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Firdaus Laia
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Jurnal Informatika
Published by Universitas Nias Raya
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28093704     DOI : 10.57094
Core Subject : Science,
Jurnal Informatika merupakan Jurnal Nasional yang sudah memiliki registrasi ISSN 2809-3704 dari LIPI yang diterbitkan oleh LPPM Universitas Nias Raya, jurnal ini menjadi wadah publikasi penelitian dan riset khususnya bidang ilmu komputer, sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi. Periode penerbitan Jurnal Informatika dua kali dalam setahun yaitu bulan Maret dan bulan September.
Articles 20 Documents
Aplikasi Pengenalan Perangkat Komputer Untuk Tingkat SMK Dengan Menerapkan Augmented Reality Berbasis Android Isna Rahmadani; Andrian Syahputra
Jurnal Informatika Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nias Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57094/ji.v2i1.797


Pendidikan merupakan gerbang utama dalam memajukan suatu negara. UU SPN No. 20 Tahun 2003 Pasal 1, pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya khususnya pada SMK 12 Saentis. Permasalahan yang ada saat ini adalah masyarakat khususnya pelajar tingkat SMK khususnya pada SMK 12 Saentis yang telah menggunakan teknologi komputer ini tidak mengetahui atau mengenal Hardware atau komponen penyusun dari komputer tersebut yang menyebabkan mereka tidak dapat melakukan troubleshooting jika terjadi kerusakan pada hardware komputer, untuk mempelajari Hardware komputer dapat dengan menggunakan media-media seperti buku, tetapi cara ini dianggap kurang efektif, karena untuk mempelajari Hardware komputer diperlukan suatu alat peraga. Seperti halnya yang dilakukan di SMK 12 Saentis, mereka menggunakan Hardware komputer secara langsung sebagai alat peraga dalam pembelajaran mereka. Tetapi untuk melakukan hal itu tidak mudah, kita harus memiliki komputer atau laptop sendiri yang harus siap untuk menjadi bahan praktek yang sudah pasti memerlukan biaya yang tidak sedikit.
Analisis Sistem Pengukur Tinggi Badan Pengunjung Butik XYZ menggunakan Microcontroller Arduino Uno dan Sensor Ultrasonic HC-SR04 Nurul Fajriyah; Wawan Setiawan; Tobias Duha
Jurnal Informatika Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nias Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57094/ji.v2i1.810


The development of this technology makes humans design various tools that can support daily work, such as digital height measuring devices that can work automatically. XYZ Boutique is a clothing boutique located in the Tangerang Regency area. One of the innovations in the application of technology at the XYZ boutique is utilizing microcontroller technology to measure the height of visitors who come. The visitor's height data is used to determine the appropriate clothing model and determine the size and model of clothing. So, boutique employees can offer or recommend clothes according to height. The author uses 3 methods in data collection, namely observation of visits to XYZ boutiques, interviews with boutique owners and employees to find out the problems of tools and equipment needs and conducting journal literature studies related to research conducted by microcontrollers and Ultrasonic Sensors HC-SR04. The result of the research is that a series of automatic height measuring instruments with a microcontroller can be used as an innovation to replace manual height measuring instruments. The results of measuring the height of visitors who come to the boutique will automatically be displayed on the LCD, which can be used as a reference for boutique employee data to recommend clothes based on height grouping.
Perencanaan Portofolio Aplikasi Bisnis Pada PT. XYZ Wawan Setiawan
Jurnal Informatika Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nias Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57094/ji.v2i1.811


