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Abdimas Indonesian Journal
Published by Civiliza Publishing
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Abdimas Indonesian Journal is a biannual journal that published in June and Desember by Civiliza Publishing. The journal is focus on the result of community services and activities by empowering the society through a participatory approach to reach the sustainable development.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 22 Documents
Pengembangan Taman Baca Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Literasi Anak Bangsa dalam Bingkai Moderasi Beragama Mohammad Jauharul Arifin; Intan Brilyanti Sugiono; Arif Rahman Hakim
Abdimas Indonesian Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : CV. Adiguna Kertosari

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Abstract. Mulyasari Village is an ex-transmigration village that has a diversity of religions including Islam and Hinduism that live side by side. Mulyasari village has a lot of potential, one of which is in the field of education, namely the existence of 3 educational institutions and 1 village library. There are serious problems in terms of people's reading interest where the literacy level and interest of the Mulyasari community is still relatively low. This paper specifically describes the efforts to make the public, especially children, aware of literacy through a reading garden that utilizes peace building as a strategy to strengthen religious moderation in Mulyasari Village. Through the Nusantara Collaborative Real Work Lecture program, for the development process of Mulyasari Village, we collaborated to build a sustainable community within the framework of religious moderation between Islam and Hinduism in Mulyasari Village using the CBPR method. CBPR (Community-Based Participatory Research) is a research model with stakeholders as the main key in the partnership approach process, where all relevant parties have responsibilities during the research process. The result of the Nusantara Collaboration KKN program is that there is a continuous community and through this reading park the interest and awareness of the Mulyasari Village community about the importance of literacy has increased significantly, this is indicated by the intensity of community and children's visits to the village reading park every week.
Upaya Peningkatan Penjualan Melalui Strategi Labeling Usaha Keripik Tempe di Desa Glonggong Nova Titin Lestari; Husna Ni'matul Ulya
Abdimas Indonesian Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : CV. Adiguna Kertosari

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This community service program activity aims to identify internal and external factors contained in a business, formulate alternative strategies that can be applied in developing a tempe chips business in Glonggong Village, Dolopo District, Madiun Regency, considering that tempeh chips are a favorite food for the community. This research method is an ABCD (Asset Based Community-Driven Development) approach, with the steps taken are inculturation, discovery, design, define, and reflection. The strategies used to increase sales of tempe chips business in Glonggong Village, Dolopo District, Madiun Regency are: (1) Improving packaging to increase consumer attractiveness (2) Providing product labels on tempe chip packaging (3) Expanding marketing networks by utilizing information and communication technology on line. After this service activity was carried out, the tempe chips business experienced an increase in sales after having a new product label so as to increase the welfare of members and increase business income.
EKSISTENSI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI DESA NGEPEH KECAMATAN TUGU KABUPATEN TRENGGALEK: Studi Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat dalam Pembentukan Karakter Berkolaborasi dengan Satgas Covid-19 Mukhammad Abdullah; Ahmad Fahrur Rhozi Alansori
Abdimas Indonesian Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : CV. Adiguna Kertosari

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Education is the best curriculum to apply knowledge, culture and science. As for realizing all these goals, we need the right idea. The measure of success for character education is not only about values ​​but it is hoped that someone can apply it in their social life. For that, someone who acts as an agent of change must apply the right method. Character education is one of the main goals of education in Indonesia. The community must be capable of actualizing their knowledge in real life. Such a statement must be realized with the role of the community to cultivate which strategies and methods are appropriate to build character. Therefore, there is a need for special research related to how character can be formed. One of them is the existence of Islamic Religious Education. The purpose of this study was to find out how the nature of Islamic Religious Education in its actualization in the social life of the Ngepeh Village community. The research in this service is a qualitative research with a field research approach. The subjects studied were TPQ Baitul Qadar, TPQ Ponggok, tutoring, and the community who collaborated with the Covid-19 task force. The results of this study found that there was a significant positive character formation in the three subjects studied, namely changes in the character of students in tutoring, santri and female students at TPQ Ponggok and TPQ Baitul Qadar, as well as the level of character that was considered positive by the community who collaborated with the COVID-19 task force. 19. The expected results of this research can be a contribution and open up dialectics as a solution to the decline in character, especially during the pandemic.
Inovasi Produk Sebagai Upaya Peningkatkan Volume Penjualan Krupuk Trasi “Dua Burung” Novita Dwi Rachmawati; Husna Ni'matul Ulya
Abdimas Indonesian Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : CV. Adiguna Kertosari

