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Millah: Journal of Religious Studies
ISSN : 14120992     EISSN : 2527922X     DOI : 10.20885/millah
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Millah: Journal of Religious Studies (E-ISSN: 2527-922X) is an international double-blind peer-review journal focusing on original research articles related to religious studies. The journal welcomes contributions on the following topics: Religious studies Islamic studies Christian studies Hindu studies Buddhist studies other relevant religious studies.
Articles 11 Documents
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Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. IX, No. 2, Februari 2010 Menggugat Pendidikan Nirketeladanan
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol9.iss2.art1


This article focuses on the policy of neutrality of Indonesian police in general election either in legislatives or executives election. Basically, the policy of neutrality is a form of human rights violation in terms of democracy state. Through the policy, rights to vote as well as to be voted for Indonesian police is neglected. As a result, there is a democracy impair and not in line with constitution. Using social analysis technique, this article provides a constitutional critique for returning the rights of the police in the context of civic education empowerment.
PENDIDIKAN NABI IBRAHIM DAN ANAKNYA DALAM PERSPEKTIF AL-QUR‘AN (Q.S. al-Shafat [37]: 102 - 107) Budihardjo Budihardjo
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. IX, No. 2, Februari 2010 Menggugat Pendidikan Nirketeladanan
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol9.iss2.art2


This article elaborates the practice of education carried out by the prophet Ibrahim in the qur’anic perspectives, mainly stated on the Qur’an Surah ash-Shaffat [37]: 101-107. By exploring the grammatical meaning of verses, socio-historical background (asbabun nuzul), and the relation among verses (munasabah), several aspects of the education of the prophet Ibrahim a.s. are highlighted. Those are spirituality based education, dialogue, patience, and fidelity during the educational process.
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. IX, No. 2, Februari 2010 Menggugat Pendidikan Nirketeladanan
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol9.iss2.art3


This article aims to describe the ruwatan concepts as a part of the Javanese traditions in the form of educational values. ‘Ruwatan’ is often claimed as a negative tradition that tends to polytheism. However, the fact indicates that ruwatan is still existing in Javanese society tradition until recent ages. Based on the condition, the article tries to explain the positive meaning of ruwatan. Since it has positive meaning, the ruwatan is necessary to preserve. In the tradition, it contains one of moral education methods to educate society in order to make better human beings. The study found some educational values in the tradition, i.e. theological education, philosophical education, and social education.
التربية الخاطئة له دور كبير في شكل موقف العنف Wawan Djunaedi
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. IX, No. 2, Februari 2010 Menggugat Pendidikan Nirketeladanan
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol9.iss2.art4


Commitment to say no to violance probably is consensus among people on the world. No one want to see blood-shed, butchering to women, chindren, and weak group (read: mustadh’afin). The Glorious hope of human actually is in line with all religion creeds. Neither religion nor sect of faith spread teachings except the values of peacefulness and anti violance. Budha teachs unpretentiousness, Christian gives lessons to somebody about love and pity, Confusius makes its followers practice wisdom, Islam advices Moslem to spread mercy for all of the world. However, religion which has the glorious values often appear to be evil face. Many good teaching in some religions were misinterpreted and in fact made as legitimation tools for extreme actions via distortive religious education. This article will focus on discussion about how is the relation between religious educational values and extreme actions among religion followers reflected ambiguous, inconsistent, and contradictive relation.
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. IX, No. 2, Februari 2010 Menggugat Pendidikan Nirketeladanan
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol9.iss2.art5


