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Journal of Hospital Management
Published by Universitas Esa Unggul
ISSN : 26158337     EISSN : 2828836X     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy, Health,
ournal of Hospital Management adalah jurnal ilmiah yang memuat artikel hasil penelitian dan non penelitian bidang manajemen administrasi rumah sakit. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu di bulan Maret dan September
Articles 6 Documents
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Pengambilan Keputusan Pasien untuk Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit X Jakarta
Journal of Hospital Management Vol 4, No 01 (2021): Journal of Hospital Management
Publisher : Journal of Hospital Management

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The low BOR of X hospitals in Jakarta reaches only 19% in 2018 (the ideal achievement of BOR hospitals in Indonesia is 60% - 85%). While the community's need for inpatient facilities is still high. Seen from the Bed Ratio in Indonesia is still quite low at 1.04 beds per 1000 population (ideal above 4/1000). This study is to assess and obtain empirical evidence of the influence of several variables on the patient's decision to do hospitalization. Will analyze the factors of health personnel attitudes, patient confidence in the quality of service, and patient subjective norms. The method used is multiple correlation models, quantitative approaches, correlational techniques, and using primary data. The time dimension is one shot study. Data collection is a survey method. The analysis tool uses multiple linear regression. The research data in the form of patient subject data that express opinions, attitudes, justifications, experiences, or characteristics of the subject in the decision to be hospitalized in hospital X Jakarta. Respondents are inpatients at X Jakarta hospital. Unit of analysis is individual. The results showed that the attitude of health workers, and subjective norm of patients affect the patient's decision to be hospitalized; patient beliefs on the service quality does not affect the patient's decision to be hospitalized; and all variables simultaneously affect the patient's decision to be hospitalized. The attitude of health workers is most influential on the patient's decision to be hospitalized. Intrinsic factors also have a dominant influence. In the research findings, it was found that patients believed more information about this hospital that was obtained from patient friends, and patients were influenced by religious factors in deciding to use inpatient facilities at this hospital. Patients' lowest confidence in information is given by families about the hospital, and patients are not influenced by their social status in deciding to be hospitalized.Keywords: health workers attitude, patient beliefs on service quality, patient subjective norm, patient decesions to be hospitalized
Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Perawat dengan Disiplin Kerja sebagai Variabel Intervening di RSUD Pesanggrahan
Journal of Hospital Management Vol 4, No 01 (2021): Journal of Hospital Management
Publisher : Journal of Hospital Management

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Human resources is a very important thing for hospitals. Therefore, human resources must have a good quality of performance to achieve the vision and mission of the hospital. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of organizational culture on the performance of nurses with work discipline as an intervening variable in RSUD Pesanggrahan. This research is a quantitative study with a causal research design with 44 respondents, conducted from May 2019 to August 2019. Determination of the number of samples using the census method. Research variables are Performance as the dependent variable, Organizational Culture as an independent variable, and Work Discipline as an intervening variable. Collecting data in this study using a questionnaire with technical research instruments using a questionnaire with a 4 level Likert scale. Analyzing data using path analysis. The results showed that the relationship between organizational culture and performance was not significant, organizational culture has a positive and significant influence on work discipline, and organizational culture has an influence on the performance of nurses with work discipline as an intervening variable. Managerial implications that can be applied to improve performance are to increase work discipline and instill a stronger organizational culture.Keywords: nurse performance, organizational culture, work discipline
Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruang Rawat terhadap Penerapan Budaya Keselamatan Pasien di Rumah Sakit
Journal of Hospital Management Vol 4, No 01 (2021): Journal of Hospital Management
Publisher : Journal of Hospital Management

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Introduction: In an effort to improve the quality and safety of patients, leaders / managers at the Hospital must be aware of and strive to build a patient safety culture. The application of effective communication is one of the important elements in building patient safety. The number of unexpected events is due to the implementation of effective communication that is not in accordance with the standard, resulting in the desired clinical message not reaching the expectations. The Head of Ward Nurse is a nursing manager who is directly related to health service activities at the Hospital. The Head of Ward Nurse as the lower manager is expected to be able to carry out all management functions so that the environment and working conditions will support nursing services in maintaining patient safety. This study uses quantitative research design with survey methods using questionnaires as instruments. Data analysis method uses Structural Equation Model (SEM). Respondents of this study were 180 nurses at the EMC Hospital in Tangerang. The results showed that the leadership role variable of the head of room had a positive effect on the application of the patient safety culture and the application of effective communication had a positive effect on the patient safety culture, and the leadership role of the room head had a positive effect on the implementation of patient safety culture.Keywords: Patient Safety Culture, Effective Communication, Leadership Role of Ward Nurse
Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruangant erhadap Pencegahan Risiko Jatuh dalam Keselamatan Pasien di Rumah Sakit
Journal of Hospital Management Vol 4, No 01 (2021): Journal of Hospital Management
Publisher : Journal of Hospital Management

