktor seperti usia, jenis histopatologi, stadium T, N, M, S, stadium klinis, jenis terapi dan prognosis. Digunakan kurva Kaplan Meier untuk menilai gambaran ketahanan hidup pasien tumor testis sel germinal. Hasil: Ada 23 pasien tumor testis jenis sel germinal di RS Sardjito periode 2007-2013 dimana 21 pasien mendapatkan kemoterapi dan 2 pasien mendapatkan radioterapi. Tidak dijumpai hubungan bermakna antara ketahanan hidup pasien tumor buli jenis sel germinal dengan usia, jenis histopatologi, stadium T, N, M, S, stadium klinis dan prognosis(p>0.05). Berdasarkan kurva Kaplan Meier diketahui ketahanan hidup tumor testis sel germinal lebih baik pada usia < 30 tahun (p=0.534), jenis non seminoma (p=0.860), stadium T3 (p=0.031), Nx (p=0.394), Mx (p=0.781), S1 (p=0.623) dan stadium 3 (p=0.732). Berdasarkan klasifikasi resiko, ketahanan hidup tumor testis jenis seminoma dengan prognosis sedang lebih baik dibandingkan tumor testis jenis seminoma dengan prognosis baik (p=0.631) sedangkan ketahanan hidup jenis non seminoma dengan prognosis baik lebih tinggi dibandingkan tumor testis jenis non seminoma dengan prognosis sedang dan buruk (p=0.014). Kesimpulan: Tumor testis sel germinal di RS Sardjito mayoritas jenis seminoma dan sudah dalam stadium lanjut dengan kemoterapi sebagai sarana terapi. Angka ketahanan hidup tumor testis jenis sel germinallebih rendah dibandingkan negara lain. Stadium T3 dan grup non seminoma prognosis baik dapat dijadikan faktor prognostik ketahanan hidup tumor testis sel germinal di RS Sardjito.
Unusual Metastases of Hepatocellular Carcinoma to the Heart ANDREE KURNIAWAN; NATA PRATAMA HARDJO LUGITO
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 10, No 4 (2016): October - December 2016
Publisher : National Cancer Center - Dharmais Cancer Hospital

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (71.395 KB) | DOI: 10.14414/ijoc.v10i4.491


ABSTRACTHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the sixth most prevalent cancer worldwide. Metastasis of HCC to the heart is rare with prevalence on autopsy of less than 6%. There is still limited study evaluated the metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma to the heart. The aim of this study is to know the prevalence and characteristic of metastasis of HCC to theheart in Indonesia. This retrospective study was conducted in secondary referral hospital in Tangerang county, Indonesia. We evaluated from medical record included baseline characteristic, survival and treatment of HCC and echocardiogram data for diagnosing metastasis to the heart from 2013-2015. There were 5 HCC patients recorded in thelast 3 years. All patients were male with median age 56(53-61) years old. Four patients were diagnosed using transthoracic echocardiograph and the rest using multi sliced CT scan. All patients were having continuous thrombus from inferior cava vein until right atrial. For the conclusion Hepatocellular carcinoma were reported as the cause ofintra-heart metastases in Indonesia. All patients were in late stage.ABSTRAKKarsinoma hepatoselular adalah kanker keenam terbanyak di seluruh dunia. Metastasis karsinoma hepatoselular ke jantung jarang, prevalensi yang ditemukan pada otopsi kurang dari 6 persen. Masih amat jarang studi yang mengevaluasi metastasis karsinoma hepatoselular ke jantung. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah ingin mengetahui prevalensi dankarakteristik metastasis karsinoma hepatoselular ke Jantung di Indonesia. Studi retrospektif ini dilakukan di rumah sakit rujukan tipe B di daerah Tangerang, Indonesia. Kami mengevaluasi dari rekam medis, meliputi karaktersitik dasar, kesintasan, dan terapi karsinoma hepatoselular; serta data ekokardiografi untuk mendiagnosis metastasis ke jantung dari 2013-2015. Terdapat 5 pasien hepatoselular karsinoma pada 3 tahun terakhir. Semua pasien laki-laki dengan usia median 56 (53-61) tahun. Empat pasien terdiagnosis menggunakan ekokardiografi trans torakal dan sisanya menggunakan CT scan. Semua pasien memiliki trombus kontinu dari vena cava inferior hingga atrium kanan. Sebagai simpulan, karsinoma hepatoselular dilaporkan sebagai penyebab metastasis ke jantung di Indonesia. Semua pasien datang pada stadium lanjut.
Mutasi EGFR pada Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer di Rumah Sakit Kanker “Dharmais” LENNY SARI; PURWANTO PURWANTO
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 10, No 4 (2016): October - December 2016
Publisher : National Cancer Center - Dharmais Cancer Hospital

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (528.765 KB) | DOI: 10.33371/ijoc.v10i4.466


ABSTRACTThis descriptive study illustrated the proportion of EGFR mutation in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) at “Dharmais” National Cancer Hospital. Examination of EGFR mutation started in 2015, 196 data was collected and 68 data being analyses. Fixed Formalin Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) processed by cobas® 4800 real time polymerase chain reaction. The results shown 34% patients NSCLC with EGFR mutation and all of them was single mutation. EGFR mutation happens in Exon 21 L858R 10 cases (44 %), Exon 19del 12 cases (52 %) and the type of Exon 20 S768I 1 case (4 %). This study found a high proportion of EGFR mutation.ABSTRAKStudi deskriptif ini menggambarkan proporsi mutasi Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) pada pasien dengan kanker paru di Rumah Sakit Kanker “Dharmais”. Telah terkumpul 196 data, tetapi terdapat 68 data yang telah selesai dilakukan pemeriksaan mutasi EGFR. Mutasi EGFR diperiksa menggunakan Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) dengan teknologi cobas® 4800 real-time polymerase chain reaction. Ditemukan 34% pasien dengan mutasi EGFR. Pada kelompok tersebut hanya ditemukan single mutation. Mutasi EGFR terjadi pada Exon 21 L858R sebanyak 10 kasus (44%), Exon 19del 12 kasus (52%), dan tipe Exon 20 S768I sebanyak 1 kasus (4%). Studi ini masih berlangsung dan diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran yang lebih komprehensif tentang mutasi EGFR pada kanker paru.

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