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Pustakaloka: Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan
ISSN : 20852118     EISSN : 25024108     DOI :
Core Subject : Science, Social,
PUSTAKALOKA: Jurnal Kajian Informasi & Perpustakaan is a peer-reviewed journal taken from the library of IAIN Ponorogo on Information and Library Science. PUSTAKALOKA is published twice annually (June and December) by the journal editors from the Library IAIN Ponorogo in cooperation with the Asosiasi Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Islam (APPTIS) Jawa Timur. Every received article will be reviewed by the journal editors and external editors and reviewers who are competent in each related field. The review uses double-blind peer review before the journal is published. PUSTAKALOKA will publish selected paper under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License. And, every article is free of charge for authors and readers.
Articles 162 Documents
Implementasi Literasi Informasi Di Sekolah Ilham Mashuri
Pustakaloka Vol 3, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.932 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v3i1.635


Lately the term information literacy is often discussedthis awareness needs to be appreciated. Even in Indonesia it canbe said to be late, but considering the importance of the benefits of information for the development of the awareness that literacy should be developed. Information literacy is defined as one’s knowledge of the needs information, the ability to identify, seek, evaluate, organize and effectively create, use and communicate information for solving problems. Those Knowledges are a prerequisite to live in an information society and part of one’s basic right to lifelong learning. In a number of libraries that have implemented information literacy, some progress has been achieved. Indeed it is still limited in higher education, sothat information literacy programs in schools should be encouraged and realized. This literacy can be done through various programs: through user education during new student orientation, incidental activity, or to integrate IL into the school curriculum. To realize this agenda all librarians should continue to learn and develop their competences. Without it, they are impossible to carry out information literacy at the school.
Pengaruh Daya Tarik Webtoon “The Secret of Angel” Terhadap Minat Baca Di Komunitas Penggemar Webtoon Uswatun Khasanah; Labibah Labibah
Pustakaloka Vol 13, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (388.7 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v13i2.3115


Abstract: This study aims to: (1) describe the perception of the webtoon fans community on the attractiveness of the secret of angel webtoon; (2) describe reading interest in the webtoon fans community; (3) describe the effect of the secret of angel's webtoon attractiveness on reading interest in the webtoon fans community. This research includes quantitative research with descriptive research methods. The research subject is the webtoon fans community and the object is the attraction of the secret of angel webtoon. The variables in the study were the variable webtoon attractiveness and reading interest. The population in this study is the webtoon fan community on Telegram called Fans Webtoon Indonesia. The results stated that the perception of the webtoon fan community towards the attractiveness of the secret of angel webtoon is in the very good category and the reading interest of webtoon fans community is in the good category. For the results of the simple linear regression test, it can be seen that the attractiveness of the secret of angel webtoon affects the reading interest of the webtoon fan community by 38,2%.
Mewujudkan Perpustakaan Ideal menuju pada Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan di Perguruan Tinggi Irma Rumtianing UH
Pustakaloka Vol 1, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (739.75 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v1i1.829


Spirit and reverberation to enhance significant library role for educational institution recently become more perceptible because our country nowadays is left behind by other neighboring contries in this matter. The agenda to reformn education keeps on and the improvement of library based education is discoursed continually.
Analisis Komparatif Sumber Tebuka (Open Source) Sistem Manajemen Perpustakaan Terpadu Antara Koha dan Newgenlib Setiawan Setiawan
Pustakaloka Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (656.373 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v9i2.1091


Abstrak            Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi informasi yang semakin pesat berdampak kepada berkembangnya perangkat lunak dengan sumber terbuka  Open Source Software (OSS) seperti  LINUX (yang lebih kepada Sistem operasinya), MySQL (basis data) PHP, Perl, Pyton (bahasa pemograman). OSS yang telah dikembangkan seperti Koha dan NewGenLib merupakan suatu tawaran yang menarik bagi perpustakaan untuk mengembangkan sistem pengelolaan di perpustakaan.            Penelitian  ini memberikan analisis rinci mengenai perbandingan dari kedua jenis perangkat lunak, yaitu Koha (3.2.4) dan NewGenLib (3,0), sebagaimana yang akan dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Metodologi yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah "metode Evaluasi"            Hasil dari Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari sistem pengelolaan perpustakaan terpadu sumber terbuka (Open Source), yaitu Koha dan NewGenLib, untuk menginformasikan kepada pustakawan tentang pertimbangan apa yang harus dibuat ketika memilih sumber terbuka untuk sistem manajemen perpustakaan terpadu.                                                            AbstractDevelopment of Information Technology Information that increasingly rapidly affect the development of software with open source Open Source Software (OSS) such as LINUX (more to the operating system), MySQL (database) PHP, Perl, Pyton (programming language). Developed OSS such as Koha and NewGenLib are an attractive offer for libraries to develop library management systems.This study provides a detailed analysis of the comparison of the two types of software, ie Koha (3.2.4) and NewGenLib (3.0), as will be done in this study. The methodology used for this study is "Evaluation method"The results of this study aim to study open source integrated library management system (Open Source), that is Koha and NewGenLib, to inform the librarian about what considerations should be made when selecting open source for integrated library management system.
Evaluasi Website Repositori Institusi Universitas Surabaya Amirul Ulum
Pustakaloka Vol 7, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (459.995 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v7i1.181