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The “Dua Burung” cracker business is located in Ketawang Village, Dolopo Madiun. This business has been established since 1987. Krupuk Trasi has become a specialty in Ketawang village because this type of cracker was first produced or produced in this village. Because it has been ogled by outsiders, finally a similar business with similar products appears. reduced coupled with the current situation, namely the outbreak of the corona virus causing the number of sales to decrease. Therefore, to increase sales, one of the efforts that are felt to increase the number of sales is to develop this traction cracker product. can increase sales because, the surrounding community who want to buy these crackers for their own daily consumption will prefer to eat products that can be eaten rather than raw products. People will be more interested because it will be more efficient than having to process raw crackers. So that this can attract buyers who will eventually increase sales volume in the Krupuk Trasi "Dua Burung" business. The research methodology used in writing this article is the ABCD Asset Bated Community Development method).
Abdimas Indonesian Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : CV. Adiguna Kertosari

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Abstract. The Qur'an is a holy book that is used as a guide and source of Islamic law. The Qur'an itself is delivered in Arabic which is maintained in its purity. In Indonesia, the mother tongue of the people is Indonesian. In addition, cultural and social diversity makes people communicate daily in local languages. This fact makes Arabic even more backward because it is not the first language in its use. There are many ways to deepen the knowledge of reading the Qur'an. One of them is the Tilawati and Iqro 'method. In the service of KKN in Wonorejo village, the author found problems in grade 3 elementary school students with the initials D who were 9 years old. The point of the problem found is that the research subjects are less able to read hijaiyah letters in succession smoothly. In addition, the subject does not want the material to be repeated from volume 3 on the basis that it has reached volume 6 in the previous TPQ. This study uses a combination of two different methods at the same time because it adapts to the learning needs of the research subject. The research method used is single subject research (SSR) with an A-B design where A is the baseline phase and B is the intervention (treatment) phase. The study was conducted in 14 sessions (5 baseline sessions and 9 intervention sessions) within 10 minutes of each session. The results show a 40% increase in the rate of change. In other words, the application of the combination method of iqro 'with tilawati can improve the ability to read the Qur'an in grade 3 elementary school students at TPQAl-Ittihad.
Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Pada UMKM Magetan Bamboo Craft di Kabupaten Magetan dalam Mengembangkan Usahanya Widya Yusti Atlisiaji
Abdimas Indonesian Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : CV. Adiguna Kertosari

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Magetan Regency is the second smallest Regency in East Java after Sidoarjo with a location at the westernmost tip of East Java, making this regency rarely visited by tourists. In Magetan Regency, there is a lot of potential that can be developed, one of which is in the field of developing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), namely Magetan Bamboo Craft. This article aims to increase sales, expand the market share of the creative business of craft home industry in Magetan Regency where often at exhibitions abroad or at the national level there is a good response, but on the way there are still many who do not know about sponge products. this. One of the integrated marketing strategies is to introduce products to the public or the public. The use of brochures, leaflets, leaflets and the use of internet technology is often an option for MSME actors because they are considered efficient without having to spend a lot of money. So far, the marketing of Magetan Bamboo Craft is only limited to orders from consumers, co-workers, guests from the district, individuals and families as well as friends who are known by the owner of the craft business. The marketing communication strategies carried out in this study include providing training in the creation of content and brochures, as well as the use of internet usage such as the use of social media Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook as well as websites as an effort to maximize the means of disseminating information and product marketing. In addition, the provision of socialization is useful as an understanding for SMEs owners of Sponge Bread in order to understand the concept of integrated communication marketing and its application. If these two things (training on making brochures and blogs as well as socialization) have been carried out, then the author just needs to provide assistance and open a consultation session regarding the development and changes in marketing attitudes in the future. To obtain data, this research uses the deep interview method or in-depth interviews with the MSME Cooperative Office of Magetan Regency.
Pembuatan Sabun Cuci Tangan dengan Bahan Alami dan Langkah- Langkah Cara Mencuci Tangan dengan Benar Hernawati; Sry Rejeki; Teti Febri Krisda Zebua
Abdimas Indonesian Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : CV. Adiguna Kertosari