The development of digital applications in the current era requires companies to apply technology and information systems to make work easier and help compete with competitors to achieve a competitive advantage. PT. XYZ is a private company that focuses on warehousing and distributors of electronic goods located in the Tangerang City area. Based on the results of observations and interviews, there are problems such as stock management is still manual, employee payroll still uses excel, no sales promotion program, company profile website and CRM website. To map business applications at company XYZ, use Mc Farlan Strategic Grid analysis. The mapping in question is in the strategic, high potential, key operation, and support quadrants. analysis of internal and external conditions using SWOT analysis. Analysis of XYZ's internal environment includes elements of strengths and weaknesses. Meanwhile, the analysis of the company's external environment includes elements of opportunities (opportunities) and challenges (threats). Based on the results of the Mc Farlan Strategic Grid analysis, it was identified that there were two applications in the key operational application category, five applications as the support application category, three applications as the strategic application category, and one application in the high potential application category.
Penerapan Model Air Terjun pada Perancangan Panduan Wisata Kalimantan Tengah dengan Berbasis Android M. Haris Qamaruzzaman; Sam'ani
Jurnal Informatika Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nias Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57094/ji.v2i1.824


The design stage is the most important part before an application is built. To help the public find out tourism information in Central Kalimantan, especially for those from outside the province, an information medium is needed in the form of a travel guide that can be used anywhere and anytime that can provide information about various kinds of information such as tourist objects, tourist facilities, etc. The design of this study used the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) software development method with a waterfall model development approach. The results of this study are in the form of designing a system that will present Central Kalimantan travel guide information with a visual android-based waterfall modeling which will be used as the basis for building a tourist guide information system application.
Klasifikasi Data Gempa Bumi di Pulau Sumatera Menggunakan Algoritma Naïve Bayes Firdaus Laia; Tobias Duha; Mitranikasih Laia; Amirudin Khorul Huda; Agung Jasuma
Jurnal Informatika Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nias Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57094/ji.v2i1.840


Indonesia is one of the countries located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, where three tectonic plates meet. This makes Indonesia very vulnerable to natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. These natural phenomena occur very frequently, as evidenced by events such as those that have occurred on the island of Sumatra. This study aims to classify earthquake data in the Sumatra Islands based on hypocenter using the Naive Bayes Algorithm. The study uses earthquake datasets specifically from the Sumatra Islands, which are divided into training and testing data. The results of the study indicate that classification can be performed using the Naive Bayes Algorithm based on three categories, ranging from shallow earthquakes, moderate earthquakes, to deep earthquakes.
Aplikasi Pendokumentasian Layanan Balai Desa Muara Kintap Berbasis Web Rahmi Azizah Muksin; Khairul Anwar Hafizd; Nina Mia Aristi; Herpendi; Fathurrahmani
Jurnal Informatika Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nias Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57094/ji.v2i2.954


The administrative and service division is in charge of handling and administering services that can be provided to the community at the Muara Kintap village hall. However, the public service data recording system is still manual by recording it in a book. This requires a lot of paper and of course requires a lot of budget and there is a risk of data loss, for example in the event of a fire, the book is tucked away, lost and so on. In this study, the authors built a system entitled Web-Based Muara Kintap Village Hall Service Documentation Application. This system aims to assist employees in recording community service data in a computerized manner, storing data safely using a database so that the data search process will also be easier. This system helps the public in submitting service requests easily online. The community can access the system, see what types of services are available and can submit requests for services by filling out form data through the system without having to come to the Muara Kintap village hall. The system development model uses the waterfall model. This system was built using a web-based software development approach using a MySQL database. The designs used are Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) and Unified Modeling Language (UML). The programming language used is Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) and the framework used is codeigniter 3. System testing using blackbox testing shows that all system functionality can run well and as expected by 100%.
Sistem Peringatan Dini Kebakaran Dan Kebocoran Gas LPG Berbasis Notifikasi SMS Gateway Dedi Satria
Jurnal Informatika Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nias Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57094/ji.v2i2.1025