The  development  of  institutional  repositories  (IRs)  in Indonesia within the broader framework of open access has significant impact on preserving intellectual capital and scholarly communication. Institutional  repositories  play  a  fundamental  role  in  centralizing, preserving,  and  making  accessible  institution’s  intellectual  capital. Evaluation of the system is to determine the functionality the system to meet the users need. Using a descriptive analysis this study wants to evaluate institutional repositories of University of Surabaya. The result is usefull for institution to develop the repository systems.
Student Behavior In Utilization Internet Of Library Based On Information Aprih Santoso
Pustakaloka Vol 11, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.934 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v11i2.1695


The research objective is to examine the effect of social factors on intention and their impact on student behavior in utilization internet of library as an information media. The method used is the survey method by distributing questionnaires. The research data obtained is based on the perception student of Universitas Semarang students on the utilization internet of library carried out by the Universitas Semarang Library as a student information media, with 95 respondents. The research method uses validity test, reliability test, and classic assumption test, hypothesis test, multiple linear regression model (path analysis) with SPSS 23 program.The results of testing social factors directly and indirectly through the intention in using internet of library do not effect on student behavior in utilization internet of library carried out by Universitas Semarang students as their information media
Penerapan Peminjaman Mandiri Berbasis SLiMS Versi Desktop: Studi Kasus di Perpustakaan STAIN Kediri Muhamad Hamim
Pustakaloka Vol 8, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (736.885 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v8i1.495


Abstrak; Layanan peminjaman mandiri adalah layanan peminjaman yang dilakukan sendiri oleh pemustaka. Peminjaman mandiri merupakan antarmuka peminjaman koleksi perpustakaan yang terkoneksi dengan database perpustakaan berbasis SLiMS sebagai pusat datanya. Tujuan layanan mandiri adalah untuk mengefektifkan layanan peminjaman di Perpustakaan STAIN Kediri yang memiliki petugas terbatas. Sebelumnya, transaksi peminjaman dilakukan oleh seorang petugas saja. Sering terjadi antrian panjang terutama ketika perpustakaan menjelang tutup atau istirahat. Sehingga diperlukan alternatif pelaksanaan transaksi peminjaman yang lebih efektif dan efisien. Layanan mandiri dikembangkan dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman lazarus freepascal dan mengambil data dari aplikasi senayan. Proses peminjaman dilakukan dengan melakukan verifikasi user akun pemustaka, verifikasi koleksi dan verifikasi peminjaman di database SLiMS.Abstract; Selfservice loan isa loan services conducted by the member of library themselves. Self services loan is interface loan transaction that connected to SLiMS Library database server. The purpose is to get more efectivelly loan services at Library of STAIN Kediri because of the lack of staffs. Before hand, Loan services was controlled by one operator. Long waiting line happens almost everyday asspecially at the approach of closing library or break time. however, it needed to develop the loan services that is more effective and eficient. Self sevices loan is developed by using Lazarus free Pascal software and the data is connected to senayan database. Self services loan processed is initiated from the verification of user account, verification of bibliography data and verification of loan data in the SLiMS database.
Kuasa Disiplin dalam Kepemimpinan Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Annisa Nur Fatwa; L. Nurdin
Pustakaloka Vol 13, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (300.887 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v13i1.2652