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Background: The high number of patients falling for a year in a hospital is a serious problem in the hospital because the incidence of falling patients is one indicator of patient safety. The purpose of this study was to analyze the application of falling risk prevention management and training on the implementation of patient safety with the leadership role of the head of the room as an intervening variable. The research uses quantitative research methods with survey methods with questionnaires and Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis methods, Amos version 23. Research samples of nurses who have received patient safety training are 178 nurses. From the results of testing the model has met the Goodness of fit criteria. The results of this study indicate that the risk reduction prevention management variable has a positive effect on patient safety, training has a positive effect on patient safety management. The implementation of falling risk management has a positive effect on the leadership role of the head of room, training has a positive effect on patient safety management, training has a positive effect on risk management the leadership role of the head of the room has a positive effect on patient safety. The direct coefficient of patient risk falls on patient safety is greater than the indirect coefficient shows there is an indirect effect of the patient's risk of falling on the implementation of patient safety through the leadership role of the head of the room. the direct coefficient of training on patient safety is greater than the indirect coefficient indicating there is an indirect effect of patient safety training on the implementation of patient safety through the leadership role of the head of the room. and the lack of optimal training obtained by the head of the room resulted in his leadership role not being optimally performed. The management of RSUD Cengkareng in this case was providing a budget, and giving the head of the room the opportunity to take part in training that could support the leadership of the head of the room.Keywords: Management of Risk Prevention of Falling, Training, Implementation of Patient Safety, Role of Leadership of Room Heads
Kepuasan Pasien terhadap Aplikasi Pendaftaran Online Menggunakan Metode EUCS (End User Computing Satisfaction) di RSUP Fatmawati
Journal of Hospital Management Vol 4, No 01 (2021): Journal of Hospital Management
Publisher : Journal of Hospital Management

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Online registration is one application that can reduce queues at the hospital. However, its application must meet the standards so that patients are satisfied with the online registration application. This research was conducted to determine the description of patient satisfaction with online registration applications using end user computing statisfaction. Samples obtained in this study were 73 respondents taken by incidental sampling. The design of this study is cross sectional where research is only measured one time to find out the picture of satisfaction. The level of patient satisfaction is measured using the EUCS (End User Computing Statisfaction) model which consists of five components namely content, accuracy, format, ease of use and timeliness. Data in this study were obtained from questionnaires to patients or families of patients who registered through the online registration application. The results showed that of 73 respondents 45 respondents (61,6%) were dissatisfied and 28 respondents (38,4%) were satisfied. This study concludes that there are still many patients or users who feel unsatisfied with the online registration application. Suggestions aimed at online registration applications are to design the interface on the application so that it is more user friendly, reducing errors during data processing, updating the doctor's schedule, speeding up access when registering online and speeding up the process of downloading barcodes on the online registration application.Keywords: Online registration, satisfaction, content, accuracy, format, ease of use and timeliness.
Kepuasan Sebagai Variabel Mediasi Pada Penerapan Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat terhadap Minat Berkunjung Ulang
Journal of Hospital Management Vol 4, No 01 (2021): Journal of Hospital Management
Publisher : Journal of Hospital Management

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The background of this research was the number of the patient revisit intention at Tiara Hospital in 2017 had not reached 90%, it only ranged from 78.3% to 83.3%, the rate of patient satisfaction at Tiara Hospital had not reached 95% and nurse communication was a major cause of patient dissatisfaction. The study aimed to analyze the influence of the therapeutic communication application in nursing into patient satisfaction and revisit intention at Tiara Hospital. This study was Causal Explanatory Research with 190 respondents as inpatient at Tiara Hospital Tangerang. The samples were taken using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The variables of this research were the Therapeutic Communication Application in Nursing as an independent variable, Revisit Intention as the dependent variable, Patient Satisfaction as an intervening variable. The instrument of the research study was a questionnaire with a scale of Likert 5 levels. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results showed that the Therapeutic Communication Application in Nursing had a positive effect on patient satisfaction and Revisit Intention simultaneously, Therapeutic Communication Application in Nursing had a positive effect on patient satisfaction, Patient satisfaction had a positive effect on Revisit Intention. The Therapeutic Communication Application in Nursing positively affected Revisit Intention. Patient Satisfaction was an intervening variable of the Therapeutic Communication Application in Nursing into the Revisit Intention. The findings of this study support the theory of Zeithaml and Bitner (2006) that the higher the level of patient satisfaction, the higher the patient's revisit intenton. The implication of this research was that Tiara Hospital management needs to improve the application of therapeutic communication accompanied by monitoring and evaluation and reduce the workload of nurses in order to increase patient satisfaction and revisit intention.Keywords: Therapeutic Communication, Patient Satisfaction, Revisit Intention

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