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The purpose of student service to the community for children is to conduct research on how to make hand soap with natural ingredients for the prevention of Covid-19 at the Sinergi Rasa Islamic Boarding School Foundation, located at Jl. Buaran Village No. 89 RT 02 RW 07 Kel. Buaran District. Serpong, Tangeran Selatan Banten 15310. This activity is expected to create small businesses to improve the economy of the community at the Sinergi Rasa Islamic Boarding School through the development of making handwashing soap with natural ingredients. The method in this PmKM activity is socialization.
Sosialisasi Gerakan Gemar Menabung (GEMABUNG) Sejak Dini dan Meningkatkan Kreativitas Dengan Membuat Celengan dari Bahan Bekas Nova Kurniasih; Mega Ananda Abadi Putri; Kurnia Elysa Lestari; Vivian Olivia
Abdimas Indonesian Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : CV. Adiguna Kertosari

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Sosialisasi menjadi salah satu sarana proses belajar dan mengajar. Tujuan sosialisasi yaitu untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang sesuatu hal kepada individu maupun kelompok masyarakat. Menabung merupakan hal yang penting dalam hal pengelolaan keuangan. Menabung merupakan kegiatan menyisihkan uang dalam jangka waktu tertentu yang kelak dapat digunakan di masa mendatang. Pengetahuan tentang keuangan tidak hanya ditujukan untuk orang dewasa atau orang tua, melainkan anak usia dini perlu diberikan pemahaman dan kebiasaan baik yang dapat bermanfaat di kemudian hari. Saung Baca Suradita yang berada di Desa Suradita, Cisauk, Tangerang menjadi tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dimana peserta kegiatan ini adalah anak-anak Desa Suradita dengan rentang umur 2 sampai dengan 12 tahun. Strategi utama pada kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan tentang menabung kepada anak-anak usia dini serta dalam kegiatan pembelajaran ini kami menggunakan media perantara sebagai sarana untuk melatih pengetahuan dan kreativitas anak, yaitu dengan cara membuat celengan menggunakan barang bekas yaitu kardus bekas. Pemberian pengetahuan tentang menabung yang sekaligus melatih kreativitas anak ini diharakapkan dapat lebih mudah dimengerti oleh anak-anak.
Upaya Pencegahan Meningkatnya Pernikahan Dini di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Studi Pendampingan Pengabdian Masyarakat di Desa Ngetos Kabupaten Nganjuk A Halil Thahir; Nadlifatul Husna
Abdimas Indonesian Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : CV. Adiguna Kertosari

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This research is entitled "Efforts to Prevent Increased Early Marriage During the Covid-19 Pandemic Ngetos Village, Ngetos District". Researchers are interested in bringing up this theme because of the phenomenon that exists in society regarding early marriage which often occurs among teenagers in the Ngetos Village community, Ngetos District. This research method uses descriptive qualitative method. Data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation. The purpose of this study is to provide information, understanding to the public regarding the impact of early marriage and provide efforts to prevent early marriage during the COVID-19 pandemic. The negative impact of early marriage is more dominant than the positive impact. Because the risk of early childhood marriage has a negative impact on adolescents and when living a family life. The negative impact of early marriage is that it can have an impact on maternal health, low education of perpetrators of early marriage, experiencing divorce, poverty. Several factors or causes of early childhood marriage include: economy, education. Efforts that can prevent an increase in early childhood marriage during the COVID-19 pandemic are empowering children with information, educating and providing insight to parents to create a good environment, improving the quality of formal education for children, educating children regarding health and reproduction.
Penggunaan Puzzle Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Sebagai Alternatif Peningkatan Kemampuan English Vocabulary Siswa SD di Desa Putukrejo Kabupaten Nganjuk Toyyibah; Fira Fachruli Aulia
Abdimas Indonesian Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : CV. Adiguna Kertosari

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Vocabulary is an important thing in a language. It is not only important in Indonesian, but also in English and even other languages. English which in fact is a foreign language makes this subject still feared by elementary students. They think that English is difficult, so an approach and introduction must be done first. The introduction must also be gradual, especially in elementary school-aged children and even at an early age. This study aims to determine the English language skills of elementary school students in Putukrejo Village using puzzle media. During the current pandemic, students' English skills may decrease due to the lack of material delivered by the teacher and only teaching and learning activities through gadgets without face-to-face learning, so this research is expected to be able to improve students' English skills, especially in the part of body vocabularies. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative and involves 6 samples of elementary school students in Putukrejo Village. The results of this study indicate that 4 samples from a total of 6 samples are considered to have fairly good English skills and 2 samples are considered to be lacking in mastering English, which material is part of the body vocabularies. Students are given a puzzle which contains pictures of body parts and the names of body parts that have been scrambled and cut out by the researcher. There are three stages carried out by the researcher, namely: the introduction of vocab (part of body vocabularies), the testing stage using puzzles, and finally doing reflection using the Simon Says game.

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