This article discusses the development of an Early Warning System for Fires and LPG Gas Leaks Based on SMS Gateway Notifications which aims to improve safety in the household environment. This system consists of several main components, including a fire sensor, MQ-2 smoke sensor, MQ-6 LPG gas sensor, DHT11 temperature sensor, Arduino Uno as a data processor, and a Wavecom GSM modem as an SMS-based notification sender. This system succeeded in detecting fires at an early stage through fire sensors and smoke sensors, as well as LPG gas leaks through LPG gas sensors. When danger detection occurs, the system provides users with instant SMS-based notifications, giving them valuable time to take necessary precautions or evacuation. The system shows a high level of accuracy in detecting danger, avoiding false alarms that annoy users. User response to this system has been very positive, and SMS notifications are considered very useful in providing early warning. Household safety becomes better thanks to the use of this technology. Additionally, this system has the potential for further development and integration with existing household security systems. In conclusion, this Early Warning System has great potential to improve household safety and security in the future.
Aplikasi Virtual Reality 3 Dimensi Sebagai Media Promosi Waterboom XYZ Mamay Syani; Muhammad Taufik Faturrahman; Firdaus Laia
Jurnal Informatika Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nias Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57094/ji.v2i2.1045


Currently, the tourism sector is one of the sectors affected in terms of income caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the things that can help the tourism sector at this time is, with information media carried out to promote the tourism sector. To overcome the problems above, tools are needed to help the process mentioned above, and the tool recommended by the author is to make an Android-based virtual reality application, so it is hoped that by using the virtual reality application, people will become more interested because they can feel the situation around them. which is similar to the real situation before visiting a tourist place. In this study the authors took a case study in one of the tourism places in Banten, especially in Lebak Regency, namely Waterboom XYZ. In the development of this virtual reality application, the method used is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) and the tools used in the development of this virtual reality application use the C# programming language provided in Unity 3D and the Blender application in making 3D modeling. From the test results on the system that has been built, it is found that the system has had a performance that is in accordance with the user's needs along with the results of the User Acceptance Test which received a positive response with a percentage of 82.80%.
Analisis Keamanan Sistem Informasi Website SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja Menggunakan Metode Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES) Muhammad Nur Fikri; Bita Parga Zen; Rifki Adhitama; Eryan Ahmad Firdaus
Jurnal Informatika Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nias Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57094/ji.v2i2.1046


Technological developments in the world continue to advance along with current developments. It is also in line with the development of the internet today, where users are increasingly increasing. That way, it will be very vulnerable to hacker attacks. An attack that is often used by hackers to break into a database using SQL Injection techniques. SQL Injection is a hacking technique used to enter or infiltrate a website's database system, which aims to find out the contents of the database and the information contained on the site. In this research, researchers used the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES) method to analyze vulnerabilities and also penetrate the SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja website. The Penetraton Testing Execution Standard (PTES) method has 7 stages. The results of the security analysis of the SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja website, found 11 vulnerabilities which were successfully scanned using the OWASP ZAP tool. Of the 11 vulnerabilities that were successfully scanned, there was 1 vulnerability that had the highest risk. This vulnerability is found in SQL Injection attacks. In this study, researchers managed to enter the MySQL database system of the SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja website using the SQL Injection attack technique. In the SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja website database, researchers managed to find important data such as the SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja website admin username and password.
Perencanaan Business Intelligence untuk Strategi Pengembangan Produk Unggulan Menggunakan Algoritma Support Vector Machine Oding Herdiana
Jurnal Informatika Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Informatika
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nias Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57094/ji.v2i2.1088


The government continues to encourage the government to accelerate Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) flagship products to enter the digital market, because the current digitalization of SMEs cannot be ignored, SMEs must be able to change their business to the digital realm. The strategy for developing superior SME products needs to be well planned, because a good and measurable strategy is very important for policy making. Development uses an approach that emphasizes that the driving force of development is commodities that are considered to be superior, both at the domestic, national and international levels. Superior products that have quality and are needed by customers require the right selection process, so we need a method to produce this information. Business Intelligence (BI) is a global term for all processes, techniques, and tools that support business decision making based on information technology. The strategy for developing superior products for SME products uses the criteria of production data, income, and SME respondent data in determining the priority list. A good product assessment based on priority can be done by BI using the classification method with the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm. The research method carried out for planning the development of superior products for MSMEs in Tasikmalaya City is a research development research. To complete the classification of the right superior product development strategy, then Support Vector Machine algorithm can be used with test results using the Confusion Matrix with an average accuracy of 97%.

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