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Journal of Hospital Management
Published by Universitas Esa Unggul
ISSN : 26158337     EISSN : 2828836X     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy, Health,
ournal of Hospital Management adalah jurnal ilmiah yang memuat artikel hasil penelitian dan non penelitian bidang manajemen administrasi rumah sakit. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu di bulan Maret dan September
Articles 6 Documents
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Passion Karyawan dalam Turnover Intention
Journal of Hospital Management Vol 2, No 02 (2019): Journal of Hospital Management
Publisher : Journal of Hospital Management

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Turnover is a classic problem in HR management that employers do not want. Turnover can be detrimental to the company both in terms of cost, resources, and employee work motivation. Turnover Intention can be influenced by many things, such as the absence of job satisfaction caused by work motivation. The purpose of this study is to get empirical evidence of organizational culture variables on job satisfaction, organizational commitment to job satisfaction, motivation on job satisfaction, job satisfaction on turnover intention, organizational culture towards turnover intention, organizational commitment to turnover intention and motivation for turnover intention in Antam Medika Hospital Jakarta employees. This research method is a quantitative study with a research instrument used in the form of a questionnaire, data obtained through a questionnaire filled out by respondents. The population in this study was 315 employees of Antam Medika Hospital consisting of 5 different units namely medical services, medical support, nursing, back office and front liner. The number of respondents as many as 180 people were obtained based on the calculation of SEM-AMOS analysis requirements, namely the number of indicators at times 5-10. Respondents are limited to employees who have worked> 1 year at Antam Medika Hospital. determination of the number of respondents using the cluster system, the time of the study lasted for 1 month from March 1-30 2019. The variables used were 5 variables; organizational culture, organizational commitment, work motivation, job satisfaction and turnover intention. The analytical tool used is SEM. The results showed that organizational culture and motivation affect employee job satisfaction at Antam Medika Hospital with a positive direction, organizational culture and motivation and job satisfaction affect turnover intention at Antam Medika Hospital with a negative direction, and organizational commitment does not affect job satisfaction and turnover intention at Antam Medika Hospital. The findings obtained by work motivation indicate that in order to reduce the tuning intention of employees at Antam Medika Hospital, it is necessary to review the factors that have been proven to influence among them organizational culture, work motivation and employee job satisfaction. While Organizational commitment does not have an influence on tunrover intention at Antam Medika Hospital. Keyword: Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitments, Work Motivation, Work Satisfaction, Turnover Intention.
Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Niat Berkunjung Ulang Pasien dengan Kepuasan Pasien sebagai Variabel Intervening di Unit Pelayanan Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Siaga Raya Tahun 2018
Journal of Hospital Management Vol 2, No 02 (2019): Journal of Hospital Management
Publisher : Journal of Hospital Management

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Problems that are often encountered in hospital outpatient care units are ups and downs of intention patient to visit again, this is caused by the poor quality of services in outpatient units that can indirectly interfere with the level of patient satisfaction with these services and ultimately affect the intention patient to visit again. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the quality of care for the intention patient to visit again with patient satisfaction as an intervening variable in the outpatient service unit. This study uses a quantitative approach, survey method and causative technique type testing hypotheses with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis techniques with a sample of 178 respondents. The results showed that the quality of care significantly affected the intention to revisit patients. It was also evaluated with patient satisfaction also significantly affecting intention patient to visit again. These results can be the basis for hospital management in improving the quality of services to achieve high patient satisfaction and intention patient to visit again. Keyword: Service Quality; Intention patient to visit again; Patient Satisfaction
Strategi Pemasaran Mampu Menentukan Loyalitas Karyawan PT Peserta Medical Check Up (MCU) Melalui Variabel Kepercayaan
Journal of Hospital Management Vol 2, No 02 (2019): Journal of Hospital Management
Publisher : Journal of Hospital Management