Artikel ini menyajikan kajian pendahuluan tentang penafsiran Islam sebagai sebuah system nilai yang diperlukan dalam pengkajian Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di perguruan tinggi Islam Indonesia. Dalam kajian ini, contoh inspirasi Islam dalam Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di perguruan tinggi Islam mengambil kasus di Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta sebagai pelopor pengembangan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah. Dalam artikel ini, penulis menelusuri kerangka pembaharuan pemikiran Islam tentang gagasan-gagasan demokrasi, hak asasi manusia, dan masyarakat madani (civil society) yang juga turut mempengaruhi pengembangan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di kedua institusi yang dikaji. Dari kajian dokumentasi berupa buku bahan ajar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di kedua institusi tersebut, transformasi nilai-nilai ke-Islam-an ke dalam Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan memiliki sumbangan penting tentang pemaknaan upaya membentuk warga negara yang baik dengan identitas Islam.
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. IX, No. 2, Februari 2010 Menggugat Pendidikan Nirketeladanan
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol9.iss2.art6


The article elaborates the urgent of reading as one of methods for human development in Islamic Education. Reading is the first revelation received by Rasulullah. Therefore, it is a crucial aspect in the process of human empowerment. However, the problem is that reading activities are still assumed as brain activities which are a part of Intelligence Quotient/IQ. In fact, reading can really empower human being if it is involving Emotional Quotient/EQ, and Spiritual Quotient/SQ. The article provides a conclusion that human empowerment requires reading process that engages Intelligence Quotient/IQ, Emotional Quotient/EQ, and Spiritual Quotient/SQ.
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. IX, No. 2, Februari 2010 Menggugat Pendidikan Nirketeladanan
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol9.iss2.art7


The study aims to highlight the program impact of Development of Madrasah Aliyah Project (DMAP) through MAN (read: Madrasah Aliyah Negeri) Model for improving Madrasah Aliyah. The study was carried out in MAN Yogyakarta III (Mayoga) with qualitative approach. The data collection is through documentation, interview, observation, and open questionnaire. The study found that the DMAP program has been able to improve the output quality of the MAN Model indicated by the percentage increase of acceptance in state universities, i.e. 34.21% during DMAP and 46.83% after DMAP. In addition, students of MAN Model are able to obtain achievement as those of from Favorite Senior High School (read: SMA Unggulan).
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. IX, No. 2, Februari 2010 Menggugat Pendidikan Nirketeladanan
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol9.iss2.art8


The article elaborates the paradigm of Islamic education from epistemological perspective. In fact, the development of technology, information and free trade has been as problems in the globalization era. The condition appears anxiety toward the existence of Indonesian education in preparing competitive human resources. Indonesian Education is still trapped by dichotomy between religious science and secular one. In the globalization era, however, the dichotomy is not popular anymore and the separation is one of some factors that makes Indonesia left behind other countries. The emergence of the Acts No. 20 of 2003 concerning National Educational System is truly an attempt of Indonesian country to reach equality among countries in the world. Thus, the Islamic concept of non-dichotomy education finds its significance. In terms of Islamic contexts, it is necessary to reformulate the paradigm of science that underlines all educational system in order to fulfill the demand of society and era.
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. IX, No. 2, Februari 2010 Menggugat Pendidikan Nirketeladanan
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol9.iss2.art9


The article elaborates the educational reform in the perspective of Islamic education. The educational system in Indonesia formulated on the Acts No. 20 of 2003 has underlined how the education is regulated. Precisely, education in Indonesia aims to develop Indonesian man as a whole, both physic and mental aspects. However, the realization of the aim is not all in line with the stated aim. The education in Indonesia seems to have been influenced by Western which is worldly-oriented. In order that the educational aim that is highly glorious can be attained, Islamic education provides an alternative solution toward the problem.
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Vol. IX, No. 2, Februari 2010 Menggugat Pendidikan Nirketeladanan
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.vol9.iss2.art10


This article reviews the importance of the competency of Elementary School or Islamic Elementary School Teachers in instruction of science subject. Learning science of elementary school is different from that of secondary and high schools. An elementary school teacher, in teaching science, should master instruction and teaching of science as well as its assessment technique, so that the students can achieve a determined indicator. From this article, it is found a conclusion that the standard of the successful teacher depends on the teacher’s personality, the mastery of teaching method, the teacher’s frequency and intensity of interaction with students and the mastery of instructional strategy.

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