A leader is someone who has influence in an organization. One of them is a library that has a leader to achieve its goals. The library of Islamic University of Indonesia is one of the higher education libraries located in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, which is led by a director with an educational background in library science. This study was aimed at investigating disciplinary power  exercised by a director. This research employed a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was performed using three stages of analysis based on Miles and Huberman. In its analysis, Michel Foucault's theory of disciplinary power was used as an effort to look at five things, i.e. panopticism, separation of places, documentation, standardization of judgments, and rewards. The results show that the form of power was hierarchical supervision embodied in verbal rules regarding working time, non-verbal staff jobdesk, separation between the library director's room and division, forms of tardiness and absence, work standards and verbal rewards,  and written warnings. Key Words: Discipline Power, Library Leadership, Panopticism, Islamic Libraries, UII Library
Mewujudkan Pembelajaran Berbasis Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Khusniati Rofi'ah
Pustakaloka Vol 1, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (764.26 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v1i1.734


Library is a source of knowledge or an information centre. its function is to collect, manage, and distribute information needed by all the academic community, especially university students who really require the library to obtain the source of information and also to complete or increase their knowledge that has been acquired from their lectures.
Sejarah Klasifikasi Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman dan Perkembangannya dalam Ilmu Perpustakaan Isna Fistiyanti; Mutty Hariyati
Pustakaloka Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.796 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/pustakaloka.v9i1.977


The history of the development of Islamic civilization can be divided into three parts, namely: the classical period (650 -1250), the middle period (1250-1800) and the modern period (1800-present). In the classical period,  Islamic scholarly discourse reached a high level that could contribute to the development of sciences in the following period. The sciences that developed in Islamic history were very complex and various, and religious sciences were only a branch of Islamic sciences as a whole. The progress of Islamic civilization is related to the progress of all aspects or fields of Islamic scholarship. The division of sciences came from various Muslim scientists, and not infrequently there emerged disharmony between the various fields of Islamic sciences. To overcome this disharmony various Muslim thinkers and scholars have produced the classification of sciences with their hierarchy. In Islam there is not really an essential separation between religious sciences and general sciences. In term of knowledge management, Indonesian libraries have arranged their resources and materials according to a specific arrangement. The guideline of Islamic classification first published by the National Library was the classification of library materials on Indonesia according to DDC using 2X0 notation. In the guideline of Islamic classification, Islamic sciences are divided into major groups which consist of  Islam (general), Tafsir (Qur’anic exegesis) , Hadith (the Prophetic traditions), Aqa’id and Ilmukalam (theology), Fiqh (Islamic law), Akhlaq and Tasawuf (mysticism), Social and Cultural subjects, Philosophy and Islamic development, sects in Islam, and Islamic history. Sejarah perkembangan peradaban Islam dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu: periode klasik (650 -1250 M), periode pertengahan (1250-1800 M) dan periode modern (1800-sekarang). Pada masa klasik diskursus keilmuan Islam mencapai tingkat sehingga kemudian dapat disumbangkan pada berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan di masa-masa sesudahnya. Kompleksitas ilmu-ilmu yang berkembang dalam peradapan Islam; bahwa ilmu-ilmu agama hanya salah satu bagian dari berbagai cabang ilmu secara keseluruhan. Kemajuan peradaban Islam berkaitan dengan kemajuan seluruh aspek atau bidang-bidang keilmuan. Dengan adanya pembagian ilmu dari berbagai ilmuwan Muslim, tak jarang terjadi disharmoni antara berbagai bidang ilmu keislaman. Untuk mengatasi disharmoni ini berbagai pemikir dan cendikia Muslim memunculkan klasifikasi ilmu-ilmu lengkap dengan hierarkinya. Dalam Islam sebenarnya tidak dikenal pemisahan esensial antara ilmu agama dengan ilmu umum. Perpustakaan dalam mengelola berbagai jenis bahan pustaka disusun juga menurut tata urutan tertentu sebelum sampai ke tangan pengguna. Pedoman klasifikasi Islam pertama kali diterbitkan oleh perpustakaan Nasional adalah—Klasifikasi Bahan Pustaka tentang Indonesia Menurut DDC menggunakan notasi 2X0. Dalam penyusunan pedoman klasifikasi Islam, ilmu keislaman dibagi dalam kelompok besar meliputi: Islam (Umum), Tafsir, Hadis, Aqaid dan ilmu kalam, Fiqih, Akhlak dan Tasawuf, Sosial dan Budaya Islam, Filsafat dan perkembangan Islam, Aliran dan Sekte dalam Islam, serta sejarah Islam. 

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