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People who don't feel sick are not necessarily healthy. The act of preventing or treating a disease before it becomes severe will also be easier and cheaper. This is where the main benefits of doing Medical Check Up (MCU), to detect health problems as early as possible and provide information needed for further treatment. This research aims to analyze the effect of the marketing strategy plan and the brand image of Permata Keluarga Hospital on the loyalty of PT employees participating in medical check-up (MCU) with employee trust as an intervening variable. The design of this research is Explanatory Research (Explanatory Research) with a sample of 220 employees from PT who have done MCU examination at Permata Keluarga Hospital 2x. Marketing strategy and brand image are independent variables. Patient trust is the intervening variable and employee loyalty is the dependent variable. This study uses a questionnaire using a Likert scale. Testing data analysis using SEM-AMOS. The results showed that marketing strategy had a positive and significant effect on brand image. The marketing strategy has a positive and significant effect on loyalty. The marketing strategy has a positive and significant effect on trust. Brand image has no significant effect on loyalty. Brand image has a positive and significant effect on trust, trust has a positive and significant effect on loyalty. And the marketing strategy and brand image of Permata Keluarga Hospital influences loyalty which is mediated by the trust of the employees of PT participants of medical check-up (MCU). Keywords: Employee Loyalty, Marketing Strategy, Brand Image, Patient Trust
Dedikasi Karyawan dalam Menjalankan Standar Akreditasi Di RS X
Journal of Hospital Management Vol 2, No 02 (2019): Journal of Hospital Management
Publisher : Journal of Hospital Management

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Low implementation of Accreditation standards on post-accreditation hospitals which can caused the revocation of hospital accreditation status. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of supervision and motivation on post-accreditation employee commitment with employee satisfaction as an intervening variable. The research uses quantitative research methods with survei methods using questionnaires and method of analysis using Structural Equation Model (SEM), Amos version 23. The results showed the supervision variable had a positive effect on post-accreditation employee commitment but had a negative effect on job satisfaction. Employee motivation has a positive effect on job satisfaction, but it has a negative effect on post-accreditation employee commitment, while job satisfaction has a positive effect on postaccreditation employee commitment. Study findings that job satisfaction can not be an intermediate variable between supervision with post-accreditation employee commitment. While the effect of work motivation on post-accreditation employee commitment can be mediated by job satisfaction. To increase post-accreditation employee commitment can be done by increasing work motivation through job satisfaction by growing employee dedication and integrity.Keywords: supervision, work motivation, post-accreditation employee commitment, job satisfaction
Apakah Slack Anggaran Mampu Mengukur Efisiensi dan Efektivitas Organisasi Pada Industri Jasa Kesehatan di Indonesia?
Journal of Hospital Management Vol 2, No 02 (2019): Journal of Hospital Management
Publisher : Journal of Hospital Management

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Issues of financial performance that are not in accordance with the budget will affect the investment activities for the rejuvenation of new medical devices. In addition, the intense competition in health services business today can threaten the survival of hospitals if the financial performance of hospitals continues to decrease because it does not compatible with the budgets. The purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence that there is a simultaneous process of the influence of budgetary participation, organizational commitment, and budgetary slack, on Financial Performance. The research design used is quantitative with the type of hypothesis testing. This type of research is causality. The unit of analysis is all employees. The time horizon is a one-shot study. This research uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and samples that have been collected around 122 questionnaires through sampling technique is saturated sampling. By using AMOS software, it can be concluded that Budget Participation, Organizational Commitment and Budget Slack has a positive and significant effect on Financial Performance. Budget Participation has a significant negative effect on Budget Slack, Organizational Commitment has no significant negative effect on Budget Slack, budget participation has a significant positive effect on financial performance, organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on financial performance, and budget slack has a significant positive effect on financial performance. The research findings show that there is a Budget Slack caused by manipulative behavior with low integrity so that hospital financial performance is not achieved. Keywords: Budget Participation, Organizational Commitment, Budget Slack, Financial Performance
Identifikasi Pasien Berpengaruh terhadap Keselamatan Pasien
Journal of Hospital Management Vol 2, No 02 (2019): Journal of Hospital Management
Publisher : Journal of Hospital Management

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The high issue of incident report in 2018 in X Hospital was particulary related with the patient’s identification and effective communication which focuses on reporting laboratory critical value can inhibit the follow-up treatment and patient safety. This research aims to provide empirical evidenve of the effect of patient’s identification and effective communication of patient safety through the quality of hospital services. The research method used quantitative analytical method with causality research design. Analysis unit is inpatient unit in X hospital. Data analysis being used is multinomial logistic analysis and multiple regression. The results of this research showed that patient’s identification and effective communication also the quality of hospital services were significantly affected patient safety. The findings of this research is patient’s identification had positive affected and significant on patient safety and quality of hospital services. Effective communicatioan which focuses on reporting laboratory critical value not affected on patient safety and quality of hospital services. Quality of hospital services not mediate patient safety cause patient’s identification and effective communication influence directly on patient safety.Keywords: safety, identification, effective communication, quality of services

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