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Development Policy and Management Review
Published by Universitas Hasanuddin
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28305094     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy, Social,
DPMR is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes innovative empirical and conceptual articles from research and practices in development policy and public management. The Editors welcome original contributions on any aspect of policy analysis, economic development and public management issues from interdisciplinary approaches in bridging the gap between scholarship and practice.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Volume 1 Issue 1 June 2021" : 5 Documents clear
Review Buku: Inovasi Organisasi Dalam Pelayanan Publik: Bentuk dan Tata Pemerintahan Reza Ashari
Development Policy and Management Review (DPMR) Volume 1 Issue 1 June 2021
Publisher : Development Policy and Management Review (DPMR)

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Buku ini menjelaskan tentang inovasi organisasi dalam pelayanan publik. Selama ini organisasi pelayanan publik masih bersifat birokrasi, prosedur yang berbelit dan pegawai sebagai orientasi utama (bagian I hal 5). Untuk itu perlu adanya percepatan organisasi pelayanan dengan pendekatan metode NPM (New Public Management) yang dapat menciptakan struktur organisasi pelayanan yang dinamis dan cepat (bagian I hal 5). Struktur organisasi pelayanan yang dinamis ini digunakan untuk menghadapi perkembangan teknologi yang terus berkembang di masa yang akan datang dan dapat memberikan manfaat secara ekonomi. Selain itu, organisasi pelayanan yang dinamis dapat menjadi jembatan dalam membuka relasi, komunikasi dan jaringan perdagangan dalam bidang jasa maupun layanan.
Analisis Evaluasi Kebijakan Peraturan Desa: Studi Kasus Perdes Bebas Asap Rokok di Desa Bonebone, Kab. Enrekang Afrilyshiva Sisilia Filial; Muhammad Amin Rais
Development Policy and Management Review (DPMR) Volume 1 Issue 1 June 2021
Publisher : Development Policy and Management Review (DPMR)

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The government is mandated to provide good services to the community, so that all regulations that are made will not be successful without public participation. Currently the condition of society in the health sector is very poor. One of the habits practiced by the community and a common response is smoking. Even though it is clear that smoking can cause disease and not a few that lead to death. The 2016 national health indicator survey (Sirkesnas) shows that the prevalence of smokers in Indonesia is 34.8%, 54.8% are male smokers and the prevalence of female smokers has also increased from 4.2% in 1995 to 6.7% in 2013. The Ministry of Health, is trying to achieve the RPJMN target indicator related to the prevalence of child smokers aged 18 years, which fell from 7.2% in 2009 to 5.4% in 2013. But in reality, the government failed and this figure actually increased to 8 , 8% in 2016. Then regulated in Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health where article 115 states that local governments are required to implement smoking areas (KTR) which have been implemented in 22 regencies/cities in Indonesia. One of them is Enrekang Regency. However, there are still residents who violate the established rules and even consider smoking a lifestyle that must be done. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with data techniques through observation, interviews and other documents. The results of this study indicate that a smoke-free village policy that uses an analysis system evaluation approach states that: (1) The policy designed from 2000 on smoke-free villages produces attitudes towards the village. people to stop smoking in the village, so in implementing this policy they do not collect the village budget at all; (2) Have SOPs and implementation standards in each hamlet and their implementation runs well; (3) The number of active smokers has drastically reduced to none and the health of rural communities has improved. This can be seen from the evaluation of smoke-free village policies.
Analisis Dampak Program Bank Sampah Bagi Masyarakat Urban: Studi Kasus Di Kota Makassar Dita Angraeni Sutiawati; Muhammad Abdullah; Andi Ahmad Yani
Development Policy and Management Review (DPMR) Volume 1 Issue 1 June 2021
Publisher : Development Policy and Management Review (DPMR)

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Based Law No. 18 of 2008 on waste management, the Government makes litter bank program to address the issue of solid waste to be one of the main problems with implementing the waste management system 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle). In Makassar there are various programs that deal with issues of cleanliness, one waste bank program assist the government in reducing waste reduction and able to empower people to care about the cleanliness. The purpose of this research is to describe the impact of the waste bank program for the community in the bakung village. The research approach used is a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation while the source of the data used comes from primary data and secondary data.The results of this research indicate that the presence of the waste bank program had a positive impact for the community in the economic, social and environmental. In the economic aspect can increase people's income, while the social aspects of increased social interaction, knowledge about waste management and manufacturing of handicraft. In the environmental aspect, people feel secure with their surroundings and be able to sort the waste according to type. Keywords: Impact Program; Waste Bank Program; Waste Management and Society.
Analisis Implementasi Kompensasi Lingkungan Pembangunan Infrastruktur: Studi Kasus di Kota Makassar Rizal Pauzi Rizal
Development Policy and Management Review (DPMR) Volume 1 Issue 1 June 2021
Publisher : Development Policy and Management Review (DPMR)

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Environmental compensation was the project’s executive obligation to be implemented. This was according to government policies both central and regional to achieve sustainable development. This research aimed to analyze the implementation of the environmental compensation on Andi Pangeran Pettarani Makassar highway construction. This research was conducted at the location of Andi Pangeran Pettarani highway construction project, which was located in Makassar. The key informants were the project’s executive, as well as the community who were the complementary informants. This research used qualitative approach, focused on the implementation of environmental compensation of Andi Pangeran Pettarani highway construction. As for the research design, the researcher used Case Study Research Design. The result of the research showed that the implementation of environmental compensation of Andi Pangeran Pettarani highway construction had been running optimally. Furthermore, (1) The availability of time was already established by terms and resources commitment from PT Bosowa Marga Nusantara that had budgeted 1.5 billion for the provision of new Green Open Space (Ruang Hijau Terbuka) and PT Nusantara Infrastruktur (NI) that had  planted 2000 trees collaborated with the Ward Service of Makassar. (2) The implemented policies based on provisions of act 26 in 2007 about space governance, The Minister of Public Works Reguation Number 5 on 2008 and The Makassar Mayor’s rules number 69 in 2016 about User License (3) The comprehension and agreement only occurs between the project executive and the Makassar’s government, but there was no agreement involving the community. It could be seen that there was no public consultation and the rise of complaints from environmental observers. Keywords: Implementation; Compensation; Green Open Space
Tingkat Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan di Desa Pali Kecamatan Bittuang Kabupaten Tana Toraja Claudia Indriani; Sulaiman Asang; Amril Hans
Development Policy and Management Review (DPMR) Volume 1 Issue 1 June 2021
Publisher : Development Policy and Management Review (DPMR)

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In general, this study aims to determine how the level of community participation in development planning in Lembang Pali, Bittuang District. By looking at how the community is involved in every implementation of the development plan deliberation. The basis of this research is a quantitative approach with descriptive quantitative research type. The technique used in data collection is a question naire method and studying data related to research.

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